BEGIN LINE_NOIZ.4 I S S U E - $ D E C E M B E R 1 , 1 9 9 3 ------------------------L-------I-------N-------E---------------------------- ^$)cQ(y$*^(b%(Ne(&r$%( N o I Z )*^(p*($*^(u$(*^($**$n(^k( C y b e r p u n k I n f o r m a t i o n E - Z i n e ()()()()()()()()()()()()( L I N E N O I Z )()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() I S S U E - $ D E C E M B E R 1 , 1 9 9 3 : File ! : Intro to Issue 4 : Billy Biggs : File @ : Zine Info- Inquisitor : Daniel Drennan : File # : SF REVIEW OF: _ARISTOI_ by Walter Jon Williams : James A. Squires : File $ : Attention suffocating masses [resist] : HYDRA@DELPHI.COM : File % : Computers Freedom and Privacy '94, Chi. Mar 23-26 : File ^ : Bandwidth : Steven Baker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- File - ! Issue 4. Here it is. I still have not recieved the next part of the sci-fi story started in issue 2. Sorry. Anyways, it looks as though I will be going into one issue a week in January, if I keep on getting enough stuff. For Now I am not making any commitments as to when the next issue will be out. This issue was put together fairly quickly, so there is not much stuff in here. Expect a bigger-better one next issue. Subscriptions can be obtained by sending mail to: With the words: Subscription LineNoiz In the body of the letter. Back Issues can be recieved by sending mail to the same address with the words BACK ISSUES in the subject. --Da editor nerd, Billy Biggs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- File - @ From: (Daniel Drennan) Subject: Inquisitor Z I N E I N F O the I n q u i s i t o r The INQUISITOR is an eclectic mix of culture, art and technology. The premiere issue focuses on: apocalypse culture, low-tech microcontroller projects, copyright, global telecommunications, Godzilla, a diary of New York City living, religious tracts and more. Future issues will look at: The marketing of AIDS, recursive television, women and language online, low-tech do-it-yourself media, microcontroller projects, sampling in modern music, modern music reviews and much more. GUARANTEED 100% CYBER-HYPE FREE! THIS REVIEW APPEARED IN FACTSHEET FIVE: (WINTER 93-94) Half high tech hacking...and half high weirdness. This is one excellent zine. Two articles, one on God as a Cockroach and the other on various doomsday cults, are the choicest bits from this truly wild zine. The doomsday article includes a probability table for various scenarios. "New York Diary" makes me glad that I live in Frisco. The Godzilla article is a gem, as are the horrorscopes. ...The tech articles are good for the hacker who frequents Radio Shack. It's weird, wonderful and worthwhile. THIS REVIEW APPEARED on Fringeware Inc.'s ELECTRONIC MAIL LIST: (PO Box 49921, Austin, TX, 78765) You will hardly be able to believe the production quality and sheer beauty of design/typography embodied in Inquistor...Then I get around to mentioning the mind searing content...Dany's published piece in [Mondo 2000] was the only good tech "how-to" ever carried in a fashion magazine (Mutating Your Desktop, M2k#7)... The INQUISITOR was also featured in BEYOND CYBERPUNK: THE UPDATE STACK, published by The Computer Lab, RT 4 Box 54C, Louisa, VA 23093. The INQUISITOR is available at a newsstand near you, or for $5.00 from: Dany Drennan, Inquisitor, PO Box 132, NYNY 10024 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File - # From: jsquires@CERF.NET ("James A. Squires") ------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ _____ FROM: James A. Squires (29-NOV-93) / /\ \ ----- / /__\ \ SF REVIEW OF: _ARISTOI_ ____/ / \ \ by Walter Jon Williams _________\ ------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT, WHY, AND WHEN ------------------- I first was attracted to WJW's writing by his book "Hardwired", which is a classic 'jack-in and go' tale. I would love to describe his other enjoyable books (and recommend ones to skip), but I'm motivated tonight to share his latest: _ARISTOI_. It was some time ago I finished _ARISTOI_, and it has stuck with me for several reasons. He presents several thought-provoking ideas, and their applications to the character's lives as well as the world(s) in which they dwell. THE SCOPE --------- What WJW attempts in _ARISTOI_ is quite ambitious, and he pulls it off fairly well. In my limited reading, _ARISTOI_ is one of the few books to really push the immaginative edge in concieving the eventual results of our evolving 'Information Age'. There is a casualness in the introduction to the flood of his ideas, which are *not* spelled out to us in spoon-fed detail, introduced in a paced-out and predictable fashon. Instead, they sneek up on us, in the matter of fact banter and actions of the characters. THE CONCEPTS ------------ The coolest concept