SHSBC-304 ren 334 10 Sep 63 Destimulation of a Case DESTIMULATION OF A CASE A lecture given on 10 September 1963 [Based on clearsound only.] Thank you. Well, autumn has come. And you may arrive too, someday. All right, this is the what? Audience: September the 10th. Ten September AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. The lecture today concerns service facsimiles, Scientology III - capital I, capital I, capital I, don't go spelling it capital Arabic three, because it's not Arabic. It's - use Arabic numerals to apply to routines. When you're talking about a body of data, use a Roman numeral. I will clarify this a little bit better. I've been even - clarification - show you I'm getting around to chip into the odd corners of things, the clarification I've been hitting for recently has been as low level as fixing up some sample auditor reports, so that everything's in a proper place on an auditor report. I mean, things are getting awfully buttoned up around here. I'm going to tell you about service facsimiles and how to find one on a pc, and I'm going to tell you something about the zones of restimulation in auditing. Otherwise you're gonna be sitting there in the auditor's chair one of these fine days and finds yourself with mo' restimulation on your hands than you could possibly imagine existed. Now, you don't think you're handling an ARC breaky subject when you're handling Scientology III, but let me assure you, when you go in for service facsimiles you are handling stuff which can bypass more charge than any other single item there is. For two reasons. One, pc gives you the service facsimile, you refuse the service facsimile, you bypass the most vital charge on his case, and of course he blows his skull off, and you pick bits of bone off the ceiling for weeks. See, that's all that's necessary. I don't mean to frighten you, I just mean to terrorize you. Now I learned most of this stuff the hard way, and you could probably learn it too, the hard way, but I don't think we ought to expend one pc to train one auditor, or something like that. It's too high a cost, let's try to lead you along the line a little more gently. We expect a certain amount of auditing casualty, but we don't expect that casualty to be permanent. And when you are dealing with a service facsimile, you're handling what makes aberration "permanent" (quote) (unquote). Nobody's ever been able to do anything with this before, but it's funny that a lot of boys have nibbled around the edges. You'll see Freudian teeth marks around on the edges of the service facsimile. Hadn't been dented any, but you'll see his teeth marks. For instance, it's very interesting how many preclears have second dynamic service facsimiles. Well, the reason for this has nothing to do with life. But it merely has to do with your situation on this planet at this particular time. I know that sounds absolutely goofy, but the sickness, incidence of illness and so forth on this planet is unusually high for planets in this universe, for the excellent reason that the way to make everybody wrong of course is obviously to produce nothing. That makes everybody wrong, makes the government wrong, makes the between-lives boys wrong, makes everybody wrong, you see. Because they count on guys going ahead and making bodies and keeping the civilization wheeling to keep a thetan interested enough so that he'll keep reporting back through the - you know, the whole system is based on this. But that's why the industrialist is in trouble on this particular planet at this particular time, is because he's producing. And going on a whole track basis, we find that a thetan is in trouble simply because of MEST. That's the way he looks at it, you see. He's in trouble because of MEST and if he could just have arranged at the outset of all this never to have created anything, then he wouldn't have anything now to be in or be in trouble with, don't you see the reasoning? Quite obvious reasoning, probably quite valid. So any creative activity is doomed to attack. You'll find the artists and musicians of this particular planet always have some schnook alongside of them to cave them in. They always marry the wrong girl, you know, and get the wrong agent, and ... Because they're creating. The industrialist, the manufacturer, that sort of thing, these boys, it's not because of any deep-seated communist plot, it's just they are in trouble, that's all. They haven't got enough force to protect their own creativeness, and as a result, why, people attack them. Elementary. Basic answer on the whole track, if you had never had anybody create anything, you would have no trouble. Nothing had ever been created, why, of course you wouldn't have any universe to be in trouble with. This is all very elementary. And therefore you find a lot of service facsimiles that have to do with the second dynamic. And herein lies the difficulty. You take it as a service facsimile, you dust it off as a service facsimile. You operate as a service facsimile and you very harshly and tightly keep the itsa line in this lifetime. You preface any question you're asking in an assessment, preface any question you are asking in any list of any kind, preface any question you are asking as an auditing question with "in this lifetime," but severely, and you will get into a minimum amount of trouble so long as you do one other thing. Now, you see, that isn't something that's nice to do, that is something that you will be blowing your brains out one of these days if you didn't do, you understand? You'll say, "Oh, my God!" you know, "Oohhhh! Why did I get up this morning?" you know, because you just didn't use that. See, you didn't circumscribe the pc's attention line to this lifetime. So that is the first thing we must know about the service facsimile. We're engaged upon a key-out. We are not engaged upon a bank erasure. That's the next thing to know. And of course that is contingent upon the other fact. If you're engaged upon a key-out, you'd better damn well stay in this lifetime. And if you're engaged upon bank erasure of Scientology IV, well, that's another horse of another hue. And you certainly had better keep Scientology IV and III together, and that's the next thing you ought to know. First, preface everything with "in this lifetime," don't let the pc's attention skip outside of this lifetime, see. Just keep it there, man. Because it's going to go. It goes with the greatest of ease. And this is befraught with many, many liabilities, because when you're circumscribing his attention that tightly and you refuse to let him put his itsa line on something he's just put his itsa line on, of course you bypass all that charge. Well, I leave you to worry about that one. It's a key-out. That's your next thing I've just given you, it's a key-out procedure, it's not a bank erasure procedure. You're engaged upon a key-out. And I can tell you why. And your activities are all guided by the fact that one little step beyond what you're doing leads you into the bank. This is a thin-ice activity. If you recognize it as anything but a thin-ice activity, sooner or later you're going to get into trouble. A thin-ice activity. The pc, unbeknownst to him, is walking across a thin crust of ice. And he's liable to go through it any minute, which is to say, go on to the whole track, swish! Now, the moment you combine Scientology III with Scientology IV, you're going to lose. Right now, you're going to lose. You've had it. Why? Simple. Elementary. You're doing Scientology III and you find a goal, "Yeah, well, we found this goal, we might as well run it out. Might as well go back on the track and run it out." You're now doing Scientology IV. You're erasing the bank, you're not keying out. You'll be sorry. You can get away with it, you can get away with it, but recognize you're no longer making a Clear. And recognize you probably have not handled the restimulative factors of the pc you started out to handle, and recognize that your backtrack is just throwing in more restimulation on the case. All right. So how do we get around that? You word every