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11 August 2006

Explosive Devices: Awareness Level WMD Training, Department of Homeland Security, Office for Domestic Preparedness, June 9, 2005. (20 pages, 1.2MB)

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Scope: This module provides individuals with the knowledge needed to recognize potential hazards and explosive devices, to include basic device type and design, device construction methods, and the components of improvised explosive devices. Additionally, the effects of explosive devices and when to initiate evacuation are discussed. The module also examines safety during explosive incidents and demonstrates how one might become a target for the terrorist's secondary device.

Recognize: Improvised Explosives

Most improvised explosives are comprised of chemical constituents easily found in any home or local community, even in large quantities. Improvised explosives, such as military and commercial explosives, are typically mixtures of an oxidizer and a fuel. Regardless of type, all are extremely hazardous. Most improvised explosives are based on formulations used in commercial applications or research. Legitimate users do not use improvised explosives very often today. This is due to their sensitivity and unsuitability to be handled in a safe manner.

Improvised explosives can be as effective as manufactured explosives in many applications. Terrorists employ these in all sizes of devices. The following are common types of improvised explosives being utilized today by terrorists.

Potassium Chlorate

This explosive has approximately 83% of the power of TNT. Potassium chlorate is a common ingredient in some fireworks and can be purchased in bulk form fireworks/chemical supply houses. Potassium chlorate normally appears in white crystal or powder form.

Peroxide-Based IED

Peroxide-based improvised explosives are an emerging threat domestically. However, these IED have been a common explosive used by international terrorists for some time.

Hexamethylenetriperoxidediamine (hex-a-meth-i-len-tri-per-ox-id-di-a-men) (HMTD) and Triacetonetriperoxide (tri-ass-e-ton-tri-per-ox-id) (TATP) were initially developed 100 years ago. They are both extremely sensitive and are used as an explosive by terrorists/bombers as both an initiator (blasting cap) and as a main charge. TATP is commonly found as the main charge being employed by Middle East terrorists in suicide bombings.

HMTD has between 60-116% of the power of TNT, and is comprised of peroxide (ideally 30% or above), citric acid, and hexamine (heat tabs). TATP has 88% of the power of TNT and is comprised of peroxide, acetone, and sulfuric (battery) acid.

WARNING: In dry form, HMTD and TATP could appear similar to crack cocaine. These explosives will react violently with drug field test kits. Individuals should consider, and look for, any indicators present on a drug scene that may also be indicators of explosive manufacture -- this is becoming more common. If so, the investigator should consider marking the evidence as a possible explosive and sending it to their lab for testing. HMTD and TATP are ideal as explosives for improvised blasting caps, and were originally developed for such use.

Powdered Ammonium Nitrate and Aluminum Powder

Ammonium nitrate can be procured in powdered example is a common cold pack. These use either ammonium nitrate in prill or powder. If ammonium nitrate is in prill form such as in fertilizer, it is a simple task to grind it into a powder. The aluminum powder can be procured at a professional paint store, or simply filed from an ingot. The explosive has 75% the power of TNT and is sensitive to friction impact, or ESD. It requires only a blasting cap for initiation.

While this is only one-half pound of explosive, consider that this mixture of readily available constituents has been used in very large devices. In 1997, there were three apartment complex bombings in Moscow and each consisted of ammonium nitrate in amounts equivalent to 500 pounds of TNT. The devastating effects from each of those devices resulted in over 100 casualties per incident.

Preparing Improvised Explosives

• Commercial coffee grinders are very effective for the process of grinding

• Grist Mills for the crushing of barley or wheat are also effective. A ton of material can be processed through one this size in about two hours. Consider how terrorists might access such a machine

• Odd job mixers or even a concrete mixer would be suitable for the mixing of the ammonium nitrate and the liquid fuel

Urea Nitrate

Urea nitrate is also considered a type of fertilizer-based explosive, although, in this case, the two constituents are nitric acid (one of the ten most produced chemicals in the world) and urea. A common source of urea is the prill used for de-icing sidewalks. Urea can also be derived from concentrated urine. This is a common variation used in South America and the Middle East by terrorists. Often, sulfuric acid is added to assist with catalyzing the constituents. A bucket containing the urea is used surrounded by an ice bath. The ice serves in assisting with the  chemical conversion when the nitric acid is added. The resulting explosive can be blasting cap sensitive. Urea nitrate has a destructive power similar to ammonium nitrate.

Hypergolic Devices

Some improvised explosives are hypergolic in nature. This means when two particular chemical constituents are brought together they can violently react with each other, with the surrounding atmospheric temperature often being the catalyst; they are highly unstable and unpredictable. This reaction will result in either an incendiary effect or an explosion. An example is sulfuric acid (oxidizer) and sugar (fuel) in a Styrofoam cup. The acid slowly eats through the Styrofoam and mixes with the sugar, causing a hypergolic reaction within seconds and resulting in an explosion.

Recognize: Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Components

IED generally consist of four components.power source, initiator, explosive, and switch. These components can be easily remembered by the acronym PIES(F). Each of the components is briefly discussed below.

