Cryptome DVDs. Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of 47,000 files from June 1996 to January 2009 (~6.9 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. The collection includes all files of,,,, and, and 23,100 (updated) pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost.

23 January 1999. Thanks to DS.

                          PRELIMINARY AGENDA

                              1999 Spring
                 Simulation Interoperability Workshop
                           Sponsored by the
          Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization

                 The Holiday Inn International Drive
                             Orlando, FL

                          March 14-19, 1999

You are invited to participate in the Spring 1999 Simulation Interoperability
Workshop (SIW).  The SIW is a semiannual event encompassing a broad range of
model and simulation issues, applications, and communities.  The Workshop
consists of a series of Forums addressing interoperability issues and proposed
solutions; tutorials on state-of-the-art methodologies, tools, and techniques;
and exhibits displaying the latest technological advances.  The individual
Forums enable M&S user and technical communities to meet, share ideas and
experiences, identify ways to make distributed simulation more effective and
efficient, and support the development of appropriate interoperability
standards.  The Forums also provide opportunities for practitioners of
distributed simulations using legacy systems to share insights and experiences
related to the process of migrating into the High Level Architecture (HLA)
world.  Additional information about the background and organization of the
workshop can be obtained at the SISO web site:


SISO's "day before" tutorial program (held on Sunday, 14 March, 1:00 -
5:00 PM EST) consists of four parallel sessions, including a new session on
the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS).  A $50 fee will be assessed
for those registering for a tutorial to cover the costs of materials,
equipment, facilities, and refreshments.  The tutorial sessions include:

(1)  Adapting Your Simulation To Use HLA
      (Leads:  Jeff Steinman and Lois Yu, Metron)

This tutorial will aid in planning the adaptation of legacy simulations to
use HLA, and will be presented in three modules.  The first module is
designed to help analysts plan for HLA implementation.  It provides
guidance on how to design your first SOM and then describes how to identify
which RTI services your simulation requires.  The second module focuses on
software implementation issues that arise when adapting a simulation to use
HLA.  Interoperability topics discussed include: time management, two-way
interfaces, modularity, automating exception handling, and data
representation.  The third module is a case study which demonstrates how the
Naval Simulation System applied the ideas presented in the earlier modules.
The overall approach presented here can be used to adapt other simulations
for HLA use as well.

(2)   Use of Automated Tools to Support HLA Object Model Development
       (Co-leads:  Bob Lutz, JHU APL and Roy Scrudder, UT ARL)

The main focus of this session is on the growing capabilities of the HLA
Object Model Tool Suite.  The tutorial will begin with an overview of the
Federation Development and Execution Process (FEDEP) and a brief
discussion of how the HLA Tool Architecture was developed to map
opportunities for automation to FEDEP activities.  This will be followed by
an overview of the HLA object modeling process.  Those attending will then
learn how to use the Object Model Development Tool (OMDT) to complete
Federation Object Models (FOMs) and Simulation Object Models (SOMs)
compliant with the HLA Object Model Template (OMT).  Participants will also
learn how to use key features of the Object Model Library (OML) to search
for and upload/download HLA object models, and how to use the Object Model
Data Dictionary System (OMDDS) to identify standards-based components for
constructing FOMs and SOMs.

  (3)  Data Distribution Management in the HLA
       (Lead: Katherine Morse, SAIC)

This tutorial provides a comprehensive introduction to the HLA Data
Distribution Management (DDM) services.  It is designed for those who are
familiar with the HLA and the capabilities of Declaration Management
services, and are interested in the additional data reduction capabilities
provided by DDM.  The first segment describes the fundamental DDM concepts,
the DDM services which implement them, and the relationship of DDM services
to other HLA services.  The second segment provides a detailed example of
DDM using the Hello World test program and HLA Runtime Infrastructure (RTI)
1.3.  Source code, Federation Object Model (FOM) tables, and RTI 1.3
Federation Execution Data and RTI Initialization Data files supporting this
example are provided.