question as far as possible, since it's not always possible so that you won't get a goal - word your questions, if you can, so that you won't get a goal as an answer on your list. And you avoid all rocket reading items as answers to your assessments. If it rocket reads, leave it alone. Because only a GPM rocket reads. I know this is horrible, this puts you in a terrible situation. You've now taken the wrong item off the list. Haven't you? You go down, you null this list of "What's a safe assumption for coonbats?" Good, you get a nice long list, safe assumption for coonbats. And you get "tear gas bombs." See? You get this, and you get that, and you get the other thing. And you get "to be old." And you're going down the list, you're nulling this thing, "tear gas bombs" goes tick, and "to be old" rocket reads. Oh, look at that service facsimile, man, ho-ho! What a wonderful service facsimile. Oh, look at it rocket read. Oh, hell, you - the more you monkey with it, the more you're going to go sliding into the bank. Actually, you could get away with running it, in this lifetime. You could get away with it, and you could key it out. As long as you don't oppose it, or you don't do anything to it, or don't run any 3M2, or don't list on it any further, and handle it very gingerly, and do your Prepcheck very neatly with "In this lifetime..." on every Prepcheck question. See, you probably could park it back on the backtrack, and you might be able to do the pc a lot of good. And I don't say you can't do it. But you are already running a pc who was walking on thin ice, you see, and now you have turned a heat ray loose on the lake, the moment that you're using this rocket reading item, see? I don't say it's impossible. Because you've got two liabilities now. You can take a wrong item off the list, "tear gas bombs," and run that with great occasional dissatisfaction of the pc. Or you can take this other thing, and just act as though you were prepchecking a goal, but only in this lifetime. See? So you can get around this. You can get around this. The moment you do anything else with it, you're running Scientology IV, and you're away, and you're no longer doing Scientology III, and you're not going to make a Clear, and your ambitions for present time restimulation are not going to be reached, and you haven't destimulated the pc, you have restimulated the pc. And the probable reason that you're doing Scientology III in the first place is overrestimulation on the part of the pc. You see this? You see that as a distinct liability? Now what do you do? What do you do? What is the absolute textbook answer? You use your judgment. But by God, don't go back and run that goal, if you're going to stay with it. You can mark it down as a goal that you have now found for later reference. You can probably do a lot of things. But you're - you're in trouble. So the best answer is to ask questions that don't give you goals, see. They don't give you goals. The question can't be answered "to be safe." Question has to be answered in some other way. Like "safety." Get the idea? You take a - you take a solution. "Tell me a solution to that item," see, that part of existence, or item, or whatever it is, see. "Tell me a solution." The guy's going to say, "To bip, and to bap, and to bee and to bet, and to bot and to buk, and to bow bowt, and uh... Well, you can't do anything about it, except sit there nervously." But the point I'm making is, is it doesn't produce actually the best service facsimile assessment. You want a safe assumption about it, or a safe assumption for it. Or you want a stable datum that you would have in regard to it. You're liable to get goals, but you won't get them with the same frequency. You say you've got the - you've got the service facsimile spotted that has something to do with the law, see. And you've got something like "What is a safe assumption about the law?" You normally get, "That it will ..." don't you see? "That it will..." "That it does..." don't you see? "That everybody is crooked," see? "That cops are no good," you know, stuff of this particular character. You say, "Give me a safe solution to the law." "To run like hell." "To move." "To get out," see. Oh, boy! Guy's coming right up with a goals list, see. You don't want it, see. Service facsimiles are almost never "to..." almost never "to..." but they could be expressed that way. But the moment they're expressed that way you're much more likely to key in a goal. So you're in trouble. Object of auditing is to get as much done as you can without getting any - into any more trouble than you have to. Auditing is not an activity in - where the auditor is always out of trouble. There is no such thing as a perfect session. There is no such thing as perfect intensives, where at no time does the auditor ever get into more hot water than he might otherwise have done, you see. There's - there's - no pc has ever run over a long period of time without an ARC break. Just make up your mind to this, see. First place, it's almost impossible to bypass charge. Now, you'll find that skilled Scientology III bypasses much less charge than unskilled or semi-skilled Scientology IV. You have a more gorgeous opportunity of colliding with charges to bypass with Scientology IV than you do with III. So the thing to do, the obvious solution, is to run III in such a way as to keep it out of IV. Now, you should have a very clear-cut idea of what you're trying to do with Scientology III. Very clear-cut. Destimulation is its keynote. It is the technology of destimulation. And therefore, the more that you restimulate, the wronger you will be. It is possible to be wronger than wrong. The Aristotelian absolute can be exceeded. The individual who is being destimulated is having a very worthwhile activity performed. Possibly, you might not have too clear-cut an idea why, because I myself just a few weeks ago did not really consider it worthwhile until I took apart all of its elements, and looked it over very carefully. Now I see that it is very worthwhile. It became necessary to do this in the search for tone arm action. Tone arm action is very necessary. In auditing, a great many pcs on the whole track do not get tone arm action. You can run out GPMs with rocket reads and so forth, but you don't get tone arm action. And therefore, this is a very vicious proposition. You're going to practically kill somebody if you run him three sessions without tone arm action. You take a pc in a queasy state and run him two hours without tone arm action, you'll wish you hadn't. I mean, it's that critical. You want tone arm action. Well, tone arm action ceases in the presence of overrestimulation. So the whole track is too restimulative to the pc, obviously, if it locks up his tone arm. Elementary. When tone arm - she stop moving, when tone arm stop moving, pc's in overrestimulation. If Confucius had said it he would be a very wise man. That's a stable datum about tone arm action. If you haven't got tone arm action on the pc, pc is in a state of overrestimulation. There is another state that I can point out to you of no tone arm action, which is simply auditing nothing on the pc. You can put a pc on the cans and walk off to the other side of the room and sit down on the chair, and it's very probable that the TA will not move for hours on end. I just want to call this to your attention, too. But actually, that's quite rare since just the mechanics of auditing shift charge around, controlling the pc's attention upon himself or his environment will shift charge. So to all intents and purposes we're left with just one reason - providing any auditing is being done at all - we're left with just one reason why the tone arm isn't moving. And the tone arm isn't moving for the excellent reason the pc's in overrestimulation. Let's take an example of a room. Call tone arm action a moving person. We have a moving person in this room. Tone arm action, see. Now we fill the room half full of cotton bales. We call these cotton bales charge. Notice that this person moving around in the room can only move half as much. Because it's