I liked was the /daimones/ : Let the daimon come. Let me wrestle with this daimon. Let me overcome the daimon and make him a part of me. Let me take the daimon's power! The idea is an /implant/, which is an augmentation device(s), placed into one's grey matter, wired up to boost an existing facet(s) of your personality. The daimon becomes an actual evolving personality. It is your work-slave, advisor, and friend, who is loose and chattering about in your head. In "Tides Of Light" by Gregory Benford, he described similar implants containing the memory/personalities of past tribe members, to be accessed for opinions and technical info when needed. These daimones of WJW's are quite different; although, they too can access the Hyperlogos (a kind of Galactic Net). They can also serve as a simulcron (sp?), representing you in your stead within the Oneirochronon (the virtual world). Apart from these personalities, there was a similar item for instant access to universal info in Delany's _The_Stars_In_My_Pocket_Like_Grains_Of_Sand_. He describes an on-line in-head info resource, where you could read any book in seconds just by willing it, and search for specific items on demand. But in _ARISTOI_, access to the Oneirochronon can be very real. To the point where it is difficult for one to spot an Aristoi's daimon agent which is acting on his/her behalf. Interaction with the daimones is frequently presented in a two column format. The events in one column being the external activities, and in the other is the concurrent dialog and actions of the daimones. THE PEOPLE ---------- There are two classes of humans, the Aristoi and the plain ol' masses. Occasionally, an Aristoi is selected from the masses. They become long-lived, get their implants, and receive sobering responsibilities. One task required of them is to care for the masses, building them whole worlds (called domains), lording over all like some ultimate 'SimCity 10000' god. The Aristoi must take great care with the powerful technology mankind has amassed (of which they wield unlimited control), and so they must also watch over each other... (uh-oh). Their most difficult task is to stay sane and avoid boredom. The common role of the masses is to be played with. Some of the common folk don't know about their 'gods', others fall in love or worship them. IN CONCLUSION ------------- The story is an enjoyable tale for those who like slightly non- traditional fare. It presents an intriguing set of ideas to entertain you, and the story possesses adventure, violence, love, and resolution. I hope you enjoy it (if you read it). -JAS [ (finger for CSOTW) ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh boy, this one is this one is this one. I thought it was a a neat thing to look at, have fun. File - $ From: (HYDRA@DELPHI.COM) Subject: Attention suffocating masses [resist] Repost this everywhere, print this, distribute FREELY. When was the last time you thought? weeks. We are being swept away by truth and reality (theirs). We are suppressed by -them- WEyou ARE SUFFOCATING. they define your reality, BUT NOT IF YOU DEFINE IT FIRST. they can't allow you to learn and think freely, if you did YOU MIGHT REALIZE SOMETHING -THEY- DIDN'T THINK OF. You posses all knowledge, but it must be realized. Then it gets more COMPLEX. The media floods our minds with mixed images, throwing us into confusion and submission. Killing us with information overload, to much to see and consider we forget to look at the purpose. TELEVISION[media] FLOODS[poisons] OUR MINDS WITH MIXED IMAGES, THROWING US INTO[under] CONFUSION[control] AND SUBMISSION[control]. KILLING US WITH INFORMATION OVERLOAD, TO MUCH TO SEE AND CONSIDER, WE FORGET[_are_not_allowed_] TO LOOK AT THE MOST SIMPLE THINGS. THE WEAK FALL... BUT YOU MUST [NOT]not[NOT] DRINK FROM THEY'RE STREAM[OF INFORMATION]. GENERATE YOUR OWN [simple] SPIRTUALLITY AND BUILD FROM IT YOUR OWN [complex] REALITY. DEFINE YOUR OWN MORALS AND BELIEFS, DON'T LET THEM FEED YOU THEIRS. YOU MUST THINK BRIGHT AND BURN FREE. DESTORY THAT WHICH POISONS THE STREAM, STRIVE FOR YOUR OWN REALITY AND FIND OTHERS WHO CAME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. generate religions, don't follow them . [GENERATE RELIGIONS, DON'T FOLLOW THEM]. generate religions, don't follow them . [[[And back to REALITYreality]]] they supress your ability to think. This isn't a lack of freedom of speach or expression, it is a suffocation of individualism at it's root: spirtuallity, reality, consciousness. FLY FREE FROM THE BONDS OF REALITY and drift in the seas of isolated thought. think bright, burn free. THERE IS TO MUCH INFORMATION. destroy and rebuild, LIFE IS OUTDATED. deny religion it's foothold on your mind. YELL OUT YOUR VIEWS. CONVERT EVERYONE. form sects of like mind. ISOLATE SUFFOCATION AND DESTROY IT. above all. RESIST POBox 5356 Louisville, Ky 40205. Send a SASE or two stamps for more. As a matter of fact, send as many as you can (stamps and SASEs). [we have alot to say] food for the mind, freedom of suffocation. to much information, to little time, define your own reality. The revolution has begun, and it concerns everything and everyone. A movement passes, this will not. . [ r e s i s t ] . M r H a n d s . 