lecture given on
June 1965
Thank you.
Well sir, this is the 8th of June. Yes! The 8th of June AD 15, Saint
Hill Special Briefing Course.
I am speaking to you today in the voice of somebody who knows we’ve got
it made. I am actually working very, very hard now on your final plot of the R6
GPMs and I am doing the suffering so you won’t have to. Because you never would
have got it straight. That’s the end of that.
So I’m running them down and fortunately didn’t release any of the
materials before I did run it down and this new run, you’ve got R6EW; it works
beautifully. You need a lot of it before you need any GPMs, anyhow. When you
finally run into the GPMs, why, you will find that they are all there, all
plotted very neatly and all correct.
It’s like playing tag with a tiger. And the—I found out accidentally
that I had run three out of the middle of the bank and three of them
incorrectly, in addition to that out of the middle of the bank, some 680 GPMs
below where I was supposed to be. Turned on a marvelous case of bursitis, and
didn’t call the doctor; simply straightened out the GPMs. But this is the sort
of a thing that you can run into, because you see it’s so hotly charged that
everything reads.
So I’m doing the run on down the bank, and although you have a lot of
people amongst you who have just gone Release and so forth and they’re walking
around bragging and shining and doing all sorts of things like that, I don’t
know whether I’ll speak to them or not actually, because I’ve got the first six
GPMs of the track run out absolutely correctly. Go on!
Now give all these new Releases applause, too!
That’s a very funny phenomenon: somebody who’s had a successful run on
Release, and so on—I wouldn’t do this lightly—but walk up to him and infer
Scientology doesn’t work. I think you’ve got to get so—he’d probably spit in
your face. You’re walking against an unshakable certainty; don’t you see?
As long as you’ve got something which is partially working and it’s
doing him some good and he didn’t have too many problems and it made them a
little bit easier—you know, that level of certainty, why, you can get pretty
reasonable about the entheta kid, you know? And he walks up to you and he says,
„Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, bank,
bank, bank, bank, bank, bank. Bank, bank, bank, bank.“ You know? „Dramatize,
dramatize, dramatize. Kill everybody, kill everybody, kill everybody,“ you
And you say, „Well, maybe he’s right, you know? Because the results I’ve
had, you see, I had a little present time problem one time, and it eased up a
little bit in a session.“ No certainty.
So of course, person’s got no certainty, why, he can be lied to. And
however—what’s happening at this particular present time is I was listening to
Mary Sue the other day and somebody had inferred something or other about
Scientology. There were sparks coming eighteen inches out of each eye. It was a
remarkable phenomenon, you know? I lit a cigarette on it and thought about it.
I notice now that there’s a lot of doubt and wonder about ethics and so
on, here and there and so forth. What is ethics? I just heard one from Chicago,
just before I came to the lecture and so forth. „Scientology is to help, not to
punish people.“ [laughing] How the hell would he know? He’s never been helped
by it. He’d made a lot of dough with it, but he’s never had any tone arm action
I’ve ever been able to find out. Suppressive.
So we are developing, simply, systems by which to handle the public at
large, is all we are doing. And right now it goes in with a thud against some
staff members and so forth and students collide with it and that sort of thing.
Good. Get used to it. Because the action is actually intended for the public,
don’t you see? But until you have a familiarity with law and order amongst yourselves
and some experience with how it works and what seems unjust and what seems just
and that sort of thing, you never can grab ahold of it.
Now, you can’t go nonchalantly knocking off the United States government
or something like that without at least issuing an HCO suppressive order, you
know? I mean, it wouldn’t be fair! Now, let’s come down to cases. Give them
warning. Give them a chance to recant. What’s interesting about it is, if you
don’t have a system of law and order you will never have law and order. You
will just have cruelty, duress, suddenness, revenge, these sort of things.
How about one of these—one of these Releases and that sort of thing?
Supposing you had no system whatsoever with which to handle an impolite,
entheta or suppressive person? Well, he of course is thinking on a broader
number of dynamics. Now, let’s just move it up a little bit: This guy goes
Clear and he goes OT. It’s part of his experiential track that people are nasty
to him occasionally. Part of his experiential track that the Melbourne
Parliament is filled full of dingos. Don’t you see?
Now, I hate to go whole track on you, but you’ve been a lot more active
talking about it than I have. And the truth of the matter is that—don’t you
think that person would get a penchant for turning that parliament building
upside down? Don’t you think he’d think that was an awfully good idea? If he
didn’t have anyplace to step that day, don’t you think that he’d think that was
an excellent place to step?
Now, with his brilliance and effectiveness returned don’t you think for
a moment that when this subject came up he wouldn’t turn his effectiveness in
the direction of knocking it out? Regardless of whether he could handle the
masonry or not, let’s leave that as an unreality. You might not be used to
handling masonry, lately. But let’s supposing he got very bright and very able
and that sort of thing: Don’t you suppose he’d shoot that Melbourne Parliament
down in flames? Hm? It can be done. We’ve got the US courts now talking in our
language. Didn’t take much doing.
All the findings about Scientology now are couched in Scientology terms.
They define an E-Meter with our definition; not with the FDA’s definition—ours.
That’s the courts. Those are hearings. So you can make a penetration one way or
the other. But supposing you just went for broke on this? Supposing you decided
that the Melbourne government—Parliament down there in Victoria wasn’t good for
people. And you decided you were going to wipe them out. I can assure you, you
would be perfectly capable of doing that.
Now, that gives us a problem. If you don’t deliver into the hands of
executives and Scientologists and Releases and Clears a method of uniform
justice and a procedure by which it can be accomplished, you’re going to have
chaos. You won’t have a new civilization, you’ll have some rubble. Because of
this fact: Two or three of them would have to get together to decide what they
were going to do before they did it in order to have anything just about it or
work it out in any way and that wouldn’t be the way they operated if no system
existed. That wouldn’t be the way they operated at all.
One guy would say, „Let’s do Ron a favor“ That’s the end of Parliament
down in Melbourne. Boom! Well, at least declare them suppressive first.
Now, war was defined by a fellow by the name of Clausewitz. I don’t know
if you ever knew him in any past life. He was a philosopher on the subject of
war. And Frankie the Limper—pardon me, Franklin Delano Roosevelt—never read
Clausewitz. He never read Clausewitz. He would have taken a vocabulary or
something. His vocabulary ended—began and ended with „my friends“ and „give us
another appropriation.“ I think that was the end of his… Just to be suppressive
about it.
So Mr. Roosevelt did not know Clausewitz’s definition of war. And I can
shorthand this—it’s in horrible German, and if you quoted it completely and so
forth it would break your brains. And you’d have to go look up in a dictionary
and it would all be misunderstood and you’d commit overts on him, so I’ll give
you the shortened version, which is simply this: „War is a means of bringing
about a more amenable frame of mind on the part of the enemy.“ [laughing] And
that’s what war is. And that’s all war is.
Frankie, however, he wanted unconditional surrender. Now, would you
please figure out what „unconditional surrender“ has to do with that definition
of war by Clausewitz? Unconditional surrender is not a more amenable frame of
mind on the part of the enemy at all. It’s an obliterated enemy. Now, that
sounds more like Genghis Khan talking, to me, than an enlightened statesman.
Unconditional surrender.
So he continued the war with Germany two years, and he continued the war
with Japan one year They were trying to surrender. They already were in a more
amenable frame of mind. The end of war had been achieved. But the machinations
of war had to move forward in one case two years, in another case a year.
Smashing everything in sight. Knocking out Lord knows how many of the other
people and how many of ours and no telling how much of that last period—when we
were trying to get „unconditional surrender“—how much that cost in terms of
rehabilitation of the country. I think most of the damage in the country must
have been done during the last period of the war, not the first period of the
war, see?
In other words, that was a very costly and stupid thing to do.
