ARC BREAKS A lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on 11 July 1963 SHSBC-283 renumbered 313 11 Jul 63 ARC Breaks [Clearsound version. Not checked against the old reels.] All right, this is 11 July, and AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Haven't a thing to talk to you about, you know everything there is to know. And that would be all right except you know some things also that aren't true! My mission is trying to point out the essentials. All right. A lot of things I could talk to you about. But the thing you're going to have the most trouble with is ARC breaks. So I better start telling you something about ARC breaks. You have just received an HCOB concerning assessment for ARC break and, frankly, that's a rather marvelous piece of stuff. You get so you can wheel and deal with those ARC break lists, why, you're right in there kicking. The only difficulties with these ARC break lists - the only real difficulties with them - is the fact they're always assessed on a dirty needle. And although you want a clean needle for all listing and assessment, the auditor should be banished to Siberia, or the American Psychiatric Association, who tries to clean up the needle'before he gets the ARC break straightened out. I can see it now. Somebody's going to do this! I just know somebody's going to do this! They're going to - they're going to see that the needle is dirty, and they're going to have their ARC break assessment list in front of them and they're going to say, "How in the name of common sense can I possibly assess this because the needle is dirty," and then spend the next ten or fifteen minutes trying to clean up the needle so they can do the ARC break assessment. Now, I know that is very sarcastic of me and very unbelieving of me and all that sort of thing, but the truth of the matter is they would be missing this interesting point: All dirty needles are ARC breaks and the only thing that will clean up an ARC break is the list. So, what you're doing there, you're faced with the problem - you're faced with the problem of having to shoot down this bird in flight, this ARC break, this black crow, with a gun that's got four ripples in the barrel. You see, it's difficult. And that's what is difficult about ARC break assessments. There really isn't anything else is difficult about it. But even this isn't difficult if you very, very sharply and definitely follow the rule of instant read. And that will save you a lot of eyestrain and myopia and worry. Now, this makes an auditor who can do an ARC break assessment accurately, every time, a paragon amongst auditors. And that is why it's the most marvelous training process there could possibly be. We say - we got a - I'll give you - I'll give you an idea, see. We got a nice clean needle, there it is, flowing cleanly, flowing cleanly. We say, "Recall an ARC break" and it goes bzzzt-bzzz-bzzz-dzzt-dzzt-bzz-bbzz-bzz, starts to fall the other way, bzzz, bzzz-bbzzzz. See, we've said, in essence. "Turn on a dirty needle." There is no reason for you to worry about it, because that's in essence what you've said. Let's put it this way. This is metaphorical, but nevertheless, might stay in your minds a little bit better. It's, "What makes life rough?" See? It's ARC breaks! If you didn't have any ARC breaks anyplace, why, life would be very smooth, wouldn't it? Well, the way to not have ARC breaks, by the way, is to be in a total coma or be able to handle the environment! Now, therefore, the whole idea of running ARC breaks is smoothing out rough needles. Got the idea? If you got rid of somebody's ARC breaks, you would have a smooth needle. Let me put it this way - you understand it much better. Now, if there were no ARC breaks on the person's track, then a button going out would not cause a dirty needle. So, there is another echelon, shallower, on the subject of lists, than lists, and that's buttons. Let's take a look at Suppress. How come you can get a kick out of the button "Suppress"? Well, it is sitting on a series of ARC breaks. A chain of engrams is actually a chain of ARC breaks. See, there's the combinations of matter, energy, space, time and thought. The combinations of these and a thetan's reaction to them in their combinations. His reaction to one or another combination of matter, energy, space, time and significance, see? And then you have the matter, energy, space, time and significance. Let's divide that up very sharply. There are two things at work here, one which we'll carelessly call the thetan's reaction, and the other which we will group as a whole class of its own: matter, energy, space, time and significance. Now, you see, you could have matter, energy, space - I think... Who was it - I don't know - Delacroix, he's a painter; Deschamps, he's a prize fighter. Who - who was it that invented that... Descartes! Yes! Yes, yes! I can remember some of the people on this planet, heh-heh! Yeah, he - he had a bunch of junk going - excuse me! It was some philosophical rendition where if a tree fell in the forest, and there was nobody there - maybe this was Locke or Hume - the tree fell in the forest and nobody heard it, would it have made a sound? Well, this - this is a bunch of nonsense, you see? In other words, this is an entirely different school of thought. This is a school of thought of, "Is existence?" see? "Is existence? And if you're not there, does it exist?" I wrote a story one time, maybe you read it, named Fear. And as the guy walks down the street, he knows they're taking the scenery down behind him and putting it up in front of him. And he knows there is no other scenery except the scenery which exists for him. Well, I'm afraid that's - that philosophy is the same order of magnitude, see. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there, does it make a sound? Well, in other words, something has to be observed in order to be. Well, that isn't true at all. Nothing has to be observed in order to be - you can just forget about that. For all practical purposes, if you ever get entangled in on it - I probably shouldn't ever have mentioned it! I might now have tangled you in something you might not otherwise have ever confronted! But it's a basis of this: If. there's some matter, energy, space and time lying out on the lawn out there, then it is simply there, isn't it? And you're here and it's there! All right, that's fine, that's fine, that's two different orders of action. You're not looking on it, or otherwise. Now, for a reaction to exist, you have to look at it, know about it, hear about it, confront or not confront it in some gradient of some kind or another, see. Now, that's what I mean when I say, "Your reaction to matter, energy, space, time." A thetan's reaction to matter, energy, space, time and significance, see. So you've got the reaction here and you've got the matter, energy, space, time and significance over here. And we don't - we're not even slightly involved with the question of whether or not it doesn't exist if we don't look at it and all of this sort of stuff. You get into the goal "To experience"; "In order to experience it, it has to be there." The truth of the matter is, do you know that you can't - it can be that you just don't know about something and it goes to pieces and you still don't know about it and you see, you've never seen it, never had any experience with it, never confronted it or anything else, and you then don't have any reaction to it. You neither have a notknowing reaction or a knowing reaction to it. You don't have any reaction to it at all. Because as far as you were concerned it didn't exist. So, the relationship between the thetan's reaction and matter, energy, space, time and significance as a package, you see, is communication. And to be affected by something, one must communicate with it or not communicatewith it, knowingly. You can actually shed a tremendous amount of philosophic balderdash if you just lay it out along those crude lines. There's an automobile accident taking place four miles from here, let us say, at this moment. If we don't communicate with it, we don't see the remains of the accident, we don't know the people involved in it, we don't know that it has occurred, we don't even read about it in the paper, see, there is no interaction. We are not in some esoteric fashion influenced by this automobile accident. It requires a communication to be influenced by the automobile accident. But! But! Remember, if we knew the automobile accident was going to take place and we carefully didn't know it was going to take place, that, no matter how obliquely or how well forgotten, is still a communication. It's this type of communication that gets a thetan in trouble. You see, he's been there and he didn't communicate, and - carefully! And he made a picture of it, or put up a wall against it or protested it or something like that, and he's got this picture and then doesn't want to confront the picture either because it's - the significance in the picture now has been added to by his reaction. And his reaction was that he didn't want to communicate with it. So, a thetan's reaction becomes part of all observed or carefully not-observed matter, energy, space, time and significance. In other words, the reaction factor adds to the matter, energy, space, time and significance; and this, then, with the new significance of the thetan's reaction time, made into a mental image picture, becomes the time track. So the matter, energy, space, time and significance has added into it the thetan's reaction. See? So, past is different than present, in that the picture of the past has had added into it the thetan's reaction to it. You follow that? So you see, past is different than present time. Now, in the future, we add hope or hopelessness. So, therefore, the future also has in it a reaction to it. But in view of the fact that it's not often made up into pictures - although sometimes it is. They're just whole-cloth dream-ups, you see, they're not pressures against the physical universe, or actual pictures. But, you know, you can - you can cause somebody to run future track. You want to horrify some pc sometime, scatter him out of a GPM. See, GPMs tend to remain as present time, you know; that's their best forte. They get you all mixed up because they seem to be in present time and you see, the dichotomy has destroyed their time factor and made an instantaneousness and made them drift on the time track instead of staying anchored down where they should be on the time track, you see. And of course, a thetan thinks it's right there. And you can't get a date on something. I don't advise you to do this, because it's upsetting to the pc, but I'm just telling you a phenomenon. This is not a practical or a workable thing, perhaps, but you might like to do something with it, just to give you an interesting thing. You can't get a read on this facsimile and you know doggone well it's there, ask if it was tomorrow or yesterday. It shakes it out of present time and you all of a sudden get a read on it. In spite of the fact the pc usually ARC breaks. Now, that, of course, is a past which seems to be the present and requires a reaction to it in the present, but has already got a reaction in it. So a thetan takes his reaction out of this and wears it in present time and you have the factor of restimulation of reaction. You got a restimulation, then, of what he has already reacted to. So his reactions of the past become his reactions of the present. If you want to have a time, sometime ... I won't take up your time right now, but maybe - and box this thing around one way or the other, because of course it becomes very complicated. When you have audited an engram, the reaction to the engram in the session becomes part of the session time track, even though the facsimile itself has been erased off the main time track and you still have a little, tiny cross-reaction. It hasn't got any teeth in it to amount to anything, but you've got this little, tiny shadow of an incident, riding in PT, at that session moment. And I use this occasionally, by trying