half full of cotton bales. Now let's put the remaining half of the room half full of cotton bales. Now this moving person, of course, can only move a quarter as much as he could in the first place and only half as much as he could just a few minutes ago. Got the idea? All right, call these cotton bales charge, still, and let's fill up the room with cotton bales. Our moving person doesn't move. And a very green, inexperienced auditor who doesn't know any of this tries thereafter just to get more cotton bales in the room. That's the hallmark of an inexperienced auditor. "Tone arm action is reduced, move more cotton bales in the room. Let's get some more engrams going, let's get some more GPMs in there. Let's restimulate a few more present time problems. Let's really shove it to this guy. We'll get tone arm action sooner or later." Yes, you will, too. Down. "Well, I finally made a Clear. There he sits. 3.0 - needle doesn't move at all. He's very calm, he's very calm; as a matter of fact he never says anything to anybody. Must be Clear. He went through a period of low tone arem, but I cured him of that." Well, of course, the symptom of all those disorders are - naturally are just the theory that if you put more charge in restimulation on the case you'll eventually get tone arm action. And I think this is the way the psychiatrist works. Medical psychiatrist. By the way, did you notice that the medico is getting an awful beating on the subject? Did you notice, in the Times? Medical doctors want nothing to do with mental healing? They only had six lectures on the subject and didn't understand those. The medical doctor is not competent in the field of the mind and moving out of the field of the mind. Interesting, isn't it? Round and round the little ball goes, and where it stops, God help us. Did you notice this propaganda line that's going on? Well, keep an eye on it, because we got it going now. We're reducing false data out of the society - that they know what they're doing. Scientology 0 is at work. We've just developed a new one, Scientology 0. The illumination of unknown areas, and false data, as a prelude to the introduction to stable data. Scientology 0. Interesting. Well, I bring that up at this time really because it's interesting, but I could use it as an example of what you're doing with clearing. You're getting all of the chronic restimulation off of a case, before you walk ahead with the case. Now, what you're doing there is removing a lot of false nonsense off the case, service facsimiles and that sort of thing, you're destimulating this lifetime. And if you're very slippy, and you're very clever, you'll get the wildest tone arm action you've ever seen on a pc. In Scientology III, you'll never see tone arm like it, tone arm action like it in Scientology IV. You start hitting in close to that thing called a service facsimile, even close to it, sit out on a border of it someplace, and just start moving in, man. That needle starts loosening up, and that tone arm starts moving, and it's wham, wham, wham. An auditor really has to work to prevent tone arm action in Scientology III. He has to sit there with both feet braced against the tone arm to keep it from moving. It's almost impossible not to get tone arm action, providing you follow its very basic rules. Very difficult. You don't even have to have the service facsimile and you can get tone arm action. It's quite remarkable. Let's look at this thing, then, called restimulation, since that's very important to Scientology III, since every case you will approach is in a state of overrestimulation. That's all cases you have anything to do with. They're all overrestimulated. They walk in off the street, they come in from government agencies, they come in anyplace and everyplace, they leak out of the walls from the FDA, you know, out of the woodwork, come out from underneath the rocks from the American Medical Association, all these guys are in a state of overrestimulation. All of them. Thoroughly overrestimulated. That's the hallmark and the keynote to their activities and conduct. This is why they act the way they do whatever the screwball activities that they're exhibiting. However all this hangs up, or why, or anything else, they can be said to be overrestimulated. And that would be a very accurate statement. Because the way you keep somebody trapped, and the way you keep somebody sucked into it, is never let him go sit down on a rock and think it over. You've got to keep kicking him around, see, you've got to have economic pressures, you know, you've got to have this, you've got to have that, you've got to have familial complications, you've got to have problems, man. You've got to have trouble. You've got to have "finance." You've got to have banks. You've got to have currency control. You've got to have things like income tax, you've got to have rising and lowering costs of living. You've got to have booms and depressions. Things have got to be hectic, you understand? This guy's got to be kept worried. If he's kept worried long enough, and gets his attention extroverted hard enough and so forth, he will remain trapped. The basic mechanism of entrapment of course is not just being on a pole someplace and trapped, you understand? Or just being in a body. The complications of entrapment are a little more broad and a little more complex than that. They have to do with Professor Utgut, at the local spinbin - I mean university - who is saying, "The economic situation is far too complex for normal understanding. But if you merely keep everybody in want, you will have economics. Uh - the idea then is to increase demand. Now, if you sufficiently increase demand, everybody will be afraid of starving to death, and uh - they will end up in actual want, and this will keep them from ever thinking a sensible thought. They will too be - be too busy with the ideas of survival and the worries and problems of life, and so forth." Actually, he'd be a very wise man if he spoke exactly like that, so actually his speech in essence is shortened to this: "Strive. Confuse. And that's economics. Now we're going to take up the principle of government. Uh - artistic harassment is our first subject." You're - you get into a large protest against this particular planet, not understanding some of it. You start moving up scale, you begin to understand some of this. You begin to understand it as simply an extended act of entrapment. The thetan wants something out of it. And he thinks there's some pay. In other words the trap wouldn't run at all, don't you see, unless the thetan was so busy in it that he never had time to look at it, you see? So the idea is that you chase him hard enough, and you harass him hard enough, you worry him hard enough, why, he never has an opportunity to sit down and take a look at anything. So if he never has an opportunity to do that he'll make a lot of foolish decisions. And these foolish decisions, you see, are made to hold back foolish confusions, and the net result of that of course is he's now in more trouble than he was before. And if he'd made no decision at all he would have been better off, don't you see? So it goes from one entrapment to another type of entrapment, and so forth, in economics. Just think, just think of being without money for two weeks. Supposing you had no money of any kind for two weeks. Well, it's quite fascinating. I mean, as a principle, because there's really no reason in the world why you should have any money for two hundred years. What's money? Money is a course in economics, at the local university, I guess. It's an idea and a fixation. Some kind of a representation of something for something. To begin with, it's a bum itsa. See, the - what is it? Doesn't even have metal behind it, now, see. Some kind of an idea is afloat that it's exchanging from tub to tub, and here guys are going off skyscrapers half a mile tall and everything else to get a quick buck, you see. Absolutely fascinating. As a matter of fact you can take a handful of money out and buy most anybody on this planet. Why? Well, I don't know. But it sure