Unconditional surrender. Uncle Joe Stalin and the rest of the boys wished it
off on him down there at Casablanca, and he went along with it and so they
decided that Germany had to unconditionally surrender and Japan had to
unconditionally surrender and that was going to be the end of war. Well, that
is not the end of war. War is simply „bring about a more amenable frame of mind
on the part of the enemy,“ and that is all war is. And when you fail to halt it
at that point and then negotiate and fix up the differences, why, you’re a
Now, what are we looking for here? Now, there are certain elements in
the society that declared war on us some time ago. If you don’t believe it,
it’s not my imagination, so on. They said, „There won’t be any E-Meters and
there won’t be any anything and nobody must get better, yeah! Down with those
people!“ You know? And just about in that level of intelligence, you see? They
declared war.
Of course, we know the mechanics of such people. Those people are caught
somewhere on the trap—in the track with—in a trap of an engram. And they’re
fighting whoever has got them there. They’re fighting the Sioux Indians or
somebody like that. So everybody in present time, to them, with a terrific
generality, you see, are Sioux Indians. That’s right!
If you ever looked into their anatomy, you would find out that they were
fighting enemies that no longer existed. And they’re imagining enemies that
don’t exist. They bring, then, a discreditable mockery situation into a place
where you have some enemies, and if fighting enemies is paranoid, you see, then
if you fight anybody then that’s paranoid. That doesn’t seem to be very logical
to me.
Somebody walks up to you, he’s going to bash your head in and steal your
wife; and because you’re afraid that it’ll make you look paranoid, you don’t
take any action toward him.
Well, that’s not logical. That’s asininity moving up to the nth degree,
don’t you see? And people don’t think like that as they get Clear and so forth.
They tend to work on a greater—the greater good for the greater number of
dynamics, don’t you see? And some guy walks up and starts clobbering everything
in sight and knocking everything around that—while you’re trying to do your job
and so forth, take some suitable action. But how much action should you take?
Now, that’s the question. How much action?
Well, it’s just—let’s put it in the area of war. For some reason or
other some man somewhere or some government bureau or some parliament or
something suddenly declares war on Scientology, see? Well, they aren’t educated
enough to know why. They’re usually doing it from the basis that they once upon
a time were jumped on by implanters, and they’re still fighting them or—you
know. Or they’re being born and they’re fighting the doctor or… We don’t know
what situation they think they’re in. We’re in the immediate advantage of we
know they don’t know what situation they’re in. Well, we jolly well had better
know ourselves what situation we’re in.
And the situation we’re in is that our people get chopped up and our
organizations get enturbulated by certain actions taken in the environment
against Scientology. Well now, how much reaction should there be to that? And
it should be just enough reaction to bring about a more amenable frame of mind.
That’s all. That’s on the broad, broad public view.
Now supposing, when anybody walked into an organization, started
chopping up the Registrar or that sort of thing, she simply sent for the Ethics
Officer, the Ethics Officer came over and took the person’s name and address,
and moved it on down through CF and Central Files and parked the guy in Dead
File, and that was the end of his communication line. Supposing that happened?
You know that they would have a better frame of mind with regard to us. We
would have enforced one little point: Be polite. Just be polite to a
Scientologist, see?
Well now, if that’s all you were intending to bring about, why, it would
win, you see? It’d win very easily—“be polite to Scientologists,“ see? Because
they’re impolite, don’t you see? And by that impoliteness they’re declaring a
sort of a cold war, don’t you see? Well, all you’d have to do is reverse that
situation, don’t you see?
Somebody writes you a nasty letter—I’m not talking about somebody who is
simply enturbulated in class or in the HGC or something like that—but somebody
writes you nasty letters and „You dogs, you bums,“ and that sort of thing. You
mean everybody on staff has got to read this thing? What’s the popularity here
for entheta?
Because there’s only a maximum at any given time of 20 percent. Twenty
percent is the absolute maximum that entheta or impolite letters go. You mean
you’re going to concentrate on this 20 and you’re going to neglect the 80? You mean
you’re going to let everybody out there rot while you have a marvelous time
playing ball with this 20?
That doesn’t seem to me to be the greater good for the greater number of
dynamics. It seems to me to be a sort of a reverse, superdefensive look. And
yet you’ll find uniformly that as these letters, entheta letters, come through
the line and chop up people that they, rather routinely, get handed in to the
highest executives in the place, because they will always require special handling.
But this funny frame of mind results: The highest executives in the
place never see the other 80. They don’t realize that 80 percent are just happy
as clams with Scientology. So they don’t gauge their service for the 80
percent. They gauge their service for the 20 percent. So therefore, you’ve got
to give them some method of handling that 20 percent. You got to give them some
way to handle it so that it doesn’t tangle up their lines so they don’t service
the 80. Do you see?
All we’re trying to do here, you see, is bring service to the greater
number of people. Well, that’s very simple to do: Take the 20 off your lines.
They get too bad and scream too loud, why, issue an order. Make other people
disconnect from them. Other people do. And the very funny part of it is, as
soon as a ghost of a system goes in by which one can enforce a slightly greater
degree of politeness on his environment, whether as an executive or an auditor
and so forth… You’d be very amazed what immediately happens. His reach is
increased. And what has happened—he doesn’t have to sit back here and hold it
all in, you know? He’s got a route to put it on. This is what you do: You do
one, two, bang! Zzzt! That’s that.
Well, after that’s worked out and grooved in, and so forth, then this
person’s reach is better He doesn’t have to stake for this nonsense because
he’s got something to do with it, so he won’t argue with it, so there—here he
won’t stick into it, don’t you see? Therefore, he in an organization can go
uptone, not keep getting pulled downtone. See, it’s all sound technology as far
as we’re going here.
All right, our next—our next approach to the situation, then, is to
bring it about where the individual can reach the 80 effectively without being
entangled by the 20. And it’s just the percentages of it. Now, that means,
then, that you’ve got to keep the auditor and the executive in the frame of
mind that services the 80, not that tangles with the 20. Something is very
interesting here; I’ll give you two very good examples here at Saint Hill of
very recent times.
It was quite a shock to some people to find out there were literally
thousands and thousands and thousands of letters in Central Files, coming in
from Founding Scientologists. Those applications were just pure theta. These
people were satisfied right down to the ground. And the only ones the
executives knew about were the sour ones that had come in, and they were just a
little tiny handful. I think that’s fantastic. I mean, here’s this whole ocean
of terrific letters, you see, but the ones that had been forwarded through and
that they knew about were this very little bunch. See? Pretty wild. Pretty
Now, I’ll show you how this comes in more intimately. Right at the
moment I’m doing forty cases—forty, meself; forty folders a day. That’s no
trick. But out of those forty folders there will be a maximum, now—due to
ethics and other actions which are taken and so forth—there’s a maximum there
of three to four cases that are not running perfectly by the book; out of that
fantastic number of cases. You can chalk it up against the process. We can take
a guy that’s all enturbulated and spun in, going backwards and upside down and
so forth and still stretch him out straight so he sounds—zung!—like a violin string pulled at both ends, you know? But
nevertheless, you see, there’s those three, let us say, folders, and there’s
something bad about those folders.
Now, I look at those because there’s a maybe on them, you see? You don’t
take a fast action on it. And you fall into this kind of a trap: You forget the
thirty-seven. Thirty-seven cases running perfectly by the textbook to an exact
desirable result. See, there was thirty-seven auditing sessions there that just
ran smooth as grease. And you look at those three. What are we going to do
about those three? Well, worry, think, look for data and so forth. Well, if I’d
do something like that, I’m sure that any D of P in any organization would do
something like that. I’m sure that an auditor practicing by himself someplace
would forget about those twenty that ran so beautifully and remember those two
that didn’t—do you see?—and worry about those.
In other words, you tend to get fixated on the maybe, which is very
interesting. And this is the other thing that brought ethics into view. There
are only two sources of difficulty with cases. Only two. The auditing comm
cycle and PTS—potential trouble source. Those are the only two difficulties
that really get in your hair. You can make mistakes everyplace else and still
somehow get by. Just those two.
