From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ FROM: Linda Thompson, Chairman American Justice Federation 3850 S. Emerson Ave., Suite e Indianapolis, IN 46203 TEL: 317-780-5200 FAX: 317-780-5209 BBS (AEN NEWS): 317-780-5211 FIDONET: 1:231/110 COMPUSERVE: 71163,1350 INTERNET: L.THOMPSON@CATBOX.LAKES.TRENTON.SC.US We have just received a copy of a 10 page "Briefing Paper, Intelligence Division" report from a policeman in Louisiana who said it came from the US Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency (ATF) and that it is ATF's assessment of militias. [NOTE: While typing this in online, I confirmed, directly with ATF, that the following report was written by BILL DUNHAM, ATF TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE BRANCH, WASHINGTON, D.C., TELEPHONE: 202-927-7900.] This ATF paper is largely derived from a report put out by the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'rith (ADL). The ADL claims to protect Jews from anti-semitism, but that is a cover. What they actually do is spy on Americans, provide incorrect data to police agencies, and target people for hate campaigns. They were the source of the false information provided to the ATF about the Branch Davidians "stockpiling illegal machine guns," "abusing children," etc. They provide funding to Cult Awareness Network. Rick Ross, a convicted jewel thief and embezzler, is a "deprogrammer" for cult awareness network and he was the primary adviser used by the ATF during the Waco siege, even though he has no credentials as a negotiator or counselor whatsoever. The ADL plants fake racists and anti-semetic people to organize fanatic groups and stir up trouble, thereby identifying anyone who might join. They then claim "there are racists and skinheads everywhere!" This gets them federal funding. The truth? Did you notice there were three major "KKK" rallies across America and that the media tried and TRIED to whip these rallies into a racial confrontation in advance, by announcing repeatedly that "the KKK will be holding a rally in three weeks," "two weeks," etc. in advance, on the news. What happened in EVERY city? 30-40 overweight KKK guys showed up waving flags, and 600-800 OTHER people showed up to protest them. Obviously, the KKK is not much of a threat in America. There has not been a successful "anti-Jewish" rally anywhere in America where even 30-40 people showed up. So the ADL has to invent enemies so it can keep claiming it is protecting Jews from these "dangerous terrorist groups." The ADL is an unregistered foreign agent whose real purpose is to destroy the fabric of American government and bring us into a one world government. Much of their literature is propaganda, directed at acting as if anyone who talks about the "New World Order" is imagining things. The fact is, we have treaties and government documents that all plainly refer to the "New World Order," and "One World Government" and a president who is now openly speaking of it. It isn't fantasy, and that is precisely why the ADL doesn't want anyone to find out about it -- they are behind it. Their intent is to destroy the United States. They only pretend to be protecting Jewish people from anti-semitism as a cover and to suck money from Jewish people who are made afraid by their propaganda literature. They do not help Jewish people in this country. The ADL has been indicted in California and Virginia for their illegal spying activities and they mysteriously were able to literally buy their way out of a criminal indictment in California by "donating" to "nonprofit groups." This is unheard of, to "settle" a criminal indictment in this manner. I will post the 30 page ADL report as soon as I can get it typed in. Another arm of the ADL is the Southern Poverty Law Center. It uses the tried and proven effective tactic of claiming to be an organization protecting the rights of a minority group. SPLC claims to protect blacks against the KKK. It has now branched out to identifying tax protestors (apparently recognizing there just aren't any genuine KKK groups out there or any real interest in KKK activities to stir up). The SCLC did win a case years ago against the KKK, but has not filed a lawsuit in over three years, despite having a $57 million dollar trust fund. It is a front group, just like the ADL. It's real purpose is not what it tells the public to get money. It spies on Americans. Both the ADL and SPLC put out press releases that targetted me, and attempted to smear my reputation by talking about "anti-semetic groups" and "kkk groups" and then (without actually claiming I'm racist or anti-semetic, which I am not), saying, "A rising star in the movement is Linda Thompson . . . yada yada yada" in a press release they sent to all law enforcement agencies and the media. We were then inundated with calls from affiliate TV stations of the ADL, primarily NBC network, and several ABC affiliates. Then the ADL put out the full 30 page report to all law enforcement, that proclaims I am the leader of all the militias in the country and talks about several groups, which have no affiliation with me whatsoever, many of which are actually ADL-plants. The report is intended to give those planted agents credibility, while attempting to direct law enforcement efforts at me. We have, on tape, an admission from a man who was being paid by the ADL to spy on me and put out false stories in the media to target me for hate campaigns. His name is Henry Kitchen and he is in California. He was the source of stories such as one claiming I ran for governor on the socialist worker's party ticket in Illinois. I've never been a socialist, I've never run for governor anywhere, and I've never even lived in Illinois, ever. The year he claimed I did this, I was serving in the U.S. Army, one of the most documented periods of my life. The ATF has incorporated the majority of the ADL report into their own report. They don't even have information on 1/10th of the militias, and what they do have, they have wrong. If this is an indication of the ATF's intelligence at work, we have absolutely nothing to worry about. They are doing a very good job of screwing it all up all by themselves. CAVEAT: It was precisely this sort of disinformation that led to the attack at Waco and the needless deaths of over 100 people, including 25 innocent children. The good news is that based upon the information they *do* seem to have, it is *very* clear that they do *not* have any infiltrators inside our organization. The majority of the information comes straight from the ADL report. I'll post that after I post this. It gives you an indication of how the ATF doesn't verify anything it gets, but just puts out garbage from the ADL without checking it for accuracy. The following is the ATF report: ========================================================================= NOTICE: THIS IS *****NOT****** something put out by me or by the American Justice Federation, it is FROM THE ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS agency. It was written by BILL DUNHAM, ATF TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE BRANCH, WASHINGTON, D.C., TELEPHONE: 202-927-7900. THE INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR REFERENCE TO DEMONSTRATE HOW THE ATF RELIES ON BOGUS INFORMATION THAT IT DOES NOT VERIFY, PROVIDED BY SOURCES SUCH AS THE ADL. THE ADL REPORT PUT OUT BY THE ADL FOLLOWS, FROM WHICH YOU CAN READILY SEE WHO THE MAJOR "SOURCE" FOR THE ATF REPORT WAS. The report is FULL OF INACCURACIES. Virtually NOTHING in it is correct, so do NOT proceed on the basis of any information contained herein. At least three sources listed as "militia leaders" are in fact, ADL or government plants, not militia leaders, who are supposed to incite riots and give the militias a bad name. All of this is propaganda intended to get the police stirred up against militias. It is provided for your reference. My comments are provided in brackets. Linda Thompson, AEN News, American Justice Federation, 3850 S. Emerson Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46203 (317) 780-5203 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "ATF Briefing Paper "Intelligence Division "October 26, 1994 "SUBJECT: To Provide an Overview of the Militia Movement Operating Throughout the United States "Background "The militia movement is a grassroots effort that is similar to the tax protest and anti-government campaigns of the 1970s and 1980s. During the past six months this movement has swept across the country." [Gee, the last six months. What a coincidence. -- LT] "A catalyst of the movement was the formation of the Militia of Montana [THIS IS ONE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS LED BY PLANTS AND THEY DO NOTHING BUT CAUSE TROUBLE. THEY HAVE BEEN DISAVOWED BY ALL LEGITIMATE MILITIAS. -- LT] "a.k.a. MOM, organized after the standoff with Randy Weaver in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. The Branch Davidian siege in Waco also fueled the spread of the movement. "Militia organizers cite these incidents, as well as the passage of the Brady Bill and the Crime control Bill, as the basis for establishing militias -- the last line of defense against Federal law enforcement. To date militias have been identified in 20 states. [There are multiple militias in all 50 states. --LT] "These militias base their legitimacy on the Second Amendment to the constitution, as cited by them: "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." [Note: That is exactly how the ATF wrote it. The above is inaccurate and is not a quote of the second amendment. If they can't even quote the Constitution correctly, you get the idea of how accurate the rest of it is. LT] "Members of militias are extremely paramilitary, anti-ATF, and literal interpreters of the Constitution." [Hey, they got this part right! They left out, "excellent shots, well equipped, and know a traitor when they see one." LT] "They subscribe to the belief that the United States, its elected officials, the judiciary, and all segments of the Federal Government, have gotten away from the constitution, and this belief is driving this country toward "The New World Order." "'The New world Order' is a battle cry for the militias and generally defined as "a foreign power known as the United Nations, which is actually an oligarchy of the world's super-rich, who have no allegiance to any one nation and who control the United Nations from behind the scenes.' They view the United States as a pawn of the New World Order, and law enforcement authorities are its agents. "It should be noted that there are militias that are sanctioned by a state to assist during times of civil defense. These are not the type of militias addressed in this document." "The militias included embrace the conspiracy theorists of the 'New World Order' and are acquiring and training with firearms in order to protect themselves from police. These militias can be defined as follows: "Militias focus on Government as the enemy of the people, and expound a conspiracy theory attributed to certain 'shadow' organizations that are planning the overthrow of democratic America and replace it with the 'New World Order.'" "Major Promoters of the Militia Movement "The National Unorganized Militia "Linda Thomspon (sic), leader of the Unorganized Militia is considered a major spokesperson advocating the formation of militias and proponents (sic) of the movement's conpiracy theories. [I am not the leader of the Unorganized Militia. I am the Adjutant General of the UMUS, which is a command staff position down the pole from the Commander of the UMUS, neither of which has any direct command authority over state militias.] "The Unorganized Militia, a.k.a. The American Justice Federation, was established in early 1993 during the Waco siege." [This portion is extremely inaccurate. The unorganized militia has been part of the United States since the country's inception and played a major role in the American Revolution. You may remember reading about "the minutemen" in your 6th grade history class -- those were the militia. The unorganized militia is defined at law, in 10 U.S.C. section 311. The unorganized militia is not the American Justice Federation by any way, shape or form. The American Justice Federation is a corporation, formed in 1991, two years before Waco, under the laws of the state of Indiana and is primarily a publishing company. Since this is ALL information available from public documents, it is very troubling they can't even get this much right.] "Following the Waco incident, Thomspon (sic) produced and disseminated nationwide, a video presentation titled "Waco, the Big Lie." The video argues that there has been a Government conspiracy to cover-up the incidents in Waco." [Notice the big "G" in the