to find out what was the needle reaction at a certain period of an auditing session. All I have to do is momentarily return the pc to that exact instant of the auditing session and there's just enough needle reaction left to give me one kick. It will give me one small kick. It doesn't really represent charge. All it represents is the action pattern of the observed present. You might even be able to get another rocket read out of a Helatrobus Implant series, out of PT; but boy, would you have to sweat at it. And it wouldn't have the force or power, you see, of the original rocket read at all, but you could actually get it to react on the meter if you really worked it over and got the pc at that exact moment when the meter is reacting. In other words, at any given instant of the time track, you can rekindle any given instant - or any given reaction. The time track has reaction added to it, as making it different, then, than present time. Present time really doesn't have reaction in it, except as it borrows it off the time track, or it is added to present time by the thetan. Let's take the luckless fellow who is looking for happiness. And never puts any happiness into his reaction to present time. Heh! Look that one over for a moment, see! Now, the only reactions to matter, energy, space, time and significance that exists on the whole track is the thetan's reaction to, added to the matter, energy, space, time and significance as a mental image picture. So now he goes back on the track, trying to be happy about something, but if he, of course, did not have the reaction of happiness to the matter, energy, space, time and significance at the time it occurred, he will then have only an unhappy reaction. This is quite - this is quite horrible! You could actually - very funny - very funny experiment with the mind, see? You could lay out twenty-four hours, or twelve hours, or eight hours or something, in which you are going to put a happy reaction into everything. And you go out and see the garbage pail and you say, "Oh, how happy I am," you see, "about the garbage pail!" Rain's coming down, "Oh, beautiful rain!" I mean just - just with malice aforethought, you know. Bark your shins, "Oh, wonderful pain!" you know. Just rack yourself up a few hours of this, see? And then, as the few days go by, why get somebody to audit you through it, you see. And you'll have the most idiotic feeling of happiness, you see. How happy! "I was certainly happy that day!" Quite remarkable. Now, we've agreed that certain things should be reacted to in certain ways. There's certain things we are supposed to be horrified about, we're supposed to be happy about, and one of the things that almost breaks your back sometimes, trying to live and exist and be cheerful in present time, is a "things you're supposed to be happy about" is pushed in your lap, see, by your fellows or life, only you don't happen to be happy about these things and you never have been happy about this, but you're supposed to be happy about this thing, you see? And actually your reaction is quite horrible, do you see. And, you know, a birthday present, or something like this, when you're - something, and...."Oh, thank you!" You know? You're building up a ridge between your past reaction to the clown that they gave you for your birthday present, you see, or birthdays in general, or the fact that you're really getting on and you don't like to think about it; various things of that character, you see. And you build up a ridge between your present, forced reaction, for social purposes, you see, and your past reaction to such things, and it makes you feel wog, grog, what - what's - what's going on? So, this can become very involved. The thetan's reaction to matter, energy, space, time and significance then enters into upper-echelon complications which are simply the back and forth interplay of favorable and unfavorable reactions, don't you see. All complicated by the "now-I'm-supposed-to" reactions. This gets quite confusing after a while. And the reality of the situation goes by the boards. It just gets to be too strenuous to get this many reactions through your noggin, so you just say, "Well, it's all unreal." And you put it behind you and you want nothing more to do with it and then it can chew on the back of your neck without any interruption from there on. Well you say, "Well, I would feel all right if we just didn't keep stirring up these engrams." And so forth. Well, I don't know that you would or wouldn't. Because they're all there, ready to be stirred up, and if you're not going to stir them up, life's going to. And what do you want to do, leave it on total automatic? So you can square away these things and take care of them and you can handle this various situation. But sometimes these reactions rather get in your hair. And the only errors that can be made in an auditing session which are upsetting at all, actually, are wrong date, wrong duration. Those are very upsetting, very upsetting. They tend to louse a case up. I don't know anything else that louses a case up. Well, now let's talk about this smooth needle. None of - none of the immediate past is in restimulation, see. Needle's smooth, so forth. Talking about 2H now, see. Nothing - nothing's in restimulation, there's no miscommunication going on here, there's no reaction to the reality, you see, of the matter, energy, space, time and significance contained and recorded in the bank, you see, and this needle's sweeping, beautifully, everything's going along, and you say, "Recall an ARC break." Well, you're asking for a moment of miscommunication of some kind or another. By definition, an ARC break is affinity, reality and communication gone wog. So of course, that expresses itself in a dirty needle. Well, it normally became an ARC break because it bypassed some charge which was restimulated. It restimulated some charge and this became unknown to the individual and he attributed the reasons for the ARC break to something else and introduced a lie into the situation and then went on