SHSBC-300 ren 329 28 Aug 63 The Tone Arm And The Service Facsimile THE TONE ARM AND THE SERVICE FACSIMILE A lecture given on 28 August 1963 [Based on the clearsound version only.] How are you doing today? Audience: Good. Good. Well, this is the what of the what? Audience: 28th August. Ah! August the 28th, 195--. Audience: AD 13. AD 13! Thank you. Thank you. The day the White House was burned. All right. Well, today we have some good news. We have some good news technically to do you the most good. This is all, actually, Scientology Two. But the understanding of it, I'm afraid, lies in Scientology Four. Now, let me give you the first startling statement - just a startling statement. If you cannot make a Keyed-Out Clear with a Prepcheck in twenty-five hours or less of processing, then the pc is operating on a service facsimile. A startling statement, isn't it? It's elementary. It's elementary. A Prepcheck fits in with your itsa line in a very hand and glove proposition. And, of course, these are the hottest itsas there are: is on your eighteen-button Prepcheck list. Those are hot itsas. And you give somebody an eighteen-button Prepcheck and that tone arm doesn't go through the complete rehabilitation cycle - uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uhuh-uh! We assume that you, the auditor, have not parked it with clumsy auditing. We assume that. We assume you haven't let an uncontrolled itsa line wander down through the bank and restimulate everything on the early track. See. Because you put in an itsa line that is untimed and uncontrolled, and you sooner or later are going to be in trouble. Itsa lines have to be timed. In other words, your questions on itsa always require a time limitation factor or you're going to get somebody in trouble. "In this lifetime ...," "Since you have been in Scientology ...," "In Birmingham ...," "In college ...," you get the idea; that sort of thing. Your pc wanders around all over the place and wanders into a bunch of things that you didn't want him in and you've got a restimulation factor to deal with now which you didn't intend to have. So an uncontrolled itsa line, now that you've had a lot of fun letting an itsa line wander all over the place, I'll give you the trouble with an itsa line. And the trouble with an itsa line is that an uncontrolled itsa line will get the pc in more trouble than you've been in for a long time with a pc. Why? Because the pc's attention is permitted to wander and tick and clip things which heretofore were inert. They then restimulate and the charge comes up and blows his head off. And then, because you aren't running systematic whole track things, like R3R and R3N, you of course keep clipping GPMs, and that sort of thing, and restimulating them and clip another GPM and restimulate that and clip another and then half a dozen engrams, then a few entrapments and a few crashes and a few betrayals and let him touch two or three overts too! By this time you have no tone arm action. Why? The case is overcharged. That's an uncontrolled itsa line. We'll go into that more fully later, not necessarily in this lecture. I just give you that as a word of warning. You can let a pc's itsa line wander all you please, as long as it is wandering exactly where you want it to go. I'll give you an idea. Sometimes the pc will overanswer the question. You say, "Review..." I was going to put this in a new Model Session and then didn't do so because you'll have too much trouble with it. You would have had: "Review the last session." All right, the pc says so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so. If the auditor right - isn't right up there on the edge of his auditing chair ready to cut that line the moment the pc exceeds that question, see - the pc doesn't review the last session but starts to run the incidents or new incidents contacted in the last session. Doesn't just review it, but gives you brand-new stuff out of the last session which wasn't there - in other words, exceeds the answer to it - and you all of a sudden have yourself some trouble. Well, what's this trouble? The trouble is that your pc, on an uncontrolled itsa line, has gone and plunged off and started restimulating material that he shouldn't have been in and now you're going to have trouble in this session. You already predetermined, by letting the itsa line be uncontrolled, what you're now going to run in this session. So therefore you can't ever carry out an auditing program. It'd be perfectly all right to do that as long as he just reviewed the last session. That was all. "What did we do in the last session?" "We did so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so and etc., and I had a cognition of so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so." And you say, "All right. Thank you. Good. All right. Good! Thank you. Thank you very much. All right." Your pc - your pc, if the auditor is unadroit, psychic, and so forth, is going to feel his communication line has been cut. But let me assure you, it's far, far better for that pc to feel his communication line has been cut than wind up eight-trillions-eight ago in the middle of a GPM which you had no business running. Because now your pc's really going to ARC break! In addition to that, why, you've got more charge restimulated than you're about to handle. Do you understand? You got to control the itsa line. The best way to control it is with a time span. You can do time spans in several ways. I wrote that up recently, I don't know whether it was published or not. There's a - time is always part of it. There's time by subject, you see? Saint Hill, see, that's a time period although you've merely said a subject, and so forth. But they're all time periods. All right, so itsa line is always controlled by time period. You go in, put in R1C on a pc without specifying the time of your question and without carefully limiting the pc's wandering and you're going to have an overcharged pc, an overrestimulated pc, every time. Got it? There is a direction of attention necessary where the auditor comes in. Now that you've had some experience letting a pc wander all over the place, and so forth, maybe you've learned how to listen; now learn how to control that line. Very difficult problem: how to control the itsa line without cutting the communication of the pc. That, my dears, is your problem. Still getting me in trouble; I've got no business telling you how to do it! Now, what's good news, here - what's good news here that's not necessarily germane to the situation - is that a pc answering Prepcheck buttons is, of course, giving you straight, direct itsas. These are the key itsas of the case. So, as he gives you Prepcheck answers within a time period - and I don't care how you limit this time period; it'd probably have to be half this lifetime. You'd have to clean up something on the order of about half of this lifetime or maybe a bit more in order to make a Keyed-Out Clear with ease. A Clear - let's drop it back in definition to the Dianetic definition which never considered anything more than this lifetime and let's handle what we set out to handle in the first place. We made a lot of Keyed-Out Clears. Let's not defame this particular situation because it is very valuable. It's a valuable state of case and it's a state of case which you yourself ought to be able to create now with the technology we have with the slightest - without the slightest qualms. How? Well, just put in an eighteen-button Prepcheck. Well, do you require an assessment? Well, that would be nice. That's about how valuable the assessment is. It'd be nice. Gives the pc something to ask - answer about, the assessment does. But that assessment and your Prepchecks are headed at only one thing. They're headed at restimulation. What you're trying to do is key out restimulation and that's the only thing you're interested in, is just keying-out restimulation. Therefore, clearing is destimulation. Way to clear somebody is destimulate him. Well, how do you destimulate him? Well, you knock off the points of clearing where the restimulation took place. This has nothing to do with getting out the original incident. Incidents, then, categorize into an inert incident - unrestimulated - an inert incident. Nobody's worried about it. It's buried down there in the center of the Earth. Nobody's kicked