22 February 1999. TTA.

See also: http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/foia_updates/Vol_XIX_2/xix2page3.htm

Federal FOIA Contacts

Agency for International Development
Willette L. Smith
703-516-1849 (A)
FOIA Coordinator
Rm. 1113, SA-16
Washington, D.C. 20523-1608

Agriculture Department
Andrea Fowler
202-720-8164 (A)
FOIA/PA Coordinator
Rm. 536A, Whitten Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20250-1300
Kenneth E. Cohen
202-720-5565 (L)
Rm. 2321, South Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20250-1415

Arms Control & Disarmament Agency
Frederick Smith, Jr.
202-647-3596 (L)
Office of the General Counsel
320 21st St., N.W., Rm. 5635
Washington, D.C. 20451

Central Intelligence Agency
Lee S. Strickland
703-613-1289 (A)
Information & Privacy Coordinator
James Braga
703-874-3132 (L)
Office of the General Counsel
Washington, D.C. 20505

United States Coast Guard
Sherry A. Richardson
202-267-1086 (A)
HQ USCG Commandant
Washington, D.C. 20593-0001

Commerce Department
Brenda Dolan
202-482-4115 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer
Brian DiGiacomo
202-482-5393 (L)
Chief, General Law Division
14th St. & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Commission on Civil Rights
Emma Monroig
202-376-8351 (L)
FOIA/PA Officer
624 9th St., N.W., Rm. 632
Washington, D.C. 20425

Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Edward W. Colbert
202-418-5101 (A)
Deputy Secretary of the Commission
Glynn L. Mays
202-418-5120 (L)
Senior Asst. General Counsel
Washington, D.C. 20581

Comptroller of the Currency
Frank Vance, Jr.
202-874-4700 (A)
Disclosure Officer
Lester Scall
202-874-0104 (L)
Administrative and Internal Law Division
Washington, D.C. 20219

Consumer Product Safety Commission
Todd A. Stevenson
301-504-0785 (A)
FOI Officer and Deputy Secretary
Alan Shakin
301-504-0980 (L)
Assistant General Counsel
Washington, D.C. 20207

Corporation for National & Community Service
William L. Hudson
202-606-5000 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer
1201 New York Ave., N.W.
Rm. 8200
Washington, D.C. 20525

Council on Environmental Quality
Elizabeth Blaug
202-395-7420 (L)
Associate General Counsel
722 Jackson Pl., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20503

United States Customs Service
Lynette Carter
202-482-6970 (A)
Paralegal Specialist, ORR
Lee H. Kramer
202-482-6970 (L)
Senior Attorney, ORR
Washington, D.C. 20229

Defense Department
Charlie Y. Talbott
703-697-1160 (A)
1400 Defense Pentagon
Stewart F. Aly
703-695-6804 (L)
1600 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

Air Force
Anne P. Rollins
703-697-8674 (A)
AFCIC/ITC, Rm. 4A1088E Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20330-1250

Rose Marie Christensen
703-607-3377 (A)
1725 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 201
Arlington, Virginia 22202-4102

Defense Contract Audit Agency
Dave Henshall
703-767-1013 (A)
Information & Privacy Adviser
8725 John J. Kingman Rd.
Suite 2135
Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-6219

Defense Finance & Accounting Service
John P. Barber
703-607-2821 (A)
1931 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
Rm. 416
Arlington, Virginia 22240

Defense Information Systems Agency
Robin M. Berger
703-607-6515 (A)
Code R/GC, 701 South Courthouse Rd.
Arlington, Virginia 22204-2199

Defense Intelligence Agency
Robert P. Richardson
202-231-3916 (A)
Chief, FOIA Staff, Code SVI/FOIA
Washington, D.C. 20340-5100

Defense Logistics Agency
Susan Salus
703-767-6183 (A)
CAAV, Suite 2533
8725 John J. Kingman Rd.
Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-6221

Defense Nuclear Agency
Nell M. Hayes
703-325-7095 (A)
Public Affairs Office
6801 Telegraph Rd., Rm. 113
Alexandria, Virginia 22310-3398

Marine Corps
B.L. Thompson
703-614-3685 (A)
2 Navy Annex
Washington, D.C. 20380-1775

National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Mary Slattery
301-227-2268 (A)
Office of the General Counsel
4600 Sangamore Road (D-10)
Bethesda, Maryland 20816

National Reconnaissance Office
Barbara E. Freimann
703-808-5029 (A)
Information Access & Release Center
14675 Lee Rd.
Chantilly, Virginia 20151-1715

National Security Agency
Barbara Paisley
301-688-6527 (A)
Chief, FOIA/PA Branch
Office of Information Policy, N5P5
Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland 20755-6248

