11 October 1997
Source: http://www.hqmc.usmc.mil/direct/AKAPBEDF.txt

For related documents see: http://www.hqmc.usmc.mil/direct/dir2000.htm

                                                    MCO 2201.1
                                                    9 Sep 1983


From:  Commandant of the Marine Corps
To:    Distribution List

Subj:  Communications Security (COMSEC)

Ref:   (a) CMS-4K
       (b) CSP-1
       (c) NTP-7
       (d) OPNAVINST 05510-93D (NOTAL)
       (e) MCO 1510.2H


1.  Purpose.  To prescribe Marine Corps Communications Security
(COMSEC) policy.

2.  Scope.  This Order promulgates information derived from
national, Department of Defense and Navy COMSEC doctrine and policy
and establishes Marine Corps COMSEC policy.

3.  Background.  The security of governmental telecommunications
is a national responsibility.  All military services must satisfy
the Communications Security requirement of the National Security
Council (NSC).  The Marine Corps works in consonance with the
Department of the Navy to attain this goal.  This Order will
formalize the Marine Corps direction and policy as it pertains to

4.  Information

    a.  The National Communications Security Committee (NCSC) is
the U.S. Government's authority for promulgation of policy and
guidance on COMSEC.  Under NCSC policy, and in collaboration with
the departments and agencies of the U.S. Government, the National
Security Agency (NSA) develops and promulgates guidance on control
of COMSEC material.

    b.  The Secretary of Defense (SecDef) is the U.S. Government's
Executive Agent for COMSEC.  The Director, NSA acts for the SecDef
in all COMSEC matters concerned with the security of governmental

    c.  The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is the overall
authority for COMSEC policy within the Department of the Navy.

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MCO 2201.1
9 Sep 1983

The Commander, Naval Security Group (COMNAVSECGRU) administers the
Navy COMSEC program.  The Commander, Naval Telecommunications
Command (COMNAVTELCOM) is the manager for COMSEC equipment, related
devices, equipment maintenance manuals and operating instructions. 
The Director, Communications Security Material System (DCMS) is
responsible for ensuring the proper security, distribution,
handling, and accounting of COMSEC material in the COMSEC Material

    d.  The Director, Command, Control Communications and Computer
Systems Division (DirC4SysDiv) (CMC (Code CCT)) has overall
authority for COMSEC policy within the Marine Corps.  The Marine
Corps conforms to all COMSEC related directives originated by the
organizations listed in subparagraphs 4a through c above.

5.  Policy

    a.  The COMSEC goal of the Marine Corps is to provide total
security for all transmitted information from the originator to the
recipient in accordance with references (a) through (d).

    b.  The Marine Corps will use DCMS procedures in handling and
accounting of Communications Security Material System (CMS)
material.  Only properly trained personnel will handle CMS
material.  Specific guidance may be found in references (a), (b),
and (c).

    c.  Operation of CMS accounts is a command responsibility.  The
CMS custodian acts in behalf of the commander.  Only individuals
who have completed a DCMS administered CMS formal school will be
assigned as CMS custodians.

    d.  CMS violations are serious.  Repeated or flagrant CMS
violations may warrant administrative and/or disciplinary action.

    e.  Commercially developed privacy equipment using the Data
Encryption Standard (DES) will not be used except as approved by
CMC (Code CCT).  Use of DES equipment by Fleet Marine Force units
is not anticipated.

    f.  Access to COMSEC equipment, keying materials and
maintenance manuals will be on a strict need-to-know basis.

6.  Action

    a.  Commanders will be guided by the following principles:

        (1) COMSEC will be considered during all phases of
operational planning.

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                                                       9 Sep 1983

        (2) Only cryptographic equipment, authentication systems
or keying material produced or approved by the Director, NSA will
be employed in the Marine Corps.

        (3) Homemade codes will not be used.

        (4) Marine Corps telecommunications centers, signal
intelligence facilities, word processing and automated data
processing facilities will comply with TEMPEST policies contained
in reference (d).  Requests for TEMPEST surveys will be forwarded
to COMNAVTELCOM via the chain of command (info CMC (Code CCT)) in
accordance with instructions contained in reference (d).

        (5) Tactical communications circuits will be secured to the
maximum extent possible, consistent with availability of COMSEC

        (6) Daily changing frequencies and call signs will be used
to the maximum extent possible.  Static tactical call signs and
fixed suffixes will be used only when operational considerations
override the use of daily changing call signs.

        (7) Physical security of COMSEC material will be

        (8) Emphasis will be placed on COMSEC in unit training. 
At a minimum the Essential Subject Test, Section II, Security of
Military Information, will be part of unit training.