it, tripped it, touched it - has nothing to do with it, don't you see? It's inert. It's got charge in it - potential charge, man! You tread on its tail and it goes bzzzzzzzz! Now you have restimulated it. All you have to do is flick the pc's attention on it and you have restimulated it. There's of course the degree that you can restimulate it, but we are not worried about the degree that we restimulate it. This could be a large catalog like Kraepelin's chart of insanity, see, the degree of restimulation. And if you work over an incident and chew on it and chew on it and chew on it and restimulate it, of course you restimulate it more. And then there's not letting it discharge while it is being restimulated and there are all kinds of conditions to the degree that an inert incident can be restimulated, see; restimulated greatly or slightly or just kicked in or something. Well, we don't care about all of that. That's getting far, far too nice. That's like a fellow being good mannered and being an expert on Emily Post. I don't think they have anything to do with each other particularly. It's just being too much. It's what kind of fingernail polish do you wear on your little finger that you hold aloft from the tea cup, you see? What is the proper color of the fingernail polish? What is the proper color of it? That of course is pooh! Who cares? An incident is restimulated or it's not restimulated and that will do us. You will find yourself saying, "Good and proper restimulated," you see? And there's also "unknowing restimulation"; it got restimulated and nobody knew what was restimulated including the pc and that is the subject of your ARC break. There are different conditions of restimulation. But in final analysis, it doesn't matter what the condition is. The fact remains that it is restimulated. So there is simply this matter of it being restimulated. And then there is a state of case. A case is restimulated. All cases are restimulated to some degree of one kind or another - all cases are. But a case can be overrestimulated and that is a condition of restimulation. The conditions of restimulation are extremely varied, as I have just said, but there is a condition of overrestimulation and that condition of overrestimulation is that it will - its definition is - it will not discharge by ordinary means. Now, the situation that we have to deal with, in all of these regards, is whether or not something can be discharged. And something that is overrestimulated is not easily discharged because in some fashion or another the discharge has been prevented. That's prevented discharge; overrestimulation. So it comes from getting ahold of too much and not discharging it. And that is what is an overrestimulation. And then there's the condition of destimulation which simply knocks out the restimulation. It doesn't knock out the incident. And then there's the condition of discharge. Discharge is entirely and completely wrapped up with what is being discharged. It is simply the flow-off. Now, an incident which is discharged, is discharged! It is no longer capable of restimulation. It is not now an inert incident. It is a gone incident. The batteries in it have been short-circuited. That's the end of it. It is no longer capable of producing restimulation - discharged. Now, where you get a condition of restimulation which is then let off that is not discharged. Now, we're introducing a special definition and meaning here. That is not discharged. It is destimulated. Got the idea? That's not discharged. Discharged means that the incident just is now incapable of being restimulated. You have just up and hit it in the head with an ax and it's gone, see? - But if this incident is going to be put back in an inert state, then you destimulate. So there's two things which you can do to a bank. One is destimulate it, which is simply knock out the key-ins of the original charge. You didn't knock out the original incident, you just knocked out the moments when the original incident was keyed in. I'll give you an idea. You're coffee shopping with somebody and you sayyou say, "You realize, you realize that there's a GPM - there is a GPM devoted to homosexuality, in the between-lives implants? There is one!" And he says, "Oh, I don't really think so." He says, "Well, get the - get the - get the idea now,just get the idea of "to be a homosexual." Just get that idea for a moment, and you'll see." Ha! That, of course, throws that GPM alive, see? It actually - just discussing it isn't going to do very much about it, see. He's got to con - you got to concentrate - somebody's got to concentrate his attention on it! Him or somebody else, you know, has got to look right at it, you know, straight at it and bang! That GPM, which up to this moment has been inert, now becomes restimulated and is now in a restimulated state. Now, there are two things which can be done with it. One is discharge it, which is run it. Get its items out of it and take it off. It's something like taking the battery out of a car. Discharge it. In other words, there's no battery left in it. It can't charge up now. That's it. It's had it, you see? And the other thing you can do, is say, "Now, recall the time that you were talking to Joe,there, in the coffee shop, and he said to remember that GPM. Yeah, that's right. Well, what was happening in the coffee shop?" See, there's your time factor, see? "Oh, there was a lot of clicks and clacks of cups and saucers, and Joe was arguing with me, and so forth, and actually I had a withhold from him at the time. Been out with his girl last night," and so forth, and click-clock, that's the end of that GPM restimulation, see? Get the idea? That is now destimulated. Now, at any given moment, somebody can come along and say, "Well, there is a GPM in the between-lives area, "to be homosexual." "I don't believe it," he says. You say, "All right. Well, just take a look at it!" Bang! You see? There it is; somebody's turned on the ignition switch. So, an incident - an incident, which is an inert incident - is not having any effect on the pc. It's not part of his aberrative picture, you see. But might very well, by various chains and channels, have influence upon him, don't you see, in various ways. But it itself, as an incident, is not restimulated. We're not interested here in behavior. What does this inert incident do to influence behavior - the degree that it is inert - we're not interested in that. We're just interested in whether or not charge is coming off of this thing or charge is blocked up and almost off of this thing, and we're interested in that kind of a proposition. So there's two things you can do to an incident. You can destimulate it, which is knock out the times it's been keyed in, or you can discharge it, which is to just to knock it out and shoot it down in flames, forever, see? There's the two things you can do. Now, let us consider, let us consider that the reactive bank is basically concerned with and contains inert incidents. Let us just assume that. It's inert incidents. After all, there's a fantastic amount of time track and the individual has not been out on this time track to amount to anything and there it is all stacked in one way or the other. And there's probably thousands - hundreds of thousands of incidents - make some auditors just weary to think of how many incidents there are in the reactive mind. They'd just throw their hands up in horror. And all of those things are little potential batteries. They can furnish charge. They can furnish charge like mad, see? But nobody's been walking around on top of them. They're just lying there. They're not doing anything, see. Not hardly anything at all. They're not doing anything. Well, if they'd just stay quiet, you'd never have to clear anybody. But the pc's attention, directed by life or some artificial means such as auditing, can be made to connect with - or by his own means - can be made to connect with one of these incidents that has never before been alive. And at that moment its batteries go bzzzzzzzz and start generating juice. Now, what's remarkable is it's actually the pc's attention which generates the juice. So the incident is merely a manif- a trick put together by which the pc's attention can be converted to restimulation over which he has no power. It's out of his control, if you want to go into the real