24 July 1998

From: Julian Assange <proff@iq.org>
Date: 24 Jul 1998 11:36:14 +1000
To: aucrypto@suburbia.net
Subject: AUCRYPTO: Re: AES Mailing List

Bruce Schneier <schneier@counterpane.com> writes:

> Someone who does not have an AES submission should start an AES mailing list.
>  Bruce

Someone already has :)

                                    _    _____ ____
                                   / \  | ____/ ___|
                                  / _ \ |  _| \___ \
                                 / ___ \| |___ ___) |
                                /_/   \_\_____|____/

                             Advanced Encryption Standard

                mail the word "subscribe" to aes-request@suburbia.net


               mail the word "subscribe" to aes-d-request@suburbia.net
                                 (AES weekly digest)


Send mail to:

        aes-d-request@suburbia.net (AES digest)

with the subject or body of:



Send mail to:

        aes-d-request@suburbia.net (AES digest)

with the subject or body of:

        unsubscribe aes


To send a message to the list, address it to:


Messages under 700 bytes in size will not be accepted. Send your
one-liners to nobody@nowhere.org.


If you are replying to a message already on the AES list using
your mail programs reply facility you may have to change the reply
address to aes@suburbia.net. This is because the AES mailing
list program is configured to have return replies sent the author
in order to avoid receiving the replies of misconfigured "vacation"
programs which automatically send email saying "I've gone to the
moon for two weeks to hunt rare bits".


Monthly back issues of aes since July 1998 are available from:


You can also instruct the mailing list processor to automatically scan and
retrive messages from the archive. It understands the following commands:

        get filename ...
        ls directory ...
        egrep case_insensitive_regular_expression filename ...
        maxfiles nnn

        Aliases for 'get': send, sendme, getme, gimme, retrieve, mail
        Aliases for 'ls': dir, directory, list, show
        Aliases for 'egrep': search, grep, fgrep, find

        Lines starting with a '#' are ignored.
        Multiple commands per mail are allowed.
        Setting maxfiles to zero will remove the limit (to protect you against
        yourself no more than maxfiles files will be returned per request).
        Egrep supports most common flags.

        ls vomume96 (for aes digest)
        ls latest (the latest directory containes the archived messages)
        get latest/12
        egrep some.word latest/*


The list processor software is based on the excellent Procmail/Smartlist
by Stephen R. van den Berg <berg@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de> with
some minor extensions by Julian Assange <proff@suburbia.net>.