word "government," above. Sort of tells you the mindset of the writer.] "During the summer, Thompson was arrested for obstructing traffic and possessing firearms during President Clinton's health reform team's arrival in Indianpaolis, Indiana. [Wrong again. I was not arrested for possessing firearms. How can one be arrested for something that isn't illegal, eh? I was arrested for "obstructing traffic" when the government was unsuccessful in provoking 600 protestors to riot. Additionally, the police who arrested me intended to execute me and were caught in the act. They drove me to a back alley and took me out of the paddy-wagon, handcuffed, and had a gun pointed at my head, when a patriot appeared who had followed the paddy wagon and witnessed the whole thing and demanded to know if I was all right. They then aborted the plan.] "She was also identified conducting firearms training in Pike County, Ohio." [I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN PIKE COUNTY, OHIO IN MY LIFE AND I HAVE NEVER CONDUCTED FIREARMS TRAINING ANYWHERE IN OHIO OR WITH PIKE COUNTY OR ANY OTHER OHIO MILITIA, PERIOD. THIS IS TOTAL FABRICATION. LT] "In April 1994, Thomspon (sic) sent an 'Ultimatum' to members of Congress and called for an armed march on Washington, D.C. on September 19, 1994, to arrest members of Congress. She later cancelled this march due to a "CIA conspiracy plot" against her. [This is inaccurate. We never intended to have the march. We publicly announced it to get militias to form, and that worked very effectively as the ATF has noted, since the militia movement has spread rapidly "over the past six months" -- the time since our announcement. I publicly announced what we were doing and that there would be no march EARLIER than I originally planned to announce this fact, due to the fact that we got wind that covert operatives, presumed to be from the CIA were planning to bomb Washington, D.C. and blame it on us. You will notice that since then, there have been several odd attacks on Washington that are readily traceable to covert intelligence sources. If anyone is into loony conspiracy theories, looks like it is the ATF. Obviously, we have MUCH better intelligence sources than the ATF, too. LT] "It is believe (sic) that Thomspon (sic) lost credibility within the militia movement when she cancelled the march." [Yes, that's right! I lost ALL credibility! I'm no longer any possible threat to you all whatsoever!! So why waste a 10 page report on me, then?] "Militia of Montana (MOM) "The Militia of Montana is a highly organized group that promotes and supports the formation of county militias in Montana, as well as nationally. [This is total crap. The Militia of Montana (MOM, anyway), is disorganized and headed by agent provocateurs who work for the ADL and perhaps the FBI. They have TWICE tried to set us up, and are constantly doing things to make militias look assinine. They have allowed felons in their group, too. They have been DISAVOWED by all legitimate militia units. They are PLANTS whose job is to make militias look bad and THAT is EXACTLY why they are included in this report. They put out disinformation all the time by fax and they often will attach loony tales to genuine information and have patriots chasing their tails.] "The original organizers of MOM are John, David and Randy Trochmann." [These are the guys Randy Weaver said were informants on him.] "The Trochmanns are known to have ties with the Aryan Nation Church in Hayden Lake, Idaho." [Yep -- here's the proof it's planted information. The feds are ALL convinced somehow that Aryan Nations are some REAL big threat, when in fact, they're a small bunch of survivalist yahoos in the hills of Idaho. But the ADL PURPOSELY teaches police agencies that Aryan Nations are a big threat so that the mere mention of Aryan Nations gets a knee-jerk ballistic reaction from police and it is guaranteed to label anyone "associated" with them -- even by this sort of bogus bullshit -- as a racist extremist. The Aryan Nations are white separatists, but they are a small, very isolated group up in the hills of Idaho that have never, in over 40 years, attacked anyone. There is also a faction that are inside federal prisons, organized by white separatists in prison. Either way, they are a "Big threat." However, the ADL has learned to use this as great propaganda, by just mentioning a known "racist" group and then naming other innocent people as if they are somehow connected. Worse, most of the time, the "racist" group was started by a plant from the ADL! This is how people are "demonized" as targets for police without doing anything whatsoever, other than being mentioned in a slanderous report from the ADL!! Just the mere mention of "Aryan Nations" is why the feds worked themselves into such a frenzy at Weaver's cabin -- they have been brainwashed to believe Aryan Nations is dangerous, 'way out of proportion to any threat, if any, they actually pose. ADL gives police training classes and this is the information they give them. It is TOTALLY bogus, but apparently the police never bother to check it out, being too eager to have a big, bad, mean target. You know, there really aren't very many big, bad mean people in this country, if you figure the percentages. Funny the police don't seem to want to consider this -- they'd rather attack and ask questions later. Witness the outcome of the Weaver trial where it was revealed that the US Martials intentionally tried to provoke the Weavers to fire at them (they didn't), then killed Weaver's 14 year old boy, after shooting his dog in front of him. It all started with the ADL claiming anyone associated with Aryan Nations was a terrible danger. Of course, Weaver was a white separatist, so obviously, he was REAL dangerous. So dangerous he never fired back when US martials killed his 14 year old boy and blew his wife's head off as she stood holding a 10 month old baby in her arms in the doorway of her home.] "Additionally, John Trochmann was co-chairperson of a support group for Randy Weaver. This support group later became the core of the present-day Mom. [Since Weaver himself doesn't trust them, that should be a clue. -- LT] "MOM has connections to Bo Gritz, former Populist party presidential candidate, former Phoenix police officer and leader of the "Police Against the New Rold Order," and Mark Koernke, a militia advocate from Michigan