28 April 2001. Thanks to D. and W.

Subject: Stolen Security Doc from Quebec (plus english translations) / FBI visit to Seattle Independent Media Center
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 01:59:44 -0400

Here are the three articles posted to the Montreal Independent Media Center that have prompted so much hoopla-- I thought it would be best to make sure you had a copy since I know Cryptome is mirrored outside the USA while most of the IMC sites (including Montreal) are still being served from Seattle without mirroring.

The three articles are attached, and I have pasted below the statement from the Seattle collective.

For now, the three documents are visible at:




[Mirrored below.] 

 --------- This is an official announcement from the Seattle IMC Spokescouncil-------

On the evening of Saturday, April 21, a day which saw tens of thousands demonstrate against the FTAA in the streets of Quebec City, the Independent Media Center in Seattle was served with a sealed court order by two FBI agents and an agent of the US Secret Service. The terms of the sealed order prevented IMC volunteers from publicizing its contents; volunteers immediately began discussions with legal counsel to amend the order. This morning, April 27, Magistrate Judge Monica Benton issued an amended order, freeing us to discuss the situation without the threat of being held in contempt.

The original order, also issued by Judge Benton, directed the IMC to supply the FBI with "all user connection logs" for April 20 and 21st from a web server occupying an IP address which the Secret Service believed belonged to the IMC. The order stated that this was part of an "ongoing criminal investigation" into acts that could constitute violations of Canadian law, specifically theft and mischief. IMC legal counsel David Sobel, of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, comments: "As the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized, the First Amendment protects the right to communicate anonymously with the press and for political purposes. An order compelling the disclosure of information identifying an indiscriminately large number of users of a website devoted to political discourse raises very serious constitutional issues. To provide the same protection to the press and anonymous sources in the Internet world as with more traditional media, the Government must be severely limited in its ability to demand their Internet identity--their "Internet Protocol addresses." A federal statute already requires that such efforts against the press be approved by the Attorney General, and only where essential and after alternatives have been exhausted. There is no suggestion that these standards were met here.

The sealed court order also directed the IMC not to disclose "the existence of this Application or Order, or the existence of this investigation, unless or until ordered by this court." Such a prior restraint on a media organization goes to the heart of the First Amendment. Ironically, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer learned about the existence of the order from "federal sources," suggesting that the purpose of the gag order was simply to allow the government to spin the issue its way.

The order did not specify what acts were being investigated, and the Secret Service agent acknowledged that the IMC itself was not suspected of criminal activity. No violation of US law was alleged. It is not clear whether federal law allows the Attorney General ever to approve such an investigation of US press entities to facilitate a foreign investigation. According to IMC counsel Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, "This kind of fishing expedition is another in a long line of overbroad and onerous attempts to chill political speech and activism. Back in 1956, Alabama tried to force the NAACP to give up its membership lists -- but the Supreme Court stopped them. This order to IMC, even without the 'gag,' is a threat to free speech, free association, and privacy."

Responding to questions from IMC volunteers, the agents claimed that their investigation concerned the source of either one or two postings which, they said, had been posted to an IMC newswire early Saturday morning. These posts, according to the agents, contained documents stolen from a Canadian government agency, including classified information related to the travel itinerary of George W. Bush (who was at that time in Quebec City, participating in Summit of the Americas meetings). Agents claimed that the Secret Service was notified of the existence of such posts by a tip from an (unnamed) major commercial news network.

The agents were unable to provide URL addresses or titles for the postings they described. Additionally, the court order contained a non-working IP address, rather than an address assigned to any of the IMC sites. IMC volunteers nevertheless were able to identify two articles posted to the Montreal IMC which partially matched the agents' incomplete description. These articles, posted first in French and then in English translations ( HYPERLINK "http://montreal.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=505" http://montreal.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=505 , 514 and 515), contain sections of documents purportedly stolen from a Quebec City police car during Friday night anti-FTAA demonstrations; the documents detail police strategies for hindering protesters' mass action. It does not appear that any materials were posted to any IMC site containing Bush travel plans.

Although the agents were concerned with only two posts, the court order demands "all user connections logs" for a 48-hour period, which would include individual IP addresses for every person who posted materials to or visited the IMC site during the FTAA protests. IMC legal counsel Nancy Chang, of the Center for Constitutional Rights, comments that "the overbroad sweep of the information demanded by the FBI raises the disturbing question of whether the order is calculated to discourage association with the IMC."

The agents arrived at the IMC around 7pm. Seattle IMC volunteers had been busy all afternoon gathering regional IMC coverage of FTAA protests underway in Seattle and in Blaine, Washington, and coordinating coverage with other sites on the IMC network. Several visitors were also in the IMC at the time, using public computers.. While agents were speaking with one staff volunteer, another began making telephone calls in an effort to contact legal counsel. After the agents left, volunteers discussed the court order's gag provision, and began recontacting the handful of people who had already been called, in order to make sure that the terms of the court order would not be violated before legal counsel had time to appraise the situation.

Initial attempts were made to contain news of the FBI/Secret Service visit; however, a few details of the story were soon leaked via a partially accurate report broadcast on the Vermont IMC internet radio stream. Soon the Seattle IMC was flooded with phone calls requesting information about what quickly began to be described as an "FBI raid," and speculations began to spread rapidly across the open-publishing newswires of various IMCs.