        (9) CMS insecurities will be reported in accordance with
reference (a).

    b.  CG, FMFLANT and CG, FMFPAC will ensure CMS inspections of
subordinate commands are conducted in accordance with reference

    c.  The Director, Command, Control, Communications and Computer
Systems Division (Code CCT) has general staff responsibility for
the development of concepts, estimates, plans and overall Marine
Corps requirements concerning COMSEC.  In the discharge of these
duties, the DirC4SysDiv (Code CCT) will:

        (1) Monitor telecommunications plans to ensure compliance
with established COMSEC policies and standards.

        (2) Set priorities for distribution of COMSEC equipments.

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9 Sep 1983

        (3) Serve as the Headquarters staff agency for coordination
with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Office of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, NSA and other military services on COMSEC

        (4) Identify and validate Marine Corps COMSEC equipment
requirements to CNO.

        (5) Ensure that CMS inspections of HQ FMFLANT, HQ FMFPAC,
Marine Corps bases and stations and other commands which report
directly to Headquarters Marine Corps are performed in accordance
with reference (a).

        (6) Evaluate reports of CMS violations.

        (7) Prescribe Marine Corps procedures for handling COMSEC

        (8) Prescribe Marine Corps procedures for use of DES

    d.  The Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations and Logistics
(DC/S I&L) (CMC (Code L)) has general staff responsibility for the
development and supervision of the Marine Corps logistics system
with regard to COMSEC materials and supplies.  The DC/S I&L will:

        (1) Develop logistics policies, including Integrated
Logistics Support concepts, procedures, and guidance for
distribution, supply and maintenance of COMSEC equipment
ancillaries used in support of Marine Corps telecommunications

        (2) Assist the DirC4SysDiv in identifying and validating
program and budget requirements in support of COMSEC logistics

    e.  The Deputy Chief of Staff for Training (DC/S Trng) (CMC
(Code T)) has general staff responsibilities for the development
of policies and programs for the training and education of Regular
and Reserve Marine Corps personnel and units.  As this relates to
COMSEC, DC/S Trng will:

        (1) Formulate, develop and publish individual and
collective COMSEC training standards for use in Marine Corps units
and training institutions.

        (2) Determine COMSEC training support requirements and
allocate resources to satisfy those requirements.

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                                                  9 Sep 1983     
7.  Reserve Applicability.  This Order is applicable to the Marine
Corps Reserve.

                                       PAUL D. SLACK
                                       Director, Command, Control,
                                       Communications and Computer
                                       (C4) Systems Division


     Copy to:  8145001

             Reprinted for stock 2 October 1987.

                                        4             MCO 2201.1
                                                       9 Sep 1983

                       COMSEC DEFINITIONS

    a.  Communications Security (COMSEC) -  The protection
resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized persons
information of value which might be derived from the possession and
study of telecommunications, or to mislead unauthorized persons in
their interpretation of the results of such possession and study. 
COMSEC includes; cryptosecurity, transmission security, emission
security, and physical security of communications security material
and information.

        (1)  Cryptosecurity - The component of communications
security which results from the provision of technically sound
cryptosystems and their proper use.

        (2)  Transmission Security - The component of
communications security Which results from all measures designed
to protect transmission from interception and exploitation by means
other than cryptoanalysis.

        (3)  Emission Security - The component of communications
security which results from all measures taken to deny unauthorized
persons information of value which might be derived from intercept
and analysis of compromising emanations from cryptoequipment and
telecommunication systems.

        (4)  Physical Security - The component of communications
security which results from ail physical measures necessary to
safeguard classified equipment, material, and documents from access
thereto or observation thereof by unauthorized persons.

    b.  Communications Security Equipment - Equipment designed to
provide security to telecommunications by converting information
to a form unintelligible to an unauthorized interceptor and by
reconverting such information to its original form for authorized
recipients as well as equipment designed specifically to aid in,
or as an essential element of, the conversion process. 
Communications security equipment is cryptoequipment,
cryptoancillary equipment, cryptoproduction equipment and
authentication equipment.

    c.  Communications Security Material - All documents, devices,
equipment, or apparatus, including cyrptomaterial, used in
establishing or maintaining secure communications.


                                                    ENCLOSURE (1)
                                        1MCO 2201.1
9 Sep 1983

    d.  Telecommunications - Any transmission, emission, or
reception of signs, signals, writing, images, and sounds or
information of any nature by wire, radio, visual, or other
electromagnetic systems.

    e.  CRYPTO - A marking identifying all COMSEC keying material
used to protect or authenticate telecommunications carrying
national security-related information.  The CRYPTO marking also
identifies COMSEC equipment with installed, hardwired, operational
keying variables.

    f.  Data Encryption Standard (DES) - An unclassified
cryptoalgorithm published by the National Bureau of Standards for
the protection of certain U.S. Government information.