The auditing comm cycle. Now, of course, we could have the gross
auditing error of he didn’t even run the process. We could have the gross
auditing error of there was no session took place at all. I don’t mean that by
descriptive; I mean the pc never appeared and the auditor never appeared. You
see, these are gross errors, but let’s not look at them quite so gross.
This auditing comm cycle. Well, the auditing comm cycle might include a
bit of alter-is or Q and A or something; it might include some other devious
things. How do you police this thing? What do you do, just go on as a D of P,
saying, „Well, I hope all the auditors do all right?“ See? Because amongst any
such body of auditors there’s going to be two or three auditors that are
showing their teeth. And their teeth will show in some fashion along this:
They’re having some personal trouble or they’re doing something or other. Don’t
you see?
Well, who looks at all this? What are you—as D of P or something like
that, what do you do? Go charging down to the HGC personally, and grab the
fellow and say, „What the hell’s the matter with you, for telling your pc not
to answer the auditing question? You know, that didn’t seem to me to be a good
thing to tell your pc and so forth. What’s all that about?“
Well, actually, you never as a D of P get a chance to do that. Your
lines are long, the work is many, there’s lots of cases; you never get a chance
to do that. Well, you’ve got something you can do with that. You, in the first
place, would have a Review Division in an organization. That is, pardon me, a
Qualifications Division for which you’d have a Department of Review.
If you wanted to know what was really going on with this, you could send
your auditor for a check over on the comm cycle. You could send the pc for a
check over on his case. Immediately you’re going to get lots of data that you
weren’t able to have before. You don’t have to solve this thing by hit or miss,
hunt and punch; let’s get both of them checked over. Now we know where we
Well, now supposing it’s just a case of „I ain’t gonna better my comm
cycle!“ Well, I’m afraid that there has to be another place to send them to
bring about a more amenable state of mind because he’s declared war. We can’t
have this, and the place to send him, of course, is Ethics. And he goes over to
Ethics, and Ethics says, „What’s the matter with you? Why aren’t you—what’s
this complaint I’ve got here from the D of P?“ so forth.
„Well…“ so forth, „Rrr—rrr—rrrr—rrr.“
Well, they straighten it out. They find he’s a PTS or they find it this
or that or something has going wrong or they find out he’s never had a case
gain. You know, they turn up something, and then they give some sort of an
action with regard to it. And eventually this gets back onto your technical
lines and you eventually get technical in, don’t you see?
But you don’t keep that one going—going—going, busting up case after
case after case, you see? You can stop that right there. So you can get
technical in by just the simple expedient of taking that one out of the lineup
until it can be straightened up. And that’s advantageous too.
Are you going to use the United States Navy principle on which to do
this? The way the armies and the navies of the world do this is, one guy goes
AWOL, goes over the fence after taps, so the whole regiment is instantly put on
half rations and hard marches. You realize that they always apply these general
regulations. Most of your government regulations take place because some guy
has goofed. The ordinary citizen never really has to be policed. But he is
policed continuously because of the goofs of three or four criminals. Do you
So it’s an, „Everybody bears the burden of a couple of crooks.“ Do you
follow? And you’ll find that most of your arbitrary laws and savageness on the
part of executives and officers, and so forth, stems from the fact that they
are unable to handle the couple that goofed. And if they have enough loses in
handling these guys then they get savage toward everybody.
If you want to keep them in a sweet frame of mind, you have to permit
them to isolate the guy who is goofing and do something effective about it—by
the number. And then you don’t have an executive getting into a savage frame of
mind. That’s how your governments turn into suppressive organizations and so
forth, because they really can’t handle the criminal at all. They’re quite
incapable of doing this.
All right. So you get a broad punishment of everybody in sight! All the
HGC auditors are suddenly turned over to—every night, all night long, why,
they’re going to have to do the Comm Course all over again, while… You get the
idea. Well, it’s all right to give them a Comm Course once in a while, when
you’re brushing them up and getting them on the line. But now, well, let’s not
have them, „Everybody in the HGC must do a Comm Course because one HGC auditor
does—has been goofing on the Comm Course.“
That doesn’t seem—that seems to me to be awfully wog type of management,
see? No, let’s fix it up so this one auditor can do the Comm Course, and he
knows what’s going to happen if he doesn’t do the Comm Course and straighten
out. Do you get the idea? He’s suddenly caught between two fires.
Well, there must have been something going wrong with him or his
lifetime or something like that if he wasn’t on the ball. He must be in some
frame of mind which is grim. Well, is there any reason to visit your reaction
to that frame of mind on all the other auditors who are doing their job?
Definitely not.
So our action with regard to the pc now—let’s take up the pc. You’ll be
very thankful for this mechanism, because the auditor doesn’t just get sacked
and forgotten about and mauled and that sort of thing. No, you can straighten
him out this way.
Let’s take this pc. I found uniformly that when a pc does not run under
average—not brilliant, but under average—processing, he is a PTS or an SP. And
those letters mean „potential trouble source“ or „suppressive person.“
Inevitably and invariably. He’s PTS or SP.
This doesn’t include the fellow who thinks the process was flat, and the
auditor wants to run it some more and the pc revolts for a while, something
like that. No, no, we’re talking about the guy whose case just isn’t running.
You can’t seem to patch this case up.
Now, you just mark this down in letters of fire and you’ll never miss.
And you’ll also have all kinds of 0 and I and II Level auditors who will be
able to audit, zoom! And they will be getting results all over the place and
you will see needles going free and so on—on these processes, if it’s D of Ped this way.
PTS, SP. Now of course in the Case Cracking Unit at the present moment
we simply do not give a damn if somebody’s an SP. Bah! So what? Bah! If we can
hold him down long enough to answer the auditing questions, why, he’s no longer
an SP. You understand? It’s that sudden, see?
PTS—that’s a different thing. We now, with the new lineup of processes
there, are also incidentally handling the PTS. It took me a couple of days to
get that technology. I found out that it would—found out this datum: We
couldn’t handle the PTS—potential trouble source.
Well now, that is simply somebody who’s connected with an SP who is
invalidating him, his beingness, his processing, his life. He’s connected with
a suppressive person. And the real trouble that you get into is by handling or
trying to handle the potential trouble source with auditing. And all this data
applies definitely to the processes below the Power Processes. It applies to
all the processing that we have ever had. And this was why—if you keep this comm cycle in mind as the other factor—but this
was why processing didn’t work. Do
you understand? It’s as elementary as this. It had nothing to do with the fact
that it would or would not bite the case. You could apply it badly.
It was falling down on the PTS. Now, the people who are more likely to
come to you for help are PTSes. So you have a greater number of PTSes,
potential trouble sources, walking in on you than any other particular type.
And unless you handle it by ethics or ship them to Saint Hill and get them
Power Processed… You can Power Process right over the top of that factor now.
But not with anything else.
Unless you handle him as a PTS as given by ethics, your processing, no
matter what you do, is going to fail because he’s going to rolly coaster Didn’t
matter how good you made him in the session, he’s going to come back to the
next session on his face. And if—even if you patched him up in that next
session, he’s going to come back to the next session on his face. And you’re
actually processing him into the ground. Because somebody is ARC breaking him
faster than you can patch him up.
Now, it was this factor alone that we sensed, but didn’t totally
describe, when we started giving twenty-five-hour intensives—thirty-six-hour
intensives, earlier. Consecutive processing fast in a chunk got the guy up
before the environment could knock him down. Now, that’s what we were looking
for when we said the environment could knock him down; we were looking for the
SP. Who’s the suppressive person that’s keeping that fellow from functioning in
life. Who is it?
Now, that person was out of our view. We had our hands on this
person—this girl, let us say, and she’d rolly coaster. She’d get better, she’d
get worse, she’d bleah—blah. Processing
would work for a moment and then wouldn’t work, and next day you wouldn’t have
anything functioning. And all kinds of wild things were occurring with this
case. And the D of P just racking his brains, driven into unusual solutions.