(4)  Creating Simulations in HLA/RTI using the DEVS Modeling Framework
      (Leads: Bernard Zeigler and Hessam Sarjoughian, Univ. Arizona)

The Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a formal framework for
modeling and simulation.  The DEVS framework has a number of important
modeling features, including support for

- Full range of dynamic system representation capability
- Hierarchical, modular model development
- Stand-alone and stage-wise testing
- Model family representation and reuse

In this tutorial the basic concepts of DEVS are explained, followed by a
presentation of how the DEVS framework assists developers in creating
distributed simulations.  Particular emphasis is placed on simulations
adhering to the HLA specifications.  In addition, because DEVS has been
implemented in a user-friendly, HLA-compliant (C++/Java) distributed
environment called DEVS/HLA, the tutorial will also address how the DEVS
concepts complement those of the HLA/RTI, so that they can be viewed as a
supporting middleware simulation layer.


  Newcomer's Orientation

The Newcomer's Orientation is designed for those who have not previously
attended a SISO Simulation Interoperability Workshop.  The session's goal
is to help the new attendee gain maximum benefit from the Workshop and from
participation in SISO.  In this session, we describe the structure of the
Workshop, the overall organization of the Simulation Interoperability
Standards Organization, how it works and how to participate in it, and an
overview of the DoD High Level Architecture.  This session includes much of
the "Introduction to the DoD High Level Architecture (HLA) for Modeling and
Simulation" material presented in a Sunday afternoon tutorial at previous
Workshops.  If this is your first Workshop, this is where you should be on
Monday morning.

  Simulation Based Acquisition (SBA)

This session is designed to provide a "big picture" outlook of ongoing SBA
developments, issues, lessons learned, economic benefits, and emerging
markets.  In particular the session will address the following topics:

* Overview and status of the SBA Roadmap.

* SBA Architecture - Organizing and implementing simulation systems to
   support acquisition decisions across phases and programs including
   reuse and interoperability. 

* Virtual prototyping - Testing and Evaluation of technology, product and
   system performance in distributed simulations.

* Existing and proposed collaborative environments in acquisition.

* Distributed Product Description (DPD) development and Smart Product Models.

* Interfaces and standards that facilitate sharing models and data
   between government and industry.

* Emerging standards and interoperability challenges.

* Cultural, organizational, and environmental SBA issues

  Simulation Interoperability Through Components (SITC)

This session is designed to address the use of component technology to
support simulation interoperability. The goal of the session is to
illuminate the use of components over the whole simulation life cycle,
from the federation requirements, through federation design, to
implementation. In particular the session will address the following

* Component frameworks for supporting simulation interoperability,
   including extensions to current frameworks and simulation
   interoperability standards to support component technology.

* Components for simulation design, including Base Object Models (BOMs),
   and characterization of design components (including metadata).

* Components for simulation implementations.

* Management issues associated with simulation component use, including
   simulation component repositories, VV&A and testing issues, and tool

  IEEE 1516 (HLA Standards) Technical Update

Over the past year, substantial progress has been made by the HLA Working
Group on the development of the proposed IEEE 1516 standards.  This
session will review the process which has been underway, and will discuss
the major substantive comments which have been received on the
specifications and the changes which have been made in response to these
comments.  The session is intended to provide the SISO community with a
technical update on the three specifications in preparation for the next
step in the standardization process.


The Monday afternoon Plenary Session includes presentations on topics of
broad interest to the SISO community.  The Plenary session for this
Workshop will feature the following principal speakers:

  Major General George F. Close, Jr. (US Army)

General Close is the Director for Operational Plans and Interoperability,
J-7, the Joint Staff, Washington, D.C.  His duties include overseeing the
development and implementation of conventional war plans, joint doctrine,
joint exercises and training, and professional military education of the US
Armed Forces.  He also serves as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
executive agent and primary Joint Staff proponent for Joint Vision 2010
implementation and system integration.