is confusing! That you can be absolutely sure of, see. That's - it's pretty doggone confusing. He got the idea that if he gets enough of this stuff, you see, somehow or another he'll be free. Well, what the hell was he while he was getting enough of this stuff, you know? That's silly. Look this over. You look over socialism, and you recognize it's far more complex than old capitalism was. Capitalism was complex enough. There's hardly anything left of it. But it was plenty complex. But capitalism, there was some time when you could buy off your debt to the local money lender, you see? There was a time. You could at least look forward to a time, you see, hopefully, that there would be a time when you came out of it. There was a possibility that good luck and steady application and so forth would eventually cut this thing off and you'd no longer owe this debt. There was some hope involved. Well, in socialism, you haven't got a prayer. See, actually the end product of socialism is you're not permitted to save any money, so in - somehow or another you're trying to buy yourself off, in some way, but of course you never do get bought off in any way, shape or form, so there's no end to the amount of involvement in which you are mixed up. You see what I mean? So you - what you see is a perfecting system of attention - shifting. All of these things are. They're attention-fixation, attention-dispersal, attention-shifting, all of these various things are all part and parcel of keeping somebody tied down. Now, that isn't just a snide comment. That isn't just a cynical comment on our modern society, this is an actual - this is - if you don't have bars on the trap you can have principles of one kind or another, you see. You can have political solutions of some kind or another, each one a little more cockeyed than the last, you see. Now, you look around and you're in terrible protest about some things done on this planet, when as a matter of sober fact, that is what you're - probably what you're supposed to do. Protest. They are not there in the final analysis because somebody is stupid; they are there because somebody has been very clever. And they have provided a piece of randomity of sufficient magnitude to keep somebody consistently enturbulated. Thus overrestimulation continuously occurs. You have to keep somebody overrestimulated by keying him in and doing various things to him, in life. You see that? All right, your pc walks into your session, subject to all these mechanisms of restimulation. There he is, see. And we call this environmental restimulation. This is all very elementary, actually, these are sources of overrestimulation. Now your first area here is his PT environment, see. And we call this environmental restimulation. That's a source of restimulation. Here is your pc in-session, see, he's about - he's right here, coming into session, see. One pc. And we're looking now at the restimulation, we're looking at the restimulation to which he is subject. And there's this environmental restimulation. That's the old lady, the old lady just flew another snit, you know. And that's - odds and ends of this particular character, you see. There was a note on his desk that morning, which has begun, "Dear Jakes, in view of the fact that we are making less money than we were before..." and then nobody finished the note. See? There's a story in the newspaper, you see, "All workers beyond forty years of age will hereinafter be reconstituted," see? He wonders what the hell that is. Shoes are wearing out, and the shoe store no longer sells that design of shoes, you know? In other words, life is hell. But it's just continuous little barbed arrows, you see, of restimulation, you see. Here's restimulation. We call it "r, e, s," not "R." "R" is "reality." So this is all the lightning bolts, don't you see, this is all the lightning bolts that you run out when you say, "Since the last time I audited you has anything been ...?" You're trying to flatten that off, see, so that you can audit him. Well, you know that is necessary. But these things can get so continuous that your auditing can become very, very difficult, see? And then there's this zone, this zone, here. See, that's all part of the lightning hitting him, here. Then there's this zone of action and that is restimulated bank by reason of service facsimile. So we'll just call this "service fac, restim" that's hung up here. And actually there's an interdependency between this first one, environmental restimulation, and service fac restimulation, are interrelated, so we actually can draw a circle around the two of them. He wouldn't have PT problems if he didn't have service facs, that's the discovery, see? Nevertheless, we'll call this service fac restimulation, because there's another type of bank restimulation which he is subject to, and that - that he is battling along with here - is what has already been restimulated in auditing, see? See, so this is past auditing restimulation, see? That's what's already been restimulated in auditing and not erased, see? We've got to take that into account. Now, here is your current auditing restimulation. This is what you're going to restimulate in a session, you see. This is what you're going to restimulate in session, you understand, in the way of engrams, and that sort of thing. See, that's what you're going to restimulate in the session. Those two things we can group together as a pair. See, that's what's been restimulated and what you're going to restimulate, or in the process of restimulation. There's another one that you might not have paid too much attention to but which you're fighting with all the time and I'd better identify it and this is called session restimulation. Session restimulation is just restimulation by reason of being audited. See? High, high restimulation is attendant upon an auditor who is rough, rough, rough, see? You know, every time you open your mouth to talk, the auditor says, "No, I meant something else." Keeps the itsa line cut, and stuff like this, don't you see? Little accidentals. The better auditor, he'll just get an occasionally accidental flub, you see? But whatever that auditing skill is, it still adds up to, see, session restimulation. Now that's not bank restimulation. See? That - that's just what's happening in the session to kick somebody around. You got that? Now, let's look at another one here. And this is the bank. Now, you see, that anything coming from this of course has to come up here to current auditing restim, may kick in past auditing restim, is being kicked around by session restim. Got that? Hooks up on this restim, got that? And actually only can operate from service fac. You look over that. That's sources and zones of restimulation. Now, just put it this way. There's obviously several places from which you get restimulation. There's more ways of throwing cotton bales in that room. Now let's go over these ways of throwing cotton bales in the room. Now there isn't just Scientology IV methods of restimulate a GPM, see. All right, that's throwing a cotton bale in the room, but there's also a - some bits and pieces and sometimes some mighty big cotton bales thrown in the room by rough auditing, see? So that's a source of restimulation, see? And then we look at what you're auditing on the pc here, as past auditing restimulation which is made up of bank which has been restimulated and not erased in past session. And that has two divisions, and what you are currently restimulating, you see, that's your other zone. And then there's the present time environment that he's living in and this of course is added to the other restimulation and then that, however, is kicked in, cross-restimulation occurs, you see, he's worried, and he's nervy, so therefore he has more ARC breaks in the session, don't you see. So it keeps beefing up the session. Now, all that stuff is interactive. All of those sources of restimulation are interactive and the only core on which it sits, in actual fact, that can be touched, short of knocking out the bank, is the service fac. The service facsimile is what keeps