A lecture given on

26 July 1966




Thank you.

This is the 26th of July, AD 16.

Auditing means to listen and compute. It also means to get a result on a pc. And it’s done in a subject called Scientology. And one sits down, usually, except in one series of processes, known as the CCHs, and he has a preclear. That is somebody who isn’t Clear.

Now, in view of the fact that this person isn’t Clear, he has to be handled rather gently because he has aberrations and difficulties. And it requires auditing done in a technical and professional manner which has not departed from standard procedure. You see, they have always had offbeat processing of one kind or another It has existed since the earliest days of wogdom. There is no reason to perpetuate it.

The psycho-anal-yst—I beg your pardon; it’s rather obvious pronunciation—he sits down and does something with a person, too. But there is no similarity between what he’s doing and what a Scientologist is doing. Now, a Scientologist is trying to make the person better and that is a new idea in the whole field of the human mind. It is so new and novel they think we are terrible because we do not electric shock and execute people.

Our situation does not compare with earlier activities, laughingly called psychotherapy or pure duress, medieval torture, police action and other things which have passed for mental therapy down through the ages. We’re not even in the field of mental therapy. We’re trying to make somebody Clear. Clear of what? Clear of his reactive bank.

Now, Freud said that man had an unconscious or a reconscious or something of the sort which was subconscious under the underconscious. He thought there was something there and it was inhabited by a beast known as the censor, who kept the fellows from pulling a social faux pas. And when the censor was asleep or nulled or something of the sort by drugs, why, the fellow would do antisocial acts, and that was the whole explanation of the human mind, except it was all caused by sex. I hope you’re following me closely.

But anyhow, we are—we are actually indebted to Papa Freud, because he did say out loud that there was some kind of a mind that was kicking back on somebody. He didn’t really discover the reactive mind; we did.

Now, clearing somebody is erasing his reactive mind. All that is horrible, bestial and antisocial about a person is actually contained in his reactive mind. But we are also not interested, in a man, whether he’s horrible, antisocial or bestial. This again has nothing to do with auditing. Auditing is not a social criticism. If you’ll notice, nearly all psychotherapies are involved in social criticism. The psychiatrist exists for the (quote) good of the society (unquote) and to hell with the patient. That is the way he operates.

Now, therefore, we’re into a new field. And we know the answers to the way a preclear behaves—not human beings behave; we know the answers to those, too, but who cares. The difference between a good—behaving wog and a bad—behaving wog is so slight as to be undetectable.

I’ve seen dear old ladies ruining their families and driving them straight to suicide and so forth, and being patted on the back on Mother’s Day. I’ve seen some of the wildest social mishmashes. It’s all by definition: if you kill a man, why, that isn’t bad or good; it’s by definition, bad or good. You kill him in war, or you kill him because he deserves it, or you kill him because he’s a criminal or—and you’re a judge—or something like that—why that, that’s good, see? But if you kill him one inch of type outside the statute, and so forth, that’s bad, see? So there are good things and bad things, but they both are the same thing. So if you want to get into this morass of social behavior, by all means do so, but don’t mix it up with Scientology.

Now, you can tell why a person conducts himself as he does—why a person conducts himself as he does. Good, I’m glad we can. But we don’t care, because there is a certain road out. Scientology is a way. It is the road out—away from reactivity, away from aberration, away from identification of

A=A=A. And it increases a person’s ability and it increases his general performance in existence to a very marked and fantastic degree. And that road out has certain little milestones that you have to pass to get out and we call these, for want of a better definition, we call these Grades.

But there are things called levels. And now, if we look at the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates, first one issued, and the modern one which is about to be issued—since the interim issue of early 1966 dropped several points off this chart that were vital to it and made it relatively unworkable, and which won’t be dropped again. I came back home in time. Now, the point here is that there are certain points on this that a person goes up toward Clear. And those points have certain definite abilities regained. But these Grades are not really composed of single points—something that you might not have noticed, even you working with Grades—they are not composed of single points.

Now, this is the rough, public rendition—public rendition—and this is not likely to change. This is the public rendition, is Level 0, Communications; Level I—or I should say Grade—Grade 0, Communications; Grade I, Problems; Grade II, Overts and Withholds; Grade III, ARC Breaks; Grade IM Service Facsimiles. Grade V is in actual fact a whole track Grade, but it is the more innocent end of it. It gets a fellow up to where he can confront whole track. And then we’ve got Grade VI, which is unburdening the reactive mind, which really is whole track—except you don’t have to address it at either point, which is quite interesting and mysterious about it all.

It sort of drops between V and VI and gets ignored these days but every once in a while a piece of whole track bangs somebody right in the snoot and he doesn’t quite know what hit him. And he says, „What was that? I seem to be sitting here in a space car and we seem to be shooting up toward some planet of some kind or another, and we seem to be delivering an atom bomb or something. I’m not sure what. And, ooh, oh yeah. Well, I get it now. It exploded. Yeah. Wonder what that’s all about? I guess I’ve been reading too much science fiction.“ And people should ask, „Why does science fiction have the command on its audience that it does?“ They never looked at that side of it.