mechanics of the situation. In other words, here's this dead fish lying there. Had no life in it. Pc's attention is placed on the dead fish and the fish begins to wiggle. Worse than that, he begins to fan his tail and the ripples come up from that we will call "charge" - that's charge. All right. Now actually, as long as his attention is flicked back and forth across this inert incident, charge is generated, and if this attention is fully enough directed to it and if the channel of the pc's attention is clear enough so as to permit understanding and confront - in other words, permit his ARC to flow - you will see motion on the tone arm of your meter, and very soon, fish: no wiggle. Very soon after that, fish: not there. Now, actually, you can put the pc's attention on this, he can put his own attention on that zone or area of the time track as many times as he please and he will never get any charge from it. That's discharging an incident. That's erasing one. You have various terms for it already. Let's look at this other action. Let's look at this restimulation from another point of view. Pc's attention flicks onto it - either from an uncontrolled itsa line or something happens in life. Somebody comes charging up to him and holds a dead fish in his face, something like this, and it reminds him of this other thing - and his attention wittingly or unwittingly flicks over this particular section of the bank which has been lying quiescent. And the moment when his attention flicked on it is the moment of restimulation. We call that a key-in. His attention hits it, so you got a moment of restimulation. Now, oddly enough, it is only necessary to destimulate that incident to have it go back into a dead fish state. You only need to hit this moment of restimulation. Knock out any abberative factor in the moment of restimulation and the incident will destimulate and the individual's attention is no longer fixed or fixated on this particular incident and the incident goes quiet again. "Keying out" is the term we normally assign to that action. So theoretically, you can take a hold of the pc and take anything as powerful as the eighteen buttons of the Prepcheck and with any time of - kind of a time span, or subject direction here, that nevertheless gets it all in - let him wander up and down this thing, putting in the buttons of the Prepcheck - and you should key out the bulk of anything that has been keyed in in this lifetime. Then you would return to a state of free needle. You have, in effect, Clear. You've destimulated somebody to a state of Clear. That's a Clear. You see, it isn't necessary, then, to make a Clear in order to make an OT; but, you should know how to do it because you're going to have to do it, in part, a lot of the time. Very fascinating, that all of this ties together so neatly, because it's directly represented and analyzed by the tone arm. Directly and immediately, and in the higher state of free needle, of course, requires the needle in addition to the tone arm. There are eight states of needle. You'll have a bulletin on it. There's no reason to go into them now and call them off number by number. They begin with free needle, they begin with tightening needle and moving tone arm. They go up to - through this to high tone arm. They go through high tone arm to low tone arm. They go from low tone arm to tone arm at clear read, dead thetan. See? Clear read, tight tone arm, tight needle, no motion, at clear read, for the pc. That's dead thetan that you've got in your E-Meter Essentials, and so forth. Its next stage now - let's - you got that? That's a cycle of tone arm conditions. There are a few more of them, intermediate stages, but you'll have a list of those, as I said. Now, let's take a look at this. They also compare to your eight levels of case. They're straight across. You can analyze the level of case by the level of behavior and action of the tone arm. Now that makes - I'd been trying to solve this for you for a long time of how the devil did you make a diagnosis of the case and finally worked out how you could do it, with the way a person appears on a meter. So, that's very direct. How does he behave in the first few minutes of processing on the meter? And that gives you the level of case - bang. I'm not making a lecture now on the diagnosis so you can have your levels of case and your tone arm conditions and so forth some other time, or in the bulletin which I'm doing on it, if I ever finish it! I seem to keep hacking away at this bulletin. It's now getting about a foot thick, full of papers and ... Now, the conditions which you must pay attention to are these: dead thetan, clear read without tone arm motion and tight needle. That's your lowest case range, save one. There is one below that. But that one below it is not a tone arm manifestation, so it is not included. But I just throw it in gratuitously. The needle is inversely reading. It's inversely tight so it's frantic. You'll see for the first time a constantly rock slamming needle with the tone arm sitting at dead thetan. It's just constant charge that is reading. It's like reading a switchboard of a power plant, it's just yaawlyaaaa - everything moving except the tone arm. But we just include that in the unaware case since it's a needle manifestation; we don't need it. Your next movement up from dead thetan is low tone arm case - the low tone arm case. That case sits constantly and continually around 1.0 or 0.5 or something like that. You just can't get any motion out of it. And the next case that is important to you is the high tone arm case. And the next case is one moving in the high range and then there is the case which has got what you would call good tone arm motion, which is going past and through clear read. And then this goes right on down to free needle with tone arm at clear read. In other words, it turns a whole cycle. So you have to be able to recognize the difference between a dead thetan and a Clear. It's fairly easy to do. One's alive and one's dead, I mean, but you'd be surprised how often this one's been missed! I've seen it missed. Guy sitting there, he's a pale gray, you know, never has anything to say. The needle is totally stuck. You ask him anything, try to do a Sec Check or something on him, total stuck needle. No reaction from anything of the sort. Somebody comes around and said, "Well the guy's Clear." I've had it happen! I haven't believed it, but it's happened. Then I've seen arguments with Clears. Arguments with clear reads. Now, you can see that if the state of Clear - and this is something that's needed classification and clarification for a long time. We're working actually now at the level of Scientology Three when we're actually working with Clears. This has needed clarification for a long time. The second I tried to push a Clear through from anything but a destimulated Clear to a discharged Clear, I found out you had to go all the way to OT There wasn't any way stop. Even though the person would exteriorize and they'd be a Theta Clear and they'd be this and they'd be that and so forth. None of these - none of these furnished a sufficient way stop short of OT so it's just a long pull. The odd part of it is that at any time on that route you could make a Clear. At any moment on that route, you could make a Clear. Well, all you have to do is prepcheck them this lifetime to a free needle and you got a Clear. That destimulates whatever you're running, see? You just drop all the restimulation off the case, and there it is. You'll have a free needle. Now, it's interesting that this is a very easy one to produce. It's been produced by a nine-year-old boy on a staff member in New York. That's right! He just got in the Prepcheck buttons on his pc and didn't nag the pc and clean cleans or cut lines, probably didn't even read the meter, to that degree! The pc finally said that that was all the suppress, well, that was fine, that was all the suppress. I don't know that the session went that way, he might have been hell on wheels getting that needle clean, too! But obviously, he couldn't have cut the line very hard or he wouldn't have gotten the result he got which, of course, was a free needle. Needle sloppy and flop and drifting across and falling on its own pins and you can't get it to read on anything, you see? Elementary. Now, the condition