Driven into inventing new processes to run. „Uh—oh, anything, everything. What
are we going to do about this case?“ Worry, worry, worry, worry, worry. Ah, he
was handling a potential trouble source. He couldn’t audit this person up
faster than the environment was knocking the person down.
Well, what do we mean by environment? We mean an SP. There was an SP
somewhere around that pc, and the funny part of it is, very often the SP is
never even spotted by the PTS. The potential trouble source does not know the
suppressives in his environment.
Now, the reason for that is quite interesting. The mechanical fact is
that suppressive persons commonly speak in total generalities. They use
„everybody,“ „they.“ They hear one catty comment, it’s—in the next few minutes
becomes on their lips „everybody says.“ Do you see? They broaden and generalize
entheta, and their identity broadens and generalizes. And if you want a picnic
sometime, just ask a person this question: „Who has invalidated you?“ Don’t run
it. I’m not recommending that as a process. It might—you might use something
like that to clean up the beginning of a session or something like that, but
lightly, lightly!
I’m talking about… Supposing you tried to run that as a process? Let’s
be more fundamental: „Name a suppressive person you have known.“ Hey, you know,
the person you’re trying to run that on will go absolutely bug-eyed. He’ll try
to remember and he won’t be able to grasp it and he can’t quite figure it out
and he can’t answer the question and he’s getting into a terrible confusion
because you’re running almost straight, „Tell me an ARC break“ or „Tell me…“
Here’s the process you’re running: „Tell me the source of your ARC break. Thank
you.“ And it just won’t run as a process because the generality around the
terminal—this continuous use of „they“ and „everybody“ and so on—has masked the
terminal, and he can’t pick them out.
And therefore, don’t think somebody wants to be punched in the head all
the time because he still, although fifty years of age, is still living with
Mother. He’s just never spotted the fact that Mother’s a suppressive. You can
watch Mother, you see, who’s now an old dowager of seventy-two, knocking this
bird appetite over tin cup and preventing him from being married and telling
him what he has to eat for breakfast and so on. My God, he’s fifty-years old.
And you can watch this, and he comes to session, you know, and he’s dressed in
a weird looking dull gray suit, you know, that’s a terribly—about 1890 cut and
so forth and… If you ask him, „Who made you wear that suit?“
„Well, mmm. I just have to.“
But you could have heard his mother say, „Now George, don’t you ever
wear any other clothes than that,“ you see? And it’s perfectly visible to you,
see, that Mama is keeping this guy under a hydraulic press. It’s not visible to
him! He can’t spot her anymore. She’s invisible in the environment. She’s a
terrific duress, like a—like a bank.
Now, you try to process this fellow. And he’ll go zzzrrr—zzzzmmm. And he’ll go up—oh, he had a wonderful first—oh,
but the next session, troubles. Doesn’t matter what you’re running him on—0-0
or anything else. We’re not just talking about Power Processes. And if you sit
there trying to figure out new processes and trying to figure out this and
trying to figure out that… You say, „Has anybody been invalidating your
processing or anything?“
„No, no, no, nobody.“
That’s right, he answered correctly: „Nobody!“ That person doesn’t
exist. He didn’t even hear it! Yet it registered, total.
Now, you could drive yourself around the bend trying to handle his case.
But ethics tells you how to handle it. Let’s look this person over. Let’s ask a
few indicators. This is not processing.
Put the person on a meter Just, „Who do you know?“ „Who do you live
with?“ „Who are you connected with that’s against Scientology?“
„Oh, well, Mother doesn’t like it very much.“
„Thank you.“ And it falls off the pin.
Well, that isn’t all it’s been doing. Now, PTS, you say, „All right,
here’s the policy letter: handle or disconnect.“
„Handle or disconnect from Mother? Oh, no! Oh, no!“ But, „Oh, yes.“
You actually haven’t given him the force necessary to make the decision.
You have actually pointed out what’s wrong with his life. And the funny part of
it is, if you name the wrong suppressive person, this ethics technique doesn’t
work. So when the PTS doesn’t handle or disconnect and instantly go bang, then
you can assume that you have named the wrong SP. You’ve named the wrong
suppressive person. That’s about the only trouble you have with ethics.
And frankly sometimes they give you so much trouble that you don’t
bother to call him back and name the right one. He’s given everybody around the
place a headache, as far as we can see, and that generality is
intentional—there wasn’t a single soul he didn’t give a headache to that was in
the place. And he—you don’t get fascinated, see? You’re not in a big state of
quiver of „Let’s help this person!“ Well, you didn’t make him that way, don’t
you see? You’ve given him the out, you’ve shown him what the score is.
Your responsibility, however, should extend far enough, if you’re
dealing with ethics and so forth, to punch around and watch for the person’s
face to lighten up. Say, „Well, all right, I found out that you’re connected
with a suppressive person—your mother. And here is the Ethics Order, and you’ve
got to handle or disconnect.“
He says, „My mother? Handle or disconnect? Oh, yes. Oh—ho. Well, what do
you know! You—my mother? Yeah, that’s right, you know. I never thought of that,
you know.“ Zoom—zoom—zoom—zoom. You’re getting tone arm action. You’ve never
seen it on his case before, you see, to any great degree. Here the tone arm’s
running and everything’s going at a mad rate. Fabulous! Big case change right
there. Handle or disconnect. Yeah, he’ll handle or disconnect.
Next guy—why, it’s Hosiah somebody—or—other, and you’re saying, „All
right, we’ve been having trouble with you in processing. Now, you must be
connected with a suppressive person.“ Or the guy’s gotten tone arm action in
the past, so you know he’s not a suppressive. It’s oddly enough, terrifically
in our favor that… It isn’t—it isn’t because—we don’t call them suppressive
because they don’t get well. I’m sure that you’ll hear somebody saying this
sooner or later. That is the indicator—is no TA. And when they didn’t get TA
you’ve always got yourself a suppressive, by definition. You don’t have to look
at his conduct; you just look at this case behavior of no TA, see? What’s no
TA? Well, it’s less than ten.
Now, this individual—this individual, then, could himself be a
suppressive or he could be a rolly coaster. And this is the other technical
aspect. And the rolly coaster aspect is: He gets better, he gets worse, he gets
better, he gets worse. He’s connected with a suppressive. So he is a PTS.
So, all the question you ask—all the question you ask of the case folder
is, „Let’s see, this fellow have any wins in processing? No, he’s never had any
wins in processing. Suppressive. All right. Has this person ever had any wins
in pro—“Oh, yes, he was doing all right last summer, yes, and he was doing all
right when he came in for the intensive this fall. Yes, and he seems to
collapse between those two times. And here he comes in now, this winter here,
and—oh, he’s flat on his face and he’s in terrible condition. Why? He didn’t
leave here in that condition. Oh, look, he’s in terrible—ah! PTS.“ See? That’s
all you need to know.
It doesn’t take any vast technical acumen, once it’s been reduced to the
ne plus ultra, the simplicity of all simplicities. That is the simplicity. And you’ll find these things will carry out.
Now, you’ve got—tremendous other ramifications with regard to this, you
understand. Oh, you could find out all kinds of things about conduct and this
and what he did and continuing overts and you could find this and that. And you
could just stack these items up to hundreds, see? And the PTS—oh, you could get
the data on that endlessly. More data and more data, and you could find out the
trouble you had in Spokane was because this PTS got better and that made the
suppressive on the other side of him go to the police. And we never knew that
before, don’t you see? All these things.
You start pulling on one of these little lines—you start pulling up the
PTS line—and you get one little tiny bug—flea comes out of the line, see? If
you started to investigate it and you pulled on the line a little bit further
you’d find out there was a dog. And you pull on the line just a little bit
further and you find out that there’s a giant starts walking out of there. And
you pull on it a little bit further and you’ll find an elephant. And you pull on
the line just a little bit further and you got a General Sherman tank. Never
This is the wildest thing, when you start investigating. But all you
have to know on the surface of it—all you have to know on the surface is PTS or
SP. That’s all you had to know.
