Tech 1.7.2 Fi: hotline can do lots of cool things Bill Redford : ohhh, so how do people get away with "Pirating" stuff and what kind of stuff do they steal? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: Well Tech 1.7.2 Fi: I honestly don't do any of the pirating Tech 1.7.2 Fi: but most people place pirated software on their servers for other users to download Tech 1.7.2 Fi: because hotline is a proprietary protocol, it is harder for most normal governmental agencies to track Tech 1.7.2 Fi: because they assume people use ftp or irc, or nntp or standard net protocols to do that kinda stuff Bill Redford : oh, I don't understand what exactly you just said there. proprietary protocol? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: yeah Tech 1.7.2 Fi: a protocol that only a select few programmers actually know how it works Bill Redford : so that stuff is easier to catch when stealing? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: well not necessarily Bill Redford : ok, would you mind going into more depth with the government stuff? Do people really get caught by the government? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: yes people get caught, but only because hotline communications sets up traps to catch people doing things like that Tech 1.7.2 Fi: such as disguised servers Tech 1.7.2 Fi: and having users go from server to server logging ips Tech 1.7.2 Fi: and reporting them to isps Tech 1.7.2 Fi: Bill Redford : does that answer your questions? Bill Redford : I know you probably don't want to give away to much information but could you elaborate on that a bit more. Bill Redford : I only have a few more Tech 1.7.2 Fi: hmmm Tech 1.7.2 Fi: What part do you need me to elaborate on? Bill Redford : thw whole "trap" thing a bit more Tech 1.7.2 Fi: well Tech 1.7.2 Fi: HL Comm runs several disguised servers, and when users connect looking for warez, the ips are logged and sent to isps with full documentation on what they were doing illegal Bill Redford : so if they "login" these traps take down there IP number and sends it to their ISP? But they'll only get in trouble if they download something? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: well, yes and no Bill Redford : ? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: lots of times, the only reason someone would connect to that server is because it is listed on a tracker for only one reason, and that is warez Bill Redford : so they don't have to download anything? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: although, most of the time, if you don't download you aren't penalized Bill Redford : Warez is the stolen software right? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: yes Tech 1.7.2 Fi: any software that is not to be distributed freely Tech 1.7.2 Fi: warez is short for softwarez Tech 1.7.2 Fi: in other words software Bill Redford : and you guys (hotline) start up false servers to catch people. Do you guys steal software and put it in your server? Bill Redford : to attract people I mean Bill Redford : I'm not too keen on this whole hotline thing. so you might have to explain some stuff Tech 1.7.2 Fi: no Bill Redford : do you buy it? Bill Redford : I guess what I'm asking is how do you get people to come into your server Bill Redford : My main question was how do you get people into your servers? Bill Redford : Or the Traps if I may Tech 1.7.2 Fi: They are listed on trackers Tech 1.7.2 Fi: as well as many other user's servers as well Bill Redford : so do you actually work at Hotline? Bill Redford : or for hotline Tech 1.7.2 Fi: kinda Tech 1.7.2 Fi: in a way Bill Redford : ok, last few questions... Tech 1.7.2 Fi: yes? Bill Redford : I hope you don't mind these...but, . Tech 1.7.2 Fi: no Bill Redford : what's your name Bill Redford : and your age Tech 1.7.2 Fi: Tony Tech 1.7.2 FI: 40 Bill Redford : hmmm... Bill Redford : The whole government thing really intrigues me, I can't believe this little prgram could go that far. Bill Redford : Are their people on the government on Holine? Bill Redford : Oh ya!!! I remember seeing something about something like SAWdyd? what is that? Tech 1.7.2 Fi: there may be Tech 1.7.2 Fi: That is a user who has gone around collecting ips of servers with warez Bill Redford : is that the right name of it? Bill Redford : SAWdyd?. Interview by Psyk0 : playing the Part of Bill Redford 9-22-99