you've got to have, in order to take anybody to OT, is that next-door neighbor to a free needle, a moving tone arm which is moving through the clear read with good motion. Now, if you don't achieve that before you start trying to strike for OT you're not going to make it. Well, why? The case is overrestimulated. There are too many incidents kicked in, and you, in trying to take the case - it's elementary, it has nothing to do with the state of case, oddly enough. I mean, it doesn't matter whether the guy is loopy, balmy or - it has nothing to do with it, you see, what he can or cannot do, it's just the state of this meter. And you try to take this character on to the backtrack and of course you restimulate something new and you add it to the overrestimulated case, which adds up to a frozen tone arm. So you actually have put his case state down one click, see, from wherever he is. Now, if you continued to do this, he would theoretically - theoretically - go from a fairly loose tone arm - well, that is to say it moved a little bit once in a while - he'd go to a high tone arm and if you continued to overrestimulate the case and run the case without tone arm action, the case would then become a low tone arm case. And if you continue to run the case without tone arm action, you would have that needle stuck at the clear read; just as elementary as this, you see? Then, by doing a Prepcheck - now it's now more difficult to do the Prepcheck, don't you see, because he's sort of disassociating and he's overcharged and blown toward PT and he can just get yesterday and so forth - you've overcharged the case. Now, with Prepcheck, however, you start cleaning up all this stuff. You back the thing down from clear read stuck; that goes right straight on through to a low tone arm case, stuck, and that frees up a bit and goes to a high tone arm case, stuck. And then with more prepchecking and actions in this direction, destimulating the case all the way, the case then turns to a fairly free needle - toward the free needle state, don't you see? Well, you don't have to get to a free needle in order to now run the case on the backtrack. It's a cinch if this guy is carrying around this much toxemia in the way of an inert bank, that any time anybody sneezes in his direction, inadvertently puts his attention on the time he was crucified, he then - he goes from free needle to this, you see, it's a cinch he's got to have those incidents discharged sooner or later. Now, the subject here is not how you discharge the incident, it's when you discharge the incidents. See, that gives you all. Now you really know all when you start to look that over. Well, you put the case in a state where incidents can be discharged. And if the case is getting good tone arm action - and what do I mean by good tone arm action? There's a bulletin on it - but you've got - you've got to have a fair sweep of that tone arm. It's got to be moving around, man. And it should, preferably, be moving through 3.0, preferably moving through 3.0. A higher range motion, from 3.0 to 5.0, is critical. And the second you go backtrack, by actual experience, on a case that is moving - well, not 3.0 to 5.0, but a case that is moving from 3 - no, let's take an actual - let's take in some actual figures here: A case moving from 4.0 to 5.25 with good tone arm action, when taken on the backtrack to restimulate a new incident or GPM, promptly flies up to 5.75 and sticks. See? The case would run on this lifetime with tone arm action between 4.0 and 5.0, or something like this, or 4.0 and 5.25, and get good tone arm action. And the second you go backtrack and grab a handful of inert incident and restimulate it, why clank! She goes clang! Right there - stuck - 5.5 - stuck - 5.75, something like this, don't you see; stuck. Thung! There it is, see? Got the idea? So that case isn't a high enough case level to run backtrack on. How do you diagnose this? Tone arm motion is moving in that sphere or zone. Now, let's take a much more critical case. Let's take a case that is moving down here from 2.25 to 0.5, and let's achieve that as the case's tone arm motion. 2.25 to 0.5 is the extreme range; and we take that case backtrack, well, you're probably not going to make a high needle. You're probably going to stabilize this case toward clear read with less tone arm action. Ah! You moved it from a low tone arm case to a dead thetan case. That is a long way from enough tone arm action or a proper tone arm response to run backtrack, see. That's a long way from it. That case, actually, under Prepcheck, will become a high tone arm case - in theory - and move around to the high range before it moves down to proper tone arm action. Do you see the progress of a case, then, as represented by the tone arm? Stuck tone arm at clear read, low tone arm, high tone arm, tone arm in range, tone arm settling back to clear read but loose and the needle free. See, it goes that cycle. That's the way that tone arm behaves in the presence of cases. To get a clear, absolute, text book look at this, is rather difficult because sometimes, when you start prepchecking, the case transfers rather rapidly from one kind of case to another case - rather speedily - goes through one of these stages without your seeing it go through the stage. See, because you weren't purposely going to stick the case high up. So therefore it doesn't stick way up and then doesn't stick lower, and so forth, actually does a spin and goes through 7.0. And you'll see such cases, a low tone arm case, go through 7.O - bzzzzzzz And you wonder where the needle's gone - where it's gone - where's it gone - sit there, the meter's gone out of action, obviously, because the tone arm can't be centered on anything - gone, you know! When that happens to you, and you wonder what has happened, by the way, there is something on here, you probably had never paid much attention to, there's the trim knob. And you just take that trim knob between your thumb and forefinger and give it a violent switch. And you just twist that trim knob all the way over and your needle will come back on. When she goes through 7.0 and won't register, why, your trim knob will put the needle back on the dial for you - if you get stuck at 7.0. Handy thing to know. But I myself - it happens so frequen- infrequently that somebody goes through 7.0, that I myself get caught on this. I got caught on this the other night. I was trying to catch the thing...and then finally flip, and I had it. Thought the meter goes out. It's almost impossible, it's such a startlement, to keep from directing the pc's attention to something weird going on here. Could happen - very rare. It's very rare that your thing goes through 7.0. Now, it can go through 7.0 wrong way to. It can go through 7.0 from high tone arm - high stuck tone arm - to low stuck tone arm. That's undesirable. It can also go through 7.0 and come back off 7.0 again, by going through high tone arm, through to low tone arm, you rescue the pc by doing R2H, or something like this, you're doing R2H or something which rescues the pc rather easily and relieves charge rather easily and keys out nicely. And it only stays in a low tone arm state for a split second. And then slip-slip-bing-bang! Goes back through 7.0 again and comes up on the other side, but this time maybe a bit higher. In other words, you were carrying the case downhill and you went through 7.0. Going through 7.0 doesn't always mean that the case is improving. The case can also deteriorate. Now, this puts under your control - this puts under your control - the very interesting fact that you can make a Clear at any given moment. You can make a Clear anytime. You can just sit down and make a Clear! Nothing much to it. You got the weapons, it's very easy, just don't clean cleans on the Prepcheck line, or something like that, and be rather permissive in running some kind of a Prepcheck on some kind of an assessed subject, and maybe another Prepcheck on another assessed subject, and maybe even a third one on another assessed subject, and all of a sudden you'll be sitting there looking at a free needle. Pc will feel wonderful. It's fine. And, oddly enough, you have done enough - such is the power of auditing - to keep him going for years in most cases. They'll start worrying about it, however. They'll start chewing at things which they