and one of the leading spokespersons for the movement, nationwide." [They left out "Jack McLamb" before "former Phoenix police officer." Gritz is not a former police officer. He is a known FBI informant and has known connections to CIA (documented in the "Traitor file" on here. Download from the AEN file area.) THESE PEOPLE ALSO ARE NOT MILITIA LEADERS OR MEMBERS AFFILIATED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM WITH THE UMUS.] "MOM's association with these various radical right wing factions portrays the organization closer to those expounding white separatism and racial hatred, than as mainstream "patriots." [Here's the BEST example of how bogus this report is! There is nothing in anything the ATF has written so far to indicate that any of the preceding groups, such as Gritz, McLamb, or Koernke, are white separatists, or racist. I have never heard any of them say anything white separatist or racist, either, even though I don't like ANY of them. The ATF notes that the Trochmanns are associated with Aryan Nations and that in itself demonstrates the Trochmanns are white separatists, but that says nothing about Gritz, McLamb, or Koernke. Without establishing that Gritz, McLamb or Koernke are white separatists or racists, how does the fact that ATF claims there are "known connections" between them and Trochmann provide any support for the claim that these associations with Gritz, McLamb and Koernke "portray the organization (TROCHMANN'S) closer to those expounding white separatism and racial hatred"? Bogus, bogus, propaganda -- anyone who doesn't read this carefully won't see how it is done. This is a written form of "sleight of hand." Mention a known racist group, then sprinkle in whatever you want to taint, then summarize with a complete mistatement. We need to learn how to do this as well as ATF.] "Police Against the New World Order (PATNWO) "Former Phoenix police officer Jack McLamb is the leader of this organization. McLamb, who publishes "Operation Vampire 2000" and "Aid and Abet," is heavily involved in the right wing extremist movement. [Here we go -- what is the "right wing extremist movement" ?! That is a fiction, a stereotype, a catch-all phrase used to label and demonize anyone who is a target of the ADL. This is a WELL-KNOWN PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUE that was used by the Nazis in referring to Jews to make people hate them.] "Vampire Killer 2000" suggests that U.S. law enforcement agencies are unknowingly and unwillingly involved with the United States Government in establishing the "New World Order." This group actively recruits law enforcement personnel. "McLamb has traveled to other states and gives speeches before patriot audiences. It is strongly believed that Linda Thompson met with members of PATNWO before cancelling her armed march on Washington, D.C." [This part is more proof McLamb is a front. I have never met McLamb, ever, nor anyone who works with him, and this is just an effort to associate him with me -- either to give him credibility or try to establish some "link" between me and "racists" on the toe-bone-connected-to-the-footbone-connected-to-the-ankle-bone theory of spreading bogus information. They first attempt to claim McLamb is racist, by claiming to associate him with Trochman, and then associate me with McLamb. Bogus, wholly bogus. I have denounced McLamb publicly on radio for his association with Gritz, who is a known federal operative. I go to great lengths to avoid even being in the same city he is in.] "McLamb is extremely close to Bo Gritz and pays tribute to him in his publications. McLamb accompanied Gritz to Ruby Ridge during the Randy Weaver standoff. during his 1992 presidential bid as a Populist Party candidate, Gritz encouraged his supporters to form militias." [I have continuously denounced Gritz for more than a year; further, Gritz does *NOT* encourage forming militias -- he wants people to SIGN UP for his "SPIKE" training, where he will also teach people to FINGERPRINT EACH OTHER. DUH. I have a tape where he contradicts everything I've said and where he says the best thing that could happen would be if the U.N. would attack the United States. A transcript is in the file, downloadable here at AEN. GRITZ and 5TH SPECIAL FORCES, HIS OLD UNIT, ARE PART OF THE VERY UNITS THAT WE ARE WARNING ABOUT. TF 160 is one such unit! That is why Gritz is out there at all. That is why Gritz attacked my tapes -- I've been exposing them. Notice they mention McLamb accompanying Gritz up to Ruby Ridge and they DON'T mention Gritz was WIRED for the FBI! GRITZ WAS THEIR BOY.] "Gritz has been conducting S.P.I.K.E. (Specially Prepared Individuals for Key Events) training, which has been characterized as paramilitary, and has allegedly included weapons training. Gritz has purchased 200 acres of land in central Idaho. He is selling lots to 'like-minded' people. "McLamb was to be a speaker during an Americans Against Gun Control (AAGC) banquet in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. AAGC was an organization first identified by ATF at the 1994 Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Classic in Sturgis, South Dakota. The group had a booth where they handed out anti-ATF literature." "One article related to a scheduled ATF explosives certification course in Rapid City, South Dakota, in August 1994. The article called for the protest and disruption of the meeting." [Yeah, sounds like deranged crazies, all right -- they were going to have a legal PROTEST of ATF having an explosives certification course. After we all saw ATF in action in Waco, it shouldn't be any surprise that those boneheads should not be trusted with explosives!! Here the ATF is complaining of legal, 1st Amendment protected behavior -- protest -- as if that is illegal and somehow warrants police scrutiny.] "Mark Koernke "Koernke is a major spokesperson for the militia cause. Considered an extremely professional presenter, he has spoken all across the United States. He sells his video "America in Peril" at his speaking engagements and through numerous far right periodicals. he is associated with most major militia figures, including Linda Thompson. [KOERNKE IS *NOT* ASSOCIATED WITH ME. HE IS BOGUS. He claims to have been, variously, in the "Air Force intelligence," "Army Intelligence," "the 40th Ranger Battalion," (which does NOT exist and NEVER HAS) and