For about three hours, a network of IMC technology volunteers attempted to comply with the court order by removing such posts from the Seattle IMC and other major IMC sites as they appeared. This had the unfortunate effect of seemingly confirming the worst suspicions of independent journalists who posted brief articles announcing or speculating about mysterious and terrible things going on at the Seattle IMC, then finding their posts removed from view minutes later. Volunteers called off this clumsy attempt at rumor control around midnight, when it became clear that removing of posts was only serving to fan the flames of rumor, and that in any case the story had already spread beyond the confines of the IMC network. In acting to remove these posts, IMC volunteers were motivated by fear of violating the court order's gag provision even before legal counsel had had a chance to review the document. We regret the feelings of confusion and disempowerment which many users of the IMC sites experienced due to Saturday night's blackout of postings on this topic, and the general frustration caused by the gag order.

Since the incident occurred, several persistent, yet false, rumors have taken shape; some of these found their way into coverage published in Monday's Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other commercial media. We can now dispel some of the more common of these: No search warrant was served to the IMC in connection with the court order, and nobody connected to the Seattle IMC has been arrested. No equipment or logs have been seized; the agents' visit was not a "raid."

Now, free from restrictive court orders, the Seattle IMC will be able to cover this important story as it continues to unfold.

The Seattle Independent Media Center was launched in Fall 1999 to provide immediate, authentic, grassroots coverage of protests against the WTO. Just a year and a half later, the IMC network has reached around the world, with dozens of sites scattered across six continents. IMCs are autonomously organized and administered, but share collective organizational principles and certain technological resources. Each IMC's news coverage centers upon its open-publishing newswire, an innovative and democratizing system allowing anyone with access to an Internet connection to become a journalist, reporting on events from his or her own perspective rather than being forced to rely on the narrow range of views presented by corporate-owned mainstream media sources.

During last weekend's widespread protests against a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas, many IMC sites collaborated to produce comprehensive coverage of demonstrations taking place in Quebec City and Sao Paulo, as well as solidarity protests in cities across the U.S. and along the Mexican and Canadian borders. The breadth and depth of coverage produced by the IMC's global network eclipsed that of many corporate media outlets.

The Seattle IMC remains committed to its mission: "The Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as a tool for promoting social and economic justice. It is our goal to further the self-determination of people under-represented in media production and content, and to illuminate and analyze local and global issues that impact ecosystems, communities and individuals. We seek to generate alternatives to the biases inherent in the corporate media controlled by profit, and to identify and create positive models for a sustainable and equitable society."

Source: http://montreal.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=506&group=webcast

La resistance est epier a Quebec!CECI

by x 3:33am Sat Apr 21 '01 (Modified on 9:04am Sat Apr 21 '01)

Des document secret de la police de quebec on ete vole pendant la manifestation... et la police sait tous sur le s groupes radicaux!

Des document secret de la police de quebec on ete vole pendant la manifestation... et la police sait tous sur le s groupes radicaux!

La journee du 20 avril s'annonce comme l'un des moments forts de la contestation du Sommet des Ameriques (SDA).

Le mouvement de mobilisation connaitra une acceleration avec l'arrivee la veille de nombreux contingents de manisfestants en provenances notament de Montreal ( FTAA Alert Corcordia et McGill, Clacc, GOMM et des milieux etudiants), des regions du Quebec, de Toronto (Mobilization 4 Globe, OCAP, etc.), de la caravane frontaliere Kingston- Cornwall-Quebec (People's Community Union) ainsi que des centres de convergences de Burlington (Vermont Mobilization for Global Justice), de Jackman (Maine Global Action Network et de Plattsburg ainsi qu'en provenance au Canada et Etats-Unis.

Les Nombreux appels a la realisation d'actions directes faits par les groupes dits violents, notament la coalition CLAC-CASA, le Drapeau rouge et Parti communiste revolunnnaire (PCR), les membres d'un Black Bloc, le Revolutionary Anti-capitalist Offensive (RACO) et les groupes anarchiste du Quebec et de la Nouvelle-Angleterre sont le signal d'une intention manifeste, planifiee et coordonnee pour perturber au maximum la journee de l'ouverture officielle ddu SDA, voire de commettre des actions violentes et de semer le cahos.

Differentes actions de desobeissace, notament des occupations et des blocages de rue, seront tentee par des groupes <<jaunes>> pour perturber l'evenement et compliquer le travail des forces policieres. Des actions <<vertes>> seront aussi realisees en vue de faire de la diversion.

Selon plusieurs sources fiables, les plans d'actions des groupes de contestations comprennent plusieurs scenarios qui seront deployes en fonction de la <<lecture>> que les groupes feront du terrain, des opportunites et risques qu'ils evalueront en cours d'action.

dans cette perspective, il nous apparait on ne peut plus important d'informer les responsables des operations de ces differents scenario afin que ces derniers adoptent rapidement les mesure les plus appropriees. Neamoins, afin de ne pas encombrer indument le teste du present document, nous avons retenu les scenarios les plus credibles et probables.