His previous joint assignments include service as a Division Chief on the
Joint Staff, Deputy Commander, Joint Task Force 190 during Operation UPHOLD
DEMOCRACY-Haiti, and J-3 of US Southern Command/Director Joint Interagency
Task Force South (JIATF-S).

  General Thomas S. Moorman, Jr. (USAF, Ret)

General Moorman recently joined Booz-Allen & Hamilton as a Vice President
after serving over 35 years in the United States Air Force, culminating with
his assignment as Vice Chief of Staff.   As Vice Chief, he oversaw and
managed the day-to-day activities of the Air Staff at the Pentagon and
chaired the Air Force Council which finalizes all Air Force programming
proposals.  He chaired the Air Force Board of Directors, the organization
responsible for developing the Air Force strategic vision for the 21st
Century.  This effort included an examination of the overall Air Force
education and training needs for the new millennium.

Prior to his assignment as the Vice Chief of Staff, Gen Moorman was
Commander and Vice Commander of Air Force Space Command.  As Commander, he
was responsible for operating military space systems, ground-based radars
and missile warning satellites, and the nation's space launch centers at
Patrick Air Force Base, Fla., and Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.
Additionally, he was responsible for  the worldwide network of space
surveillance radars, as well as maintaining the Intercontinental Ballistic
Missile (ICBM) force.

  Dr. James E. Heath  (US Army LIWA)

Dr. Heath is the Army's Senior Intelligence and Technical Advisor for
Information Operations (IO). He is recognized as the Army's leading
authority regarding intelligence and technologies for Transnational and
Asymmetric Threats and IO.  Visualization, exploitation, predictive
analysis, course-of-action analysis (COAA), and non-kinetic solutions are
his major areas of interest.  He was responsible for the creation of a
unique IO center called the Information Dominance Center (IDC).  The IDC
operationally supports worldwide military commanders through Field Support
Teams, the Army's Computer Emergency Response Team (ACERT) linked with
Regional CERTs (RCERTs), Vulnerability Assessment and Computer Defense
Analysis Teams, and as the Army command element for the Joint Task Force
Computer Network Defense (JTF-CND).


  SPEEDES - Synchronous Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete-Event
            Simulation  (Presenter: Jeff Steinman, Metron)

SPEEDES is a government-owned, NASA-patented, optimistic simulation
framework that is currently supporting several large DoD simulation projects
including the Joint Simulation System (core infrastructure for the
enterprise), Wargame 2000 (modeling framework), and the High-Performance
Computing Modernization Office (HLA on high-performance computers).  A
government body, called the Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES)
User's Group, has recently been formed to help standardize the framework
and share development costs.

This presentation covers the fundamentals of SPEEDES at a conceptual level.
First, optimistic time management is discussed with an emphasis on the
SPEEDES flow-control mechanisms that ensure run-time stability in an
interactive environment. Second, the internal design of SPEEDES is
highlighted. Third, an overview of the SPEEDES Modeling Framework is
presented. The Final topic covers SPEEDES and the High-Level Architecture.
SPEEDES is currently being upgraded to support HLA in three ways:
(1) SPEEDES applications interoperate as a federate participating in a
federation, (2) SPEEDES provides external HLA interfaces to remote
federates, and (3) a SPEEDES-based RTI supports federations executing on
high performance multiprocessor computers.

   SEDRIS Update

The Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification
(SEDRIS) is a mechanism for representing the natural environment data found
in a variety of simulation and non-simulation applications.  SEDRIS allows
for the representation of the ocean, the ocean bottom, and ocean features
(both natural and man-made); terrain and terrain features (both natural and
man-made); 3-D models of vehicles, personnel, and other objects; the
atmosphere, including environmental phenomena; and near space.  One of the
SEDRIS objectives is to provide a mechanism for the unambiguous interchange
of environmental data for every type of simulation application.  This
session will focus on an overview of key SEDRIS technologies and their use
in various domains and applications.  Representatives from the SEDRIS team

will report on the project activities and progress, and will highlight
several stand-alone components of SEDRIS technology which are being
proposed as SISO standards.  Additional SEDRIS-related papers will be
presented in other SIW forums, including the Environment Track Forums.