Doris M. Lama
202-685-6545 (A)
CNO (N09B30)
PA/FOIA Branch
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20350-2000

Office of the Inspector General
Shirley Landes
703-604-9775 (A)
FOIA/PA Office
400 Army Navy Dr., Rm. 405
Arlington, Virginia 22202-2884

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Andrew Thibadeau
202-208-6433 (A)
FOIA Officer
Office of Reference & Document Management
William Shields
202-208-6387 (L)
Associate General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
625 Indiana Ave., N.W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20004

Education Department
Maria Teresa Cueva
202-708-4753 (A)
FOIA Specialist, ROB3, Rm. 5624
Office of Chief Information Officer
Kathryn A. Ellis
202-401-6700 (L)
Office of the General Counsel, Rm. 4445
600 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202

Energy Department
GayLa D. Sessoms
202-586-5955 (A)
Director, FOIA/PA Division, HR-78
Abel Lopez
202-586-8618 (L)
Acting Deputy Assistant General Counsel, GC-80
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585

Environmental Protection Agency
Jeralene B. Green
202-260-4048 (A)
FOIA Officer
Office of the Executive Secretariat (1105)
Alan Margolis
202-260-5459 (L)
Assistant General Counsel (2377)
401 M St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20460

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
A. Jacy Thurmond, Jr.
202-663-4669 (L)
Assistant Legal Counsel/FOIA
Office of Legal Counsel
1801 L St., N.W., Rm. 6034
Washington, D.C. 20507

Export-Import Bank
Peter Barton
202-565-3952 (L)
Assistant Chief Financial Officer
811 Vermont Ave., N.W., Rm. 1061
Washington, D.C. 20571

Farm Credit Administration
Debra Buccolo
703-883-4022 (A)
FOI Officer
Jane M. Virga
703-883-4071 (L)
1501 Farm Credit Dr.
McLean, Virginia 22102-5090

Federal Aviation Administration
Valerie G. Collins
202-267-9165 (A)
FOIA Program Director, AAD-40
LeAnne Faulkner
202-366-4099 (L)
Manager, General Law Branch, AGC-110
800 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20591

Federal Communications Commission
Ginny Simms
202-418-0213 (A)
Records Management Branch, Rm. 234
Lawrence S. Schaffner
202-418-1720 (L)
Assistant General Counsel, Rm. 616
1919 M St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Dianne M. Salva
202-898-3819 (A)
Senior Attorney, Rm. F-148
Thomas A. Schulz
202-736-0520 (L)
Assistant General Counsel, Rm. H-3123
550 17th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20429

Federal Election Commission
Ronald Harris
202-219-4155 (A)
FOIA Officer
Vincent Convery, Jr.
202-219-3690 (L)
Assistant General Counsel
999 E St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20463

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Sandra B. Jackson
202-646-3840 (A)
FOI/PA Specialist, Rm. 840
Eva S. Kleederman
202-646-4111 (L)
Staff Attorney Counsel, Rm. 840
500 C St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Rebecca F. Schaffer
202-208-1088 (A)
Office of External Affairs
Virginia Strasser
202-208-0457 (L)
Acting Assistant General Counsel
888 1st St., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20426

Federal Labor Relations
Carol Waller Pope
202-482-6602 (A)
FOIA Officer
David M. Smith
202-482-6620 (L)
607 14th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20424

Federal Maritime Commission
Joseph C. Polking
202-523-5725 (A)
Secretary of the Commission
800 N. Capitol St., N.W., Rm. 1046
Washington, D.C. 20573

Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
Eileen B. Hoffman
202-606-5444 (L)
General Counsel
2100 K St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20427

Federal Mine Safety & Health Review Commission
Richard Baker
202-653-5625 (A)
Executive Director
1730 K St., N.W., Rm. 6030
Washington, D.C. 20006

Federal Reserve Board
Elaine M. Boutilier
202-452-2418 (L)
Legal Division
20th & C Sts., N.W., Rm. B1051B
Washington, D.C. 20551

Federal Trade Commission
Sandra B. Bolden
202-326-2418 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer
William P. Golden
202-326-2494 (L)
Office of the General Counsel
Sixth St. & Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580

Food & Drug Administration
Betty Dorsey
301-443-1813 (A)
Director, FOI Staff
5600 Fishers Lane (HFI-30)
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Judith H. Lock
202-616-6986 (A)
Administrative Officer
600 E St., N.W., Rm. 6002
Washington, D.C. 20579

General Accounting Office
Sandra R. Armstrong
202-512-2958 (A)
Office of Policy
Jeffrey S. Forman
202-512-9763 (L)
Assistant General Counsel
441 G St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20548