And then we get Level VII, which contains the materials necessary to totally erase the reactive mind. Now, I want to point out to you that it is really not possible—people will try this, and as we go up the line, the only wreckage we will find is people who have tried to enter this whole problem up in the upper grades, ignoring the lower grades. And that, you’ll find, is the main part of the catastrophes. The other part of the catastrophe is simply not following standard technology.

What is standard technology? Standard technology is contained in HCOBs. It actually isn’t contained in any of the books of Dianetics and Scientology. Did you ever realize that? Modern technology is not contained in any of the hardcover books, or any of the other books. It’s contained in HCOBs, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins, and they just run off one after the other. And one of these fine days I suppose we will roll up our sleeves and publish them all in consecutive order, all corrected so that nothing ever corrects anything in the bulletins and make it very, very easy. But we will have to put them probably in about seven or eight or ten different volumes, because there are quite a few of them. But that’s standard technology. They’re on white paper printed with red ink. If I haven’t signed it, it isn’t true. And that’s standard technology.

Now, because we developed something later, we didn’t lose the standard technology of something earlier The main bugbear of the person studying Scientology was that he—the bugbear was his, not mine—was that he conceived, every time he read something new, that that wiped out all the old. And this concept was brought about on just this one point: that he didn’t understand the old that he had read, so he didn’t realize that it integrated with the new which had just been issued. And at no time, really, in HCOBs, has the new wiped out the old. There are very, very few corrections.

I remember trying to correct a whole series of processes one time called the R2s—R2-12 (there was R2-10, R2-12). And I corrected all these because they seemed to be just producing havoc. They seemed to be terribly ruinous, and there was only one thing wrong with them: is they made a Release at their grade so fast that the auditor never noticed. He’d start his list, practically and he had a Release sitting in front of him. But of course, he wanted to earn his pay—and that was before we knew about overruns—so he would go on and run it and run it and run it. And for quite a while it’d produce quite phenomenal results, even being overrun. But suddenly, clank! The person would go straight into the bank with it and that was very upsetting.

So the idea of overrun, and how flat is a flat process, and so forth, does require correction in HCOBs. But there is nothing in an HCOB—nothing in any HCOB—that tells you you mustn’t audit the pc. You look there in vain and you won’t find anyplace in there... I’ve got the Saint Hill Course on running engrams as a practice action and I think you must be having a ball. I think possibly, much to your consternation, you’ve made a grade of release here or there that you didn’t know existed in the lower bands, and that’s probably very upsetting. And that was probably what upset Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health auditors. They were probably making lower levels of release which they would overrun.

But I assure you that you can have a release per chain, so don’t go dashing off sideways and trying to get out of facing the engram by going release.

He is a „secondary about Mamas“ release; that’s the grade of release it is, or the level of release.

This fellow is a „light engram“ release on the subject of cutting his finger He’s released on cutting a finger. I speak quite seriously. It’s just by chains.

Now, I, in the first place, would be the last one to plow anybody in—unless he’s a student. Now, pcs are people and they’re entitled to a break, and they’re entitled to rapid gains, and they’re entitled to soar and go right straight on up to Clear, and all that. This we know. But that doesn’t apply to a student.

You know, in opera they always say that the individual, the opera singer, really never has tonal quality or feeling in her voice until she has suffered. And after some great suffering in life, why, she becomes a great artist. Have you ever heard that? Well, after you’ve had it a few times, you’ll become a great auditor.

I wouldn’t give anything for an auditor who hadn’t occasionally been wrapped around a telegraph pole—but good! Like a pretzel. I wouldn’t give anything for an auditor who hadn’t had an ARC break while being audited for the next ten or fifteen hours, and going into a sad effect. Then he’d know what it was, you know?

I know this is brutal and even sadistic, but it isn’t. It isn’t, in actual fact. It’s a complete fact. The fellow who’s never been overrun on anything—he certainly is never going to be shy of being overrun; it’s out of sight of his zone of experience. Well, I don’t know what the pc’s all upset about. Of course, I missed a free needle, but what’s the pc upset about? Should appreciate it; I gave him an additional fifteen hours of auditing.“

An auditor isn’t worth much unless sometime or another he’s audited over the top of a PTP. You actually owe it to yourself professionally, and to wogs and what it’s all about, to sit down someday as the pc and just don’t announce the fact that you re worried as Punch about a PTP. And of course, you’ll get no gains, you’ll feel terrible, and so forth, being audited on that.

Now, I’m not advocating bad auditing for the sake of experience. But I am saying that if you do very much auditing, you can’t help but get some bad auditing now and then, and it’s not necessarily disastrous.