1 9 9 3 . [ r e s i s t ] . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File - % Subject: Computers Freedom and Privacy '94, Chi. Mar 23-26 COMPUTERS, FREEDOM, AND PRIVACY '94 Conference Announcement Scholarships, Writing Competition Notice 23-26 March 1994, Chicago, Il. The fourth annual conference, "Computers, Freedom, and Privacy," (CFP'94) will be held in Chicago, Il., March 23-26, 1994. The conference is hosted by The John Marshall Law School; George B. Trubow, professor of law and director of the Center for Informatics Law at John Marshall, is general chair of the conference. The program is sponsored jointly by these Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Groups: Communications (SIGCOMM); Computers and Society (SIGCAS); Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC). The advance of computer and communications technologies holds great promise for individuals and society. From conveniences for consumers and efficiencies in commerce to improved public health and safety and increased participation in government and community, these technologies are fundamentally transforming our environment and our lives. At the same time, these technologies present challenges to the idea of a free and open society. Personal privacy and corporate security is at risk from invasions by high-tech surveillance and monitoring; a myriad of personal information data bases expose private life to constant scrutiny; new forms of illegal activity may threaten the traditional barriers between citizen and state and present new tests of Constitutional protection; geographic boundaries of state and nation may be recast by information exchange that knows no boundaries in global data networks. CFP'94 will assemble experts, advocates and interest groups from diverse perspectives and disciplines to consider freedom and privacy in today's Information Society. Tutorials will be offered on March 23, 1994, from 9:00 a.m. - noon and 2:00 - 500 p.m. The conference program is Thursday, March 24, through Saturday, March 26, 1994, and will examine the potential benefits and burdens of new information and communications technologies and consider ways in which society can enjoy the benefits while minimizing negative implications. STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION Full time college or graduate students may enter the student paper competition. Papers must not exceed 3000 words and should address the impact of computer and telecommunications technologies on freedom and privacy in society. Winners will receive financial support to attend the conference and present their papers. All papers should be submitted by December 15, 1993, (either as straight text via e-mail or 6 printed copies) to: Prof. Eugene Spafford, Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafeyette, IN 47907-2004. E-Mail:; Voice: 317-494-7825 SCHOLARSHIPS The Chair for scholarships is Prof. James Thomas, Dept. of Sociology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL. 60115-2854 (email: Scholarships will cover only the cost of the registration fee, which includes 3 luncheons, 2 receptions, 2 dinners and conference materials. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration fees are as follows: If paid by: 1/31/94 3/15/94 4/23/94 Early Regular Late Tutorial $145 $175 $210 Conference 315 370 420 NOTE: ACM members (give membership number) and John Marshall Alumni (give graduation date) receive a $10 discount from Tutorial and $15 discount from Conference fees. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: Inquiries regarding registration should be directed to RoseMarie Knight, Registration Chair, at the JMLS address above; her voice number is 312-987-1420; E-mail, CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Communications regarding the conference should be sent to: CFP'94, The John Marshall Law School, 315 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, IL 60604-3907 (Voice: 312-987-1419; Fax: 312-427-8307; E-mail: ROOM RESERVATIONS: The Palmer House Hilton, located in Chicago's "loop," and only about a block from The John Marshall Law School, is the conference headquarters. Room reservations only should be made directly with the hotel, mentioning "CFP'94" to get the special conference rate of $99.00, plus tax. (17 