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17 December 2010

Apple iPhone and iPad Patent Suits

A sends:

This news just came in.  Apple's brazen manipulation of the press and even legal system is sickening beyond belief.  Apparently they are arresting employees for "leaking" information about the iPad to Wall Street....against the backdrop of having stolen the WHOLE device...which they have used as a vehicle to fuel Apple's mammoth rise in share price since 2007.  The news links below say it all:

A sends:

I saw you on Nightline where you were described as one of the founders of WikiLeaks. I wanted to ask you if you ONLY deal with government and military scandals, or also massive white collar crime. Because I have evidence of what is probably the biggest white collar crime in global business history as well as evidence it is being aided and abetted by the conventional news organizations. I need help to expose this.

[Cryptome welcomed the information.]

Thank you so much for the quick reply! I really really need help here. I am not physically near the computer with the PDF files so if you'll forgive me I need till later tonight  to send the data to you. But this is about the iPhone and iPad.

Steve jobs stole the design to those in 2003  and that in itself would be nothing new ... since those kinds of things happen all the time. Its about the collateral criminality -- which is massive!  (Just as with Watergate the heinous part wasn't the break-in, it was the collateral criminality.).

Brian Ross of ABC News knew for years ... his response was "yes but how can we tell the public something like this?" Meanwhile ABC promotes Apple daily by constantly advertising their iPad news app.

The NY Times knows -- one famous journalist there said Apple needs to be held legally accountable ... but around Thanksgiving he was schmoozing with Steve Jobs as his pal and promoting the NY Times iPhone/iPad app.

This is evidence that the world needs organizations like yours ... and like WikiLeaks which you created earlier! [Sic]

The list goes on. Meanwhile, Apple has committed obstruction of justice and statutory conspiracy to obstruct justice ... by using law firm Weil Gotshal & Manges to sue Motorola and others for ... as Steve Jobs personally put it "stealing our inventions".

"Conveniently" withheld from the courts and the US International Trade Commission where these cases are being fought ... is the fact (verifiable ... irrefutable ... in the public record) that Weil Gotshal filed patents on the stolen technology in the early 1990's for the party Steve Jobs stole the designs from! 

Google's founders have known this since summer 2007 ... that is why they cloned the iPhone in 2007 with "Android".

Note how Apple never sued them in all this time. Microsoft knows the story...and is now challenging Apple with Windows Phone 7.

AGAIN -- note how Apple has said ZERO about MSFT since its official launch of its clones on November 8th this year.

Apple successfully shut down a company in China that sells iPhone clones only in China, last September.  I saw the news of their shutdown and over Columbus Day weekend told them the truth about what Steve Jobs is perpetrating.

The Chinese company went silent for about a month ... then just before Thanksgiving said they were going to sue Apple and return to selling their iPhone clones.

Just today there was news about them ramping up for even bolder sales goals.  Apple --- recognized by the whole planet as "inventor of the iPhone & iPad" ...2nd most valuable company market cap wise after Exxon ... sitting on a mountain of cash ... has gone silent about a little Chinese clonemaker ... effectively backing down ... oh, the company is called "Meizu" so you can search it. 

And against the backdrop is the question: why is Apple shutting down a company that ONLY sells its clones in China ... while looking the other way with Google, literally down the highway from Apple?  (Answer: because Google will expose Steve jobs in retaliation). There is so much going on here beyond the above!!! 

I - Apple commits Obstruction of Justice in Nokia case.pdf (5.9MB)

II - Apple commits Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice with lawyers who helped Apple steal the iPhone design(cki).pdf (233KB)

III - AAPL sues Motorola using Weil Gotshal (see end page) 1of2.pdf (34KB)

IV - AAPL sues Motorola using Weil Gotshal(see end page) 2of2.pdf (34KB)

V - data on weil gotshal & manges apple motorola october 29 2010 (cki).pdf (32KB)

VI - (filed by Weil Gotshal Manges - see page 1)  EP0723685A1 - Copy.pdf (2.8MB)

VII - Historical perspective on US #7,016,084 (iPhone copied from here).pdf (6.7MB)

VIII - Very small sample of copying by Steve Jobs.pdf (22MB)

John Sculley Testimony Excerpt.pdf (1.2MB)

Perjury Statutes.pdf (139KB)

Ten files above Zipped: (30MB)