2. Types et niveau de menace/facteurs de risque

Le carnavale anti-capitaliste/A20/<<Day of Action>>: des actions <<rouges>> de CLAC, du CASA, du Drapeau rouge (PCR), du GOMM, d'un Black Bloc et d'autres groupes dits violents.

Des l'aube, des actions directes devraient etre commises suite a l'appel au A20 par les groupes les plus radicaux de la contestation du SDA. Le resultat des reunions a L'Universite Laval pourrait faire en sorte que des actions directes soeint meme realisees dans le courant de la nuit. Nous pourrions assister, par exemple, a des occupations de locaux dans les institutions d'enseignemt hebergeant des manisfestants dont le pavillon DESJARDINS DE l'UNIVERSITE lAVAL.

2.3 Vers 8 h, des membres du GOMM pourraient occuper des edifices simultanement avec un "mini blocage" de la rue en face de chaque edifice. Ces occupations videraient:

--La station de television TQS situee a l'intersection de la Cote d'Abraham et de la rue de la Couronne.
--La station de radio FM 93, a l'intersection de la rue Holland et du chemin Sainte Foy.
--La station de radio CHOI 98, 1 au 1134 chemin Saint-Louise a Sillery.
--Les locaux abritant differents ministeres qui pourraient etre ceux situe dans le secteur de l'Universite Laval.
--Des edifices vacants ou des edifices federaux.
--Des tracts seraient distribues en cette occasion.

2.4 Entre 12 h et 13 h, deux (2) contingents de manifestants relies principalement a la CLAC-CASA et au GOMM partiraient de l'University Laval.

2.5 Un premier groupe de manifestants pourrait emprunter le boulevard Laurier et la rue Grande Allee, alors que l'autre pourrait marcher sur le boul. Rene Levesque. Les manifestants seraient divises en groupes de 20 a 30 personnes pour pouvoir se separer et aller realiser des actions selon le choix des groupes d'affinites. Le signal de dispersion des troupes serait le lancement de ballons gonfles dans l'air. Les deux groupes pourraient se rejoindre a la hauteur de la rue Salaberry (ce pourrait etre une autre rue) pour continuer par Rene Levesque vers le Grand Theatre.

2.6 Par ailleurs, selonles resultats d'une enquete criminelle, un contingent de mainfestants radicaux ou violents, habilles en noir (qui pourrait correspondre a la formation d'un Black Bloc), prendrait la rue Eymard (ou Holland) pour rejoindre le chemin Sainte Foy en direction est. Le cas echeant, le manifestants viseraient les cibles suivants: une succursale de la Banque nationale et de la Banque de Montreal, ainsi qu'une succursale du Mouvement Desjardins et de la Societe des alcools du Quebec. Un depanneeur Couche Tard et une pharmacie Jean Coutu seraient aussi dans leur mire.

2.8 Selon une source, une cellule rouge composee d'une dizaine de personnes est presentement en formation. Cette cellule comprend notamment Patrick Bacon (Le Maquis), Alex Dubreuil (Emile-Henry), Maxime Fortin (Le Maquis) les denommes Carl et Fred et des membres du groupe anarchiste Barricada (Boston). Ces individus on discute des moyens d'action suivants:

--Utilisation de masques de gaz
--Fabrication de cocktails Molotov avec une quarantaine de bouteilles vides
--Utilisation de bombes lacymogenes
--Batons de baseball

2.9 Cette cellule rouge qui pourrait agir dans le cadre des actions <<rouges>> planifiees par la CLAC-CASA, pourrait correspondre a un des groupes d'affinites qui formeront un Black Bloc. Celui-ci devrait manoeuvrer en tenant compte des opportunities qui se presenteront pour poser des actions directes violentes.

2.13 Dans l'eventualite ou ils n'atteindraient pas leurs cibles initiales a leur satisfaction, les elements radicaux envisageraient de se rendre a l'Universite Laval pour saccager.

2.18 Entre 17 h et 18 h, le Drapeau rouge (PCR) planifierait une <<puissante action.. contre l'ouverture officiel du SDA, plus precisement lors de l'arrivee des dignitaires (au Centre des Congres?). Et ce, surtout dans le but de perturber l'arrive du president Bush et du premier ministre Jean Cretien ainsi que obtenir un impact mediatique optimal. Les membres du PCR seraient identifies par des drapeaux et foulards rouges.

2.19 Selon une source non corroboree, un groupe anarchiste d'Eugene, en Oregon, present a Seattle, pourrais etre a Quebe. Ce groupe planiferait, a partir d'une zone <<rouge>> situe pres de la delegation americaine, une attaque du pereimetre de securite en ciblant enter autres deux des ses acces:

- L'entree Rene-Levesque/Claire -Fontaine
- L'entre Sainte-Amable/Claire-Fontaine

....La Suite 2

Source: http://montreal.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=514&group=webcast

Revealed! Secret Tactics of the Quebec Police (translation)
by by x (translated by y and z) 11:38am Sat Apr 21 '01 (Modified on 6:21pm Mon Apr 23 '01)


Revealed! Secret Tactics of the Quebec Police (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT)
by x 3:05am Sat Apr 21 '01

Independent sources yesterday obtained secret documents from the Quebec police regarding the Summit of the Americas, giving details of their plans for attacking demonstrators.

"The police know everything!" revealed an independent source with official documents stolen from a police car during the violent demonstration on René Lévesque street in Quebec City. These documents reveal the existence of numerous police agents within organizations such as the CASA, CLAC and GOMM.

These documents contain guidelines for dealing with the demonstrators, and detail the police plans for different scenarios.

The Courthouse

If the demonstrators disturb the peace by vandalizing the courthouse, the troops should arrive via Charest Boulevard East by coming from the WEST or via St-Paul Street by coming from Champlain Boulevard. The troops will be deployed to push the demonstrators back northwards on Jean Lesage Boulevard. If the demonstrations are in the Courthouse parking lot or on the Dufferin-Montmorency highway, they should be pushed back northwards in order to avoid the Courthouse and then pushed north along Jean Lesage Boulevard. Make plans for patrol cars to be sent to block Jean Lesage Boulevard to the North.

CDQ (Quebec Detention Centre?)
We must go around the demonstrators to place ourselves between the prison and the demonstrators, in order to push them back towards de la Faune Street. Depending on the direction of the wind, they will be directed towards the East or the West.

Laporte bridge. If the demonstrators block the access to the Laporte bridge or the Cote Sud bridge, they'll be pushed back towards the South coming from boulevard Henri IV. If the demonstrators block the entrance in the direction of blvd. Champlain, they'll be pushed back towards the West until the parking of the Canadian Pacific. If the demonstrators block the Laported bridge, north side, they'll be pushed back towards the North until the exit of the Aquarium, East direction.


The arrival should be from Simon Napoleon Parent avenue, at the South of the police headquarters by pushing back the demonstrators toward the North on Cardinal Maurice Roy.

Cote Gilmour- blvd. Champlain
Demonstrators block the Cote Gilmour/Boulevard Champlain intersection.
Our arrival can be done by the blvd Champlain or Cote Gilmour. The demonstrators will be pushed back onto the Port grounds at the bridge towards the South. Make plans to stop traffic on Champlain Boulevard.

Hamel blvd. And AutoRoute Duplessis
In this case, the way in which we intervene should depend upon the wind. We should work in three (3) groups. Two (2) groups would block contain to the North and the South. The other group would push back the demonstrators, according to the direction of the wind. If the wind blows towards the East, there is an exit where one can disperse the people; it is made up of a vast place where there is nothing that can be broken. It is found on the south side of blvd. Hamel. If the wind is in the West direction, we will push back in this direction and then guard the intersection.

Situated on Dalhousie street in front of the Caserne, we should push back the demonstrators in the East direction towards the Bassin Louise to the Quebec Port. We will deploy police officers in two (2) groups. One for Dalhousie street and the other which will take the place by the parking alongside the condos at the Old Port.

The Park des Ameriques Françaises
The demonstrators force on the fence in order to enter the interior. There are thousands of them and there is a high chance that the fence will be broken. We should intervene from the outside to relieve the pressure. We should intervene with two (2) groups: the first should arrive by the south-west on Turnbull Avenue and park on St-Amable behind the Grand Theatre; the second arriving from the North on Clarie-Fontaine street and park on Prevost Street. Intervening simultaneously to push towards the West on Rene Levesque. During the dispersion of the demonstrators, a group should remain behind in order to control the territory of the Park.

St-Roch Gardens
Objective - Empty the Park
Going down the Cote d'Abraham we will divide again in two (2) groups; one will take Couronne street and the other will take St. Vallier street. Then, they will walk down simultaneously by Eglise and Couronne streets then along the park, emptying it towards the Charest blvd. We can also arrive from both sides via St. Vallier and Cote d'Abraham streets, we should be careful on St-Real street where people can throw objects.

Regardless of the direction of the wind if it comes from the West or the East, the strategy consists of pushing back the demonstrators towards the East via St-Jacques street. To do this we should arrive from three (3) sides simultaneously by the major airport road going East and two (2) other groups, one from the North and the other from the South, in using the airport road. This will contain them while the group coming from the West will push them back towards the residential neighbourhood on St-Jacques street where they will disperse.



freed document
by ??? 12:06pm Sat Apr 21 '01

this document has been liberated, but the so-called 'treaty' is still secret.

something to think about....


I was there when they got this!
by F. Akename 6:21pm Mon Apr 23 '01

I can verify the validity of the material presented here because I saw people obtain this information on Friday. After being pushed downhill by the tear gas and off of Renee Levesque we were hiding on a side street where people were trashing two CBC vans. Across form the CBC van's was an unmarked cruiser and van discuised as a commercial vehicle. We didn't know this until some members of the crowd smashed the windows and began pulling out riot shield, briefcases full of information security and protestors. Among the papers was a large plasticized binder that contained the manuevers and tactics manual and another that was a steel box like binder, about 2 in. thick that contained pictures and descriptions of people from other protests and actions. I guess the police thought that we wouldn't be forced into that area becaue they wouldn't have left two of their vehicles like that which show they were A) very stupid (likely) or B) planning a disinformation campaign(unlikly in my mind). After debating about what to do the people who got it decided to hurry it to the indy media centre. I now know that those brave group of guys(and girls) were able to get that info out to where all of us can see it. I would give my real name to leave some assurance and to give confidence to my comments but I am confidant that the police already have enough information on me and don't want to help them out any more by giving myself away. Vive La Resistance!

Source: http://montreal.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=515&group=webcast

Spies in our midst! (this is very important) (translation)
by x (translated by y and z) 11:46am Sat Apr 21 '01 (Modified on 6:06am Mon Apr 23 '01)


Secret police documents were stolen during yesterday's demonstration in Quebec City… and it would seem that the police knows a lot about the radical opposition!


April 20th is clearly going to be one of the strong points for protesting the Summit of the Americas (SOA).

The movement against the SOA will be given a boost with the arrival the day before of many contingents of demonstrators from Montreal (FTAA Alert Concordia and McGill, Clac, GOMM, and from the student scene), from Quebec region, from Toronto (Mobilization 4 Globe, OCAP, etc.), from the Kingston-Cornwall-Quebec caravan (People's Community Union) as well as the meeting points in Burlington (Vermont Mobilization for Global Justice), from Jackman (Maine Global Action Network), and from Plattsburgh as well as from the rest of Canada and the United States.

The numerous calls for direct action made by so-called violent groups, notably the CLAS-CASA coalition, the Red Flag (Parti communiste révolutionnaire - PCR), the members of the Black Bloc, the Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Offensive and anarchist groups from Quebec and New England all make clear their obvious, planned and coordinated intention to disrupt the official opening day of the SOA as much as
possible, that is to say to commit acts of violent and sow chaos.

Different acts of disobedience, notably occupations and blocking traffic, will be attempted by so-called "yellow" groups to disrupt the event and complicate the work of police. "Green" actions will also be carried out to serve as diversions.

According to numerous reliable sources, the protest groups' action plans include several scenarios, depending on their "reading" of the terrain, the opportunities and the risks that they will evaluate during the action.

With this in mind, it strikes us as very important to inform those in charge of operations as to the different scenarios so that they can quickly adopt appropriate counter-measures. Nevertheless, in the interests of brevity we are only dealing with the most probable and credible scenarios.

2. Types and Levels of Threat/Risk Factors

The Carnival against Capitalism/A20/ " Day of Action " : "red actions" by the CLAC, CASA, the Red Flag (PCR), the GOMM, the Black Bloc and other so-called violent groups.

Starting at dawn, direct actions will be carried out following the call to A20 by the most radical opponents of the SOA. Meetings at the University of Laval could even lead to actions being carried out during the night. For example, there may be building-occupations within Laval University where the demonstrators will be staying, such as the DESJARDINS PAVILLION.

Around 8am, members of GOMM could simultaneously occupy buildings and block the road in front of each building. These occupations would target:

* The TQS television station at the corner of Cote d'Abraham and Couronne Street.
* FM 93 radio station, at the corner of Holland Street and chemin Saint-Foy
* CHOI 98.1 radio station, at 1134 chemin Sainte-Louise in Sillery
* The offices of different ministers, perhaps those in the vicinity of Laval University
* Empty buildings or Federal government buildings

Tracts will be handed out during these actions

Between noon and 1pm two contingents of demonstrators mainly connected to CLAC-CASA and to GOMM will leave from Laval University.

A first group of demonstrators may take Laurier Boulevard and Grande Allee street, while others may take René Lévesque boulevard. The demonstrators will split into groups of 20 or 30 people in order to carry out different actions depending on the choice of their affinity groups. The signal to disperse will be releasing balloons into the air. The two groups may meet at Salaberry street (or it could be another street) to continue via René Lévesque towards the Grand Théatre.

According to the results of a criminal investigation, a contingent of violent or radical demonstrators, dressed in black (which could correspond to the formation of a Black Bloc) will take Eymard Street (or Holland Street) to reach chemin Sainte-Foy going east. Depending on circumstances the demonstrators could target the following: National Bank and Bank of Montreal branches, as well as the Mouvement Desjardions [credit union] and liquor stores. A Couche Tard convenience store and a Jean Coutu pharmacy will also be along their way.

According to one source, a red cell made up of ten people is presently being formed. This cell is made up of Patrick Bacon (Le Maquis), Alex Dubreuil (Emile-Henry), Maxime Fortin (Le Maquis), Carl and Fred and members of the anarchist group Barricada (from Boston). These individuals have discussed the
following actions:

* use of gas masks
* making Molotov cocktails with forty or so empty bottles
* use of tear gas
* baseball bats
* poles

This red cell could act within the framework of "red" actions planned by the CLAC-CASA, and could be one the Black Bloc affinity groups. It will maneuver while taking into account the opportunities which will arise for violent direct actions.

If they do not succeed in regards to their initial targets, the radical elements will try to return to Laval University in order to trash it.

Between 5pm and 6pm the Red Flag (PCR) will plan a heavy action against the official opening of the SOA, more specifically during the arrival of the dignitaries (at the Congress Center?). This will especially be with the goal of disrupting the arrival of President Bush and Prime Minister Jean Chretien as well as to make the biggest impact in the media. The members of the PCR will be identified by red flags and scarves.

