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7 November 2011

Rolf Welberts

A sends:

Last week we asked a court for permission to name the German diplomat but the judge hearing the case issued an order intended to prohibit him, or the royal adviser, from being identified. <...> The Mail on Sunday understands that Miss Zatuliveter met the Nato official in 2009 when he attended a security conference in London. Among the speakers were former Labour Minister and security expert Baroness Anne Taylor and Russia's deputy foreign minister Alexander Grushko.

The Towards New European Security Architecture international conference is being held in London and was organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the Valdai Discussion Club and Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti.


Rolf Welberts, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO


Additional reference

In recent months, since his conduct was uncovered, the German government has promoted him to a highly sensitive new role.

Ambassador Rolf Welberts is the new head of the German Embassy.

His predecessor: