4 October 1997
Source: http://www.bl.gordon.army.mil/bcblg/projects/nes-curr.htm

Network Encryption System (Currently available - NSA Certified Device)


The NES is an NSA-certified in line network encryptor which can be employed in a network to provide security services (separation of classified and unclassified data) for local area networks (LANs) connected over wide area networks (WANs). The current versions of the NES software (V2.A) and the NPS software (V7) were designed for a strategic environment in which the number and location of the assets being protected changes relatively infrequently.

The NES follow on user evaluation (FUE) will be designed to provide the data necessary to assess the adequacy of the NES to provide cryptographic separation between the TPN and the CSS BFA and the capability of operators in the field to successfully install, operate, maintain, and manage the NES. Data will be collected to provide a basis for decisions on who will install, operate, and maintain the NES; who will perform network management functions for the NES; and what enhancements to the NES, if any, are needed or desired.


If the NES can be developed to allow a common sceret high MSE network to handle unclassified levels of information and proviide a connection into MILNET, then the Signal Corps can support force projection, split-based Intel and CSS operations while reducing airlift requirements for stove pipe communications systems.


Operational Test & Evaluation Command (OPTEC)
Test and Evaluation Coordiantion Office (TECO)
ARL, HRED, Ft Gordon Field Element
XVIII Airborne Corps/35th Signal Brigade at Ft Bragg
Training Development Course (31F/74B)


Can the Network Encryption System (NES) adequately provide a secure interface between the TPN and the CAISI?
Are assigned personnel (either signal or logistics) capable of installing, operating, and maintaining (IOM) the NES?
Who will perform network management tasks for the NES?
Of current proposed enhancements to the NES, which are required/desired to simplify operations and/or increase efficiency?
Does the NES provide the reliability and maintainability required to support the user's operational availability?


Mr. Jim Widby
DSN 780-8344
COMM 706-791-8344

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