With that data, you can make releases. And if you don’t have that data,
you can’t. You can handle students’ cases. You can handle Free Scientology
Center cases. Supposing you’re mucking around in a Free Scientology Center and
they’re walking in off the streets, you know. „What’s this Scientology? I
haven’t drunk any yet.“
You’re going to find 80 percent of those guys, some rough figure of that
character, bang! Boy; they’re right with it! They go straight on up the line.
Providing you don’t get all tangled up with the other 20 that go thud. Now,
that 20, a certain number of them, are going to go appetite over tin cup.
They—the student auditor gave them a little session; they felt much better.
They came back the next day and, „I felt good last night, but today I feel
Where do you send them? You send them to the Ethics Section; that’s
where you send them. Now look, if you haven’t got any place to put him, he’s
just going to keep on standing there. And you can’t process him any further
because you’re liable to kill him. Why are you liable to kill him? Well,
there’s two different ways you’re liable to kill him. The higher he tries to
rise the more somebody’s going to smash him down. You’ve doubled up the attack
on him. You can process him practically into his grave. And if he got good
Let’s supposing—let’s supposing this guy was married—was married to some
girl that had counted comfortably on his kicking the bucket when he got to be
sixty-five because he has thrombosis of the yumbussis. And here he is sixty-four,
and he walks into the Free Scientology Center and there went his yombosis of
the thrumbussis. And he comes back home and he says, „I don’t have that
horrible pain in my head now, Gertrude.“
Well, if this sort of thing kept up very long, she’d slip him the
cyanide. You think I’m kidding? When you get into those situations, they’ll go
to extreme, see. You’re dealing with life in the raw. These people would be
totally uneducated, totally unindoctrinated. They wouldn’t know about anything
from anywhere, don’t you see? But they run into all these phenomena, just
one—two—three—four, see?
Now, this fellow comes back in and he says, „What are you people doing
around here anyway? I came in the other night and some fellow talked to me and
I don’t feel any better and so on so on.“ What do you do with this guy? Stand
there and talk to him? Or do you go process somebody or get somebody processed
that will get a gain? You send him to Ethics.
What happens to the PTS when he gets to Ethics? You’ve got to have an
operating Ethics Section then. What happens to the PTS when he gets to Ethics?
He simply sits down and says, „All right, now, do you have somebody who’s
invalidated your processing or invalidated Scientology? Oh, is that so? Your
wife? All right. Very good. Did you ever recognize your wife was a suppressive
person?“ I don’t care whether you use terminology or not, see?
„No, no, I nev—I—ooooh.“
„Yeah, she’s apparently got it in for you one way or the other.“
„Say, you know, you’re right. I often wondered why I’ve left so many
jobs. I always seem to be able to do good and then all of a sudden I would do
bad. Hey!“
Well, then you’d all of a sudden get a blowdown—see, Ethics would.
You’re not processing him. And they hand him a policy letter, and they say,
„All right, here you are, handle or disconnect. And when you’ve done that,
why—so forth. And here’s an order which you already have—so forth. And we’ll
put this in the file. When you’ve cleaned this up, why, you come back here and
you tell us what you’ve done and it’s all set and you can get some more
You haven’t slammed the door in his face. Otherwise, you’re going to
slam the door in his face. And if you want to see all hell break loose, deny
the world auditing.
Now, how about the SP? Well, actually, you don’t slam the door in the
SP’s face. Right now Power Processing is only available at Saint Hill. It’d
never be available, I don’t think, in a Free Scientology Center. But someday
it’d be available in your org. So you could say to this fellow, „All right, we
know what’s really wrong with you. You have a very rough ease.“ Now, that’s
talking the truth. He also wants to bump everybody off, including you. Don’t
bother to tell him. „You got a very, very, very rough case, and there’s only
one place in the world at the present moment that could handle that. That’s at
Saint Hill. They can handle these; that’s over in England.“
„Go to England?“
„Well, you have a very rough case. If you don’t watch it you’re going to
It’s true, too! Tell any human being on Earth that—perfect truth. „We
got to get you to an auditor quick, you’re going to die if you don’t.“ The
doctor’s gag, but this time with some truth because the doctor killed them.
Now, the main—the main action there is you haven’t denied this guy
anything. You say, „You’re a very tough case. You’re a very—you’re very easily
upset about things. You fight a lot of things.“ I don’t care what you tell him,
see? And „We’re not enemies of yours, we happen to be friends of yours. You can
be processed at Saint Hill. In a year or two—in a couple of years, we will have
a type of unit here which is sufficiently skilled and so forth to handle your
case. But up to then, why, no, and we’re just going to have to ask you to stay
away. We’ll have to put this tag on you, and you can either do one of those,
but in the meantime, why, just stay away because it’s very restimulative to
you.“ Makes sense as far as he’s concerned—all makes sense.
All right. Without these tools and tricks, you can’t process the world.
That’s for sure. You’re handling life in the raw. And if you don’t have
channels and if you can’t keep edges on those channels, you’re just going to
keep a mishmash from here on till hell freezes over, why, you’re just never
going to make it, that’s all. You’re going to take the 20 and fall all over the
20 percent and neglect the 80, and get enturbulated by the 20 and the
organization’s lines can’t hold and because it’s all being enturbulated this
way or that, and your pcs don’t gain and so forth.
Well, supposing you can handle these two factors. The organization
stands together very neatly, things stay in a very orderly fashion, and in
addition to that even your most elementary processes don’t fail on the pcs.
Because, you see, a process has rolly-coastered. Ethics. Actually what you do
is send them into Review and Review sends them to Ethics. It’s a one—two, bang!
Everything on its route, everything with its label.
And the other thing is, it’s a terrible, terrible unkindness not to
label somebody. And we’re perfectly willing to be that unkind occasionally. If
somebody keeps writing us letters or talking to the people in a nasty fashion
all the time or trying to chop us up and we don’t seem to be able to do
anything, we know the person is a suppressive and so forth. Believe me, we’re
never going to always issue an order, always go to a full panoply of dress
parade: „This is a suppressive person,“ and post the orders on him. Nah, nah,
nah. We’ve got another system to handle it: Dead File. It just cuts his comm,
that’s all.
Now, when he wishes to straighten himself out with regard to the Dead
File, he of course will have to have a more amenable frame of mind. You’ve won
your war; he can be processed or trained. It’s elementary, don’t you see?
If he declares war on you, if you don’t handle it in the framework and
definition of what’s happening, why, you’re in a mess. So you of course got to
bring about a more amenable frame of mind on his part. Don’t you see? He’s
declared the war, you haven’t.
Now, if you want to—if you want to fail, all the way down the line, just
keep on auditing PTSes without ever recognizing that they are, keep on having
to use only Saint Hill graduates in the HGC because the newer auditor coming
in, the Class 0 that could just as well be sitting there auditing pcs and so
forth, is insufficiently indoctrinated and also needs discipline. Now don’t furnish
him any discipline—just don’t hire him.
That doesn’t sound to me like any kind of a solution at all. He doesn’t
think that it’s important that he does this or that; first time he’s been up to
see Ethics he’ll begin to realize that there’s some importance in doing what
the process said. Well, that’s fine. So that’s all right with him. Well, that’s
what you do. He’ll get some results this way.
What are you supposed to do, stand around and give him a full HCA Course
while you’re waiting for this important datum to sink in or are you simply
going to be able to use him? If you don’t have discipline, you can’t use his
services. So you won’t hire him, so therefore you won’t get a lot of people
processed. You see how this thing is figured out?
And the bigger—the bigger look—the bigger look at all this, of course,
is the fact that you know you’re going to raise hell with this civilization.
There’s going to be organization after organization is going to go down before
this onslaught. It doesn’t matter how nice we are, how mild we are, how sweet
we are, how theetie-weetie we could possibly be; it’ll still happen. They’ll
fold up.