General Services Administration
Mary Cunningham
202-501-3415 (A)
Information Management Division
Helen C. Maus
202-501-1460 (L)
Office of General Counsel
1800 F St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20405

Health & Human Services Department
Rosario Cirrincione
202-690-7453 (A)
Director, FOIA/Privacy Division
Rm. 645F, HHH Bldg.
Richard M. Friedman
202-619-0162 (L)
Office of the General Counsel
Rm. 5362, Cohen Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20201

Health Care Finance Administration
Glenn Kendall
410-786-5353 (A)
Acting Director, FOIA & Privacy Office
External Affairs, Rm. CZ-01-11
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Housing & Urban Development Department
Dorothy Fason
202-708-3054 (A)
Departmental FOIA Officer, Rm. 10139
Office of the Executive Secretariat
Jeffrey Rock
202-708-0622 (L)
Attorney-Advisor, Rm. 10246
451 7th St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20410

United States Information Agency
Lola L. Secora
202-619-5499 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer, Rm. M-29
Office of the General Counsel
Lorie J. Nierenberg
202-619-6084 (L)
Assistant General Counsel, Rm. 700
301 4th St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20547

Interior Department
Alexandra Mallus
202-208-5342 (A)
Departmental FOIA Officer (MS-5312 MIB)
Robert H. Moll
202-208-5216 (L)
Assistant Solicitor (MS-6531 MIB)
1849 C St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240

Internal Revenue Service
C.L. Gannotti
202-622-6250 (A)
Director, FOI
John B. Cummings
202-622-4560 (L)
Assistant Chief Counsel
1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20224
http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/ prod/cover.html

International Trade Commission
Donna R. Koehnke
202-205-2000 (A)
Secretary to the Commission
500 E St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20436

Justice Department
Patricia D. Harris
301-436-1018 (A)
FOIA/PA Section, Rm. 115-LOC
Justice Management Division
Washington, D.C. 20530
Richard L. Huff
Daniel J. Metcalfe
202-514-FOIA (L)
Co-Directors, Suite 570 FLAG
Office of Information and Privacy
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

Antitrust Division
Ann Lea Harding
202-514-2692 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer, Suite 200 LPB
Washington, D.C. 20530

Bureau of Prisons
Renee Barley
202-514-6655 (A)
FOIA Administrator, Rm. 738 HOLC
Washington, D.C. 20534

Civil Division
James M. Kovakas
202-514-2319 (A)
FOIA/PA Office, Rm. 808
901 E St.
Anne L. Weismann
202-514-3395 (L)
Assistant Branch Director
Federal Programs Branch, Rm. 1034
901 E St.
Leonard Schaitman
202-514-3441 (L)
Assistant Director
Appellate Staff, Rm. 3614
Washington, D.C. 20530
http://www.usdoj.gov/civil/civil .html

Civil Rights Division
Nelson D. Hermilla
202-514-4209 (A)
Chief, FOI/PA Branch, Rm. 8000B NYAV
Washington, D.C. 20530
http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/crt-ho me.html

Criminal Division
Marshall Williams
202-616-0307 (A)
Chief, FOIA Unit
Rm. 1075, 1001 G St.
Washington, D.C. 20530

Drug Enforcement Administration
James L. Greene
202-307-7712 (A)
Chief, FOI Section, Rm. W-9168 LP-2
Washington, D.C. 20537

Environment & Natural Resources Division
Jessica Fehringer
202-514-4362 (A)
Paralegal Specialist, Rm. 2133
Washington, D.C. 20530
http://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/enr d-home.html

Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys
Bonnie L. Gay
202-616-6757 (A)
Attorney-in-Charge, Rm. 7100 BICN
Washington, D.C. 20530

Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Kevin O'Brien
202-324-5520 (A)
Chief, FOI/PA Section, Rm. 6296 JEH
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Immigration & Naturalization Service
Magda S. Ortiz
202-514-1722 (A)
FOIA/PA Branch
425 I St., N.W.
111 Massachusetts Ave.
ULLICO Bldg. 2nd fl.
Washington, D.C. 20536
http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/index.htm l

Yvonne A. Holley
202-616-7821 (A)
FOIA/PA Specialist, Suite 600 BICN
Washington, D.C. 20530

Marshals Service
Florastine Graham
202-307-9054 (A)
FOI/PA Officer, 12th Fl. CS-3
600 Army Navy Dr.
Arlington, Virginia 22202-4210

Office of the Inspector General
Deborah M. Briscoe
202-616-0646 (A)
Paralegal Specialist, Rm. 4261
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
gopher.usdoj.gov/offices/oi g.html