environmental restimulation restimulated. It also has a great bearing, you would be surprised, but it has a great bearing on the amount of session restimulation which occurs. It has an enormous bearing, up here, on past auditing restimulation which hasn't been picked up because, of course, it was blocking the discharge, you see, the full discharge of everything. It's going to prevent you from discharging current auditing restimulation; even though you restimulate it, some of it is braked, don't you see, by the service fac. And actually his environment is in a shambles all the time because of his service facsimiles, see. And so therefore it comes back to the service fac. Now, the most notable thing, which you missed by the way in the quiz last Friday that was pointed out to you, again, but the most notable thing about the service facsimile is: The thetan is doing it - ha-ha. Well, of course in the final analysis he's mocking up his bank and he's the effect of his bank too, and you could say that very circuitously, and at some long, drawn point, yes, he is responsible for everything that is happening to him, you see. But this is intimate, direct, and now. He doing it. He's doing it right now. Right now he's involved in making something and somebody wrong, and himself right. And he is doing it all off his own little hatchet and it is just about as influenced by GPMs, see - it's him keeping that particular GPM in restimulation. See, he says - he says, "To crack walnuts, man, that's the way this life's got to go. Ooh. That'll fix 'em, you know, ho-ho." And there's some GPM sitting back there, "to crack walnuts," you know. Well, of course he keeps that in restimulation too, but that isn't really what's making him crack walnuts, you understand? He's cracking walnuts because he's decided that cracking walnuts is the thing to do. You'll find out that before he got the GPM "to crack walnuts," he was also cracking walnuts. You understand? So we've got two different problems here. We've got the thetan doing it and we've got the accumulation of experience knocking his head off, see? So we have two sources of lightning. Now, to be very plain here about this drawing, you can see here, you can see here, that all of this stuff, see, all of this stuff, in combination, makes a very messed-up pc. Charge. He's got charge here. In fact, you're not really auditing a pc. You're auditing a live bomb. A live bomb liberally garnished with firecrackers. And the bomb may not go off, but you sure get a lot of fire crackers exploding. Now, I don't want to leave you in the dark about what restimulation is. How does the auditor restimulate something? I want to get this in passing here because maybe if you live long enough you'll learn this. How does an auditor restimulate something? By putting or letting the pc's attention go on it. By putting the pc's attention on it, by letting the pc's attention go onto it. What's "it"? Actually, any charge, heretofore inert, which can be rekindled. Or if it has been restimulated already, then re-restimulated or increased in restimulation. Now that's very technical. And that sounds very esoteric. And I'm afraid that has the terrible simplicity of a mud pie dropping on a sidewalk. It's just about that complicated. I'm very sure that you at some time or another in a session have rather wished that you had just cut your throat rather than come in to audit this particular pc, because you don't seem to be able to do anything right at all. Everything is going wrong. And you say therefore it is the pc's trouble. The pc is causing this trouble. Well, actually, the pc is totally incapable of causing trouble in a session. The auditor can sit there like a total knucklehead and let the pc's attention wander all over the bank, you know, pick up engram A, engram B, engram C, engram D, engram waaa, so on, baaaw, baaaw, brr-brr-brr-brr-brr, whooo, whooo. And the auditor isn't doing a thing. He's just sitting there being a good listener, see. He was doing everything right, and all of a sudden the pc exploded in his face, see? Well, that's just accidental restimulation. You just let the pc wander. Actually, the pc is wandering under the command of his service facsimile. That's what's commanding. He wants to make certain zones and areas wrong, and one of the ways to make them wrong is to get awful restimulated and collapse. I mean, that's usual. You wouldn't have any such thing as psychosomatic medicine unless every thetan had the computation - they all do have the computation - that, well, the best way to handle it is get sick, in the final analysis. Otherwise, psychosomatic trauma would never make anybody sick and it makes everybody sick, so then everybody must have the service facsimile that the way to handle the situation is to get sick. You see that? I mean, it's just open and shut because it's the definition of it, so everybody has the service facsimile of sickness. You try to run the service facsimile of sickness, ordinarily, oh, go ahead and run it, but you limit it to this lifetime otherwise you're going to wind up there trillions-twenty ago, you see. Because he had that for a long time. See, that's old. That - what comes under the heading of too much service facsimile, that's almost "pc," don't you see? There's some of these things are so confoundedly standard that you sometimes wish you hadn't started auditing them. You know, they go backtrack too quick, too fast. Too upsetting. All right. Now, this business of restimulation, let's get back on what this business of restimulation is, this is very interesting, very easy. And there's nothing much to it. If ynu want the pc's attention on a cow, you either let his attention wander to the cow, or you say "cow." I mean, that is how elementary it is. Very many auditors don't ever get the idea of how you - how they could possibly restimulate anything because they overlook the idea of the simplicity of the mechanism of restimulation. If you don't want the engram about a cow restimulated, then you don't say "cow", you get the idea? I mean, it's that elementary, my dear Watson. You don't want the pc on a GPM, so you don't say anything about the GPM and that's all. You want his attention on the GPM, you don't mention - you mention the GPM. That is all. That's the basic thing. It's how many times you mention it, with what complexity, that fixes the restimulation and increases it. But to start in, all you have to do is say, "GPM." Pc's going on and on, and you're going to be very agreeable, you see. And the pc's going on and on about this service facsimile in Scientology III, and he's saying, "Well - and so on - and - uh - to be goofy, that - that seems..." "Oh, that must be the goal. Oh, I know, yeah, the goal we ran the other day on you." The auditor doesn't look on this for what it is. That's getting out this twenty-foot pointer, neon-lighted, putting the pc squarely in front of the bank, taking the pointer and putting it directly on, says, "put your attention on that GPM there, square now, son, right there. That's it, right there, look at it now," get it all restimulated, and get sparks flying off it. I mean, that - that's all very fancy, but actually the whole operation is complete, "Oh, that goal we ran the other day. Yeah, I know." That's all. That's all - that's all the auditor has to do and he's restimulated the goal, don't you see. It's too elementary. Just had an occasion of an auditor trying to find the time limiter and innocently asking for four engrams on an overrestimulated pc. You understand? He just said, "Well, what's the first time you ever had any trouble with that?" Talking about a physical injury, you see? Four engrams, bang, bang, bang, bang. Boom. Overrestimulation, bang. ARC break, boom. Simple. I mean, this is how easy it is to restimulate somebody. But you shouldn't be afraid of restimulating somebody because that's part of the auditor's trade. But just know what you're doing, for the love of Pete! Know what you're doing. You've had four rough sessions with this pc, see. You - say, because you want to get on the good side of the pc, "Well, I'm