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file10356773_454545394729649_487809332892437205_n.jpg2022-02-21 13:0758 KB
file1269993193730.png2022-02-21 13:0723 KB
fileAdvice for a Young Investigator - The MIT Press. (Bradford Books) Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Neely Swanson, Larry W. Swanson (1999).pdf2022-02-21 13:07875 KB
fileEvidence-Based Medicine. In Sherlock Holmes' Footsteps. Wiley-Blackwell, Jorgen Nordenstrom (2006).pdf2022-02-21 13:073005 KB
fileguide - spotting bad science.png2022-02-21 13:07924 KB
fileHandbook of Scientific Methods of Inquiry for Intelligence Analysis Scarecrow Professional Intelligence Education Series - Hank Prunckun 2010.pdf2022-02-21 13:071545 KB
fileHow to Survive Peer Review. Wager E., Godlie F., Jefferson T. (2002).pdf2022-02-21 13:07381 KB
fileMaking Better Drugs for Children with Cancer - National Academies Press. Committee on Shortening the Time Line for New Cancer Treatments, Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council (2005).pdf2022-02-21 13:07595 KB
fileMethodology for the Human Sciences. Systems of Inquiry. Suny Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology. Donald Polkinghorne (1984).epub2022-02-21 13:07757 KB
fileMetodo cientifico.jpg2022-02-21 13:0771 KB
filephilosophy of science.png2022-02-21 13:07307 KB
filePractical Research Methods - A User-Friendly Guide to Mastering Research Techniques and Projects.pdf2022-02-21 13:07771 KB
fileResearch Methodology. Methods and techniques 2nd Edition - C.R. Kothari 2004.pdf2022-02-21 13:071915 KB
fileScientific Inference - Learning from Data - Vaughan S. 2013.pdf2022-02-21 13:074269 KB
filescientific-method-meme-updated-1.png2022-02-21 13:07988 KB
fileThe Nature of Science and the Scientific Method.pdf2022-02-21 13:07476 KB
fileThe Scientific Method.png2022-02-21 13:0743 KB
fileUnderstanding the Language of Science - Steven Darian 2003.pdf2022-02-21 13:071825 KB