Parole Commission
Pamela Posch
301-492-5959 (A)
Paralegal Specialist
5550 Friendship Blvd., Rm. 420
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
http://www.usdoj.gov/uspc/parole. htm

Tax Division
J. Brian Ferrel
202-307-6423 (L)
Assistant Chief, CTS, Eastern Region
Rm. 6124 JCB
Washington, D.C. 20530

Labor Department
Miriam McD. Miller
202-219-8188 (L)
Office of the Solicitor, Rm. N-2428
200 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20210

Legal Services Corp.
JoAnn Gretch
202-336-8813 (A)
FOIA Administrator
750 1st St., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002-4250

Library Of Congress
(Copyright Office)
Peter Vankevich
202-707-6800 (A)
Supervisory Copyright Information Spec.
Southwest Station
P.O. Box 70400
Washington, D.C. 20024

Merit Systems Protection Board
Michael H. Hoxie
202-653-7200 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer
Mary L. Jennings
202-653-7171 (L)
General Counsel
1120 Vermont Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20419
http://www.access.gpo.gov/ms pb/index.html

National Aeronautics & Space Administration
Patricia M. Riep-Dice
202-358-1764 (A)
FOIA Officer (Code P-1)
Pamela Werner
202-358-2085 (L)
Senior Attorney (Code GG)
300 E St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20546

National Archives & Records Administration
Mary Ronan
301-713-6025 (A)
FOIA Officer
Miriam M. Nisbet
301-713-6025 (L)
Special Counsel for Information Policy
8601 Adelphi Rd.
College Park , Maryland 20740-6001

National Credit Union
Patricia A. Slye
703-518-6565 (A)
Office of the General Counsel
1775 Duke St.
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

National Endowment For The Arts
Katey Doherty
202-682-5418 (A)
FOIA Officer, Rm. 518
Karen Christensen
202-682-5418 (L)
General Counsel, Rm. 518
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20506

National Endowment For The Humanities
Michael S. Shapiro
202-606-8322 (L)
General Counsel
1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Rm. 530
Washington, D.C. 20506

National Labor Relations Board
John J. Toner
202-273-1944 (A)
Executive Secretary, Rm. 11600
John W. Hornbeck
202-273-3847 (L)
Office of Legal Research, Rm. 10612
1099 14th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20570
http://www.doc.gov/nlrb/homepg.htm l

National Mediation Board
Ronald M. Etters
202-523-5944 (L)
General Counsel
1301 K St., N.W., Suite 250
Washington, D.C. 20572

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Maria C. Krug
301-413-0610 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer
Rm. 714, WSC-5
6010 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, Maryland 20852-3809

National Railroad Passenger Corp. (Amtrak)
Medaris W. Oliveri
202-906-2728 (A)
FOIA Officer
William F. Erkelenz
202-906-3975 (L)
General Solicitor
60 Massachusetts Ave., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002

National Science Foundation
Leslie Crawford
703-306-1060 (A)
FOIA Officer, Rm. 1265
D. Matthew Powell
703-306-1060 (L)
Assistant General Counsel, Rm. 1265
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, Virginia 22230

National Security Agency
ATTN: FOIA Office (N5P5)
9800 Savage Road STE 6248
Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-6248

National Security Council
David Van Tassel (A)
Director, Access Management
392 Old Executive Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20504

National Transportation Safety Board
Melba Moye
202-314-6551 (A)
FOIA Officer
Jane F. Mackall
202-314-6080 (L)
Office of the General Counsel
490 L'Enfant Plaza East, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20594

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Russell A. Powell
301-415-7169 (A)
Branch Chief, FOIA/LPDR
Mary Pat Siemien
301-415-1565 (L)
Office of the General Counsel
Washington, D.C. 20555

Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission
Linda A. Whitsett
202-606-5398 (A)
FOIA Officer
Earl R. Ohman, Jr.
202-606-5410 (L)
General Counsel
1120 20th St., N.W., 9th Fl.
Washington, D.C. 20036-3419

Office of Administration Executive Office of the President
Carol Ehrlich
202-395-2273 (A)
FOIA Officer
Mark Lindsay
202-395-2273 (L)
General Counsel
479 Old Executive Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20503
Fax: 202-456-7921

Office of Government Ethics
William E. Gressman
202-208-8000 (L)
Associate General Counsel
1201 New York Ave., N.W.
Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20005-3917

Office of Management & Budget
Darrell A. Johnson
202-395-5715 (A)
Deputy Assistant Director for Administration
9026 New Executive Office Bldg.
Steven D. Aitken
202-395-4728 (L)
Assistant General Counsel
464 Old Executive Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20503
http://www.whit ehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OMB/html/ombhome.html

