20 March 1997

NSA Responds to Cell Phone Code Crack

Return-Path: daw@cs.berkeley.edu
From: David Wagner <daw@cs.berkeley.edu>
Subject: Cellular Phone Flaw (fwd)
To: jya@pipeline.com
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 16:36:16 -0800 (PST)

---------- Forwarded message ----------

>Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 18:08:28 -0500
>From: Dave Banisar <Banisar@epic.org>
>Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 17:35:44 -0500
>From: Clinton Brooks <cbrooks@romulus.ncsc.mil>
>Subject: Cellular Phone Flaw


> Re your comments on the flaw apparently found in cellular phones:

> We have released the following statement:

> "NSA had no role in the design or selection of the encryption
>algorithm chosen by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA).
>NSA also had no role in the design or manufacture of the telephones
>themselves. As we understand the researchers' claim, it appears that
>the algorithm selected and the way it was implemented in the system has
>led to the stated flaws.

>NSA provided the TIA with technical advice on the exportability of these
>devices under U.S. export regulations and processes."

> Clint


David Banisar (Banisar@epic.org) * 202-544-9240 (tel)
Electronic Privacy Information Center * 202-547-5482 (fax)
666 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 301 * HTTP://www.epic.org
Washington, DC 20003
PGP Key: http://www.epic.org/staff/banisar/key.html


See code crack article at: http://jya.com/breach.htm.

For details of the crack see the cryptographers' announcement at: http://www.counterpane.com/cmea.html