Well, I’d rather they folded up on an assimilable basis. That is to say,
they fold up on the basis of „Send us some auditors so we can straighten the
place out,“ rather than fold up at the blistering—hot muzzle of a gun, you
understand? Or under the crack and roar of lightning. I’d say that’s very
dramatic. That will undoubtedly occur I’d just like to cut it to a minimum.
There’s no reason to have any more dead bodies around than is necessary.
You can inject a certain positive technology into a civilization of this
particular character. You could almost at this moment sit still and do nothing,
as far as promotion is concerned. You really wouldn’t have to reach at all.
We’re on the other end of the flow here at Saint Hill. We’re going to have to
resort to such mechanisms as dodged prices, you know, reservations way up to
hell and gone—this sort of thing. If we were to try to handle the traffic which
we have right now for case cracking and so forth, if we were to handle it all
in one fell swoop, without putting some brakes on the traffic line of some kind
or another, we just wouldn’t be able to make any part of it.
So we’ve got to hold the line and give service while we’re expanding the
service. And we’re doing that very easily. Furthermore, we’ve not only got to
expand this service at Saint Hill, this has got to go into other organizations
under heavy wraps—that is to say, it’s got to go in, in a highly disciplined
fashion—what we’re doing here.
Because you can’t turn this loose in the middle of the Kansas prairie,
man. Whoever tried to do anything with it, he’d just go appetite over tin cup.
No, an auditor running what we’re running now has to be a well-backed-up
auditor. And he has to be well backed up by the D of P and he has to be backed
up by an Ethics Officer and he has to be backed up by Review, and if he’s
backed up all the way along the line he could run this.
You could get away with running the lower-level processes without such
perfection of organization. But you couldn’t get by with the Power Processes.
The horrible trap that’s waiting for some auditor who’s going to get
ahold of the Power Processes someplace and go out in the middle of the Chicago
wilderness and start to Power Process some people…
Oh, it’ll look good, you see, for a couple, three weeks. It’ll look all
right. Then he starts to run into all the other hats connected with it. And he
won’t be able to handle these hats. Even if he had a couple of friends, they
wouldn’t be able to handle these hats. And the next thing you know Chicago
starts to beat his door down. So then what’s he do? He would try to train some
people who also wouldn’t have… He wouldn’t recognize that his failure on this
was not having an organization that could handle it. And he’d try to train some
people to do it to relieve him and next thing you know people will be knocking
his blocks off.
There’s nobody nastier than somebody who’s been dished by the Power
Processes, by the way. It’s a two-edged sword. God, people go nattery! You
never heard the like of it.
So what we’ve run into here is organizational technology, not
individually administered technology at all. If a guy’s got an organization
that can back it up, he can take the world. Done by a bunch of individuals
sitting unprotected and alone against the whole onslaught of the society and so
forth, there’d be nothing but one solid mass of casualty. This you could be
sure of. So your organizational look has had to be worked out.
Now, let’s take a look at—let’s take a look at what this does to
processing offered. This is very important—important to organizations,
important to individual auditors. If the—if it takes an organization to
administer the Power Processes effectively, it isn’t the D of Ping that’s hard
to do, it isn’t the auditing that’s hard to do; it’s just the whole crashing
demand line, the channeling, the lines, the this, that and the other thing.
Because you’re a manufacturing plant the second you go into this, see. You
got—you think, „Well, we’re just going to audit one pc, and then we’ll audit
another pc,“ and the next thing you know the thing tries to put itself into an
assembly line. And your waiting list starts stacking up and this…
Well, if you don’t have this all planned and grooved perfectly and there
isn’t somebody wearing each vital hat that is on each vital post and so forth—Woo! Rrrrrr!
All right, so that requires a high degree of perfection of organization.
Ordinary processes, to be successful, also have to be backed up. Now, you can
get away with auditing an occasional pc, but why don’t auditors stay in long
term practice? Is it because they get tired? Oh, they make lots of money in the
field. Is it because they wear out? Is it because of this? Because of that? No,
they’re just not enough of a team to handle pcs.
Remember, we’ve already seen a psychotherapy go by the boards. I’ve
gotten results with that psychotherapy; it’s called psychoanalysis. Why didn’t
it ever take the world? I think they were so busy trying to handle PTSes and
SPs on an individual-practitioner basis, with absolutely no rundown, that they
could never complete their research. Now, they might have found some of our sub-0
material, if they’d continued to research. But psychoanalysis had a certain
degree of workability. We shouldn’t snarl at Papa Freud, because he is a very
bright man. But it was the world that kicked Papa Freud’s head in, and Papa
Freud was not quite strong enough or able enough to take it.
But he, nevertheless, got across to the world the idea that
psychosomatic illness could stem from the mind. He got across several other
points, all of which are very interesting. His technology is sufficiently
workable that I wrecked a Navy project, which wouldn’t have amounted to
anything at all, by sitting under a tree and psychoanalyzing their research
patients. See, I wanted their data for myself. And they weren’t going to do
anything with their data anyhow, except file it, so I threw the book.
You say, how’d you do this? Well, I was sitting up in the middle of Oak
Knoll Naval Hospital. I didn’t have anything to do. And they had a project
running by which they were testing people with endocrine hormones and so forth.
And they kept book on it, of course, and I was a very good friend of the doctor
who was running this project. And they would take these people one after the
other and they’d run them through this lineup. And the doctor would tell me
enough about this—we’d sit around and chin-chin—and he’d tell me enough about
this that I finally got interested. And I started studying up on what he was
studying up, and studied up on a few things off my own kick and found out what
his project was all about—and had been interested in it before that anyhow. And
I thought, „What a beautiful tailor-made experimental line.“
So I merely looked at those patients that he wasn’t getting any result
on to see if I could change it by a mental shift. And boy, I sure fixed it up!
I didn’t put his—I didn’t put his project out of action because I told
him—after a while. But I found out a datum which is absolutely invaluable to
us: That the mind has dominance over structure. Structure does not dominate the
mind. And that differentiates us from the medico.
The medico believes that structure monitors the mind. And it doesn’t.
It’s the mind that monitors structure. Because the endocrine, which is the
midway point, you might say—the switchboard of regulation and so forth—won’t
monitor structure as long as the mind is unaffected. That is to say, if the
mind is left alone, in a large number of cases the endocrine treatment will not
monitor structure, including the glands or anything else. There it is.
But when you remove a few psychic blocks—traumas if you please—Freudian
style, all of a sudden, zingo, it bites and monitors structure. Now, you could
change the man’s diet; you could change his exercise; you could do anything you
pleased with him; you could change his operating environment; and you did not
change the environmental factor enough to make the endocrine dosages work.
In other words, with the changed mind conditions, why, hormones would
work; but with changed physical like conditions, the aspect of the hormones did
not change. That was a very, very fundamental thing, because it laid in my lap
something very interesting.
Well, it was Freudian analysis did that, because I didn’t use anything
on these boys. Sitting under a tree out in the hospital grounds: „Oh, I think
your name is Jones, isn’t it? Hiya, hiya, Jones. Understand you’re part of that
project up there. Hmm? That so? What are they doing up there? Mm—hm. Have much
to do with what you used to think about life and so forth? You ever been
worried about yourself? You ever thought about this sort of thing? Oh, is that
so? Well, that’s very interesting. What sort of a childhood did you have? Did
you ever have any unfortunate sexual experiences in your childhood? Oh, is that
so?“ You know, light Straightwire.
All of a sudden he’d say, „You know, I’d never remembered that, you
know?“ You’d get this bug-eyed-blowdown type of look. Mark it down in your
little book. „Jones. November 1945, 5th.“ Next time you’re in seeing the
doctor, and so forth, a week or so later, and so forth; let’s look at Jones’s
weight and physical record. „Same, same, same, same, same. November 5th—haaa!“
And I’d say, „Thank you very much.“
This doctor, by the way, he was—he was a young fellow. And he didn’t
take—he didn’t take mental treatment seriously. He didn’t think it worked. He’d
never been educated in it in any way. But he was a nice young bloke, and he
didn’t blow his stack very much. He was very pleased after a while to find out
what had been going on. It didn’t draw any conclusion from him and he didn’t
owe anybody the record but the medical department in the navy, so the devil
with it.
