15 November 2003. Thanks to A.

These documents are from police files concerning the murder of Billy Wright in Maze prison by INLA prisoners in 1997.

Zipped JPEG images of the six pages: http://cryptome.org/billy-wright2.zip (525KB)

Transcription from hardcopy. Words marked "illegible" were obscured by copying.

Related police files: http://cryptome.org/billy-wright.htm

[Printed form infilled by hand, 1 p.]


Staff Communications Sheet

Establishment  H.M.P. MAZE                                Staff No.   8131  


Subject  SECURITY                                                                          

On the 29th May, I was on duty in in C+D tower observation post in H-Block 6.

At approximately 9.15 am I observed Prs McWilliams and Gil [?] McLoughlin enter the yard.

Over a period of 10 mins both Prs. payed particular attention to the height of fences, etc. in the exercise yard. Additionally they appeared to be trying to work out their capabilities of seeing the possibility of getting to "B" Wing.

Signed    Ian McQueen                                      Date  29th May 1997  

[Handwritten note, 1 p.]

This report was submitted to Governor Dave [illegible] on Wednesday 10th September. It was countersigned by P.O. D. Loyal before submission who completely agreed with its content.

[Handwritten note, 1 p.]

H.M. Prison Maze

[Illegible] to put on record my [illegible] concerning [illegible] safety on night guard.

At the present time the only obstacle preventing prisoners gaining access to the roof of the block [illegible] a turnstile. I was under the impression that [illegible] until the night of Friday 11th July, [illegible] night guard in H6.

Due to continuous harassment and threat [illegible] to A wing prisoners from C+D wing prisoners [illegible] and refused to come in from the yard at [illegible] obliged to post a sentry in their [illegible] yard for their own protection. It took approximately 10 pounds to break the turnstile and put a man in the yard.

[Illegible] are that if access is gained to the yard it can also be gained to the roof. The [illegible] on duty, since they are locked in, are completely at the mercy of prisoners, having absolutely no means of escape or protection, nor do they have any possiblity of assistance from [illegible] due to the night guard complement.

I am Sir,

[Signature illegible] v. BOYD OFF 866[?]

[Printed and typed letter, 1 p.]



Telephone: (012) [illegible]
Fax No.      (012) [illegible]

Deputy General Secretary JOHN HALL

Please quote
Our Ref: FS/AH Maze/97
Your Ref:

3rd July 1997

Maze Committeee
HMP Maze

Dear Colleagues


I write to confirm that at the time it was indicated that LVF prisoners may move to the the Maze I contacted Mr Mogg about this move.

During our telephone conversation he assured me that before these prisonsers were moved to the Maze discussions would take place with the Association, and the resources needed to deal with these prisonsers would be provided.

Yours sincerely,


Finlay Spratt

[Handwritten note on letterhead, 2 pp.]

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H. M. P. Maze
Halftown road
Co. Antrim
BT27 5RF

Tel: 01846 683111 x 2412

Meeting with Mr. Adam Ingram - Prisons Minister 1st July 1997


The Secretary of State was informed on her last visit to the Maze what the problems were.

Since her visit few points have been addressed, in fact the situation is getting worse.

Due to riots earlier this year our Governor Mr. [illegible] has been told by Mr Mogg and Mr Shannon that he has to recoup £250,000 to pay for damages caused and [illegible] paid to staff.

No inmate facilities are being hit in any way, staff are expected to take the brunt of efficiency cuts and claw back money.

Money still continues to be wasted on inmates and management does not seem to be able to say "no". E.g. [one line redacted].

1 2.  £5,700 from 9th April for alledged food shortages (it cost £250,000 last year) On Sunday 29-6-97 [illegible] said he had overcome shortage problems. [Illegible] were 26 pints of milk [illegible]

2 3. Welfare paid for fly tying and yoga lessons.

3 4. £5,000 is being allowed for childrens party this summer.

4 5. Satallite [sic] T.V. costs £2,300 to set up last [illegible] Annual rental is £700. Pre-recorded tapes are bought in at around [illegible] per month.

5 6. Prisoners weddings/christening cost around [illegible]  per time + cost of 5 staff -- transport and photographer. POA proposed that where possible prisoners should be granted home leave and meet cost theirselves.

6 7. Cost of additional manpower caused by "[illegible]" where prisoners control visits.


5 of 7


On 15th april Mr Baxter informed the Maze Committee that William Wright located in Maghaberry will be coming to Maze but not until the prison is fully resourced and facilities are up to a standard safe enough for staff to work in.

(Hand over extract from Gov./POA)

Orginally 4 arrived from Maghaberry we now have 20 with as many again expected.

Should that happen Maze does not have the resources to man an additional wing.

Maze has no staff for an LVF visit area. Presently they have visits in the prison hospital -- an additional NTLF.

On the 6th May a health and safety audit took place for proposed LVF visit area.

Mr Spratt was assured by M. Mogg that full discussion would take place on all issues pertaining to LVF and that resources would be provided. *THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED*.

On 17th June Mr Baxter wrote to Mr Mogg stating that he had identified staff from within his own resources to man this area.

Of the staff identified 50% were auxiliaries and removal of the other 50% would have led to serious problems.

He also stated that the necessary health + safety aspects aspects have been addressed.

This is untrue as:

A. No audit has been carried out to check on points raised with initial audit.

B. No fire survey has taken place.

The LVF are located in H6 with INLA on opposite side of block who have informed staff they intend given a chance to take out the LVF. Precaustions have to be in place to ensure they do not come into contact with each other.

The POA have put forward 4 alternatives for LVF visits which have all been turned down my Maze management.