• Power sources. The majority of IED contain an electric initiator and, as such, require an electric power source. Batteries (a common power source) are manufactured in numerous shapes and sizes; in some cases, they can be cut and shaped to make detection more difficult. Most  commercially available batteries can reliably cause an initiator to function. Mechanical action, such as a spring under pressure, can store sufficient energy to cause the functioning of a non-electric initiator

• Initiators. Blasting caps or flame-producing components like fuse igniters for a length of time fuse. Improvised initiators causing low explosives or highly sensitive high explosives to detonate can easily be made. Examples of improvised initiators include a modified flash bulb, a percussion primer, or even improvised hobby fuses that impart flame much as time fuse, only at an uncontrolled burn rate. Initiators can also be improvised for high explosives. An example is an improvised blasting cap. Triacetone triperoxide (TATP) is a formulation used in improvised initiators

• Explosives. Have previously been discussed. However, as an IED component, explosives have a few additional characteristics that warrant discussion. When an explosive is incorporated into a device, it is not necessarily in contact with all other IED components. Often, these components will survive in some form after a device detonates. Recognize there is always evidentiary debris at a post-blast incident

• Switches. Incorporated into a device as either an arming switch or a fuse. They can be simple or complex in nature. More than one switch can be used to create redundancy in the system. Many IED will incorporate both an arming switch and a fusing switch. The arming switch is a safety for the IED and works by disarming (electrically disengaging) the fusing switch. When the arming switch is armed the fusing switch becomes functional; however, the circuit is still closed. When the fusing switch is activated, the circuit becomes open and will connect battery power to the initiator (blasting cap) -- detonation will occur. Switches are almost unlimited in design and constructed so any approach or action by its intended target or a first responder will result in detonation. Switches specifically for IED can take on any form and can appear quite innocent looking.completely fitting into the environment

• Fragmentation and shrapnel.Part of the IED, wherein materials are added to the device for inflicting maximum casualties. Examples include ball bearings, nails, BBs, etc

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During the past decade the world has witnessed an increase in the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). Explosives in the hands of terrorists continue to pose a significant threat. Lessons learned indicate that when traditional explosives become difficult to obtain, bomb makers turn to common chemicals as precursors to manufacture explosives. Only the imagination and the availability of certain chemicals limits the number explosives which can be manufactured with relative ease utilizing common chemicals readily available in our communities. Availability of precursor chemicals and ease by which explosives can be manufactured, increase the potential that IEDs will be deployed in the Homeland and requires a careful study of the options necessary to defeat IED deployment.

This thesis analyzes various options, policies and procedures to ascertain which would be most appropriate to defeat explosives manufactured from common chemicals. Options include removing, restricting, and tracking certain chemicals available to the public as well as increasing awareness to emergency responders and the public. State and federal legislation pertaining to methamphetamine laboratories is analyzed to identify potential crossover legislation to counter explosives manufacture. Intelligence gathering and information sharing technologies and procedures are assessed for effectiveness as law enforcement tools.

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FOILFEST: Community Enabled Security, John Cummings, Darryl Drayer, Curtis Johnson, Judy Moore, John Whitley, Sandia National Laboratories, September 15, 2005. (53 pages, 1.4MB)

The Advanced Concepts Group of Sandia National Laboratories hosted a workshop, FOILFest: Community Enabled Security, on July 18-21, 2005, in Albuquerque, NM. This was a far-reaching look into the future of physical protection consisting of a series of structured brainstorming sessions focused on preventing and foiling attacks on public places and soft targets such as airports, shopping malls, hotels, and public events. These facilities are difficult to protect using traditional security devices since they could easily be pushed out of business through the addition of arduous and expensive security measures. The idea behind this Fest was to explore how the public, which is vital to the function of these institutions, can be leveraged as part of a physical protection system. The workshop considered procedures, space design, and approaches for building community through technology. The workshop explored ways to make the “good guys” in public places feel safe and be vigilant while making potential perpetrators of harm feel exposed and convinced that they will not succeed.

Participants in the Fest included operators of public places, social scientists, technology experts, representatives of government agencies including DHS and the intelligence community, writers and media experts. Many innovative ideas were explored during the fest with most of the time spent on airports, including consideration of the local airport, the Albuquerque Sunport. Some provocative ideas included:

• sniffers installed in passage areas like revolving door, escalators,

• a “jumbotron” showing current camera shots in the public space,

• transparent portal screeners allowing viewing of the screening,

• a layered open/funnel/open/funnel design where open spaces are used to encourage a sense of “communitas” and take advantage of citizen “sensing” and funnels are technological tunnels of sensors (the tunnels of truth),

• curved benches with blast proof walls or backs,

• making it easy for the public to report, even if not sure/”non-event” (e.g. “I’m uncomfortable”) and processing those reports in aggregate not individually,

• transforming the resident working population into a part-time undercover security/sensor force through more innovative training and

• adding ambassadors/security that engage in unexpected conversation with the public.