But he had wondered why these sudden shifts and changes, don’t you see?
Well, those sudden shifts and changes on that dozen or so patients and so forth
was strictly and entirely doing—to what we would call, today, Straightwire,
and—but it was run on entirely Freudian basis. So you see, there was some
workability to that technology.
Well, then why didn’t they advance any further? Because we were doing
technology just a little bit superior—on a Straightwire basis—to that in 1950.
We knew more, yeah. But why? Why didn’t it move? Why didn’t it change? Why was
there no change at all in any of the Freudian line? Why was Freudian analysis
the same in 1910 as it was in 1894? Why was it the same in 1922 as it was in
1894? Why did this subject never grow? It wasn’t that it was successful; it’s
just that the individual practitioner never could organize, never could get
anyplace, never could do anything. They never developed an organization which
would have carried forward the research.
See, that’s—after all, it’s the same mind. Do you follow? It isn’t
anything different. So that’s why I tell you today that our greatest danger—our
greatest danger as we move forward—is that the technology which we have becomes
shattered by unworkability, misapplication and so forth. That isn’t what you
want to do with it. What you want to do with it is put it together in an
organizational line. And you want to put it together so that you know all of
the accidents you can have with it. And you want to take care of every
eventuality with it. And the second you do something like that, it starts
moving out with a high roar.
Now, at that particular point, it comes into collision with the society.
It comes into collision with vested interests; it comes into collision with
suppressive persons. It knocks things appetite over tin cup for the medicos,
the psychiatrists. Who the hell would go to see a psychiatrist? We got a shock
treatment graph the other day: somebody had been processed, and had afterwards
been forced into an electric shock treatment by some suppressive. First time
I’d ever seen one. We had seen a graph. And the person’s graph was quite normal
and quite good before that electric shock treatment. And the electric shock
treament—the graph taken after the electric shock treatment was right—lying
down along the lower band of the OCA graph.
Well, what’s the appropriation these boys take in the society? Let’s
just look into that field of healing. What’s their appropriation? What’s their
annual appropriation? Well, I know that—I know that it’s over the billion
dollar mark in the United States for medicine. I don’t know what the figure is
for psychiatry in the United States; I couldn’t even guess. But it must be
something pretty high because they’re operating hospitals all over the United
States—lots of staffs, lots of this, lots of that. You better start taking a
look at this because you’re going to inherit the lot of it—and not before very
long. What are you going to do with spinners?
You say, „Well, all I’m interested in is going free.“ You’re going in—to
go into a condition of Power. All right, you go into a condition of Power, the
most serious thing you can do is disconnect—bang. It’s the quickest way to
bring about a collapse. Don’t even have to do this on a gradient scale! You
can’t disconnect just like that—bang. You’ve been woven in with the race and
the universe too long to all of a sudden pack it up. You pack it up and it’ll
pack you up.
Oh, there’s quite a game going forward here. I’m just pointing out to
you a few angles. And what I’m trying to do at this particular time is to work
out smooth lines and smooth flows. Now, when we look at this list over here of certificates,
we see here that we’ve provided a route. Now, that route is a double route.
It’s a route by study; it’s a route by processing. And we haven’t begun to
explore or exploit what can be done by study alone.
I taught an ACC one time and didn’t permit any processing during that
ACC at all. And they got better graphs than they’d ever gotten on an ACC. Well,
I think that’s a fascinating thing to have happen. So I just set it aside
casually and said we’ll take that up later on when we need the datum.
The fact of it is, you could probably study somebody right up these
levels and straight up through to the top. But he would only come a cropper on
study when he hit V. He’d finish right there. Because there’s a tiger lying
between him—lying between Release and Clear, Clear and OT. But lying between
Release and Clear there’s a tiger known as the R6 bank. You’re not going to go
through that R6 bank by changing your mind. That’s all right for somebody to
get the idea that they’re just going to shift a couple of postulates. Nope,
nope. That’s a tiger
I know. I’ve been bucking this tiger. I’m very, very well acquainted
with this tiger. And it unfortunately isn’t something which just keys out like
that and you’re rid of it. No, you can key the pc out of it, and he’s in pretty
jolly good shape. But when you move him up from Release, up over the jump, it
will be by the vanquishment of the entirety of the reactive mind. Have to be a
clean sweep and there won’t have—won’t be any dust left in the corners, and the
floor will be beautifully polished and there won’t be any floor And then you’ve
got it. And there’s nothing of value in that bank at all.
Every now and then, you—once in a blue moon, as a person starts into it,
they say, „But what would I do if I’d…“ Ha! Ssuh!
It gets sillier and sillier as a concept as you go on, you see, to think
that it has any value or any use.
So with that limitation you could study your way up to Release—with that
limitation. But the actual fact of Release might or might not occur. But you
probably could study your way up to it. Isn’t that interesting? That is a
route. That is a route. And it is a route that you must not neglect.
It’s the ideas you get, the looking at the rules and the laws, and
adding them up to your life and cogniting on them, becoming wiser, smarter
along these particular lines. You suddenly look at that and blow that, and you
understand something else and, boom, that goes, and so forth. This is not
something that you should neglect as a case advance.
Yes, it’s always an advance in wisdom, but have you ever really looked
at it as a straight case advance? Well, we already have this datum. There were
quite a few on that ACC and actually their graphs showed conclusively that at
the end of an ACC where they had simply received lectures—and they’d receive
about one or two lectures a day—with this alone and whatever other texts and so
forth had been assigned to them, their cases went way up.
Some of those cases were quite resistive cases, too. We never looked for
them to have any gain at all. But of course they never had any time to tell the
auditor they weren’t making a case gain; they probably hadn’t even noticed it.
So therefore, this is a hidden line of advance—this line of advance of
the levels. Now, we have something poor on this chart in that we call this 0,
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII—we’re calling those levels—and now we have a second
set of levels. And you’ll find out that this is sooner or later confusing. So
these are actually classes. Class for auditors, see. So you’ll probably find
your—when it’s all written up to be in concrete, you’ll probably mean—when we
say, „level“ we probably will be meaning these minus thirty-four on up to plus
fifteen, or something like that. And when we say „class,“ why, we will mean
this. You’re already speaking of yourselves in classes of grades.
Now, this chart is a fascinating chart from numerous lines, because
the—it goes as many as seventy levels below minus thirty-four. But to get down
as far as minus thirty-four is quite remarkable, because you’re down into
screaming insanity long before you get there. Now, what are the aspects of
these people? Well, there’s things like—there’s things down here like False
Now, the way you interpret this, I call to your attention that the
interpretation of these minus levels and so forth is very tricky, because this
is the first time you’ve ever had this scale. It’s—you think you know all about
it and it’s the Tone Scale and so forth, and „Yes, the person—yes, this
person’s always numb, so therefore he’s at—he’s at minus ten.“ No, no, please!
This person may be at minus fifty-four. Do you see what’s wrong? Is this person
aware of the fact that he’s always numb? Well, if he was aware of the fact he
was always numb, he’d be at minus ten, see? Do you follow this? It’s what he is
aware of.
Now, you take this thing like False Cause. That is to say, down below
the bottom here. Now, you say, „Well, I’m aware of false causes, so am I at
False Cause?“ No, please! The individual could only be aware of a false cause
without knowing it was false. Do you follow that? See? So you tell him—you tell
him, „Babies are found in cabbage patches,“ and he would become aware of that
as a datum and say, „Isn’t that interesting!“ And he’d accept that as a datum.
Because it’s a false cause. But that would be what he could be aware of. He
could only be aware of causes that were false.