one cannot be both "special forces" and "military intelligence," they are two different fields, entirely. I think since this report is complimentary of him ("extremely professional presenter"), exaggerates what he does ("has spoken all across the United States") it is intended to make him seem legitimate. More propaganda. Remember, this report may have been INTENTIONALLY LEAKED, too. Koernke gets very little coverage or speaking engagements and at his last speaking engagement in California, had such a low turn out, he had to beg for contributions to pay expenses and then STOLE the contributions!!] "Koernke, commonly referred to as "Mark from Michigan," was the individual who spoke on behalf of the three militia members who were arrested this summer in Michigan." [COINCIDENTALLY, these were all guys associated with Mark who were busted on a "tip off" when Mark WASN'T with them. Oh, duh, is that one hard to figure out?] "STATE LISTING OF MILITIAS "The following is list of militias," [Sounds Russian, doesn't it? Make it: "Following is list of militias, comrade" and you'll get it.] "known to ATF, by state. Not all of the militias listed have been identified as having members who are in violation of laws that fall within ATF's jurisdictional purview. This list identifies locations of militias whose philosoph, if adhered to, could lead to violation of Federal laws." **** [IMPORTANT: NOTICE THAT PARAGRAPH. Thus far, they haven't, in the ENTIRE REPORT, mentioned ONE DAMNED THING THAT IS ILLEGAL, nor ONE DAMNED THING that is within ATF's legal jurisdiction!!] ***** "ALABAMA "Unorganized Militia Affiliate "Law enforcement has had contact with one individual believed to be an affiliate of the Unorganized Militia. the individual had expressed the same views as the Unorganized Militia." [Here they are referring to me, since they claim I am the leader of the Unorganized militia. They have never said what my views are and I am sure they don't know, but they say "the individual had expressed the same views." What views are those? Let's say we have the same views, just for the sake of argument. Does having the "same views" make them an "affiliate" or could it be there is REALLY a national problem and thousands of people have recognized it? If "having the same views" makes one an "affiliate" of someone across the country or around the world, then on this basis, we can conclusively say the ATF is AFFILIATED WITH NAZIS BECAUSE THEY ARE USING THE EXACT SAME TACTICS AND HAVE THE EXACT SAME VIEWS. P.S. to ATF -- I am rolling on the floor laughing about this one. All you can find to mention is ONE guy whose "views are the same" but this is part of your "militia" report?! Hahahaha. Love it! To the several thousand Alabama militia members: GOOD WORK, GUYS!!] "Arizona "Sovereign Citizens Movement "The Sovereign Citizens Movement, located in Tucson, Arizona, is a constitutionalist organization promoting separation from the Federal Government and the formation of independent townships, and independent militia. Approximately 25 people attended a September meeting. [This is a reference to Gary Hunt, a known ATF plant. Hunt has NOTHING to do with any militias in the country and he is NOT from Arizona [See the ADL report where Hunt is named]. He travels around the country, expenses paid. All genuine militias know him for what he is. The sovereign citizens' movement is genuine and was busy a long time before Hunt ever showed up and weaselled his way into it, too, and he most ASSUREDLY is not a major player. We have a whole file on Hunt's activities in on our BBS.] "Arkansas "Unorganized Militia Affiliate "Two individuals expressed interest in attending the cancelled armed march on Washington, D.C. They were allegedly in possession of a fully automatic weapon." [(1) We have no "Arkansas affiliates." We have no "affiliates," period. (2) This tells me who has been bugging our phones and opening our mail. Thanks, ATF. After the march was cancelled, we had one guy call and complain and another wrote and complained about the march being cancelled, both from Arkansas. These were the only complaints. We did not reply to the complaints. Thus, ATF could only know about them by bugging our phone lines and opening our mail. (3) Both of these complaints were from people associated with a group that has attacked me on several occasions in literature they put out and who are affiliated with the ADL, called "Free Spirit" and another one about "Truth" I can't remember.] "California "A large meeting of GOAL (see below) was held in the Bakersfield, California area, during which Mark Koernke was the guest speaker." [This is the meeting that Mark Koernke and Stadtmueller stole the money from. In the CIA references I have, there is also a Stadtmueller (unusual name) mentioned repeatedly. The California people to whom he was speaking are legitimate patriots but they are not "GOAL" members for the most part.] "COLORADO "Guardians of American Liberty (GOAL) "GOAL is an organization, based in Boulder, Colorado, which incorporates many diverse radical right ideals and places them under one umbrella organization. These "committees" include FED and IRS; Legislative Research, bill and Laws, State Monitoring, Federal Monitoring; Legal; Political Prisoner; Public Servants; Communications and Public Relations; Self-Reliance and Family; Education; Sovereignty and Freedom; Militia; and Spritual. Goal has been identified in Colorado, California, and Ohio." [NOTE: THE ADL REPORT (SEE FOLLOWING) says "GOAL" is headed by STU WEBB. Stu Webb is a total idiot, a lunatic. He puts out a lot of disinformation, much of it alleging his former father-in-law is behind the mafia and CIA (he had a nasty divorce where he called his father-in-law up on the phone and threatened him for an hour and will play you a tape of this to convince you his father-in-law is in the mafia -- no, it makes no sense, since the phone call doesn't prove anything but him calling his father-in-law a lot of names). I banned him from the meeting I had in Denver. He pestered us for weeks on end and is very, very obviously either mentally disturbed, a fed plant, or both. GOAL is not the primary focus group of the patriot assemblies, the ADL is just trying to associate Webb with the large number of patriot meetings. Another guy associated with him, Marty Nalitz, a local radio host, stole $3,000 cash from me at that meeting, too.] "An