Donate for the Cryptome archive of 65.000 files from June 1996 to the present

5 July 2011

World Trade Center Fresh Kills Forensic Site Photos

The forensic investigation site of the World Trade Center attack and collapse debris at Fresh kills landfill on Staten Island was erased for a planned park, still unbuilt. Cryptome flew over the site on January 25, 2002 in the earliest flight after air space was reopened to the public. Some two dozen photographs of the operation were published by Cryptome on January 26, 2002. The balance of over 100 analogue and digital photos has not been published. A PDF volume in 14 x 11 format (~170MB) of 100 high-resolution photographs of the operation along with the kigh-resolution 24 x 15 photographs (~200MB) to make the PDFs is now included in the Cryptome Archive DVDs.

Sample pages:
