Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of files from June 1996 to the present

Natsios Young Architects

Julian Assange: "I have many other ideas, and as soon as WikiLeaks is strong enough to flourish without me I'll go on with these other ideas. It is strong enough to survive quite well without me now, but I don't know that it would flourish."

Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 18:46:09 +1100

[This is a restricted internal development mailinglist for w-i-k-i-l-e-a-k-s-.-o-r-g.
Please do not mention that word directly in these discussions; refer instead to 'WL'.
This list is housed at, an activist collective in Seattle with an established 
lawyer and plenty of backbone.]

Some people may be wondering about the unusual names on this list.  
There are xxxxxxxxxxxxx people on this list. Everyone is personally known and  
trusted by, or is, the founding group.

How much will YOU pledge to WL (in matched pledging or otherwise) for  
its next six months of activities? We can succeed at a slower / scale  
limited way with under $50,000 / year & volunteers, but it is our  
goal to raise pledges of $5m by July.  Smaller pledges can be used in  
ways that will generate larger ones, so there's an amplification on  
any early contribution.

Wikileaks Advisory Board

14 July 2010

Wikileaks Insider Messages:

A sends via PGPboard, 14 July 2010:


We stand by our assertions that Assange is responsible for gross financial mismanagement here at WIKILEAKS. Assange continues to enjoy a pretty good lifestyle, whilst claiming he receives no income from WIKILEAKS other than travelling expenses, and wait for it, air travel by coach class. Really Mr. Assange, enlighten us to just what other income streams you have, other than monies misappropriated from WIKILEAKS?

Only a FULL AUDITED FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE of WIKILEAKS global donations and expenditures will finally reveal just how loose Assange has been with WIKILEAKS donor funding. As mentioned in our previous messages this need not compromise the safety of your sources or your staff. Contact GREENPEACE, they can provide you with some pointers in this regard.

Illuminated by the spotlight of global publicity, Assange and Schmitt are trying to attempt to divert the WIKILEAKS donor base from the fact that there is no day to day accounting at WIKILEAKS. The LIMITED DISCLOSURE from the Wau Holland Foundation is no substitute for a fully audited disclosure of WIKILEAKS operating cash flows and current financial position.

In our previous messages, we specifically stated that we were concerned about Assange's financial mismanagement of WIKILEAKS funds from April 2009 to April 2010; and year to date. None of these concerns has been addressed.

The Wau Holland Foundation is in no position to provide a full accounting of WIKILEAKS current financial position for the simple reason it is not in full possession of the facts surrounding donations to WIKILEAKS namely:

  • The Wau Holland Foundation is totally unaware of monies received from WIKILEAKS non European contributors. (source Wau Holland Foundation). This includes funding routed through Iceland.
  • The Wau Holland Foundation is totally unaware of private or individual contributions to WIKILEAKS. (source Wau Holland Foundation)
  • There is a very major disconnect concerning Assange's recent statements concerning donations (according to Assange, $1,000,000) and the Wau Holland Foundation limited financial disclosure.

We will have requested via Cryptome that they obtain such financial data from:

Wau Holland Stiftung
Postfach 640236
10048 Berlin
Tel: +49 40 401801 4665


a fully audited accounting for the periods detailed above. The Wau Holland Foundation has agreed to provide what data they have; subjected to request.

It is quite clear that WIKILEAKS finances are such that they can maintain their present website in good condition, and be fit for purpose until the much promised upgrade; or movement to a new site. So why has it been abandoned Mr. Assange?

Finally, the Wau Foundations' limited financial release indicates that no money from European donors has been spent in the provision of a legal team for PFC Manning detained in Kuwait.

This completely supports our assertions concerning WIKILEAKS misrepresentation in recent emails that it required $50,000 in order to fly a legal team out to Kuwait. When in fact no one from WIKILEAKS has even met with Manning or anyone from the JAG office in KUWAIT..

Wikileaks Insiders


[Code omitted]

To: vorstand[at]
From: John Young <jya[at]>
Subject: Request for Wikileaks Financial Account
Date: 14 July 2010

Wau Holland Stiftung
Postfach 640236
10048 Berlin

Dear Wau Holland Stiftung,

We request a copy of your financial account of Wikileaks funding and expenditures for the full period that you have provided services to Wikileaks.

Your account will be published on the transparency website

Thank you very much.


John Young
251 West 89th Street
New York, NY 10024
Tel: (US) 212-873-8700
Fax: 212-787-6102

Subject: Re: Request for Wikileaks Financial Account
From: Jens Ohlig <jens[at]>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 23:56:20 +0200
Cc: vorstand[at]
To: John Young <jya[at]>

Dear John,

Thank you for your interest in our financial account of Wikileaks funding and expenditures. As stated before in the press, we are currently compiling the financial records to publish them on our web site at for maximal transparency. The current estimation for this is before the end of August 2010, i.e. in about a month. We currently have no records that we are holding back, once we have a complete overview we will publish that ourselves. You are free to mirror the data from there. Please understand that the Wau Holland Foundation is run by a very small board, all volunteers with day jobs. We will make things public as soon as possible, but unfortunately not earlier :)


Jens Ohlig

Wau Holland Foundation (Board)