7 November 1997
Source: Mail list cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
Thanks to RH, RL and BB

Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:37:24 -0500
From: Robert Hettinga <rah@shipwright.com>

Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 10:02:04 -0500
From: Richard Lethin <lethin@etcons.com>

Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 09:46:20 -0400
From: Barbara Barry <bbarry@hq.lcs.mit.edu>
Subject: *LCS - DLS Lecture - Robert Morris - NSA*

(Please excuse multiple posts)

*SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT ******************************

MIT Lab for Computer Science 	Distinguished Lecturer Series

Thursday, November 20, 1997	Lecture, 3:30pm
Location 34-101		Refreshments, 3:15pm
50 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Robert Morris, National Security Agency, Retired

Protection of Valuable Information

Over the past few decades, there has been a considerable shift in the area
of protection and exploitation of valuable information.  In the past, the
relevant skills were exercised by governments to protect or exploit
military and diplomatic information.  Nowadays, much of the interest in
information protection is by individuals wishing to protect their
privacy and by organizations wishing to protect their financial interests.

Here are the that come up that are worth some thought:

- does the breakup of the Soviet Union significantly reduce the
exploitation of U.S. Government information?

- has the world wide spread of ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines)
led to a great deal of electronic theft - and, if so how are they

- is cryptography more important than careful handling of information
and is cryptanalysis more important than burglary, bribery, and

Host: Michael Dertouzos

for the DLS season schedule check out