According to an uncorroborated source, an anarchist group from Eugene, Oregon, which was present as Seattle, could be in Quebec. This group would plan, from a "red" zone close to the American delegation, an attack on the security perimeter targeting these two access points amongst others:

- Rene-Levesque/Claire -Fontaine entrance
- Sainte-Amable/Claire-Fontaine entrance


valuble information
by evilive 12:00pm Sat Apr 21 '01

well if the pigs didn't know before, they do now


Police information
by Jezannie 4:25pm Sat Apr 21 '01

I believe that in most social justice, human rights, anti-globalization and similar organizations there are members who are actually police/govt informants. Often there are also sabateurs, people who will perform acts in the name of the organization (such as inciting violence) in order to bring bad name to the group.

This has been going on, and is well documented, by some protest groups since the 1930's depression at least (that's only as far back as I have looked).

I think it is something that people should be aware of, and not assume they have privacy/safety from infiltration from police in any reasonably popular and successful group.


by SPY 5:24pm Sat Apr 21 '01

Yup- you've been infiltrated. Sucks, huh? And Jaggi is in a lot of pain right now...


typical cop logic
by atom smasher 1:51am Sun Apr 22 '01

this 'report' is filled with hypotheticals 'could', 'might', etc... the rest is heresay, speculation and rumors.

it is typical police logic to write a report like that, circulate it amongst themselves, and convince themselves that it's all fact.

the scary thing is that they act on it as if it's factual, not hypothetical.

the high ranking police take advantage of the mob mentality among the ranks, and the ranks can't see that they are being used as an enemy of the people.
it almost makes me feel sorry for the cops, for being stupid and used.


cop logic
by rhizome 12:08pm Sun Apr 22 '01

this shows that the cops think in overly hierarchical, militaristic terms. As it turned out, there were no secret signals, no diversionary tactics, no covert actions. There were no leaders at the fences. There were just a lot of brave people pissed of at having their democracy highjacked. The cops are facing a movement, not a military insurgency. That's why their efforts at infiltrating us won't succeed. We are not organized but we are united. The only way to stop us from taking them on is to actually change the system: Fair trade, environmental protection, real democracy. Until then, let's continue the struggle in a thousand unconnected places. Rhizomes are hard to uproot.


Eugene Anarchists
by Bobbi Sue 6:06am Mon Apr 23 '01

Wow, those Eugene anarchists are everywhere.

[Thanks to David Banisar.]

Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 14:30:54 -0400
To: jya@jya.com
Subject: Mlats used in canadian protests

Heres a quite interesting story on the power of mlats and what we  will have to look forward to with the COE treaty :

A cop car was broken into in Quebec and a security doc relating to measures for the Free Trade Area of the Americas summit protests was stolen and posted in the net in Seattle. At the behest of the RCMP, a magistrate judge issued an order to grab the records  from a Seattle web site called the "independent media center" using the US/CAN mlat. They were then visited by the FBI/Secret Service. They then had a gag order on this for several days before it was released today.

Great precedent. I wonder if when my car gets broken into again, I can use the cybercrime treaty to find my stereo again...

post intelligencer story


indy media announcement


ct order


original doc in french


in english


full doc in english




FBI raids media center

Stolen security plan for Quebec meeting was put on Internet here

Tuesday, April 24, 2001



Security plans intended to protect Western leaders attending a trade summit in Quebec City were stolen from a car there over the weekend and posted, hours later, on a Seattle-based Web site, authorities said yesterday.

On Saturday night, FBI agents raided the offices of the Independent Media Center in downtown Seattle, according to federal sources. (Editor's Note: This article has been corrected to remove an erroneous report that computer records were seized.)

No arrests have been made.

Center spokeswoman Sheri Herndon said she and other staff have been told "not to talk about" the incident under threat of being held in contempt of court. (Editor's Note: This article has been corrected to fix the first name of the spokeswoman.)

She referred inquiries to attorney Bob Goodman of the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City, who also declined comment.

He said the court order that was served on the IMC "contains a fairly broad gag order; therefore, we cannot talk."

The three-day summit, which experienced mass protests similar to those that rocked Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization conference, ended Sunday without serious security incidents. Virtually every head of state in the Western Hemisphere with the exception of Cuba's Fidel Castro was in attendance.

No mention of the FBI raid could be found yesterday on the IMC Web site. But the organization's home page carried a boldface note stating, "Everything is fine at the Seattle IMC. We will keep you posted on any further developments."

One federal criminal justice source said the speed with which the sensitive stolen document appeared on the Internet speaks to the sophistication of the movement that is opposed to unrestricted global trade.

"The fact that you have something of this magnitude out there on the Web, it really shows these groups are strong, resourceful and resilient," the source said.

The IMC calls itself "a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grass-roots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues."

The organization has committed "no clear-cut violation of U.S. law" by posting the document on the Web, and the action may be protected as free speech, according to federal criminal justice sources.

President Bush, who attended the Free Trade Area of the Americas summit, was not placed at risk, according to one source.

The breach of security, however, is another embarrassment for the Canadian government, which recently lost a highly sensitive, anti-terrorism document. It was stolen from a government official's car while he was attending a hockey game.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police referred a call for comment on the IMC incident to Quebec Provincial Police, which was in charge of security at the summit. No one was available to comment on the matter yesterday at police headquarters in Montreal.

