26 February 2004

Perry Fellwock wrote in Ramparts, August, 1972, one of the earliest revelations of Echelon, NSA's global surveillance operation:


Subject: Perry Fellwock--Savior of the World
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 11:58:47 -0600
From: "Croy, James" <James.Croy@oscn.net>
To: <jy@jya.com>

I just now stumbled on the interview with Perry Fellwock.  He was really amazing.  In fact, what with him able to do everybody's job, I frankly don t see why the NSA even bothered with the ASA [Army Security Agency] or the NSG [Naval Security Group].  I mean, this guy in Turkey solved everything from the [USS] Liberty to the Czech invasion.  This is even more amazing, since he only got to Turkey in Jan of 67, and by that same year he was sending messages to the White House and briefing VP Humphrey.  (I did, too.  I called them Lyndon and Hube.)  He made AF staff in 3 years, spent two years in VN.

God, but I am just proud having read his treatise.  I am considering returning all of my 4 years of ASA pay, since none of us in the 17th USASAFS were needed in the slightest.  Not with Superman Fellwock at the helm or stick or whatever.

James B. Croy
Judge of the District Court
7th Judicial District of Oklahoma
(405) 713-1414