9 April 2001

See also Declan McCullagh's Wired report: http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,42909,00.html

Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 11:04:51 -0400
To: cypherpunks@lne.com
From: John Young <jya@pipeline.com>
Subject: AR Politics

(Cyberpass is down.)

Jim testified for himself Friday afternoon,
presenting as good a narrative as Jeff's. He's
due to continue on Monday.

Both Jim and Jeff made little use of exhibits,
and an observer might think their testimony
was scripted by a single writer: both had
been well-rehearsed in acting style and voice
direction to perform a single story with two
Rashomons of the same events, both equally compelling
or unbelievable depending on what a viewer wanted
to see.

The main difference is that Jeff has the backing of
a bloated, self-serving justice system: the courthouse, 
the judge, the agents of several TLAs, guards, marshals, 
SEATAC, and much more maw needing cases -- Tacoma court
is a wasteland of little used overspending.

Jim has a roll of the dice with the jurors, all of
whom are  dressed and look more like Jim than the
mani-uniformed and dark-suited officials and rats.

Jim has no witnesses: Judge Jack denied all requests,
compared to a couple of dozen for the government.
Most of Jim's request for discovery have been denied,
while the gov gets all it asks for. At the end of
Friday Judge Jack denied Jim's request for access to 
his own discovery notes for use during his testimony.

Jim has so far demonstrated that he is several
grades of intelligence above that of his official
tormentors. And far less prejudicial.

So what if the show is scripted that way, that the
hero is doomed to be condemned by the king's police,
for crowd-pleasing anti-revolutionary politics.

And it's blood-quickening incendiary.

A local says the news media are staying away from the
trial in fear of subpoena -- for the trial, for the
grand jury cooking up 1A victims. 

Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 16:11:19 -0400 To: jya@pipeline.com From: Kate Miller <kmiller@thestandard.com> Subject: contempt of court and online legal info Mr. Young, My name is Kate Miller, and I am a reporter at The Industry Standard. I'm working on a story about online court documents and privacy interests. I read with interest the events that occurred in Tacoma regarding Judge Tanner's contempt of court order for anyone who published information available on the court's own website. I would like to talk to you about what really happened. When would be a good time? Thanks. Sincerely, Kate Miller -- Kate Miller Staff Writer The Industry Standard 529 14th St. NW Suite 1282 Washington D.C., 20045 Phone# (202)661-8162 Fax # (202) 661-8166
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 13:05:05 -0400 To: Kate Miller <kmiller@thestandard.com> From: John Young <jya@pipeline.com> Subject: Re: contempt of court and online legal info Ms Miller, Judge Tanner fobade me to publish names of jurors on the Internet, and, apparently, filings which had not already been published on our site Cryptome.org: http://cryptome.org/jdb032801.htm I have since found that the case docket has been withdrawn from the court's website, and I have chosen to publish the docket with a note: http://cryptome.org/jdb040401.htm I'm traveling in the Northwest at present but checking e-mail. I may testify for Jim Bell on Monday but that is not certain. Jim is scheduled to continue his testimony on Monday and promises "bombshell" disclosures. The trial has been disturbingly prejudicial toward Jim, from judge to prosecutor to federal agents' investigative methodologies and testimony, to treatment of Jim in the courtroom. A nasty display of official vengeance, of which Judge Tanner's closing of the public record is only a part. Regards, John
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 10:55:14 -0400 To: cypherpunks@lne.com From: John Young <jya@pipeline.com> Subject: USA v. James Bell, Tacoma James Bell asks through Lou Bell, his mother: [Quote] Please send messages to the following newspapers and ask them why they haven't been following the trial of James Bell in federal court in Tacoma. There will be extremely important testimony by James Bell on Monday. He needs your help. It is an extreme emergency! It is very important that a large number of people contact these newspapers as soon as possible. Thank you. Seattle Times: opinion@seattle.com Seattle Post Intelligencer: editpage@Seattle-pi.com Oregonian: newsroom@news.oregonian.com Columbian: joe.smilor@columbian.com [Unquote]
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 13:38:24 -0700 To: cypherpunks@lne.com, cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com, cypherpunks@cyberpass.net From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com> Subject: Jim Bell update, cyberpass down I'll be covering the trial for at least one more day, Monday. Friday's report about Bell taking the stand should be up on Wired News tomorrow morning. Cyberpass.net is down and I haven't received any cpunx traffic since Friday. -Declan