application for GOAL was found on two members of the American Patriots, who were arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, for Federal firearms and explosives violations." [Gee, if they had applications for Sears Charge Cards, does that implicate Sears?] "FLORIDA "American Citizen Alliance "During the purchase of 50 magazine clips from an FFL in Maitland, Florida, [Purchasing magazine clips is perfectly legal.] "the suspect made statements concerning the militia to a detective with the police department. Among other statemens (sic) he said there was a plan in place to kill Federal judges, congressmen, and agents. He also advised that he had 60 Ruger rifles. An inquiry into the suspect's background revealed that he is a convicted felon. [They don't mention what his prior felony was, nor the time frame since his conviction, nor do they mention what state this occurred in, but in many states, a person has his rights restored upon completing his punishment. The feds are required to observe this restoration of rights by the states. Further, the Constitution requires that each state observe the laws recognized in the other states, so there is a good possibility this guy violated no laws at all. This was a "status" offense, at best. Obviously, he isn't charged with the supposed threats on judges, etc., so it is doubtful he made the statements at all. "He was arrested by ATF on October 15, 1994. At the time of his arrest he was in possession of a Ruger rifle with a silencer. The suspect has five associates, also members of the American citizen Alliance, who are defendants in Federal cases as a result of their role in placing unlawful liens against the properties of Federal district court judges." [We have the news article on this and the charges resulted because a judge claimed to be "intimidated" when the group requested the judge's financial disclosure documents on file with the Judicial applications committee -- these documents are REQUIRED TO BE PUBLIC RECORD. That's all it takes to get a federal charge, for a judge to claim to be "intimidated" when you ask for something to which you are entitled!! Now, ATF makes it sound like the people were the ones deranged, not the judge.] "Florida State Militia 2nd regiment "The 2nd regiment of the Florida State Militia is located in Ft. Pierce, Florida. A spokesman for the group stated that their membership is made-up of the American Populist Party and the American Patriots. They believe in the Constitution and States' rights. They oppose the Federal Government's move to a New world Order and a central police force. [Gee, don't those guys sound like real desperados? They believe in the Constitution. Somebody should point out to the ATF that BY LAW EVERY ATF AGENT IS SUPPOSED TO SWEAR AN OATH TO UPHOLD THAT CONSTITUTION. What dumbasses.] "He described the membership as "boy scouts with guns." Information received indicates members interest in making nitroglycerine. They may also be in possession of machineguns. SO FRIGGIN' WHAT?!! It is ***NOT*** illegal to own a machinegun in this country, and in fact, Supreme Court rulings have plainly stated that the Militia, particularly, is to have MILITARY-STYLE WEAPONS. NOTE: The nature of the information above indicates there is likely an informant in that group.] "During one meeting, 250 people attended to listen to David Thibedeux, a Branch davidian survivor, speak about the Waco incident. The group claims to have 250,000 members statewide. [NOTE: David Thibedeaux was not charged by the government in connection with Waco; David Thibedeaux is the ONLY person besides children and David Koresh on the video tape made by David Koresh, sent out to the government to show the "condition of the children" during the siege. David Thibedeaux is one of the federal agents who was inside Mt. Carmel and was the REASON the siege lasted 51 days -- the feds had to get their own people OUT FIRST. David Thibedeaux is also featured in the tape about Waco that was PAID FOR BY THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT and features three other KNOWN FEDERAL OPERATIVES (only) as well as a "reporter" that went to LAWSCHOOL where I did (so he is probably FBI, who require a lawschool degree; he was also the anchor for NBC during the Waco siege. NBC is the ADL's own personal mouthpiece station and made the "WACO" show a week after the siege). NBC is the primary station seeking interviews as a result of the ADL press release and report, too, and they have called here. They told me they "heard of me" through the ADL press release. The entire paragraph, above, is probably intended to give Thibedeaux credibility. The people coming to listen to Thibedeaux would not know any of this and would believe he was legitimate.] "Florida State Militia recruitment posters have surfaced depicting a hooded ATF SRT member with the caption "Never Surrender Your Firearms." This same picture can be seen in other militias' literature. [So? What's your point? You don't want to be depicted as thugs, you shouldn't go around looking and acting like thugs, and if you don't want the caption, "Never surrender your firearms," under your thug picture, then you shouldn't be trying to steal people's guns. Very basic concepts here, bucko.] "Georgia "111th North Georgia Militia "The 111th North Georgia Militia states that its 'area of operation' is in the Georgia mountains, near the Tennessee border. This militia has allegedly buried caches of firearms, explosives, and survival supplies in anticipation of their conspiracy beliefs of a United Nations takeover of the U.S. This group is associated with the Church of the Avenger and MOM. [Never heard of them, but if they exist, they obviously have some informant in their group. Secondly, if they have all their stuff buried for a contingency that is never going to occur -- according to ATF, anyway -- then where's the problem? LT] "Idaho "United States Militia Association "According to media accounts, Sam Sherwood, the director of the United States Militia Association, based in southeast Idaho, speaks to groups concerning circumventing the Crime Bill by forming their own local militia units. "Sherwood sells a detailed guide on organizing militias, which also include copies of laws to present to state legislators and county commissioners to persuade them to sanction local militias. He has allegedly recruited 500 members