I have had some of the lousiest auditing anybody ever heard 0£ I’ve been audited by Dianetic auditors who were trained in an Academy which taught only the bubble theory. I used to get away with it by saying, well, I just would do exactly what the auditor said, and this got me through many, many years. But in 1958,1 found an auditor who gave me four auditing commands simultaneously, didn’t let me answer any one of them, and so forth, and then wouldn’t tell me which one I was supposed to answer. It’s quite a dogfight. So even that stable datum vanished on me.

I’ve had some very good auditing and I have had some championship bad auditing. And I’m moving right on up; be checked out here, in a few days, Clear.

Now, what’s all this about? It is a command of the thing called the mind. Now, maybe after you’re Clear and maybe after you go OT, and so forth, you won’t then really care to understand anything about man and just regard him as a sort of an oddity that sometimes gets under your feet. But in actual fact, that’s a rather dangerous attitude. You should rather savvy what this character is all about.

There isn’t anything—now, believe me—there isn’t anything going to help him. Education, psychotherapy with electrodes, brainectomies—that’s the new psychiatric operation: they take out the whole brain. There isn’t anything going to help an aberrated being, I assure you. There is nothing going to help an aberrated being but processing. They can sweat it out educationally, and so forth. Now, I’m talking about his state of case, his behavior, and so forth. Really, you’re not going to get anyplace, short of processing.

So you better know that processing is a very narrow, little track—a very, very narrow, little track—bounded on both sides and above and below by a complete mass of improper things that can be done. It would be impossible to list the number of wrong things that could be done in auditing. It would be an infinite list. Every time I’d think I had it all straightened out and nobody could possibly make any additional errors of any kind whatsoever, one would.

So this track called standard technology is a very, very narrow path and it’s very easy to stray off of its edges. And one of the ways of straying off of its edges is to forget to handle pcs while auditing them. And I see what has happened here and why we have fallen into not handling pcs anymore. Because obviously, all the ways you handle pcs are contained in the grades of release, aren’t they? „So, of course you can’t handle a pc’s overts if you’re running a communication process. Naturally! It’d be beyond his grade. And of course you can’t handle an ARC break while auditing a communication process, because ARC breaks, and so forth, are up here at III and IV“ And I think that’s how you’ve gotten into it, but you sure have gotten into it.

You can always run an advanced process on a pc, as a rudiment, as something to straighten the case out in a hurry. He isn’t about to go release on it. But the day you sit down to audit a Grade 0—to make and attain a Grade 0—the day you sit down to audit that person and do not detect or note that he has a present time problem is a day you will have a lose, as a case! That guy isn’t going anyplace! You’re auditing over the top of a heavy PTP That present time problem has got him parked right there—bang, bang!

You say, „Is there anything you’d be willing to talk to me about?“

„Well, I have some problems.“

„Well, I’m sorry. Can’t talk to you about the problems because problems are up here—the problems are up here at—at—at—at Grade I and you’re only at Grade 0. So, you have to shut up about that!“

Finally, you’re running problems and you’re grinding on and on and on about problems. And the pc is getting sadder and sadder and sadder and sadder, and he says, „But you’re not answering my communications, and you’re not acknowledging me, and—umpff—I’ve been feeling terrible for the last thirty-eight days.“

And you say, „Well, yes, but we can’t do anything about that because, you see, Grades III and IV is where we handle ARC breaks, and so you’ll just have to ha—keep your ARC break until we get up to the grade that it’s supposed to be handled at.“ And of course, the answer to that silliness is the guy is not about to ever get up in grades.

Now, let me tell you something about this chart that maybe didn’t come home too completely: is how’d I find this chart? There’s one for you. How’d I find this chart? Why is this chart so dead on? This Gradation Chart, so forth—it’s quite a trick. It’s made up only of those things which you can’t audit in the face of And that is the genus of the chart, and that is the real reason I found the Grades, and why I found the Grades. And I isolated them just as crudely as that. I said, „All right. There are certain things that, if you don’t pay attention to them, prevent all progress in auditing. So therefore, they must be the keys to aberration.“ And that’s where we got the Gradation Chart. Clever of me, wasn’t it?

People think it’s a Gradation Chart so people will take it by a gradient. Well, they’re arranged crudely by gradient, but you’d be surprised how long I argued: Was 01W an upper grade from problems or a lower grade? And I finally found out that it must be an upper grade, because a fellow could confront having problems when he couldn’t confront having overts, so therefore, that was an upper grade. This was the way the thing had to be rationalized.

But there it was. In all those years of experience—and believe me, there have been a lot of years of experience on this subject; a lot of them—in all these years, only these factors have presented themselves, factors that each one separately, much less in combination, can totally prevent case gain unless given attention, by definition. This is the superbarrier. These are the superbarriers to the track. These are the girders across the bridge that have fallen down sideways.

And what are these things? Well, it’s elementary: the things that a person cannot possibly audit up against. If these things are out, the auditor has had it. He can’t go any further. And these things are communication, problems, overts, ARC break and service facsimiles. When you’ve moved the fellow up that far, he can confront something of his own life and background, and so starts moving out onto whole track and moving into the reactive bank itself.

