5 December 1997: Add NIUSR

3 December 1997
Source: Messages to mail list terrorism@mediccom.org

For agencies interested in training, Asst. Chief Frank Borden (ret.), Los Angeles City Fire Department, credited with original development of the Incident Command System, conducts training through the National Fire Academy and privately in ICS and managing emergency operations. Chief Borden has an extensive background in emergency planning, preparedness, management, and training and has managed and investigated countless disasters in the U.S. and abroad.

Chief Borden is also a member of the Board of Directors of the National Institute for Search and Rescue, an organization dedicated to achieving a seamless, integrated, computerized nationwide emergency communications system. For interesting reading, visit the web site at


The Metropolitan Medical Strike Teams (MMSTs) are set up for 27 cities. They respond to that city. They are composed of folks who live and work in that city. They ARE composed of Fire Department and EMS personnel from the local FD.... so they will be first responders.

I would suggest anyone that wishes to get the facts on the MMST's visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP/NDMS) web page to find out the true-scoop! For those who havn't yet seen it (It has just come online this week and is not complete) there is some useful info!


National Fire Academy's "Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts." The self study guide is available to download at the NFA web site:


<They have a self-study version available but it doesn't amount to much (20 question test. I passed the it without even reading the text.) >

There are actually two different courses. The self-study course is at the Awarness level. The course that NFA did this past summer (Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts) is the Operations level. There will be the same levels as in hazmat. Awarness, Operations, Technician, Specialist and Command. May not end up with those names exactly but that is the general concept.

Check the Domestic Preparedness web site at http://www.nbc-prepare.org . From there you can make your request under "technical support" or call the helpline at 1-800-368-6498.

The August 1997 issue of JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) had several articles relating to terrorists acts involving chemcial and biological agents. Much of the research was out of Fort Detrick. There were also articles on what Iraq has been up to. One report stated that caster plants grow like weeds there and inspectors found 10L of concentrated Ricin in one facility. This issue had lots of great up to date on the subject as well as medical management of these patients.


Also JAMA homepage:


Use full search at bottom of page using "Terrorism Chemical Biological Warfare Contamination" as targets.