But he wouldn’t be aware of the falsity of causes. Do you follow? So
this is very, very tricky—very tricky to use. And you could make some blunders
with this. But you can also make some very, very bright adjudications with it.
You all of a sudden one fine day become aware of the fact that… Well,
you say—not you particularly—but somebody says, „You know, I’m always thinking
I need changes, you know? Hey, what do you know! You know? I’m always thinking
I need changes!“ Cognition, see? There he is, minus four. He has become aware
of it. So you might say that’s his cognition level.
Now, how about the fellow who never cognites? Well, he’s just not being
audited or trained at the level he could cognite. That’s all, that’s very
simple, very elementary. He’s over his head in terms of levels. It’s just as
elementary as that. What can he be aware of? Well, what can he—he could be
aware of; he could cognite on. Actually, this lays the pattern, then, of
gradient cognitions as it comes right up the line. That person would cognite in
that gradient of cognitions.
So what I’ve been talking to you about admits of the fact that we can
now take somebody… Although we have processes which go up along all these
classes—the processes go there—there’s also this other phenomenon which has
occurred of the Power Process, which just bodily takes anybody who can respond
and yanks them up with a thud, up to IV!
Now, although I’d have to give you a complete lecture on this, some of
the manifestations which occur there are quite interesting. And some of the
data is very fascinating, that turns out of this. Because it tells you that
what you have recovered is a terrific ability to know, an ability to be
aware—at this level of Release—without necessarily attaining any more than you
knew before. Do you got that?
But you have this terrific ability to get there in an awful hurry. You
see? You can look at this washing machine—and before you couldn’t even read
directions to one, see; maybe something like that. „Oh,“ you say, „what do you
know. Isn’t that interesting! Hm! Hm! Your washing machine is busted. The
whacha-call-it and so-and-so fits into the sum-sum, and that needs adjustment,
you know?“
„Well, how did you know that?“
And you’d be very surprised because „How wouldn’t they be able to see
that? Are they stupid or something?“ You get the idea? You become a very quick
study, very capable of becoming or knowing or coordinating or acting or
figuring something out or putting something together, don’t you see? That’s
what’s increased at that—at that level of Release.
Now, I could say by extrapolation this probably is what will occur at
Clear and OT. That is just redoubled. You’ve got it so much more plus the fact
that you can also do creative actions and move things creatively and make
things and bring things about which you never could have done before, such as
not depending on a body and things like this.
But the actual truth of the matter is that the individual will not know
more about how to do that by having been, but his present level of beingness
will be such that his ability to grasp the potential and act upon the
potential, assimilate and accomplish at that particular line, is just lightning
fast. Do you follow?
Therefore, with this data falling out… And this data is based—it’s
empirical data. I mean, this datum—data surprised me. I didn’t have a total
grip on exactly what this was all about, don’t you see? I couldn’t instantly
say, „Well, an individual knows more than he ever would have known before,“
don’t you see? No, he only knows what he knew before. It doesn’t matter how
Clear you clear him, see, he only—he only now knows what he knew before. Of
course, he has this slight advantage: He knows what he knew before as good as
when he knew it before.
But if somebody’s been on a long snore for eight trillion years, don’t
expect him to know everything that happened in that eight trillion years. He
now knows as much as he knew about the eight trillion years when he was passing
through the moments of the eight trillion years, you understand, and it wasn’t
very much. See, that didn’t increase his knowledge of that. What it did was
increase his potential, his ability and so forth. So he isn’t bothered by his
past. His awareness of his present is what is coming there.
So therefore, we have to deal with this fact. This is—this is a new fact
and it’s been a little bit hard to isolate this. And I’ve been studying it now
a bit for several weeks, and not quite sure what I was looking at. And finally
I realized what I was looking at: The person is never going to make it without
being trained.
Sure, he could go through a university—he could go through a university
in two or three months, you get the idea, to a six-year course, you see? Sure,
he could do all these things. Yeah, yeah, that’s fine. But remember he’d have
to go through the university.
What’s very interesting is—what you’re going to see out of this is quite
interesting, because the first thing he’s going to be aware of as he moves out
of a comatose, wog state into a higher level of action—first thing he’s aware
of is Scientology. I think that’s very interesting. It’s the first thing there
to be aware of, and it’s the first thing there to study. And it’s the next
thing which leads to a higher ability level.
Well, you’re going to take this fellow up there, and you’re just going
to drop him, huh? The cruelest thing you could possibly do would be to audit
somebody through to Clear. That would just be about the cruelest thing you
could do to anybody. Not train him, not have him know anything about being an
auditor, not know anything about the bank, not know anything about life, not
know anything about himself, not know anything about anything, and you’re going
to audit him all the way through to Clear. Now he has this terrific potential
to know, and you haven’t made it possible for him to assimilate the technology
which has brought him to this state. Although it wouldn’t kill him, it would
put him in a most dreadful confusion. It’d be a cruel thing to do.
He’d say, „What’s—what’s this all about? I never realized a state like
this could exist.“
He has no gradient, don’t you see? Well, he could grasp it with great
readiness. Unfortunately, the faster way to do it is to bring him up to Release
on an express elevator, and then let him study his way up to where he’s got to.
You know? „These were the floors.“
„Oh, I wondered what that blur was!“
And then put the tools into his hands, where he can move himself through
the remaining step to Clear. And then give him, organizationally, something
into which he can extend this benefit and use his potentials, instead of just
going out and picking safes idly at night.
In other words, you’re taking—you have to take a very total
responsibility here. You can’t handle something like this lightly. You go
appetite over tin cup if you do. So we’re trying to take as much possible
responsibility as can possibly be taken along this line. Along with that you
have to have (1) the route which brings somebody up in a hurry or the route by
which they could be processed up slowly. We haven’t totally discounted grade
processing, you see?
But certainly provide these various routes by which it can be done.
Provide this fast one, which before, the individual who was way down here
couldn’t have made it at all. Well, he can make it on an express elevator
today. What are we going to do with this guy? He’s right away going to say,
„Oh, there is a state of Clear and I’m very aware of that and it’d be very,
very nice and why don’t somebody process me through to Clear?“
„Why doesn’t somebody blow my head off?“—he’s asking the same question.
You say, „Well, I’ll tell you what you do. I think you have a Beginning
Scientologist certificate, correct? All right. Well, why don’t you just start
moving up the line, catch up your data, figure it all out, get it all
straightened up and bring yourself up the line, and so forth, and you’ll
eventually be able to get your Class VI trailing and then you can go on through
to the top.“ By this time he knows what it’s all about; he knows how other
people function.
You’ve given him a familiarity with the existence in which he lives.
Now, at the same time you’ve done this, when you’ve moved him up along this
line you have therefore moved him up as well in his span of knowledge of what
is in Scientology, his organizational scope, he has come up to an understanding
of the usefulness of the various tools of Scientology, and he has also found
out that these new states aren’t just being left willy-nilly to fall where they
may but are moving up into a type of civilization which can also exist.
Now, having discovered these various things, when he moves out through
the top, you’re not going to have a lot of catastrophe—you’re going to have a
lot of order, you’re going to have a lot of happy people.
This is what’s taking the totality of responsibility along some certain
line. And although taking that much responsibility doesn’t seem to be
indicated, it’s only not indicated to a wog. Look what’s happened to the atom
Now, the nut that dreamed that up never took any responsibility for its
potentials. He didn’t have his ethics in at all. And not having it so, why, one
of these days, it’s liable to blow the world apart unless we get there first.
So we have to get his ethics in for him as well as for ourselves. And we’ll be
able to do that, too. But when you don’t take responsibility for powerful
knowledge, it’ll all go crash. And you’ve got to take responsibility for it to
the degree that it is powerful.
And we, for the first time in the history of this universe, have a total
grip on life and what’s it composed of and can bring people up with an express
elevator clear up all the way to the top, over and out. That’s a lot of power.
We’d better measure up to it all ways.
Thank you.