7 November 1997
Source: kalliste@delphi.com

From: KALLISTE@delphi.com
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 06:12:52 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Digital Cash: Stefan Brands' System

I have placed on my web site an exposition of Stefan
Brands' system of digital cash (from a manuscript on
digital cash I'm working on):  http://www.aci.net/kalliste/

And outline of topics is as follows:

Stefan Brands' System of Digital Cash

     A. General Features
     B. Restrictive Blind Signature Protocol
     C. The Basic Digital Cash System

       1. Preliminary Setup
       2. Opening an Account
       3. Withdrawal Protocol
       4. Payment Protocol
       5. Deposit Protocol

     D.  The Digital Cash System with Observer

       1. Withdrawal Protocol with Observer
       2. Payment Protocol with Observer
       3. Deposit Protocol with Observer

     E.  Internet Cash Using a Counter

       1. Opening an Internet Account
       2. Internet Withdrawal Protocol
       3. Key Certificate Issuing Protocol
       4. Internet Payment Protocol
       5. Internet Deposit Protocol