in 10 chapters in Idaho. [I don't know this guy, either, but heard from Ambrose Prichard with the London Telegraph that Sherwood disagrees with me and has denounced me (as a female, actually), but otherwise, I don't know much about him. The Christian Identity Church leader, Pete Peters, denounced me based on my being female because women are supposed to stay in the home, etc., so this may be the same thing Sherwood bases his claims on, which, him being in Idaho means he is probably Christian Identity, which is a separatist group, but that also means he could be a plant, since most of the outspoken racists are, in fact, government plants.] "Sherwood sells a detailed guide on organizing militias, which also include copies of laws to present to state legislators and county commissioners to persuade them to sanction local militias. He has allegedly recruited 500 members in 10 chapters in Idaho." "While Sherwood claims that the majority of the Idaho sheriffs back his campaign, Greg Mofat, Sheriff of Madison County and President of the Tri-County Sheriff's Association, was quoted in the Salt Lake Tribune, "Their intent is to amass weapons, including automatic weapons, and go against the Federal government." "Indiana "Unorganized Militia "Indianapolis is the home base for the Unorganized Militia. See above. [Morons. See Title 10, Section 311 of the US Code, Article I, Section 8 and the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ("the militia clauses) and the Constitutions of all 50 states.] "Michigan "Northern Michigan Militia "Since March 1994, the ATF Detroit Field Division has noted the escalation of the militia movement in Michigan from a theoretical group of individuals, who advocate returning to the constitution, to a full-blown paramilitary organization which is growing with unprecedented speed. Militias have been identified in 66 of Michigan's 85 counties. [1st Bde, MI: NOTE, THIS MEANS YOU HAVE AN INFILTRATOR, BIG TIME.] "The formation of militias in Michigan is believed to have been spearheaded by the Northern Michigan Militia, 1st Brigade, headed by Norman Olson, a former career Air Force Officer, minister, and current Federal Firearms Licensee. [The above information is wrong, so it may be an intentional leak to bolster registration in the 1st Bde. There were already at least 20 other militias before 1st Bde.] "The militias are considered to be separate and distinct from each other, yet Olson is the self-appointed liaison among the various militias in Michigan. It should be noted that Olson is selling large quantities of firearms through his business and may be selling them to militia members. [If he is a an FFL holder, well DUH, what a surprise, he is selling large quantities of firearms. That is true for EVERY firearms dealer in America, thanks to the Nazi laws that have passed lately. BY THE DEFINITION OF MILITIA ON THE FEDERAL LAW BOOKS, EVERY SALE OF EVERY GUN BY *ANYONE* IS A SALE TO A MILITIA MEMBER.] Title 10, section 311, US CODE: [Federal Code sections are to be read as gender neutral] 10 U.S.C. s. 311: (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are commissioned officers of the National Guard. (b) The classes of the militia are: (1) The organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and (2) The unorganized militia which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia. NOTE: THIS MEANS EVERYONE IN THE U.S. IS A MEMBER OF THE MILITIA, BY LAW.] "According to the Detroit Field Division, the following groups have been found to be related in some manner to the various militias in Michigan: The National Unorganized Militia, We the People, [It ends with a comma like that in the ATF copy and there is a blank line (so they have whited-out a line here), then it starts again as follows] "Gun Owners of Macomb County, Gun Owners of Michigan, Justice Pro Se, Committee to Restore the Constitution, Citizens for Justice, Fully Informed Jury Association, and the American Freedom Network. "MISSOURI "Continental Militia "The Continental Militia is based at an undisclosed location in Crawford county, Missouri, where they are rumored to have drug connections and buried munitions. One member has sent threatening letters to local law enforcement. Members declare that they are not citizens of the United States, but rather citizens of the state of Missouri. Therefore, they claim that they are not subject to the laws of the United States. "Other Missouri Militias "Since June 1994, law enforcement authorities have determined that militias have been formed in Greene, Dade, Barton, Cedar and Franklin counties. Copies of Mark Koernke's tape have been circulating among these militias. [NOTICE THEY DON'T MENTION "AMERICA UNDER SIEGE" SINCE IT PROVIDES COMPLETE PROOF THAT WHAT WE ARE SAYING IS TRUE AND THEY DON'T WANT THE POLICE TO SEE IT!!! BUT MILITIAS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY HAVE IT AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THIS INCLUDES THE MISSOURI MILITIAS.] "Montana "MOM Montana is the home base for MOM. [It is also the home base for several LEGITIMATE militias, but MOM's leaders are not among them and the reason ATF isn't getting any good intel on this is because no one is telling their informants at MOM, since our intel is obviously a lot more on the ball.] "NEVADA "Nevada Volunteers "A member of this group has alleged ties to the Aryan Nations, skin heads, [Oh yes, invoke the dreaded, ever-powerful boogey-man, the 'Aryan Nations,' because they claim one member -- who is probably a FED PLANT -- is a member of Aryan Nations!! That's about as bogus as claiming that one member goes to Ninja School, so they must all be Ninjas. Yeah right.] "and is a supporter of the U.S. Special Forces National Militia." [What the hell is the "U.S. Special Forces National Militia"? ATF never mentions it in their report so it either isn't any big "threat," doesn't exist, or it's one of their own agencies or it's a GENUINE threat they are scared of and don't want to anger. Har har.] "Members of this group are suspected of Federal firearms violations and may have connections with militias in other states." "NEW MEXICO "PATWNO protested at the IACP conference. [ATF again complaining about legal 1st Amendment protected activity as if it is a reason for law enforcement to attack.] "NEW YORK "During October 1994, an ATF defendant of Bay Shore, New York, was convicted