29 May 1999 Source: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/fr-cont.html See full report of this excerpt: http://jya.com/s1059-pigs.zip And report of Defense authorization bill: http://jya.com/hr106-162.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Congressional Record: May 27, 1999 (Senate)] NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the previous order, the Senate will now resume consideration of S. 1059, which the clerk will report. The legislative assistant read as follows: A bill (S. 1059) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2000 military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. [Excerpt] Mr. MURKOWSKI. Regarding the waiver, we have learned that on March 22, 1995, the Los Alamos Lab issued a policy to all employees, including Wen Ho Lee, stating that ``the laboratory or Federal Government may without notice audit or access any user's computer.'' On April 19, 1995, Wen Ho Lee signed a waiver at the DOE Lab to allow his computer to be accessed. This is the actual copy of the waiver that Wen Ho Lee signed on April 19, 1995. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the ``Rules of Use'' which Wen Ho Lee signed be printed in the Record. There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows: Rules of Use x-division open local area network WARNING: To protect the LAN systems from unauthorized use and to ensure that the systems are functioning properly, activities on these systems are monitored and recorded and subject to audit. Use of these systems is expressed consent to such monitoring and recording. Any unauthorized access or use of this LAN is prohibited and could be subject to criminal and civil penalties. Passwords. User passwords are assigned by the X-Division Computing Services (XCS) Team. Exceptions may only be granted by the CSSO. Users may not use their unclassified ICN password. Passwords must be changed each year in cooperation with an Open LAN Computer Security Officer or network administrator. Passwords will not be given out or shared with any other person. Users may not change their passwords. Users will protect passwords according to Laboratory requirements. Classified Computing. No classified information or computing is allowed on the X-Division Open LAN. User Responsibilities. Users are responsible for: Ensuring that information, especially sensitive information, is properly protected. Restricting access to their workstation or terminal when it is not attended. The workstation or terminal should be set to a state where a user password is required to gain access (e.g., lockscreen software) or the office door is locked. Using the X-Division Open LAN only for official business purposes. Properly reviewing, marking, protecting, accounting for, and disposing of their computer output containing sensitive unclassified information. See X-Division Guidance on Computers, available from the XCS Team, for more information. Properly labeling and logging of all recording media, including local storage devices. See X-Division Guidance on Computers for more information. Installing and using virus control programs, if applicable to their system. Reporting security-related anomalies or concerns to the X- Division Computer Security Officers. Promptly reporting changes in the location, ownership, or configuration of their workstation to the X-Division Computing Services Team. Promptly registering all computer systems (open, classified, standalone, networked, and portable) with the X- Division Computing Services Team to comply with DOE and Laboratory orders. Posting their Rules of Use and workstation information addendum next to their workstations. User Restrictions. Users are not permitted to: Use a workstation or terminal to simultaneously access resources in different security partitions. Workstations which move between different security partitions must be sanitized according to the X-Division Computer Sanitization Policy which must be posted next to such workstations. Install or modify software which has an adverse effect on the security of the LAN. Add other users or systems without the prior approval of an X-Division Computer Security Officer. I understand and agree to follow these rules in my use of X-Division OPEN LAN. I assume full responsibility for the security of my workstation. I understand that violations may be reported to my supervisor or FSS-14, that I may be denied access to the LAN, and that I may receive a security infraction for a violation of these rules. Signed: Wen Ho Lee. Date: April 19, 1995. -----