sorry we've had such rough sessions lately..." There goes four rough sessions! Pc says, "Wha - wha - wha - what? Who? Who? Where? Where? What's the matter? Who shot me?" You understand? Oh, but you said, "I'm sorry we had these rough sessions, lately." So your intention was not to restimulate. No, the mechanism of restimulate is simply name. That's the whole of restimulation. Name. And the more often you name it, the more it'll restimulate, and that's all. Now I'll tell you the perfect way to produce an ARC break. Name it and not permit it to be itsaed. That's all you got to do, see? You say engram, no itsa, engram, no itsa, engram, no itsa; ARC break. It - it's terribly fantastically elementary. And that's actually all there is to a rough session. It's the auditor naming things, or preventing itsas of things which are named. And that's all that's going on, that's all that's going on in a rough session. The pc is very nervous on the subject of Instructors or Supervisors, or something like that, he's it - I'm just talking about a student now. And he's got - he's got twenty infraction sheets to make up before Sunday, or he doesn't go up to the next unit, see, and so forth. And he - eventually you've got him calmed down in the session, don't you see? Pc's there, and he's finally starting to look at his own bank, and interested in his own case, and you're going along, just fine, don't you see, and then you say, "Uh - I'll have to ask the Instructor." And you say, this is an ARC breaky pc. No, this is just a blabbermouthed auditor. You get - you get how it is, see? So you come back to the thing, all auditors talk too much. But the sources of ARC break become - come from this, that is, just - just naming, naming and then not picking up - see, in some fashion or another, naming and then not picking up the itsa. See? And then we've ensealed in what restimulation is there. If you're not going to pick up the itsa, don't name it. And you'll have the - you'll have sessions that are absolutely glass-smooth. You'll just be absolutely fascinated. You'll never see such cheerful, happy, appreciative pcs. See, if you're not going to pick up the itsa, don't name it, man. Elementary, my dear student. There's the whole of smooth auditing. Now, there's another way to do this. Another way to do this, is let the session, and the activities of the session, bar the discharge of materials already restimulated. See, the auditor didn't name it, but it's been named. From some source or another, it's been named. And the pc, the pc's sitting there - the pc's sitting there, and it's been named, and the pc is saying, itsa-itsa-itsa-itsa-itsa, "Well, is it all right with you if I start the sess - uh - session now? All right, is it all right in the room, room's all right - uh - so forth, the uh - uh - uh - squeeze the cans uh - yes, yes, uh - pardon me, squeeze the cans again. Hmm. I didn't quite get that, squeeze the cans again - all right. Now, now, uh - all right with you if I uh - start - start the session now, huh? Is it all right with you? Okay, all right. All right." Gives him a session start, I won't start a session for you, and - "What goals would you like to set for this session?" and is absolutely horrified to have, "Well, I don't really care to set any goals for the session as a matter of fact." And the auditor says, "What could I possibly have done?" It's just elementary what he's done, don't you see? There's a source of restimulation. Now, auditors very often ask silly questions to be sociable, right before they start the session. And they get an itsa line going, and then stop the itsa line by starting the session. You can actually sit down in any session you've had that was a rough one and if you had - particularly if you had a tape of it, you could say, "Oh, my God!" You say, "How've you been?" Pc says, "Uh - well, all right." "All right. Is it all right with you if we start the session now? The room's okay? Uh - chair's all right, is it all right if we audit in the room?" We get down to goals, see. "What goals would you like to set for the session?" "Well, huh! Don't care to set any goals. Well, to live through the session." This whole thing then is completely mysterious to the auditor. And the mystery is complete. He didn't do anything. Hell he didn't! He put an itsa line in - or he put a whatsit in. Throw the pc a whatsit. I know an auditor who has a rough time all the time ending sessions. Always puts a whatsit in at the end of the session. Then never lets it be itsaed, and then gets an explosion. Do you understand this? See, this is - this is elementary. This is all there is to an ARC breaky session. Well, let's take a look at this, now, and we see then that the auditor is in control, to a very marked degree, of what's restimulated. But on an uncleared pc, the service fac is interacting with the existing restimulation so the pc is actually putting in a continuous restimulative factor in sessions. And you get restimulation trouble as long as the pc has a prominent service facsimile. Now if you add, then, to this bank, we go back to this one - if you add now, if you add in restimulation - all this is in place, see. And you add in some restimulation from down here, to here, see. Mathematics of the situation! There's fifty ergs of energy in overrestimulation on the case right now. So you pull in a GPM from the bank which contains another fifty ergs of restimulation, you now have a hundred ergs - capacity of the pc for easy handling is probably ten ergs to begin with. So you're now auditing on an overrestimulation factor of about ten to one and you sit around and you say, "Well why doesn't the tone arm action move? Why - why don't we get tone arm action here? Why - you know? What's the matter with the tone arm? Well, maybe we're running the wrong GPM, uh - do you suppose we're running the wrong GPM here, pc?" Uhh! What's the pc going to do? He's going to look at each GPM that he's had anywhere around, see? He's just picking up them cotton bales, you know, and shoving them into that room and that tone arm just locks up harder and harder, freezes more and more and drifts lower, and so forth. You see the exact mechanism in progress? So it's actually very, very much to your benefit to get rid of the service facsimile, at least out of this lifetime and the auditing environment. Because then we can possibly get rid of this, service facsimile hangs up that - past auditing restimulation. You're not restimulating anything very much on current auditing restimulation if you're being very clever in handling the service facs, so we maybe cut out half of that. We cut session restimulation down to, very small thing, because we can be incautious with our speech without restimulating all this stuff that's already live. Do you see the benefits of all this? All right. Well, see that and see as well that it's pretty adroit business finding a service fac without kicking everything else in. Do you see what you're trying to do? Audit smoothly, of course, that's the solution to your session restimulation. Restimulate no more in your current auditing, don't start naming a bunch of things, see. Don't start pulling up a bunch of things. As far as past auditing, give the pc frequent Prepchecks, you know, "on auditing" Prepchecks. Every fifth, sixth session, you can keep that cut back, you see. Present time environment. Don't audit the guy one hour every three weeks and expect him to hold his own. Actually, do you know that two and a half hours a week is really not quite enough to hold down environmental restimulation on most cases. Which is interesting. So we can cut these various things down. We can get the pc in a less restimulative environment - the way you would, by the way, handle the insane or the severely neurotic. You'd simply put him in an unrestimulative environment and be very, very careful that the sessions you gave him were totally lacking in restimulation. All the restimulation that's necessary to the auditing of this case has been done for a long time. You don't have to - you actually don't have to restimulate much else. It's all in