remembered they used to chew at and they'll wonder how those are now and there goes their attention onto an incident you'd made nicely inert. And they kick that one in so when they get up in the morning they put themselves on the E-Meter to find out if they're still Clear this morning - and they're not. They're at 3.25 and that's not so good. And they worry about that, don't you see, and wonder what incident kicked in, put in their own itsa line, flick down, hit some other, and the next thing you know you've merely got somebody with an active tone arm now. You see what's happening here? In other words, you carefully destimulate somebody and they, or life, restimulates the thing back out of existence again. Well, that's about all there is to clearing. Clearing, then, you would look at it as a relatively unstable state, and so it is. But it is more stable than anything that's ever existed in the whole field of mental healing, psychetherapy, or anything else; so why not accept it as a state? Now, you could - the next step up by which you achieve this and by which you achieve this totally stable - with complete stability - is there's nothing left in the bank except things that don't have batteries in them, see? The incidents left, whether they're inert or otherwise, aren't going to do anybody any harm. You get a case level 2, you see, as far as the bank is concerned because you discharged everything else. You're going to start seeing free needles occasionally, and when you just delete all of those too, or delete why he is mocking up a bank, all of a sudden the whole meter goes blank. Then the pc has to worry about how does he estimate the amount of beam to put on an E-Meter electrode in order for you to get any connection between the two cans. And one way of doing that is just hook a permanent beam between the two cans and the meter continues to read very nicely. That hasn't anything to do with the individual. In other words, you haven't got anything to measure and that, of course, you reached up to a state of OT. So a state of totally discharged bank is OT, and a state of - see, OT and Clear are the same breed of cat except they go out on two different sides of the house. See, you pull the guy out of the bank and he's not in the bank and he will behave very nicely and can probably do a lot of interesting things, but if he does them he's going to kick in charge, occasionally, and this is going to worry him and he doesn't really dare turn on any power or juice, because if he turns on any power or juice he runs into inert incidents and they activate and this throws him down scale again, so he feels tippy. He feels - he feels somewhat unstable the second he starts keying back in again. It's a loss of hope. He gets a lose. That is he considered himself in such wonderful shape and suddenly he isn't in such good shape. Because, actually, that fellow still has in his bank enough incidents - he has them all, you see - that if you threw those incidents alive, one after the other, systematically preventing their discharge, you could run this case just bang-bang-bang by the amount of charge that was restimulated. You could just run the case down to action-action, and then highest tone arm, and then low tone arm, and then dead thetan. You could so overcharge him he couldn't remember his name, rank, serial number or anything. Because he's still got a bank. Overrestimulation is the cause of amnesia. All you have to do is overrestimulate somebody, you get amnesia. It's the cause of weird behavior. It's the cause of a lot of things. It's the cause of making you feel like your skull's coming off. It's the cause of making your body feel bad. It doesn't matter much what part of the body feels bad or what's the significance of feel bad is, it's the overcharge that makes one feel bad. One feels nervy, edgy - that sort of thing. Now, if you were to give a pc three sessions in a row without achieving any tone arm action on the case, the case starts to feel pretty wild because just the fact of auditing is going to restimulate. In other words, he's going to wander around. Now, the more overcharged, the more restimulated a case is - the more overrestimulated, to use the proper term - a case is, the more it greases around on the track. The more it dissociates, the harder it is for it to hold a position on the track. The harder for it is to sit in an engram. The harder to stay on the backtrack. The more easily the case is swept up toward present time. It's all grease, see, and it's all uncomfortable. Memory is bad, recognition is bad, the facsimiles look bad. Of course, you're walking up to something that's charged like - got ten thousand volts on the confounded thing, you know, and you expect him to get near this facsimile. See, because he's got so much charge residually, the charge is starting to match up with charge. Incidents start to jam together and that is all assisted by wrong dates and wrong durations. And the bank starts to look like it's been in a wine press or something like that. It's kind of a mess. And that is always due to overrestimulation. Now, as you move overrestimulation off the case, why the case goes back into a happy state of time track in place - everything's in place, everything's fine. You don't even have to head for the exact moments of restimulation, just Prepcheck buttons are good enough. Case all gets patted back together again. Time track will be back there, unwalked on, but in beautifui condition. The pc will be able to get near incidents, hold himself on the time track; everything's going along fine. Visio is up and perception up when he does hit an incident. Now, in a condition like that, an auditor, carefully, without keeping the itsa line in with no control - an auditor carefully regulating the pc's attention - goes backtrack, grabs up a handful of GPM that he knows about and runs it with an accurate line plot and discharges the thing, and so forth, and he's still getting tone arm action. Now, the tone arm action of the pc potentially will increase and you get better tone arm action because he's one less GPM, don't you see? That is, even if you do put his attention on the backtrack, it isn't so likely to freeze; providing you don't take eight GPMs, you see, restimulate all those, and then go off to find some better-tasting clover. And then because that didn't taste very well, go off someplace to find some more. And then find the exact combination of how come he got GPMs. Well, let's get basic on the whole line of GPMs and let's get the first GPM out. Let's do this, let's do that, and let's not run anything. And the next thing you know, why, your case is a high stuck tone arm case and you're getting no tone arm motion; you can't get anything on the backtrack; he has no perceptions; his memory's bad. Somebody drops a pin a block away and he jumps a foot. He's all nerved up. What is happening to him in auditing? Auditing is doing him in - all of this, all of this, all of this, you see? And he gets all of those things as a net result of overrestimulation. Now, you can turn right around, prepcheck the case - with appropriate terms, and so forth - you can prepcheck the case back to good tone arm action; take him on the backtrack to stuff you already know is there, take the stuff up selectively one after the other, discharge it properly and the case is on the road again. But the wrong thing to do is to not pay any attention to the condition of the tone arm and hope that you can go backtrack and pick up the incident which is responsible for this restimulation. Pah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Because you always restimulate, at any given instant, more than you are discharging. So a case has to have some latitude for restimulation. You're going to do a - you're going to take one Bear GPM series; one Bear series. Well, I defy you to run one Bear series without ticking the adjacent pair - pardon me - one goal out of the Bear series without ticking the adjacent pair in the series: the one above it and the one below it. Just in the process of finding the top oppterm, why, the pc is around - that isn't so much. Finding the items, that's fairly easy. But getting down to the bottom - you have to have the next GPM in the series to get the bottom oppterm. So you've now thrown that one alive, haven't you? And now how about listing for