Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of files from June 1996 to the present

Natsios Young Architects

30 June 2009

Ross Getman sends emails obtained by FOIA request of Dr. Bruce Ivins, a US Army anthrax research scientist suspected by the FBI of mailing anthrax to public figures in 2001 which killed five people and infected 17 others:

All documents Zipped: (9.5MB)


Date File
USAMRMC FOIA Response Letters
1 2009-01-22 Ivins email #1
2 2009-01-29 Ivins Email #2 Reply
Ivins Email Subject
3 1999-06-15
ivins email 1 (7.1MB)
4 1999-11-16 FW_ Agreement for Anthrax meeting
5 1999-11-17 RE_ Agreement for Anthrax meeting(2)
6 1999-11-22 RE_ Agreement for Anthrax meeting(3)
7 1999-11-23 RE_ Agreement for Anthrax meeting(4)
8 1999-11-19 RE_ Anthrax, mice, and CpG
9 1999-12-14 CpG and guinea pigs
10 1999-12-21 RE_ CpG and guinea pigs
11 2000-01-21 Guinea pig sera
12 2000-01-24 AVA info
13 2000-01-24 20000124 rPA Studies
14 2000-01-26 20000126 RE_ Anthrax, mice, and CpG
15 2000-01-26 20000126 Titers for B97-05 sera
16 2000-01-27 20000127 RE_ Titers for B97-05 sera
17 2000-01-27 20000127 Monkey protocol
18 2000-01-28 20000128 FW_ Titers for B97-05 sera
19 2000-02-02 20000202 Contract
20 2000-02-03 20000203 C Contract
21 2000-02-09 20000209 FW_ VERY HOT ITEM FROM MG PARKER_ FW_ Topics of possible assistance
22 2000-02-09 20000209 (2) FW_ VERY HOT ITEM FROM MG PARKER_ FW_ Topics of possible assistance
23 2000-02-11 20000211 FW_ Rabbit animal protocol-potency test and meeting
24 2000-02-11 20000211 RE_ _UFRs_
25 2000-02-16 20000216 RE_ MPL-AF
26 2000-02-21 20000221 Draft DTO
27 2000-02-23 20000223 FW_ Contract
28 2000-02-23 20000223 RE_ Contract
29 2000-02-28 20000228 RE_ multiagent vaccine study
30 2000-03-01 20000301 RE_ multiagent vaccine study
31 2000-03-06 20000306 FW_ Contract
32 2000-03-06 20000306 RE_ Policy question
33 2000-03-07 20000307 RE Policy question
34 2000-03-07 20000307 ASM
35 2000-03-07 20000307 RE Rabbit Bleed
36 2000-03-08 20000308 FW URL for conference form
37 2000-03-08 20000308 PBS
38 2000-03-08 20000308 RE ELISA TNA
39 2000-03-09 20000309 RE URL for conference form
40 2000-03-09 20000309 FW Pregnancy and working in anthrax lab
41 2000-03-10 20000310 More notebooks
42 2000-03-11 20000311 RE Reprint
43 2000-03-13 20000313 B97-03 necropsies
44 2000-03-13 20000313 FW Immunoprotective Effects of CpG Oligonucleotides Briefing
45 2000-03-14 20000314 RE_ B97-03 necropsies
46 2000-03-15 20000315 PA
47 2000-03-15 20000315 RE_ anthrax vaccination
48 2000-03-15 20000315 Research Plan
49 2000-03-16 20000316 CpG and guinea pigs
50 2000-03-16 20000316 Mouse data for anthrax
51 2000-03-17 20000317 Guinea pigs
52 2000-03-17 20000317 RE_ B99-04 Completion
53 2000-03-20 20000320 RE_ Update of NRC Research Opportunities Booklet
54 2000-03-21 20000321 Anthrax spores
55 2000-03-21 20000321 asm pOSTER
56 2000-03-21 20000321 FW_ Bioport response
57 2000-03-21 20000321 Necropsy help
58 2000-03-21 20000321 RE_ LD50 for Ames
59 2000-03-22 20000322 RE_ A reply from Dr -----
60 2000-03-22 20000322 RE_ immunizations
61 2000-03-23 20000323 B-5 cleaning report