of two counts of possessing a machinegun; one count of engagin in the Business of Unlicensed Manufacturing of Firearms, and two counts of Making a Machinegun Lacking a Serial Number. The defendant, who is described as a survivalist and a taxprotestor, belonged to a group called the "Naked Truth." During the execution of a search warrant, a letter was found which indicated the defendant intended to initiate militia and recruit persons to assist him in the manufacturing of firearms. [The thought police are at it again -- here, because one person was THINKING about forming a militia, better be worried about big-time militia activity in New York!] "NORTH CAROLINA "Unconfirmed information disclosed the possible existence of an armed, uniform militia that is stockpiling weapons for the purpose of future resistance against the Federal Government. [Notice the "unconfirmed" nonsense again. More report "fattening" with NON-intelligent "intelligence" information. So what is the REAL purpose of this report, since so much of it is absolutely, totally worthless rumor that even old maids wouldn't pass along? Obviously, it is to target someone and that would be the legitimate people mentioned who are being tainted by this report's tenous, bogus connections and innuendo, and outright false claims. In otherwords, the ATF is committing a hate crime, in writing. Everything they actually document and complain of is LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED activity. They are attempting to inflame an entire group to suppress this activity. That is a blatent violation of the Constitution and punishable under criminal law, 18 USC 241, if memory serves, and by civil suit, 42 USC 1983, and Bivens' actions. See you in court.] "OHIO OHIO UNORGANIZED MILITIA "The Ohio Unorganized Militia has strong ties with Linda Thompson and her national movement. [These are the guys I denounced as wusses for their "demonstration" on U.N. day, you may recall. Strong ties my butt.] "In July 1994, Thompson was observed training with the Pike County Unit of the Ohio Unorganized MIlitia." [This is a REAL good indication of how bad ATF's intelligence is. I have NEVER been in Pike County nor met nor trained with the Pike County Militia in my life, period.] "The militia movement in Ohio recently received media attention when James Johnson, a black male [WHO ARE THE RACISTS HERE? Lessee, ATF first tries to portray me as a racist, by their smear tactics, then they claim I'm closely tied to James Johnson, then THEY make a point of mentioning his RACE. CLUE TIME. GET ONE FROM THE CLUE BOX.] "stated that he is the coordinator for the Ohio militias in 50 of Ohio's 88 counties. Johnson stated that the militia members are stockpiling weapons because they feel that armed conflict is inevitable in the United States. Johnson further predicted that the conflict would occur before the summer of 1995. "A chapter of the Guardians of American Liberties is also in Ohio." "SOUTH DAKOTA "TRI-STATE MILITIA "Not much is known about this militia, other than the fact that a unit may be located near Sioux Falls, south Dakota. This group may be connected to "We the People." "Mark Koernke has also spoken to a Sioux Falls citizen's group, along with a representative of "We the People." "TEXAS "Concerned Americans "This group was first identified at gun shows in central Texas. They believe that it is their responsibility to acquire firearms to defend themselves against police. They do not appear to have any financial backing and lack organization. Since an influential leader has not emerged, it is questionable whether the organization will flourish. "Wisconsin "Free Militia "Mathew Trewhella, leader of the anti-abortion group, Missionaries to the Preborn, sponsored a rally in October 1993, in which Linda Thomspon (sic) was the featured speaker; 2,500 attended. Trewhella advocates the forming of church-based militias. =============================================================== The report ends here. Observations: Notice the report says things like "unconfirmed information disclosed . . ." This means it is nothing but b.s., unsubstantiated rumor, yet they are putting it out as "disclosed," which means "discovered" or "revealed." They should say, "rumor has it that such and such is going on." To the militias who are "rumored" but not detailed, you know who you are, and to those who are not even mentioned: GOOD WORK. For all of those who believed the claims that I'm an "agent provacateur," notice that the ONLY information about me is what *I* have put out, personally, or public record (when I was arrested). You'll also notice they only cover a handful of states and most of that with "rumor" and "based on the arrest of one guy, we figure thus and such" type nonsense. Their information is absolutely dismal, hopelessly wrong, as those in the militias not even mentioned will especially appreciate. This report went a long way to finding out who the infiltrators are, though. Thanks, ATF. We have no infiltrators here at this office. We ARE being bugged and monitored, though. Next door, at the pizza place, there is a guy who is posing as a delivery boy, who meets with a fed car periodically and carries one of those red plastic pizza cover bags with him, only he doesn't carry like a pizza, he carries it like a money bag, down by his side, and the fed car he meets in the parking lot, opens his trunk and they stand out there and talk a few minutes. We figure he is making tape recordings of our office conversations and that is what is in the bag. Just a guess. The fed-posing-as-pizza-boy passed by me and a couple of people talking out on the sidewalk day before yesterday. All the real employees at the pizza place say "Hello" and wave when we see them -- they all know us -- and this guy CERTAINLY knows me, yet when he passed by, he wouldn't so much as look at any of us, intentionally avoiding eye contact. I opened the door to the pizza place and yelled in, "Hey, if the fidelity isn't good, you can always put the microphone over in our office." The guy didn't even act puzzled or look up, he just replied, "So I've heard." Pretty much confirms what we thought. What a bunch of dummies. [These meetings in the parking lot stopped when I went out and photographed them and the tag of the car. heheh. Guess they have to be more clandestine now.] ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)