the next one? Well, that's liable to throw that one and two or three other series alive, see? What is the next GPM? Well, you have to list for it which, of course, throws more retimulation onto the case. There's got to be some tolerance for an additional restimulation without killing the tone arm action. In other words, the case has to be in pretty good shape to have this kind of thing happening to it. It's got to have a width of tolerance. In other words, you started out with a margine of tone arm action. Now if you started out to do this action with no margin of tone arm action, no tone arm action to spare at all, this case is running between 4.0 and 5.0. Getting good TA action between 4.0 and 5.0. And now we're going to go back and we're going to take a series of the Bear goals, one right after the other, and we're going to run those GPMs out. That case is going to stick at 5.25, or thereabouts, and is not going to budge because it's overrestimulated. See, it's overrestimulated to begin with; didn't have enough margin to run on. Now, sometimes you win on this, so you discard it. Sometimes you just play it lucky. You knew there was a GPM back there, you went back there, you ran out that GPM and it restored a little more tone arm action and so you ran the next GPM to it and there's a little more tone arm action. You thought that was fine. And once in a blue moon, you will actually restore the case's tone arm motion from the backtrack. Cut your throat, because that's the type of win which leads you into sin. Because the other nine times out of the ten that you do that, the reverse happens. You go back, you knew where the GPM was, you're going to run this GPM, you got the plot, everything of the sort, you start - bu-uh-uh-tut-tut-bobo- ba-pong! And we're presented with something which is running at 5.5. One session at 5.5, pc survives it. Two sessions at 5.5, hmmm-mmmmmmmm-mmmm, "Well, if we just get the rest of this GPM out, ahhh-ahhh, if we can just get the items and we have no - no ARC breaks or flubs or anything like that, and the pc stays happy through the whole thing and we get enough charge off the case because the GPMs are actually what cause that tone arm to stick, we know that, so - so - huh - this - we - get - the - th - th-and so on, you - you say you have an ARC break?" "Well, let's see, do we do an assessment? Uh, well, maybe we can just clear it up - what - did I cut your comm or something? Oh." Ohhhh "Next - give me the next item. The next item. The next item. Yeah, give me - give me the next pair! Give me the next four." "Let's just get anything off of it we can, down to the end!" See? 5.75 - stuck. We did get a blowdown of 0.2. And we try to run something else, and there's that tone arm: Up! And you're not going no place, man! And you can't get on the backtrack without sticking it harder. Why? The case is already overrestimulated. You've got to take a long breath and run something on this case to destimulate it and return the tone arm action so it's going pleasantly, back and forth across 3.0, and is running in to good condition and good tone arm action before you dare do anything else on the backtrack. Now you go on the backtrack and get some of the charge off and the case runs like a startled gazelle and everything is fine! In other words, you damn near got to make a Clear before you can OT somebody. I considerthat a very interesting set of data, and that's why I say we're lucky. Because that tone arm behavior compares exactly to case levels and case level is just overrestimulation, not bank. You consider that a case has a bank, a reactive mind, the content of which is inert. But if he gets walking around in there in his muddy feet, it soo - going to soon cease to be inert. But there it sits. Nice big inert mass ofjunk. Unrestimulated. Big, it's sizable! It's formidable! But it is inert and therefore is not bothering anybody. And then we have a subsidiary, if we want a graphic - graph this so it looks like something. Draw a great big circle for your inert bank and then draw a little tube off the big circle and draw another little circle. And you call that the restimulation; the amount of restimulation. And the amount of restimulation is always the auditing target. Now, that amount can be great or small. And as it becomes great, you get the lower case type and as it becomes small, you get the higher case type as far as your representation is concerned. In other words, you're working on two bins here. There's one great big one, that has inert, and then there's what has been restimulated off of that, and that lies in another cubicle. And the auditing is always done against the cubicle of restimulation. And when that cubicle is emptied, the auditor can reach into the big bank, expertly, grab by its tail one GPM, haul it over into the little restimulation cubicle, audit the hell out of it and empty the restimulation cubicle of that, and then reach over into the big bank and haul another great big whopping series of stuff out of it and put it into a state of restimulation. And just graphically represented, it's now in the restimulation chamber, and now he empties the restimulation chamber and so he brings about an OT. Now, when he puts his great big hands into the inert bank and hauls out fifteen dozen fish, all in full restimulation, he finds he's got more fish than he's got bank! He feels now that he's auditing the whole reactive mind, simultaneously, and that's the way it looks, because he's restimulated too much. So, having - if he's done that error, the thing to do - or if life has done that to the pc - the thing to do is just throw the fish back into the main chamber inert, and just empty this cubicle. Now, if we get this graphically pictured, we get something that looks something like this - which I've just described to you. We have your big bank and that is your reactive mind, and then we have the restimulation chamber. You understand? And your restimulation chamber has some kind of a vent on it which is discharge. Now, you can discharge this - and always some of this discharges, regardless if you're destimulating - or you can put it back to sleep, which is destimulate, see? So there's - you're auditing the restimulation chamber, always. You're always auditing the restimulation chamber and you have another action, which really isn't auditing, it's restimulation. You do it with an E-Meter, and so forth, and you select something out of the reactive mind and it goes live and it looks like it hasn't moved or anything, and it really hasn't. But pretend that you've hauled that through into the restimulation chamber and you've got now charge. And you audit that charge off and you discharge that. And when you've got this thing nicely empty, only then do you reach back into the reactive mind and haul something new out into the restimulation chamber and discharge that. At any time, if this condition seems to exist, whereby your restimulation chamber seems to be that size, you open up this line - of course inevitably you get a little discharge here - but you open up that line and just empty it back into the reactive mind. Got the notion that we're involved with here? It's just the idea is the auditor can, at will, put into restimulation or into this restimulation chamber, at will, he can put anything and everything he wants from the reactive mind. Well, you got line plots, you got pictures of the track, you got various things like this. Put an itsa line in, "Uh..." - get a time factor: "On your early track..." that's a nice time factor! "On your early track, what do you suppose you must have run into that convinced you you should have aberrations or pictures or something like that?" And then just sit there for a while, see, and let the pc talk. In fact, sit there for several sessions, if you really want to make a good test of it, because you're going to get tone arm action first. That's what's going to fool you. And you'll see the tone arm go on up and stick. And then you'll see the tone arm go through 7.0 and go low, and then you'll see the tone arm go to dead thetan, because you're just asking this guy to restimulate the whole backtrack, see. Uncontrolled action. So you brought this restimulation chamber, not just full, but bursting. If you're not undertaking an auditing action to empty it - such as to run the line plot and shape it