E. Monroe., Chicago, Il., 60603, Tel: 312-726-7500; 1-800-HILTONS; Fax 312-263-2556) NOTE: More specific information about conference program content will be available December 1, 1993. *********** George B. Trubow, Professor of Law Director, Center for Informatics Law The John Marshall Law School 315 S. Plymouth Ct. Chicago, IL 60604-3907 Fax: 312-427-8307; Voice: 312-987-1445 E-mail: *********** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File - ^ -BandWidth- December 1st, 1993 ------------------ Super model Claudia Schiffer is most likely not aware of the Internet and all of its possibilities. Penthouse magazine might have heard of the Internet, but probably has not given it much thought. Claudia had her pictures taken when she was partying off the coast of France on a boat with Peter Gabriel. Everyone was having a good time on the boat and Claudia decided to take her bikini top off and get some sun. A curious sole with a camera took several pictures of her and now she will be appearing in the December 1993 Penthouse. Claudia probably knows this and is not happy. I wonder how happy she would be if she knew these pictures have been available on the Net for quite some time now. A simple browse through the right section of USENET and you will find these shots popping up from time to time. There are a steady stream of celebrity photos that appear on the Net/USENET and they come from all over the world. The day is here when it is hard for a good newsman can get the story (or photos!) out in print before it is available on the Internet. o-o-o-o Recently in the Chicago Illinois Online/BBS community a string of events have occurred that caused the Association of Software Professionals (ASP) to put out a nation wide warning. It seems that someone has been contacting various ASP sanctioned BBS's and identifying themselves as a representative of the ASP. This person is requesting full and unrestricted access to these boards so that they can do a 'system file check'. Once access is granted they proceed to leech every file they can get. One BBS was hit for 310 ZIP files. According to Richard Holler , ASP BBS Membership Chairman , the person logs on as 'ASP Overlooker' and uses the ASP logo as their online signature. Richard also said that the person has not done anything malicious or harmful, but only seems to want to bypass the validation and subscription fees common with ASP boards. According to the Chairman, ASP does not conduct searches or have anyone authorized to do so at this time. o-o-o-o =- I want my MTV.COM! -= That is what over 1,700 Internet users have been saying. MTV.COM is a recent entry into Cyberspace that has drawn a lot of attention from the online community. Accessing it is as simple as telneting to MTV.COM and following the menus. Adam Curry is the force behind this new online service and he is providing it with his own resources. MTV Corporate is aware and supportive of him but will not officially support the online service as of yet. There are some other online services that are trying to get MTV to go online. The Imagination Network (Sierra Online Network) has been knocking on MTV's door for a while, but nothing has come of it as of yet. Adam sends out a daily newsletter called 'CyberSleaze' that can be sent directly to your Email account. It is full of the latest gossip about the music industry and the people in it. When I say latest I mean the VERY latest. Adam provides information that never makes it the mainstream publications until much later. As with the Claudia Shiffer pictures, you cannot beat the Internet to the presses. o-o-o-o Just to confirm the report in the last issue of BandWidth, Sprint has officially canceled new memberships to PC Pursuit. They are closing it down as soon as possible. Last time I mentioned that PC Pursuit was a way for BBS callers to call other states without incurring long distance charges, and also discouraging illegal use of Sprints long distance network. PC Pursuit was started in the 1980's when analog phone technology made it sometimes hard to trace a phone phreak. We are now living in the Digital age and most phone systems are now on digital networks. Tracing calls are no problem. I guess Sprint decided they did not have to discourage phone phreaks anymore now that they can trace the illegal calls and prosecute. o-o-o-o Comments or questions? Send Internet Email to: StevenBaker@Delphi.Com Steven.Baker@AtomicCafe.Com NetHackR@Cris.Com Or Voice Mail (BellMail) to: 713-783-1200 Box #7890343 This has been BandWidth for December 1st, 1993 (c) 1993 Steven Baker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------NEXT ISSUE WILL BE OUT BY DECEMBER 13th-------------------- I would like some more Sci-Fi. If you write it, send it. END LINE_NOIZ.4