restimulation. You can do these various tricks to cut down the restimulation on your pc. You actually should remember this graph here, these zones of restimulation are things that can restimulate the pc, because you could sit down with the pc and you could simply say, "We're going to audit this bird and he's having a hard time. Well, now, what would be practical to cut out?" Normally the auditor's responsibility simply goes into trying to reduce the auditing restimulation. Because they're trying to reduce it they very often goof. I mean, they overdo the job, you know. Get nervous and won't interrupt the pc and they're afraid to cut the pc's itsa line and let the pc wander into all kinds of things, you know. They don't provide good specific small targets in auditing to center the pc's attention on them and clean them up. They're always taking a bit bigger target than the pc can grab hold of and that sort of thing. In other words, there's various things you can monitor and that's mostly what we study. The various things you can do in auditing. But look. Look, that's one out of one, two, three, four - see, that's one out of five. And you could actually sit down with this little chart, and subdivide it. You could subdivide that present time environment restimulation over there into about at least eight different categories. You could just break them down into the dynamics. You sometimes have to do this. We had somebody one time that used to go home every night after the auditing session and go through a bunch of voodoo exercises. I think it was voodoo or some such practice. And I think he was repeating over the words of a half a dozen GPMs simultaneously or something like that. Actually, the way we took the case apart was simply the auditing supervi- well, Mary Sue, just told him, "Hey! You're doing so-and-so and so-and-so. You quit that." And he quit that, and we made some case progress. See, that's just reducing that. You could take his present time environment, in other words, and you could compartment it into various sections and zones of restimulation, don't you see. You know, his job, and his family, and so forth. "While I'm auditing you ..." we notice that he always has a present time problem about the wife, and he has a present time problem about this, and present time problem about that "... take a week's vacation and don't live at home." See? You've actually reduced that much current restimulation, maybe you can get some progress with the case, see. That's - that's the crux of a lot of these things. But you could actually take that chart and find out what you are going to cut down. Now, of course the responsible agency here that's going to give you the most trouble is the service facsimile. Because that's what he is holding in restimulation to make people wrong, and he's liable to make you wrong. It's very interesting, occasionally I'm trying to make some student right with auditing, trying to give some auditor a win, and the auditor will go bzzzz, in some fashion or another try to make me wrong on an auditing instruction or something like this, by just not applying it, or crossing it up wrong, don't you see. Therefore, trying to create a rightness is debarred by the - by somebody's service fac getting in the road. Now you see, that even comes true then on the supervision of auditors. That's rare, but occasional, don't you see. It just doesn't work somehow. It doesn't happen very often. It's usually inadvertent, and it's always easily explained. Like they didn't quite receive the despatch, or they didn't understand the despatch. Or they told the pc all about the direction before it was done or something wild happened with regard to this auditing direction, you see. Or it all turned off too quickly so that we couldn't go on auditing it or something, you see. A little goofy point. It's all explainable. But you recognize, if you look through it, and you were to rehearse the service facsimile of that particular auditor and so forth, if this was a consistent occurrence, if that occurrence was very consistent, what we'd have to do of course is find out the mechanism he's using to try to make somebody wrong. Now that would there - would therefore bring about a kickback. Now, he apparently consciously doesn't know what he's doing. You understand? And there's several ways of handling that. You can simply bring it sharply to his attention that something is operating here that is preventing something from happening, and usually, why, he'll take a look at it and laugh and straighten it out. That's normally what would normally happen. You can engage upon some duress or something like that. As I've said I've been known to put a head on a pike just to make everybody follow my instructions for a little while. Just did it, as a matter of fact. And their heads are still on their shoulders; it wasn't very vicious, but it was to their attention that a little more attention could be put on this particular point. Now, what are you going to get out of something like this? Well, you'll get less restimulation for the pc. One of the things that's going to happen, they'll be a little bit more careful. You get less restimulation for the pc. Of course, you're liable to get more restimulation on the part of the auditor so he doesn't follow the instructions any better. And all of this randomity simply occurs because of a service facsimile. Now, one of the reasons why the auditor goofs, and the four guys I just shot down in flames will be rehabilitated in a short while - were shot down, actually had this as part of its element. They were auditing toward the service fac, therefore the pc was trying to make them wrong. You understand? So you can count on this occurring as you move toward the service fac. If you do anything inadvertent - no in - the tiniest little goofs that don't amount to a hill of beans and you're just approaching a service facsimile, then the pc targets you as the one to be made wrong. You get this? And I'd say, in all - these four students I was just snarling at - that that had occurred, you see, to some degree. In other words, the auditor was already enturbulated by this situation. All right. Now an enturbulated auditor, an enturbulated auditor, has to be given a new stable datum to some degree, so just do it - do it - do it, is the best stable datum that you can give him. Offhand, let him get a win. Let him see the breadth and understanding of this particular zone, exactly how this thing is operating and let him sit back and take a look at it, because obviously that pc must be very restimulative to the auditor or he wouldn't be as - so adventurous as not to follow one of my instructions. Get the idea? So one of the ways you can do it, one of the ways you can do it, is shift auditors. See, you get a new pattern of make-wrongness from the pc, don't you see? And the auditor's wits can settle down on the situation, don't you see? And then you apprise the auditor one way or the other, something for him to look at with regard to all this, see. It'll straighten out. Well now, that's a method of handling it. But it's all handled on the basis of restimulation. Now, if you make a practice of handling all of your auditing actions on a basis of restimulation, your adjudications and judgment with regard to your auditing sessions and your pcs and so forth, on the basis of restimulation, you will seldom be very wrong. Even a poor solution, based on lessening restimulation, is better than some heroic solution, like shoot the pc, you know, like they do in the medical profession, see? Any solution that reduces restimulation, even if badly put into effect, very often delivers the goods. Any pc that is running badly then - now get this one, because this is pretty sweeping, and I'll be lecturing again on the service facsimile of course, we will take it up, exactly how you do this. But all this is a very necessary prelude to this sort of thing. Any pc, and anything wrong with that pc, is there because of overrestimulation. And any resolution of the auditing situation or the case has to take into account a reduction of