User Community Forums focus on topics that span specialty areas and are of
broad interest to users within a particular area of M&S application.  User
Community Forums include

*  Analysis Forum (ANL), which focuses on the use of distributed models and
    simulations for analysis applications.

*  Research, Development, and Engineering Forum (RDE), which is concerned
    with the evaluation of alternative designs and research concepts as well
    as supporting specific engineering decisions within the RDE community.

*  Test and Evaluation Forum (TE), which focuses on comparing the
    performance of a system or its components with the physical, technical,
    and operational performance requirements to reduce risk in acquisition
    and employment of the system.

*  Small Team Training Forum (STT), which focuses on the planning,
    management, requirements, and use of simulations to provide individual,
    sub-team, and team training to system operators, team leaders, tactical
    decision makers, and other hands-on users.

*  Staff-Level Training Forum (SLT), which focuses on command and staff
    training (wargaming, "battle staff" training, strategic/theater planning,
    etc.), and on supporting representation of decision-making methodologies.


Following an informal reception hosted by members of the international SISO
community, the International Session provides everyone the opportunity to
hear and learn about goals, achievements, and issues arising from programs
and projects outside the U.S.  Presentations for this session are selected
to provide the widest possible cross section of activities, with special
emphasis on programs involving two or more nations.


While the bulk of the simulation application addressed at Simulation
Interoperability Workshops are covered by the DoD High Level Architecture
(HLA), we recognize that other architectures and protocols are also in
use.  These sessions provide opportunities for those involved with
non-HLA environments and applications to share their insights and issues
with one another.  These sessions are intended to help those using
older distributed simulation protocols, such as the Distributed
Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocols of IEEE Standard 1278, as
they evolve into the HLA environment, as well as to help those using
non-HLA environments to benefit from the insights and experiences
of others.


Specialty Area Forums bring together specialists from different communities
to discuss issues of simulation interoperability and component reuse.  The
Specialty Area Forums are organized into five Tracks.


  *  The Run-Time Infrastructure and Communications Forum (RTI) focuses on
     issues related to the HLA Runtime Infrastructure (RTI), including
     RTI services, RTI performance characterization, and RTI "middleware."

  *  The Live Interaction Forum (LIVE) addresses issues concerned with the
     interaction of live entities in interoperable simulations


  *  The Simulated Natural Environment Forum (SNE) is concerned with the
     common representation of the land, ocean, atmosphere, surf zone and
     space environment in interoperable simulations.

  *  The Sensor Forum (SENS), which is co-administered by the C4ISR Track,
     serves as a bridge between environmental and mission/system-related
     areas, focusing on issues of interoperability, fidelity, and
     correlation for sensor simulations.


  *  The Federation Development Process Forum (PROC) focuses on the
     Federation development and execution life-cycle process.

  *  The Exercise Management Forum (EMF) discusses tools for automating the
     Federation Development in areas such as exercise planning,
     initialization, monitoring, data collection, analysis, and
     after-action review.

  *  The Verification, Validation & Accreditation Forum (VV&A) deals with
     issues of credibility and appropriate use related to federation
     development and application.

  *  The Testing Forum (TEST) addresses techniques, tools, drivers, and
     methodologies for testing as they apply to HLA, SISO Standards, the
     transition of legacy simulations to SISO standards, and the development
     of new federates and federations.


  *  The Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I)
     Forum is concerned with the interoperability of simulations which
     represent command and control, communications, intelligence collection,
     processing and dissemination and information warfare.

  *  The Sensor Forum (SENS), which is co-administered by the Environment
     Track, focuses on the use of sensors for navigation, search and target
     acquisition, reconnaissance, surveillance, intelligence, emissions
     tracking, IR search and tracking, fire control and missile systems
     (detection, warning, and design) and guidance.