But the things that you cannot audit in the presence of; without handling, are the Grades on that Gradation Chart. Do you see this?

So, of course, if they are the things which absolutely stop any pc’s progress, then they must be, themselves, things which desperately require releasing. And when then addressed, I didn’t even have—when I finally figured this out and worked this down and split the process. And I knew already about overrun. We found overrun in doing Power Processes. But when those things were audited on a big basis with the pc—such a thing as his overts—when they were audited on a grand scale, I knew you’d get a Release.

So I knew you could have a Communications Release and I knew you could have a Problems Release and I knew you could have an Overt Release and I knew you could have an ARC Break Release, see? Dead easy. Nothing to it. Naturally. The thing had to be that way, because these things were the powerful points in the human mind that debarred all further progress on the part of a case. Well, all a fellow had to do was be worried about his wife. All he had to do was be worried about his wife not meeting him that afternoon, which gave him a problem of „What is my wife doing afternoons?“ He comes into session, his tone arm fails to produce action—nothing is as-ising; he isn’t coming out of anything—and even starts climbing a bit. He can’t answer the auditing commands. He can concentrate on nothing. That’s what a problem will do.

Now, this fellow who is in overts: Of course, the fellow can’t talk to you—he can’t talk. I wonder if you ever realized, though, that talk goes down to the fact that a patient in a hospital gives you trouble as an auditor if the patient is unconscious. An unconscious patient is out of communication; it’s just a communication trouble. But also, I’d like to call to your attention that dogs and horses are out of communication. And I don’t know how you’re going to solve that, but that’s your problem today. I’m not worried about it anymore.

But this fellow has committed an overt against the auditor, or against Scientology or the organization. Or he’s trying to get away with something—he’s got a withhold. You going to make progress with him? Nu-uh. Mm-mm, mm-mm. He’s just going to get natterier and natterier, and choppier and choppier, and nastier and nastier, and meaner and meaner. He’s not going to make any progress, not one scrap!

I’ll tell you a joke. You might not think it’s a joke. But do you know that one of the differences of technical accomplishment between Saint Hill and a Central Organization is that a Central Organization very often gets a pc who doesn’t intend to completely pay for his service? That much withhold parks the case right there—just stops it!

Now, you take an ARC break—this is the most deadly thing that anybody ever had anything to do with. What essentially is it? It’s affinity, reality and communication, break in. What is „break?“ Bust. Snapped.

People get to thinking it’s because they weren’t acknowledged. Please. You see, there is no term in the English language or in Latin to describe this adequately. So the individual’s affinity has been cut. And that’s Desire—Enforce—Inhibit (the old CDEI Scale: Curiosity, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit) can be on A, and any one of those actions can cause an ARC break. And—only it would be called an A break.

And R—it would be over—and under—reality. Somebody’s busted his reality: „Where did you put the staircase, pal?“

„I haven’t any staircase. I never saw the staircase.“

„Oh, yes you did, pal. I saw you build it with your own little hatchet.“

A reality break, again CDEI—Curiousity, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit—on reality. Enforced reality, and so forth. What is laughingly called modern education is mostly enforced reality. Hoo-hoo-hoo. Because boy, that reality can be in quotes, too. Boy, can it be in quotes.

If you want to really ARC break somebody with one of the natural sciences, turn him loose in a physics laboratory as a student with the equipment which is commonly furnished, and try to get him to get an experiment to come out. You know they seldom come out. You normally take the best student (who is the best student because he has an answer book) and then the rest of the students sort of copy it off and fudge it one way or the other, so the amount of paper burned, and the amount of—the weight of the paper equals the weight of the ash plus the weight of the smoke, you see, showing that nothing is ever destroyed, and so on. You get into corny equipment, and so forth, and you get a reality break.

Education quite customarily and routinely breaks somebody’s reality and it breaks their reality sufficiently as to make them bad students, or they don’t want to study, or something like that.

And then we get into communication break, and of course, that’s the most visible. Guy talked too much or didn’t talk at all. The guy would not answer the communication at all or the guy answered the communication perpetually so that it couldn’t be communicated. Any of those things will cause an ARC break. All right?

Look at that: your first Level, 0, is communication. Level III is ARC breaks. How many pcs are you going to handle at Level 0 without ever colliding with an error at Level III? If C is one of the commonest sources of ARC breaks, you mean to tell me that you’re going to handle the subject of communication without ever bringing about or finding an ARC break in the student that has to be handled, huh? Well, like cat, you’re not. You never will in God’s green earth, really.

There’s always got to be somebody around in Review, or some senior student or something like that, to be alert on Level 0 students.

Of course, I know it goes like hot butter, and it—you don’t run into trouble very much. But it’s that very little trouble that you must also be interested in because it’ll barrier your results.