restimulation, whether by discharge or destimulation. One or the other. You key it out, to destimulate, and you just blow it, of course, to discharge it. Now, of course, you've got a room full of cotton bales, you're not going to get anybody moving around in there, it - there's so many cotton bales in the room, don't you see, the guy can't move around to throw the cotton bales out. So that's it. You're not going to get any - you're never going to empty the room. But you can still look in other directions to reduce the restimulation. I've just given you a map of them. You could actually audit, particularly amongst the neurotic and so forth, simply on a basis of giving advice against that little chart I just drew for you. Just destimulate the person's life somewhat, and the person will recover from some of the most amazing things. It isn't esoteric at all, see. Something in his vicinity is naming things that go into restimulation, that's all. What is restimulation? A restimulative environment simply contains things in it which put his attention on things which are in the bank, and restimulative. I mean, it's as easy as that. He's got a - he's got a naming environment. And remember that with his service facsimile, he's doing some naming too. So the service facsimile is naming a bunch of things to go into restimulation. See? So if you reduced the other sources of restimulation, of which you have five there, and if you reduced - if you reduced the session restimulation, your current auditing restimulation, what you're auditing, your past auditing restimulation; you reduced your environmental restimulation on the pc, reduced all those things, you see - in the - the various ways you have of reducing these things, you see, and then audited out the guy's service fac - even though this took quite a while to accomplish on reducing these - well, reducing environmental restimulation: Let's have the guy go live in the hills for a year before we audit him, you get the idea? You know, simple as that. Have the guy get a - some kind of a very calm job of some kind or another. It - no matter how bad his case was, don't you see, we - it's all solved on the basis of reducing restimulation. And now we take his service fac, and we approach it head-on, and we audit out the service facsimiles, which he is in, for one lifetime, and get ourselves a nice free swinging needle and we give ourselves a nice behaving tone arm. And then we go at a very - we've got - accomplished all that - we of course have now set up practically an unrestimulative environment, auditing situation, bank and so forth. So we can naturally then reach into the bank at this point and pick up the string of almost anything in the bank, because you've just got a basic map of the bank. I mean, you got - say, "All right, let's get the goal 'to be dead,' you know, first goal of the Helatrobus Implants," and for the next month or so, why, just audit out the Helatrobus Implants. You can audit them all out with good TA. Particularly if you give an occasional Prepcheck that cuts down the past auditing restimulation and cuts down your accumulated session restimulation, see. The guy's going to make it. And that's any case, see, that's any case, that makes any case an easy running case. Now, a case is as hard to run as it is restimulated. It's as hard to run as it comes to you restimulated and as hard as you have restimulated it improperly, see. That - that's as hard - that's how hard is a case to run. The case is no harder than that to run. A case is as difficult as it is restimulated. And you get some guy walking in, his hair's wild, and he says, "The world is coming to an end tomorrow night!" you know, and watch out, "I've got to get rid of these bugs," you know. Aw, don't pay - no reason to put any attention on the case. What do you know? Something right away you know. Case is overrestimulated, naturally. He's gonna sit in that auditing chair and pick up the cans and answer sensible questions about his service facsimile in his life? Well, I don't know, you might be able to get him into session. Get him to tell you about world's coming to an end - if you kept him in this lifetime, carefully controlled his itsa line. You might surprise yourself, you might get a lot of tone arm action. He might be quite auditable. But the chances are he wouldn't be. The chances are you're not even going to get him near an auditing session and if you did, the auditing would produce no tone arm action. Actually you know about it, that he's got a stuck tone arm. In he walked, what's his tone arm condition? Must be the same as for any overrestimulated case. Stuck. So how can you approach or attack the case? Well, of course you're validly auditing the case to the degree that you reduce restimulation on the case. So there's probably a lot of ways, looking at this little chart up here, that you reduce the restimulation on the case, see. A lot of odds and ends. He knows - he knows psychotherapy; he's had electric shocks and that sort of thing, see. You can develop a whole bag of tricks just out of that fact, see? You destimulate psychotherapy. See, you sit there, you don't say anything. You don't do anything. See? Don't do anything. When he leaves, you say, "All right, thank you, thank you, Joe." He'll finally get pretty calm around you. Well, that isn't - doesn't look like auditing to you, but actually it's destimulation. Compare this with "Prepare Number 62 for electric shock and a prefrontal lobotomy in the morning. Hrrmph hrrmph we've got to cure him! Ah, ha-ha. Get the wet packs, the cold packs, the green packs, the purple packs and the ice packs. Oh, yes, we've got to fix him, rouse him up, rouse him up, yep, yep, yep." Looks to me like these characters are adding more environmental restimulation than they can pick up so, of course, they have a lousy record of cure. In fact, they all carefully explain to you how insanity is incurable. It may or may not be incurable, but is it, that's the main thing. Is insanity? And the answer of course is no. The - there is however an overrestimulated pc. There is an overrestimulated being. So if you look into all this very carefully, you'll see that you can cut back restimulation all over the place. And you get all hepped up on the subject of all you've got to do is get your E-meter and put the guy on it, and find the service facsimile and run right and wrong on it, and that sort of thing, and so forth, you're going to lose. That - that's fine. That's fine. Develop confidence in this particular direction. But you realize, there are going to be a lot of people who can't sit in a chair and can't pick up an E-Meter. People that are unconscious; well, you can bring them conscious by running Touch Assist sort of thing on the sheets. But he can't talk to you, he's afraid of you, he can't sit down in the chair, he this, he that, see, all these other things. Well, actually, it's the same problems you have in auditing. It's a problem in destimulation, or discharge of existing restimulation, it's one or the other. And normally you'd select out destimulation by simply decreasing the restimulation of the various zones from which he can get restimulation. You'd select those out very carefully, measure them up and give somebody some advice on the subject of it and his restimulation would reduce. The next thing you know, "Miracle worker in the field of the mind," you know, and people will say he doesn't do anything. "We don't understand, we don't understand how Doctor Jones gets results, because all he does is sit there and nod and the patients come in and nod when they leave, and they seem to get well. Must be some tremendous personality that he has," you see. We've reduced treatment restimulation, you see. He didn't even pick up a pad and issue any orders, see. Now, if you can digest all that that I've just been talking to you about, and you've got all of that taped, and you've got everything I've been talking to you about absolutely taped, we can approach the subject of a service facsimile, which we will do in a later lecture. Thank you very much. [end of tape.] ============