  *  The Federation Implementers' Forum (IMPL) addresses the resources,
      processes, and issues encountered in developing Federates and
      Federations.  IMPL's focus is on implementation level details
      (i.e., how does it work, how is it used, how can it be improved).

  *  The Vehicle/Weapon System Modeling Forum (VWS) focuses on the
     development and reuse of vehicle/weapon system simulations, including
     manned and unmanned weapons which operate in space, air, ground, and
     sea environments.

  *  The Human Decision-Making and Behavior Representation Forum (BEH) is
     concerned with the representation of human behaviors in models and
     simulations.  Issues range from providing appropriate interfaces to live
     humans acting as entities in a simulation to automating human
     decision-making processes at all levels.

  *  The Logistics Forum (LOG) focuses on issues related to all aspects of
     logistics, including representations at the national, strategic,
     operational, and tactical military levels, as well as non-military
     and commercial logistics.


On Wednesday evening, the first meeting of the Simulation Interoperability
Standards  Committee will take place.  The SISC is officially a committee
under the IEEE Computer Society, and as such, needs to officially establish
itself.  (See Mark Smith's 21 December email message on the SISO-ADMIN
reflector.)  This first meeting will be formally announced shortly; the
announcement will include the agenda to be followed at the meeting.
During the meeting, the current IEEE standard efforts will be discussed.


After the SISC meeting, the SAC will report on its current activities,
including activities related to SISO product development efforts and study
group efforts.  More information about these activities can be found at


The SAC will be available during this time to hear your concerns and answer
your questions.


Throughout the week, several organizations will provide exhibits
and demonstrations of materials, software, and equipment relevant to
distributed simulation applications.  The exhibit/demonstration area
will be open during the lunch breaks each day and from late afternoon
to early evening.


The Friday morning Outbrief Session is presented by the Chairs of each
Forum, summarizing the key points raised and insights reached in each
Forum.  Each Forum also makes specific recommendations for future SISO
Workshops and Standards activities.  This session provides an excellent
overview of the current state of the art and major issues in simulation
interoperability.  We strongly encourage all participants to attend this
final session.


SITE AND ACCOMMODATIONS.  The Workshop will be held at the Holiday Inn,
International Drive, Orlando, FL.  NOTE: all hotel reservations will be
handled through IEEE Travel and Conference Management Services rather
than directly with the hotel.  The special conference rate is $94/night
(tax included).  A government rate is also available for a limited
number of rooms.  Proof of status will be required to obtain the
government rate.  Make your reservations by contacting ITCMS at
1-800-810-4333 (in the U.S. or Canada), +732-562-6826 (outside the U.S.
or Canada), by faxing your request to 732-981-1203, or by emailing it to
<>.  A registration form is below, or may be downloaded from
the SISO Web site at  Please note that the
early registration deadline is February 8th.

DOD PARTICIPATION.  The Office of the Secretary of Defense has reviewed the
plans for this Workshop and issued the following determination:  "The
Department of  Defense finds this event meets the minimum regulatory
standards for attendance by DoD employees.  This finding does not
constitute a  blanket approval or endorsement for attendance.  Individual
DoD Component commands or organizations are responsible for approving
attendance of its DoD employees based on mission requirements and DoD


  Duncan Miller (Chair)            MIT Lincoln Lab
  Sam Knight    (Vice Chair)       Raytheon
  Susan Solick  (Secretary)        TRADOC Analysis Center
  Ron Hofer                        Univ. Central Florida IST
  Joe Lacetera                     MITRE
  Dan Schiavone                    Ball Aerospace
  Rick Severinghaus                Booz-Allen and Hamilton Inc.
  Graham Shanks                    Alenia Marconi Systems
  John Shockley                    SRI International
  Bill Tucker                      Boeing
  Michael Myjak (SAC Vice Chair)   The Virtual Workshop



A copy of the Workshop Registration form is included on the printed version.
Those reading this by email may obtain it from