Now, I know you could go on the basis, „Well, after all, there are getting to be three billion human beings, and that’s an awful lot of human beings; that’s an awful lot of wogs, and there’s no reason why we shouldn’t expend a few, you see, in the process of salvaging them.“

Well now, I’m a conservationist.

Well now, as far as service facsimile is concerned, this fellow is—all this fellow is thinking about, at the problems level, is his lumbosis. Boy, this lumbosis; you can’t ever get... Every time you turn around, he’s got lumbosis on the brain. His lumbosis is causing him trouble, man. He is just getting lots of trouble from his lumbosis. And then we finally find at Level IV it’s a service facsimile. It’s what explains all of his failures. He keeps telling you he wants to get rid of his lumbosis, but really he never said it in that many words; he merely complains about having lumbosis.

Now we begin to understand why we had such a hard time getting a Problems Release on this bird. We managed to achieve it, finally, and we did get a free needle, and so forth, but we were never very happy about it. Well, at Grade IV we find out that he has a service facsimile.

Well, I don’t say there is any short method of finding anybody’s service facsimile that could be used in general, because we’re getting too high in the grades. But fortunately, we’re passing above the levels of reality which are real to somebody at the lower grades. And it normally turns up in due course.

This merely turns out to be a pc we have always had trouble with. His rudiments were always out, or something like this. And then we finally get him up to Level IV and handle the service facsimile, and there we go.

Now, at Level V, we’re straightening him out on the subjects of reality and several other subjects which are taken up in a package, but what we’re really doing is sort of getting the track straightened out. And we’re looking for the points on the track where he is terribly stuck, where he’s really mired in. And it takes very fancy processing to do that. Now we’re getting into very artistic processing.

But I assure you that if this processing, again, neglects these various barriers that can lie across the track of the individual, the guy will be stymied. You say, „Well, yes, he’s up to Grade IV—he’s a complete Grade IV Release— so therefore, he should never again have any service facsimiles, ARC breaks, overts, withholds, problems or communication trouble.“ Oh, you—man, you got the wrong definition of Release.

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised—I just wouldn’t be a bit surprised but what you couldn’t find a whole new series of banks to unrelease a person into. You’re dealing with a gross product here called a Release. This is just a gross product, and this is a hopeful product. This is the sort of a product that—solid gold is awfully nice, but all we’ve got is this gilt. And this gilt very often turns green. And sometimes we have good gilt and it lasts for weeks or months or even years —got some beryllium in it, you know; it’s really goodshape gilt—and sometimes it turns green an hour later And it’s not gold at all. It gets verdigris. And I don’t know how long a Release will stay stable becau—and I would never say how long a Release would stay stable at any line because I have had rel—I’ve had Releases before this.

You see, the one thing that booby—trapped the whole of research in the field of the mind is that one could produce a temporary state of Clear. Temporary! Just like nearly all of life is composed of lower—scale mockeries. Yeah, yeah, you look around at somebody’s exaggerated abilities—exaggerated and fixated, and become just one thing that he can do, don’t you see? He’s insane. But actually, the thing he is doing is an ability.

Who was this old bird? Jung, I think it was. Jung. Now, thetans can move objects or bust up objects, I mean, when they’re way upscale, see? All he had to do was sit down near one and it broke up. I think that was Jung. And this worried him so—this worried the guy so, that it was really what he wanted out of his studies and researches was not to have bookcases fall down, plaster crack wide open, armchairs go out, splat, every time he came near them. And he never achieved that. Well, actually, that would be a thetan ability gone mad. Poltergeist, or some such thing.

So you get these upper-scale abilities that any thetan would have. They’re out of control and unexplained to the individual, and when they occur, why, he thinks he’s crazy.

So these lower-scale harmonics include the fact that one can make something that looks just like something but ain’t. And that’s the big booby trap.

Now listen, it wasn’t just a booby trap in 1950—it was also a booby trap in 523 B.C., on this same subject, in this same line of research. A thetan exterior produced all the symptoms of total sanity—great, whee, marvelous, and so forth. It’d last two minutes, two hours, two days, two years. But the one thing that was certain about it: it wouldn’t go on. And the Buddhists called it a bodhi, and a bodhi has the same stability as any thetan exterior would have that you made today.

You can walk up to somebody, pop him out of his head with the magic words and he will be stable for two seconds, two minutes, two hours, two days—your guess is as good as anybody else’s. But one thing is certain about it: He will key in again.

Now, release, the way we’re doing it now—and you mustn’t just downgrade the idea of release and say it’s all that unstable, because it has this benefit: accompanied with it has been the experience of overcoming it. And that experience stands one in good stead because it has improved his ability to confront.

Now, that goes further than that: a bit of erasure occurs. Modern auditing is sufficiently good that a bit of erasure occurs along with it and the condition is desensitized. So he is more apt to be stable as a Release on this grade than he was stable, to make a (quote) Clear (unquote) 1950, book style. Do you see?

