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fileExploring the Human Plasma Proteome - Wiley-VCH. Gilbert S. Omenn (Editor) (2006).pdf2022-02-22 06:2219618 KB
fileFrom Genome to Proteome_ Advances in the Practice and Application of Proteomics - Wiley-VCH. Michael J. Dunn (2000).pdf2022-02-22 06:2240910 KB
fileHuman Brain Proteome - Academic Press. (International Review of Neurobiology 61) Lisa A. Neuhold (Eds.) (2004).pdf2022-02-22 06:228932 KB
fileLow-abundance Proteome Discovery_ State of the Art and Protocols - Egisto Boschetti and Pier Giorgio Righetti (Auth.) (2013).pdf2022-02-22 06:2229935 KB
fileProteome Characterization and Proteomics - Academic Press. (Advances in Protein Chemistry 65) Richard D. Smith and Timothy D. Veenstra (Eds.) (2003).pdf2022-02-22 06:226497 KB
fileProteome Research_ Concepts, Technology and Application - Springer. (Principles and Practice) M.R. Wilkins, M.R. Wilkins, R.D. Appel, K.L. Williams, D.F. Hochstrasser (2007).pdf2022-02-22 06:2212876 KB
fileProteome Research_ New Frontiers in Functional Genomics (Principles and Practice) - Springer. Marc R. Wilkins, Keith L. Williams, Ron D. Appel, Denis F. Hochstrasser (1997).djvu2022-02-22 06:223416 KB
fileThe Low Molecular Weight Proteome_ Methods and Protocols - Springer-Verlag New York. (Methods in Molecular Biology 1023) Maria Pernemalm (auth.), Helena Bäckvall, Janne Lehtiö (eds.) (2013).pdf2022-02-22 06:224280 KB
fileThe Urinary Proteome_ Methods and Protocols - Humana Press. (Methods in Molecular Biology 641) Germán Echeverry, Glen L. Hortin, Alex J. Rai (auth.), Alex J. Rai (eds.) (2010).pdf2022-02-22 06:2212042 KB