© 1998-2001 Seattle Post-Intelligencer


by STEPHEN C SCHROEDER Assistant United States A 10:12am Fri Apr 27 '01
address: 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3600 Seattle, Washington 98104
phone: (206) 553-7970


THIS MATTER having come before the Court pursuant to the Application of the United States of America, which Application requests that an Order be issued:

(1) directing that INDEPENDENT MEDIA, and any other provider of electronic communications service and their agents and employees, not disclose to the user of said electronic communication service, nor to any other person, the existence of this Application and Order or the existence of this investigation unless and until otherwise ordered by the Court;

(2) directing INDEPENDENT MEDIA, a provider of electronic communications service, as defined by Title 18, United States Code, Section 2510(15), to examine all account records and system/accounting log files and supply the Federal Bureau of Investigation with all Information listed on Attachment A to this Order; and (3) directing that the Application and Court's Order be sealed;

IT APPEARING that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into acts which would constitute violations of Sections 322 (theft) and 430 (mischief) of the Criminal Code of Canada, and that one or more of the subjects of said investigation are unknown, and

IT APPEARING that Independent Media is an Internet publisher of information, administered by Jonathon Jay at 1415 3rd Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101, and

IT APPEARING that the Application has been made in good faith in the @erance of a pending criminal investigation, and the Court finding that the Applicant, as the attorney for the United States, has offered specific and articulable facts showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the records of electronic communication sought are relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation.

IT APPEARING that there is reason to believe that notification of the existence of this Order will result in destruction of or tampering with evidence, or will otherwise seriously jeopardize the investigation,

IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 2703(c) and (d);Title 28, United States Code, Section 1651; and Rule 41, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, that INDEPENDENT MEDIA, 1415 3rd Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101, a provider of electronic communications service, as defined by Title 18, United States Code, Section 2510(15) examine all account and system/accounting log files and supply the Federal Bureau of Investigation with all information described in Attachment A to this Order.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 5(b), that INDEPENDENT MEDIA, and their agents and employees, shall not disclose to the user of electronic communication service, nor to any other person, the existence of this Application or Order, or the existence of this investigation, unless and until otherwise ordered by the Court; and

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 1651 that this Order and the Application be sealed until otherwise ordered by the Court.

DATED this 24 day of April 2001.
STEPHEN C SCHROEDER Assistant United States Attorney
Seafirst Fifth Avenue Plaza Building
800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3600 Seattle, Washington 98104
(206) 553-7970


All user connection logs for for the time period beginning April 20, 2001, to the date of this Order for any connections to or from that IP address.

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2. Disconnect time and date;

3. Method of connection to system (e.g., SLIP, PPP, Shell);

4. Data transfer volume (e.g., bytes);

5. Connection information for other systems to which user connected via , including:

a. Connection destination;

b. Connection time and date;

c. Disconnect time and date;

d. Method of connection to/from system (e.g., telnet, ftp, http);

e. Data transfer volume (e.g., bytes);

Gag Order Lifted; IMC in Free Speech Battle Following FBI/Secret Service Visit

by JL for the Seattle IMC Spokescouncil 9:49am Fri Apr 27 '01

This is an official announcement from the Seattle IMC Spokescouncil

On the evening of Saturday, April 21, a day which saw tens of thousands demonstrate against the FTAA in the streets of Quebec City, the Independent Media Center in Seattle was served with a sealed court order by two FBI agents and an agent of the US Secret Service. The terms of the sealed order prevented IMC volunteers from publicizing its contents; volunteers immediately began discussions with legal counsel to amend the order. This morning, April 27, Magistrate Judge Monica Benton issued an amended order, freeing us to discuss the situation without the threat of being held in contempt.

The original order, also issued by Judge Benton, directed the IMC to supply the FBI with "all user connection logs" for April 20 and 21st from a web server occupying an IP address which the Secret Service believed belonged to the IMC. The order stated that this was part of an "ongoing criminal investigation" into acts that could constitute violations of Canadian law, specifically theft and mischief. IMC legal counsel David Sobel, of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, comments: "As the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized, the First Amendment protects the right to communicate anonymously with the press and for political purposes. An order compelling the disclosure of information identifying an indiscriminately large number of users of a website devoted to political discourse raises very serious constitutional issues. To provide the same protection to the press and anonymous sources in the Internet world as with more traditional media, the Government must be severely limited in its ability to demand their Internet identity--their "Internet Protocol addresses." A federal statute already requires that such efforts against the press be approved by the Attorney General, and only where essential and after alternatives have been exhausted. There is no suggestion that these standards were met here.

The sealed court order also directed the IMC not to disclose "the existence of this Application or Order, or the existence of this investigation, unless or until ordered by this court." Such a prior restraint on a media organization goes to the heart of the First Amendment. Ironically, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer learned about the existence of the order from "federal sources," suggesting that the purpose of the gag order was simply to allow the government to spin the issue its way.

The order did not specify what acts were being investigated, and the Secret Service agent acknowledged that the IMC itself was not suspected of criminal activity. No violation of US law was alleged.