all up and groove it all down and that sort of thing - horrible! This case, pin drops quarter of a mile away, goes through top of skull. Nervous. Body things happening. All kinds of wild things are occurring on this case. You say, "Go to ten years ago." Track's greasy, see, so he goes to ten million, five million, six million, tomorrow, yesterday, out of session, zzzz. Looks like a bear on skates. He's just going all over the doggone place, see? And you say, get an incident when you were in a baby carriage. Flick-flick-flick-flick-flick-flick-flick-flick - he's gotten fifteen incidents of being in baby carriages in the last fifteen lives. Why? Well actually, the thetan just gets backed up here in the corner, subjected to enormous pressure. He's just overwhelmed. He's just drowned. He can't cope with it. He can't - he isn't - hasn't been permitted to understand or confront the things which have been restimulated, so they haven't discharged. And he doesn't know what to look at. And you get a high tone arm case; the main thing wrong with them is they don't know what to look at. And you ask them to do anything and they do something else. And they don't quite know where or how to go about this. And it takes very precise action on your part. So it takes something like a Prepcheck. You get to put in a time limit - one that is real to the person. And the next thing you know, with one single exception - which I will come to in a moment and give you a much greater lecture about - why, the case peels right on down into destimulation and you get the case back from this state to this state and then you actually get the case into a state of nothing. That's Clear! Nothing in the restimulation chamber. That's all a Clear is. No loose charge kicking around. But some case that is having trouble - some case that's having a lot of trouble - all you have to do is make a motion. You know, you've got more charge kicked up in this restimulation chamber, it's practically bursting, you see; and you just raise your hand in session, and bank caves in on him. See? In other words, the charge, the overrestimulation, the amount of charge present is so great - charge isn't overrestimulation, but the word overcharge is not proper. People get to thinking about fees or something. And this degree of restimulation is so great that anything in the environment kicks some part of the restimulation into action. So he's just totally reactive. Everything is already fixed up so it can react - it's already reacting, so everything reacts. You run any pc three sessions with a stuck tone arm - I don't care where the tone arm is stuck - case is going to worsen. Uuhhh Then they come to the fourth session, Hoooo! They've already been coming in feeling grim. And that fourth session, hmmmm man, they feel bad and they're griefy, they don't want to go on, they don't want to have anything to do with anything. Just overrestimulation. Because it's not possible to audit somebody without doing one of three things - one of three. It's impossible to audit somebody without doing one of three; which is: restimulate, destimulate or discharge. You got to do one or another of these actions. Now, when a case is already in a confusion and is not understanding or confronting well, naturally the amount of destimulation and discharge is going to be minimal so the restimulation is what takes over. And you just start auditing the case and just auditing restimulates the case. Nothing is being discharged because there's no motion on the tone arm. There's no destimulation taking place and there's no discharge taking place. So obviously there's only one thing left to happen and that's restimulation. So just the fact of auditing somebody is going to do one of three things. And when you don't destimulate anything and you don't discharge anything, you certainly are going to restimulate something more. So an auditor's danger signal is no tone arm action; and that's a danger signal. And you should go at once into finding out why there is no tone arm action. And there's several reasons why there's no tone arm action, but first and foremost amongst these things - I say several; there are two, two reasons why there's no tone arm action. Of course we understand already that the tone arm action as case level has deteriorated because of restimulation to that case level which doesn't achieve tone arm action. That goes without saying. We say there's no tone arm action; obviously the case level has deteriorated. Now, these two things here are present in your actions. The auditor either does something that can discharge the existing restimulation or looks for what reason it has not to discharge. In other words, he really undertakes those two actions. He either discharges it right now, which he'd better do, and if he can't do that right now, then he had better look to find out why it isn't happening right now. The case isn't running something that will discharge. In other words, the case is overrestimulated - the stuck tone arm. It's already overrestimulated, so you better jolly well not restimulate anything else. You'd better take an action under that heading which will discharge something that has already been restimulated, but mildly and up toward PT ordinarily; not necessarily. Tone arm action just stopped. You just got through abandoning twelve GPMs, one right after the other, and tone arm action is now stopped. Well, the way, obviously, to start that tone arm action - go back and flatten those twelve GPMs one right after the other, and the tone arm action restores, maybe. You see, you might have accidentally restimulated more by doing this, you see, than would ordinarily discharge and you're now - the case is over its head. Your best action is a Prepcheck type action or R2H, or some such action as that. A Routine 2 process - which is aimed toward making people healthy and well and clearing them and so forth. Or Routine 3 actions - Routine 3 actions which tear into the backtrack are definitely out! And if the condition doesn't instantly and immediately remedy itself and tone arm action restores by reason of your Prepcheck or your R2H, or something like that, and if you don't get immediate restoration of that and you can't bring that about at once, then there's only one other thing that is wrong with this case - this case is sitting on a service fac. Service facsimile. Therefore, we can say that any case, any case that cannot be restored or put in the situation of Clear in a relatively small amount of auditing, certainly less than twenty-five hours, is sitting in a service facsimile and their case will not do anything but worsen until that service facsimile is located and cleared. This also gives you the hidden standard; this gives you a lot of other things. And just so you'll have a record of it right now, rather than - I'm going to give you another lecture about service facsimiles and that sort of thing. The service facsimile is viewable because, when you prepcheck them on some subjects, mass turns on in the pc. The Prepcheck turns on mass? Oh, who ever heard of such a thing. A Prepcheck couldn't turn on mass. Oh, yes it will, on a service facsimile, because the pc doesn't intend to get rid of this. The pc has, of course, a rightness-wrongness equation of something in life and this rightness-wrongness thing is what doesn't surrender, then, to normal auditing because it is a service facsimile. And you now have rightness and wrongness and you have domination and you have survival that you can directly address the service facsimile and discharge it, and the case will then go back to battery, and go to clear read. But, if anybody has been audited over a long period of time on Prepchecks, on "In Scientology yap-yap-yap," on this, on that and so forth, and they have not reverted to clear read, there is only one thing that stands in their road and that is a service facsimile. And the service facsimile has got to be gotten out of the road with picks, shovels, sledgehammers or any other type of action, and as soon as it's out of the road, then the case will pick up and fly and will go to clear read. There's a rightness-wrongness computation. The reason we never handled a service facsimile before - the reason we never handled service facsimiles before is actually we didn't have any way to handle it. Because we didn't know their total anatomy. We