Now—I now know the difference between me and people that were being taught to audit in 1950. My auditing differed; it differed considerably. And the difference was that when the pc looked like he was finished, why, I quit. I wasn’t trying to prove something. I was willing to give the pc a win (let me state it that way, although that’s critical). I was so willing to give the pc a win that when the pc would say, „Whee, gee!“ you know, and light up like Roman candles and so forth, I would say, „That’s it. Good. Fine. Thanks. Goodbye.“ And they had a tendency to remain stable for some time. Some of those people from back in the late 40s were stable three years afterwards, I know of.

Now, what’s interesting here is that we’re approaching release on a gradient here and we know what grade of release we’re making. And when we were (quote) „clearing them in the 50s,“ we never knew what grade of release we were making a Clear at. Do you see?

But this is the thing which booby—trapped the line, was the—the facts of stability. Stability—how long would it last?

Well, being a very thorough fellow and being a very, very thorough research man, and having been at it for a very, very long time now, I got the idea finally that it must be a totality. If we were going to have something that was a near absolute in the way of Clear, then we were going to have to do a near totality of erasure. And for three years I worked very, very hard to find out what you totally erased and so today we get a Clean

Now, we’ve known for a long time that a thetan made up his own bank, but telling him so didn’t get him over it. And we’ve just found out again that telling him so didn’t get him over it, too. Even when he’s almost Clean We say, „Hey, you’re mocking it up,“ and he’d say, „Hey, am I mocking it up? Yeah, I am mocking it up.“ And hell go Clear—pshew!—and he goes off that bottom step that isn’t there, you know? And he’s got to go back on and finish it up the way he should. It’s got to be his cognition.

So once more the making of a Release and so on is very, very worthwhile—man, man, man—because it’s on a plotted line, and the fellow has raised his confront, he’s released—being released in a proper sequence, he’s getting accustomed to things that have been ruining his life, and would ruin anybody’s life. Because let me assure you—once more I repeat—anything that will stop auditing would ruin somebody’s life, because auditing is pretty hard to stop. Our process drills and that sort of thing are themselves intensely valuable therapeutically. I know some people, every time they felt bad, they’d go out and do their TRs.

But this achievement was bringing it up to the top of a totality of erasure. And being a very thorough sort of chap, why, I said, ‘All right. Then the answer to it is a total erasure.“ And of course, you can make a total erasure of the reactive bank, only nobody had ever done it before, from the beginning of the universe on. So there are a few little tricks involved in it. It takes a little while.

But that’s a head—on collision with the thing. That isn’t just backing out of a desensitized area and being free of that desensitized area. Man, you could plunge into a nonexistent bank all you wanted to and you wouldn’t find anything there to get stuck in. So that is a Clean So a Clear is a stable state.

But Clears—Clears follow the rules of life until they themselves have changed their minds concerning the rules of life, and when they do that, of course, they’re OTs. Probably very, very advanced to tell you a thing like this but I’ve been, of course, researching OT processes. And I find out, oddly enough, that the OT processes are the har—upper harmonics of just those processes—except they’re not processes. That’s another story.

Now, wherever an auditor is auditing, there are only certain things that are going to prevent his achievement of success. There aren’t 8,965 of them. There’s only this little handful—this very, very small handful. And you better not go multiplying the number of things that can get in your road, because then you’re putting you in your road. And you know the hardest thing in the world for a thetan to get around is himself

Now, the things that you cannot neglect or ignore in auditing, regardless of the grade of the individual, are communication factors, problems (particularly PTPs, notably), overts, ARC breaks, the fact the guy is getting paid, some fashion or another, for his aberration or service facsimiles. And those things will always get in your road. And he might have gone somewhere else on the track than where he is supposed to be at. And the upper harmonic of that in OT is the guy is no longer in the room; he’s gotten bored.

But here are elementary things, and of those, the first four are the most vital. That is, communication, problems, overts and ARC breaks. Now, are you going to neglect those? You’re not going to audit.

What are the symptoms that a person with these things displays? Well, I’m not going to stand here and give you some long, authoritative list, because they are numerous. The indicators of these things are numerous. It’s something like my explaining to you—and they’re obvious—something like my explaining to you that that sign up there that is one mile long and a half—mile high, painted a glaring white and lit with the totality of atomic fission and power from half the world’s searchlights, with the red letters on it c-a-t, spells cat. That’s the way I feel after a while. You know, I feel like I’m just beating a dead horse, you know? It’s wild.

If I say, „Look, you cannot process somebody unless you’re in communication with him.“ An auditor, half an hour later, realizes the pc hasn’t answered any of the auditing questions and goes and sees somebody, a Case Supervisor or somebody, and says, „I don’t think the process is working.“ Process be damned! The auditor isn’t.

The carrier wave of all processing is communication. So if your pc doesn’t feel like talking to you, you’re not going to get anyplace. I mean, how elementary can you get?

Now, let’s say we’re doing a service facsimile at Grade IV, and the pc isn’t talking. Well, we say, „He can’t possibly be not talking, because he is a Grade 0 Release.“ Well, let’s just say he wasn’t released on you. It just so happens he isn’t talking that day, and until you get him talking, you’re not going to get any auditing done.