Office of Personnel Management
Bruce Tarpinian
202-418-3212 (A)
Office of Information Technology, Rm. 5415
James F. Hicks
202-606-1701 (L)
Office of the General Counsel, Rm. TRB-7536
1900 E St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20415

Office of Science & Technology Policy
Barbara A. Ferguson
202-456-6001 (A)
Assistant Director
431 Old Executive Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20502
http://www.w hitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OSTP/html/OSTP_Home.html

Office of Special Counsel
Cathleen Sadlo Schulz
202-653-8971 (L)
Senior Attorney
1730 M St., N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036-4505

Office of Thrift Supervision
Mary Ann Reinhart
202-906-5900 (A)
Lead FOIA Paralegal
Records Management
& Information Policy
1700 G St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20552

Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Sybia Harrison
202-395-3432 (A)
FOIA Officer
Office of the General Counsel
600 17th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20508

Office of the Vice President
Charles Burson
202-456-7022 (L)
Counsel to the Vice President
Old Executive Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20501
http://www.wh itehouse.gov/WH/EOP/OVP/html/GORE_Home.html

Panama Canal Commission
Ruth Huff
202-634-6441 (A)
Assistant to the Secretary for Commission Affairs
1825 Eye St., N.W., Suite 1050
Washington, D.C. 20006-5402

Peace Corps
Brian Sutherland
202-606-3261 (A)
FOIA Analyst
Timothy Persons
202-606-3114 (L)
Associate General Counsel
1990 K St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20526

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
E. William FitzGerald
202-326-4040 (A)
Disclosure Officer, Rm. 240
Philip R. Hertz
202-326-4020 (L)
Deputy General Counsel, 3rd Fl.
1200 K St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005

Postal Service
Betty Sheriff
202-268-2608 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer
Margaret O'Connell
202-268-2973 (L)
475 L'Enfant Plaza West, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20260

Railroad Retirement Board
Steven Bartholow
312-751-4935 (L)
Deputy General Counsel
844 Rush St.
Chicago, IL 60611

United States Secret Service
John W. Simpson
202-435-5838 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer
1800 G St., N.W., Rm. 720
Washington, D.C. 20223

Securities & Exchange Commission
Hannah R. Hall
202-942-4320 (A)
FOIA Officer
Alexandria, Virginia 22312
John H. Heinz
202-942-0871 (L)
Senior Counsel
6432 General Green Way
Washington, D.C. 20549

Selective Service System
Henry N. Williams
703-605-4012 (L)
General Counsel
1515 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, Virginia 22209-2425

Small Business Administration
Beverly K. Linden
202-401-8203 (A)
Chief, Office of FOI/PA
Cheri C. Wolff
202-205-6645 (L)
Office of the General Counsel
409 3rd St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20416

Social Security Administration
Darrell Blevins
410-965-1727 (A)
FOIA Office, Rm. 3-A-6 Operations
Robert Crowe
410-965-3155 (L)
Rm. 612, Altmeyer Bldg.
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, Maryland 21235

State Department
Margaret P. Grafeld
202-647-6620 (A)
Acting Director, IRM Programs, Rm. 1239
John W. Kropf
202-647-5154 (L)
Attorney-Advisor, Rm. 5425
2201 C St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20520

Surface Transportation Board
John Atkisson
202-565-1710 (A)
FOIA/PA Officer, Suite 883
Henri F. Rush
202-565-1558 (L)
General Counsel, Suite 600
1925 K St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20423

Tennessee Valley Authority
Wilma McCauley
423-751-2523 (A)
Acting FOIA Officer
1101 Market St., WR 4Q
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
Nicholas P. Goschy
423-632-8948 (L)
400 West Summit Hill Dr.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902

Transportation Department
Dorothy A. Chambers
202-366-4542 (A)
Chief, FOIA Division (C-12)
Robert I. Ross
202-366-9156 (L)
Office of the General Counsel (C-10)
400 7th St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

Treasury Department
Alana Johnson
202-622-0930 (A)
Disclosure Officer, Rm. 1054
David L. Dougherty
202-622-0450 (L)
Office of the General Counsel, Rm. 1410
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220

Veterans Affairs Department
Donald L. Neilson
202-273-8135 (A)
Director, Information Management Service (045A4)
Lorraine M. Johnson
202-273-6381 (L)
Office of the General Counsel (02412)
810 Vermont Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20420

The White House
Office of the Counsel to the President
Tres Schroeder
202-456-7903 (L)
Associate Counsel to the President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500