SERVITOR DESIGN SEQUENCE 1. Define General Intent. The first step in designing a Servitor is to decide the general sphere of influence into which your intention falls, such as healing, protection, binding, harmony, luck, divination, mood enhancement, success in …., and so forth. Defining your general intent will assist you if you wish to use symbols & magical correspondences in creating your servitor. For example, if you were interested in creating a servitor to act within the sphere of Healing, then you could assemble any associations, symbols, emotions, memories, etc which you relate to the concept of Healing. By consulting a book of magical correspondences such as ‘777’, you could build up chains of correspondences – planetary figures, scents, colours, planetary hours etc. How far you go in this direction is very much a matter of personal choice. 2. Defining Specific Intent. Here, you are creating the core of the Servitor’s purpose -the Statement of Intent which is analogous to the Servitor’s aetheric DNA. Formulating the Servitor’s Statement of Intent may necessitate a good deal of self-analysis into your motivations, desires, realistic projections of goals, etc. As in all sorcery operations, it is appropriate to ask advice from your preferred form of divination. To continue the example of a Healing Servitor, an appropriate Statement of Intent might be: “To promote rapid recovery and health in …(name)…” Once you have determined the appropriate Intent to form the basis of your Servitor, then the Statement can be rendered into a sigil, or glyph.. 3. What Symbols Are Appropriate to the Servitor’s Task? There is a wealth of magical & mythic symbols which you can draw upon when creating a servitor, which can be used to represent different qualities, abilities and attributes. There is also the symbolism of colour, smell, sound & other sensory media to draw upon. In order to refine the ‘program’ which forms the basis for your servitor further, you could embellish the sigil by adding other symbols. The above illustration shows the ‘program’ of a Healing Servitor. Its core sigil has been placed within a hexagram, and the number 7 has been added to it. Here, the hexagram represents balance, health, life enhancement and Solar qualities, also forming the elemental symbols of Fire (representing healing fire, the burning up of fever) and the elemental symbol for Water (representing expulsion of toxins through sweat, calming influences). The number 7 represents the idea of harmony, and also represents the duration of the Servitor’s operation. The entire figure forms the ‘instructions’ for the Servitor which will be visualised as forming a part of it, during it’s launch phase. 4. Is there a Time Factor to Consider? Here, you should consider the duration of the Servitor’s operation. In other words, do you want the Servitor to be ‘working’ continuously, or only at specific periods? Here, you may wish to take into account phases of the moon, astrological conjunctions or planetary hours, for example, which could be added into the Servitor’s symbolic instructions. The Healing Servitor above for example, was instructed to be active for a period of seven days, affecting it’s target recipient for seven minutes, at seven hour intervals. This instruction serves to reinforce the number symbolism & association with harmony. It is also at this point that you should consider what happens after the Servitor has performed its task. It is generally held to be preferable that when a Servitor has completed its task, the Servitor should be disassembled by its creator. There are two approaches to doing this. Firstly, one can encode a “self-destruct” instruction into the Servitor at the time of it’s creation, where the duration of its existence is defined in terms of the duration of its task, or the fulfilment of a specific condition. For example, the Healing Servitor could be defined so that it’s sigilised Statement of Intent is: “To promote rapid recovery and health in …(name)…working at 7/7/7 intervals, the sum of which is the spell of your life.” The other approach to disassembly is to perform a ritual ‘reabsorption’ of the Servitor, mentally drawing it back from it’s task, taking it apart by visualization, taking back the original desire which sparked it’s creation, and taking apart or destroying any material base which you have created for it. Whilst classical occult theory has it that if you do not look after your thought-forms, they will wander around the astral plane annoying people, there is good psychological sense for terminating the ‘life’ of Servitors which have completed their assigned task – that you are reclaiming responsibility for that desire-complex which you used to create the Servitor. 5. Is A Name Required? The Servitor can be given a name which can be used, in addition to its sigil, for creating, powering, or controlling it. A name also acts to further create a Servitor’s persona. A name can reflect the Servitor’s task, or be formed from a mantric sigil of it’s Statement of Intent. The example Healing Servitor was given the name TUMMYHUM, a rather whimsical reference to its function. 6. Is a Material Base Required? The Material base is some physical focus for the Servitor’s existence. This can help to define the Servitor as an individual entity, and can be used if you need to recall the Servitor for any reason. Examples of a material base include bottles, rings, crystals, small figurines as used in fantasy role-playing or figures crafted from modelling compounds. Bodily fluids can be applied to the material base to increase the perceived link between creator and entity. This is very much a matter of personal taste. Alternatively, the Servitor can remain freely mobile as an aetheric entity. I tend to find that one-shot, task-specific servitors can be left as aetheric entities, whilst for entities which have more of along-term use, a material base is often helpful. For others, it might be possible to link their use to a specific, identifiable, state of consciousness, which forms part of the core associations which one builds up for a Servitor. It is also possible to link a Servitor to a specific smell, such as a perfume or essential oil, so that each time the oil is applied, the Servitor is activated. This can be particularly useful when creating Servitors for general Healing, Protection, or enhancement of a particular mood. A dab of the perfume can be put onto the Servitor’s material base, and the perfume should be inhaled during the launch of the entity. 7. Is a Specific Shape Required? Servitors can be created to have any desired shape, from tiny homunculi to morphic spheres capable of extruding any required appendage. The shape you choose to identify with this particular thought-form can add another level of representational identity to the entity. A common practice though, is to visualize the Servitor as a featureless sphere, pulsing with energy, glowing with appropriately chosen colours, into which has been impressed, it’s sigilised instructions.