Now, you see what I mean about the mile—long sign a half a mile high, with—painted white with the letters cat on it in red. I mean, that’s so obvious. How could I possibly ever have to tell anybody that? And yet, time and time again, I go through and I see a bunch of sessions happening, and I see this pc isn’t talking and that pc isn’t, and that one and that one. And I find about a third of the pcs in the room aren’t talking to their auditor.

It’s not my hypersensitive, supertrained brain at work. My brain doesn’t work, as a matter of fact; that’s probably why we got someplace. You’ll see the pc, and the pc—he should be sitting here, you see, talking to the auditor, you see? And you see the pc like this. And you hear the cheery voice of the auditor, you see, saying, ‘All right. Ah, let me have the next item.“

And the pc: „Cats.“

He don’t hear this auditor say a thing, you know? You never hear the auditor say, „What’s up?“ You know, „What’s cookin’, mate?“

Of course, the auditor would probably ask me, „What are the proper words to use in a state like that,“ see? My answer, I’m afraid, would be „effective words.“ And similarly, we’re trying to list something—find the—S&D or something like that—and the fellow says, „Well, I—I’ll—I’ll give you a few more items but I’ve got to meet Mazie, you know, and so forth. We’re having a bit of domestic problems, you know? We’ve got to go up and see the lawyer and so forth. I’ll give you a few more items for this S&D, and so forth, but really you’ve got to warn me when it gets to be whumph-thirty.“

And the auditor say, ‘All right,“ and take the next few items on it. Whaw! The pc has got a PTP of such magnitude that his attention isn’t in on the bank. So of course, if his attention isn’t in on the bank, how can his attention do anything, because it’s the pc’s attention, not the auditor, that does things through the bank.

And this pc is saying, „Well, I don’t want to be critical but I have had better auditors.“

What the auditor doesn’t realize is that pcs don’t object to auditors unless they have overts on them—no matter how—how lousy their auditing is. Do you know that? And if you sit and look at a critical or nattery pc and so forth, and don’t find the overt, you’ve just got rocks in your head, that’s all! Why sit there and beat yourself up? You’re beating yourself up!

It had nothing to do with the state of his mind. It’s the state of your technology. Critical pcs have overts. And the longer you audit them without pulling the overt, why, the more you’re going to get chopped up; so why chop yourself up? That’s the way you commit suicide! You just keep this up, the pc eventually will shoot you or something.

And as far as ARC breaks are concerned, those ARC breaks that are not handled, worsen. You cannot audit in the presence of an ARC break. You notice it’s fairly well up the grades there and it’s pretty rugged. Auditing somebody over the top of an ARC break: at first he’ll protest, and then he’s liable to scream, and then he raises a fuss, and then he does this, and he finally finds out that isn’t getting him anyplace. And he—he gets sort of tired, and he begins to feel a little bit sad, and then he gets sadder and sadder and sadder. And you’ll see him walking around after a session and he looks like Ophelia, or whatever his name was, in that comic section that was written up the Avon, some years ago. You know, she looked very sad—although she was singing.

I will say this, that these things have not been pointed out since the Gradation Chart came out but they are what they are and they can occur And a person who is released at one of these grades is normally much less apt to have this happen. But get that—it’s much less apt to have this happen. You could key him back in so it’ll happen. You can throw somebody out of communication. Kick him in the teeth a few times and he won’t talk to you. I guarantee it. I don’t care what grade of release he is. I’d hate to do it to a Clear and OT. Probably something horrible would happen to you. But the point is that these things occur—until somebody changes his agreements on life, clear up at the level of OT.

Now, I hope I’ve taught you something about a Gradation Chart. And I hope I’ve taught you something about the road out. You are very rich in having processes which on a broad, general basis handle these various conditions and make Grade Releases with some thoroughness. You’re very rich in this. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t get ARC broke with yourself as the auditor doing Grade VII.

It’s interesting that the bulk of, if not all, the Clears to date are good auditors. Aren’t they all Saint Hill Course? There isn’t one single fast—route Clear yet. Which is very interesting. So if you want a good auditor at Grade VI and VII, why, become one. An interesting commentary on this.

But you are dealing with the primary things which barred living. And when I found out that if they were barring auditing, they were also barring living and therefore were the route for auditing, and then when plotted out did make rapid Releases, you’ve got the genus of this—this Gradation Chart. Possibly you hadn’t realized that before. Quite a remarkable piece of stuff. There frankly isn’t anything else that can happen to anybody that would bar the road out.

You say, „Well, he could get killed.“ Well, not necessarily; that wouldn’t bar the road out, because he’d pick up another body and you’d get him sooner or later. But as far as auditing is concerned, those are the things that happen to people, and so therefore, they are the grades of release.