knew of their existence, as you'll find in Advanced Procedures and axioms. But the service facsimile is a rightness-wrongness computation. Any case that isn't improving at once, instantly, alertly, right on the way, tone arm action improving, needle action improving, on such a thing as a Prepcheck, on such a thing as "Their auditing," on such a thing as "Recent times," on such a thing as "This lifetime," - anything in this lifetime - case isn't snapping back to battery, the case still having recurrent present time problems, case is still worried about something of the sort, yip-yap, yip-yap, yip-yap, always trouble with this case, this case isn't so on, tone arm action is very hard to restore on this case, Prepchecks don't seem to do anything to this case - oh, my God, isn't life awful - that case is sitting on a service facsimile. And the thing to do is to isolate the service facsimile. And we haven't got that all tied up, "How do you isolate the service facsimile," but I will tell you, the service facsimile, if present, will turn on mass when prepchecked. Won't surrender to a Prepcheck ha-ha-ha-ha-ha - what do you know! And that was the big discovery on the thing. How could anything not surrender to a Prepcheck, see? Well, all a Prepcheck is, is the series and types of decisions which a thetan makes about things. If a Prepcheck is going to turn on mass, what's kicking here? What's happening? Well, it must be that the Prepcheck is in conflict with the rightness and wrongness, and the auditor must be sitting someplace with the Prepcheck, trying to make the pc - in the pc's imagination - wrong. So the pc reinforces the facsimile and moves it forward in defense, reactively. You got a rightness-wrongness computation represented by the existence and increase of mass. Well, that takes care of about three-quarters of the HGC pcs, doesn't it? Well, I think it's quite interesting. I've often noticed that an HGC got along all right when it didn't get any case results. But that's quite interesting; an awful condemnation. But the truth of the matter is that it often, I've noticed this, that quite a while it'll get along all right, without getting any case results. And we can finally put that down to that it makes people so right not to have any case improvement. Lack of results in their immediate neighborhood, however, over a period of six or eight months, eventually will catch up with them and the whole roof caves in. But they can go along so long without case results that one almost wonders if people don't come there to be made right about what they're doing. So, there is your proposition. There's your proposition with regard to why charge can't be discharged. And the only thing which prevents charge from being discharged is there's too much overrestimulation. The overrestimulation is so great, the pc can confront nothing so you get no tone arm action. As long as you address unspecific backtrack things, you get no tone arm action. You got to have something the pc finds very easy to understand, very easy to confront. In other words, his ARC has got to be raisable on it before it'll discharge. Or, if this isn't happening, no matter what you do, then it must follow that the pc is operating on a service facsimile. And then your two reasons for high tone arm action - actually the one reason for high tone arm action is overrestimulation. See, that's the one reason for high tone arm action. But the two things which prevent discharge are the overrestimulated condition or the fact you're auditing a service facsimile and the guy isn't just about to give that up! "My God, what would happen! What would happen? What would happen? If you can't chew tobacco - if you can't chew tobacco, how can you get even with the army?" You know? Horrible! Horrible situation here. All kinds of additives get added on this situation. "Well, naturally I've got to have - I've got to have - I've got to have a - the situation has got to be terrible, because if it weren't terrible, why, it would be terrible!" See, logical! You've got case where a little - kid, if he wasn't on crutches, why, he'd be wrong. And you try to take him off crutches and he's - mass turns on. How fascinating! So, you must be, then - by resolving his crutches - you must be, in some way, be making him wrong. So he's defending his right to be right. This is perfectly understandable and that's the anatomy of a service facsimile. Now, to some degree, very few cases fail to fall into this category. There are very few cases that - but most cases, the bulk of cases, are slowly resolvable. And so you settle for the slow resolution. And actually the service facs that the case has aren't directly across the auditing channel. So then we assume that only those service facsimiles that lie directly across auditing actually prevent a discharge or destimulation of the bank. So they're the only ones that really stop clearing from occurring. A guy can have a lot of service facsimiles if they don't operate directly and immediately in the road of auditing. See, if the service facsimile, however, has to do with the condition of his spirit or the service facsimile has to do with the fact that if he got better something or other - if it has to do with his case; if it has to do with a - well, let's take a state of insanity. Supposing he was being right with the state of insanity. You're going to audit him, huh? You're going to audit him on any other button but this, are you? I'm afraid not, see, because there's a vested interest in insanity. What's the vested interest? Well, obviously it's a vested interest. That's all. Service facsimile, that's all. You've got a situation going here whereby the person can only be right by being insane. I know that sounds insane, but all service facsimiles are insane just that way. So there's your whole situation laid out in a panorama. The closer a service facsimile moves in toward being right by having a wrong case, then the less progress the auditor is going to make on this pc. So the pcs whose hills are very hard to climb have service facs which lie directly across the road of auditing. For instance, I asked myself - this is so true! - I asked myself - this is so true! Then if I have a bank at all, then I must be having a bank in order to be right, see. In some way I must be having a bank in order to be right and I almost got my head knocked off. I ask myself silly questions like that once in a while. Help you out, see? And I got - the answer was sitting right there, man. If I didn't have a bank they'd give me one! See? So therefore, the only way you can survive would be to have a bank and then they'd leave you alone. Well, that's the type - that's the type of logic, you see, by which - by which that whole computation occurs. There are also interesting computations, if you can't go anywhere on right and wrong, you also can go someplace on dominate or survive - the survival value of. But right and wrong is your best - your best bet. And it's always, "How would it make you right and how would it make others wrong?" woven around in some way so you get a right-wrong balance in asking the question. Now, there's your service facsimile lying across, and you actually have only these two factors involved in the state of a case. As far as from an auditing viewpoint, you only have this - they're the only factors involved in a case state. One, two, three. The case factors are: the state of overrestimulation and the possible presence of a service facsimile. And if your overrestimulation cannot be immediately and directly cured and you cannot make the case promptly and immediately Clear so you can get on with auditing them to OT; in other words you can't get the tone arm moving well so he can go up to OT, then you know at once that you're dealing with a service facsimile and that you'll have to handle that service facsimile with a Prepcheck or an itsa line or something of this sort, and your case will still get on the road. And I think we've just whipped the biggest single barriers of auditing. One, an understanding of what is charge and what is restimulation and what are we auditing in the first place? And the other one is if you can't do this, what other factor is involved, and we've had that for years. But we now have a process that handles it and I hope you find it very successful. Thank you. [End of tape.]