It is not clear whether federal law allows the Attorney General ever to approve such an investigation of US press entities to facilitate a foreign investigation. According to IMC counsel Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, "This kind of fishing expedition is another in a long line of overbroad and onerous attempts to chill political speech and activism. Back in 1956, Alabama tried to force the NAACP to give up its membership lists -- but the Supreme Court stopped them. This order to IMC, even without the 'gag,' is a threat to free speech, free association, and privacy."

Responding to questions from IMC volunteers, the agents claimed that their investigation concerned the source of either one or two postings which, they said, had been posted to an IMC newswire early Saturday morning. These posts, according to the agents, contained documents stolen from a Canadian government agency, including classified information related to the travel itinerary of George W. Bush (who was at that time in Quebec City, participating in Summit of the Americas meetings). Agents claimed that the Secret Service was notified of the existence of such posts by a tip from an (unnamed) major commercial news network.

The agents were unable to provide URL addresses or titles for the postings they described. Additionally, the court order contained a non-working IP address, rather than an address assigned to any of the IMC sites. IMC volunteers nevertheless were able to identify two articles posted to the Montreal IMC which partially matched the agents' incomplete description. These articles, posted first in French and then in English translations ( HYPERLINK


http://montreal.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=505 , 514 and 515),

contain sections of documents purportedly stolen from a Quebec City police car during Friday night anti-FTAA demonstrations; the documents detail police strategies for hindering protesters' mass action. It does not appear that any materials were posted to any IMC site containing Bush travel plans.

Although the agents were concerned with only two posts, the court order demands "all user connections logs" for a 48-hour period, which would include individual IP addresses for every person who posted materials to or visited the IMC site during the FTAA protests. IMC legal counsel Nancy Chang, of the Center for Constitutional Rights, comments that "the overbroad sweep of the information demanded by the FBI raises the disturbing question of whether the order is calculated to discourage association with the IMC."

The agents arrived at the IMC around 7pm. Seattle IMC volunteers had been busy all afternoon gathering regional IMC coverage of FTAA protests underway in Seattle and in Blaine, Washington, and coordinating coverage with other sites on the IMC network. Several visitors were also in the IMC at the time, using public computers.

While agents were speaking with one staff volunteer, another began making telephone calls in an effort to contact legal counsel. After the agents left, volunteers discussed the court order's gag provision, and began recontacting the handful of people who had already been called, in order to make sure that the terms of the court order would not be violated before legal counsel had time to appraise the situation.

Initial attempts were made to contain news of the FBI/Secret Service visit; however, a few details of the story were soon leaked via a partially accurate report broadcast on the Vermont IMC internet radio stream. Soon the Seattle IMC was flooded with phone calls requesting information about what quickly began to be described as an "FBI raid," and speculations began to spread rapidly across the open-publishing newswires of various IMCs.

For about three hours, a network of IMC technology volunteers attempted to comply with the court order by removing such posts from the Seattle IMC and other major IMC sites as they appeared. This had the unfortunate effect of seemingly confirming the worst suspicions of independent journalists who posted brief articles announcing or speculating about mysterious and terrible things going on at the Seattle IMC, then finding their posts removed from view minutes later. Volunteers called off this clumsy attempt at rumor control around midnight, when it became clear that removing of posts was only serving to fan the flames of rumor, and that in any case the story had already spread beyond the confines of the IMC network. In acting to remove these posts, IMC volunteers were motivated by fear of violating the court order's gag provision even before legal counsel had had a chance to review the document. We regret the feelings of confusion and disempowerment which many users of the IMC sites experienced due to Saturday night's blackout of postings on this topic, and the general frustration caused by the gag order.

Since the incident occurred, several persistent, yet false, rumors have taken shape; some of these found their way into coverage published in Monday's Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other commercial media. We can now dispel some of the more common of these: No search warrant was served to the IMC in connection with the court order, and nobody connected to the Seattle IMC has been arrested. No equipment or logs have been seized; the agents' visit was not a "raid."

Now, free from restrictive court orders, the Seattle IMC will be able to cover this important story as it continues to unfold.

The Seattle Independent Media Center was launched in Fall 1999 to provide immediate, authentic, grassroots coverage of protests against the WTO. Just a year and a half later, the IMC network has reached around the world, with dozens of sites scattered across six continents. IMCs are autonomously organized and administered, but share collective organizational principles and certain technological resources. Each IMC's news coverage centers upon its open-publishing newswire, an innovative and democratizing system allowing anyone with access to an Internet connection to become a journalist, reporting on events from his or her own perspective rather than being forced to rely on the narrow range of views presented by corporate-owned mainstream media sources.

During last weekend's widespread protests against a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas, many IMC sites collaborated to produce comprehensive coverage of demonstrations taking place in Quebec City and Sao Paulo, as well as solidarity protests in cities across the U.S. and along the Mexican and Canadian borders. The breadth and depth of coverage produced by the IMC's global network eclipsed that of many corporate media outlets.

The Seattle IMC remains committed to its mission: "The Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as a tool for promoting social and economic justice. It is our goal to further the self-determination of people under-represented in media production and content, and to illuminate and analyze local and global issues that impact ecosystems, communities and individuals. We seek to generate alternatives to the biases inherent in the corporate media controlled by profit, and to identify and create positive models for a sustainable and equitable society."



David Banisar, Deputy Director             *  Banisar@privacy.org
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