Now, there are interim release points on this chart that you probably are neglecting. And you’re saying, because a person goes free needle at Grade 0, he has then gone a Grade 0 Release, see? Now we’re getting into dicey and dangerous stuff but he’s run some Communication Processes at Grade 0 and has gone floppy needle and you say straight—away, „We’re all finished. And now he’s a Grade 0 and we don’t have to do anything else with Grade 0.“ I want to call to your attention that there’s a thing over here called Valence Processes. What the hell were they? Well, they’re covered in HCOBs—very legitimate address. That’d make a very thorough Grade 0 Release. Right now you’re skipping it.

These were the elementary Communication Processes. Well, there were some more complex Communication Processes for Grade I—much more complex Communication Processes, all of which have been noted down—followed by Locational Processes, to make a grade of release. Here was the original plot.

Now, when we did a II, we had the CCHs. How the devil? You could overrun the CCHs so easily that people are—tend to just pull off that one and just drop it right out of the lineup and not have any more to do with it, thank you! Because, of course, a person is off a meter while doing the CCHs, so therefore, you cannot tell when he goes free needle.

But here also were ARC Processes. And there were lots of those. And then there was case remedies fitted in there; that whole Book of Case Remedies fitted in there. You could go release on a lot of those, too.

Now, here was Auditing By List and Over-Justifications, and so forth, at III. Here were solutions on physical problems and here was dating on a meter. That just dropped out of the lineup complete. I know it has.

And then we had Cause and Effect Processes, which are quite remarkable, and R4H and Effort Processing and Rising Scale Processes. Now, here was where whole track engrams and secondaries and so forth fit, but those were the Power Processes—are the best and fastest way to get into that sort of a lineup. And then we had the R6 Processes Solo and we had the Power—this is „processes used“—the Power Processes belong here. And then we had above that, Clear. And above that, the OT Processes, which I am now developing.

Now, that gave a whole list. Now, the processes which you are doing, and the last HCOBs which you have, these are perfectly all right for you to use. And a Clear is somebody at Grade 0 who has gone free needle on Communication Processes, and who at Grade I has gone free needle on Problems Processes, and at Grade II has gone free needle on overts and withholds, and at Level III has gone free needle on ARC breaks of one kind or another, and at Level W has gone free needle while finding a service facsimile. And Level V and VA, of course, are going free needle, or the proper end phenomena, on the Power Processes. And Grade VI is the unburdening of the reactive mind by the processes prescribed at that level to a free needle—very easily overrun; a fellow is doing it himself And they usually overrun and have to be brought back. And then at Grade VII is the total erasure of the reactive bank, and also the unreactive bank, and also any bank that had anything to do with it. And if you do those things, I will grant the fact that a person is released at all those grades.

I want to point out there is a whole bunch of other things that can be done at those grades to release people. Now, I don’t say you have to do those but I am saying this in this lecture: If you think you’re going to run one pc for as much as two or three days of auditing without having to use technology from another grade than that from which—on which you’re auditing him, either done by a senior or done by yourself; you are very much mistaken. It’d be very hard to audit some pc without, sooner or later, running into a communication breakdown, problems, without running into an overt, without running into an ARC break. Be almost impossible! The smoothest auditor in the world could not fail but to run into one or more of those phenomena in the process of auditing.

And if you’re going to neglect them, you’re just going to booby—trap the whole road as far as the pc is concerned. He’s not going to make it on up the line, that’s all. He will drop out. And I dare say any failures you’re having with cases is because you are ignoring the grade definitions used as rudiments—the definitions and names of those grades. For instance, problems, ARC breaks, and so forth. These are used.

Now, how long do you sit and run ARC breaks on a Level 0 pc—a Grade 0 pc? How long do you run ARC breaks? You run it until you have handled the ARC break which was barring your road to auditing. You don’t now try to make him a—an ARC Break Release.

Do you get the idea?

You understand more about this Gradation Chart?

Audience: Yes. Mm-hm.

Well, I do hope, in spite of the catastrophic method in which this lecture began... I haven’t mentioned any names. I haven’t even looked pointedly at anybody. And I haven’t set up any examples that are actual examples—and this is true—I haven’t set up any actual examples of anybody having goofed on this recently. I only discovered it on the basis of—just noticed that one auditor, in handling a case, neglected all of the points. And as he was an old-time auditor, I realized that he thought that was all yesterday’s auditing and we didn’t handle ARC breaks anymore, we just plowed through somehow.

But auditing is done in a highly standard way. It is a very narrow; narrow track. It is not a wide track on both sides of the road. It is highly beneficial. It has very definite goals, aims and gains. And when it is barriered, you’ll find the only things barriering it are the things which I have talked about today.

Now, therefore, the things I’ve talked about today, and going non-standard, are the things which would bar people from becoming Clear. And that’s all. That’s all. Your own personality, added up to the technology and moving on through, does the rest of the job. You, a being, are also part of the lineup, and I count on that and count on your cooperation as a—a thetan in pushing it through on a standard line, straight on through to Clear for everybody.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.