feeling bad about it because the lie gave it persistence. The only way you get persistence is with a lie. Unless you just postulate "It will persist." All right. Let's look at this phenomena again here, now. The reaction of the thetan can be phrased as his concept of affinity, with regard to something, whether his I'm-supposed-to-be or natively postulated right on the spot; his reaction - his reaction on the subject of reality; and his reaction is, of course, a form of communication. And the reaction is about, you see, is about reality, and results in a feeling of affinity or misaffinity of some kind or another. There's how you get the bridge between thetan at point A and matter, energy, space, time and significance over here at point B. And the reaction which takes place between these two things is expressed in terms of affinity, reality and communication concerning the matter, energy, space, time and significance which he is confronting, monitored by past affinity, reality and communication concerning similar matter, energy, space, time and significances of the past. You got that? Complex! Actually very simple. It's simple as long as you can retain a somewhat detached outlook. You get involved in the middle of the battle and there's so many swords clashing against so many shields and helmets, there's so many hoofs belonging to so many different horses involved in all this, and arrows intended for elsewhere landing nowheres, or in you and so forth, you don't have time to retain a detached attitude. You tend to put it on a total reaction. Total reaction. But that is caused by a condensation of time. So that what we really get the brunt of, in this universe, is an insufficiency of time. Now, you get an insufficiency of time by staying on the time track. You think that's an idiotic statement; it's just very, very factual. You start protesting time. Somebody incarcerates you, and gives you a couple of hundred years in the jug. And you're sitting there, jog, jog; and instead of using it to clean up your engrams or this, why, there you are with too much time on your hands. Oooh! That's your consideration! Your reaction to the time in the jug is actually unwanted location. You don't want that location. And you blame it on time. And you confuse location and time and blame time. So the basic lie on the track is, of course, to confuse time and location. And curse location because of time or time because of location. And you get these two things mixed up, and you've had it. Now, the truth of the matter is, very few years ago, actually, practically yesterday - a few trillion trillion years ago, in actual fact - you probably didn't stick on the time track. Now, the further back you go, the less accurate you were with positioning yourself in present time. Now, I shouldn't use the word "accurate." The less - the less you were fixed into present time. You were slippery on the subject. You would slide around, without thinking about it. And you could, at will; go yesterday and go tomorrow. See, time is a very artificial consideration. We see this sometimes in science fiction where somebody has mastered a time machine. There aren't any time machines, except an OT He's a time machine. And he actually can't carry stuff back into the past or restore it in the future without simply creating it again in the past and creating it in the future. Of course, I don't know that the past isn't there, in some instances, if it's been fixed to stay there. But this is a very interesting consideration. You didn't necessarily find yourself totally surrounded by the environment of present time! You could went yesterday; and that of course was a very short jump. More likely it was a hundred years. You go back a hundred years for a short nap. This was very useful. This was very useful. You could slip around all over the place. You wouldn't necessarily find MEST there; but - you began to be cursed and to curse this proposition, because nobody was sufficiently fixed and you couldn't stay in communication with people very easily, who kept sliding a hundred years ago! And a certain impatience would generate one way or the other. But that impatience was not destructive and ordinary living was not destructive; it had to be quite cataclysmic. Somebody had to louse up time and louse up location before living became unbearable. You know, there had to be such things as jails and protested time and couldn't-get-out-of's, and miserable circumstances and all of this sort of thing, before you started getting wound up in a circle. And the only thing that was capable of doing this, by the way, was implants. GPM implants - about the only thing that could louse this thing up. You would probably be like that today if you didn't have a few of these implants. All right. Now, the point... I mean you would have lasted through, processing or no processing. This can get into disrepute very easily. You go yesterday, you see. You see them building a new courthouse, see. So you throw yourself back down the time track one way or the other and choose the location where they're going to build a courthouse, dig a hole in the ground and roof it over with a very thin coat of shale. They build so much weight in the future, on this spot - you see, they build just so much weight in that courthouse and it eventually falls in. You're not even there the day it falls in. You got an alibi. Well, nonsense of this sort of thing proposes itself, but in actual fact - in actual fact, you didn't have too much trouble with time. And you could slip around on the subject of time very easily. If you have fixed time, you get a fixed reaction. You get a. presence of self and the matter, energy, space and time which necessitates a reaction. You've got to have a reaction, now. This is an enforced reaction. You - there is no way of escaping a reaction. You can't drift back a thousand years. Just sit this one out. Now, you slip back a thousand years because you dare not confront something, you find yourself popping up those thousand years in a hurry, because you got a reason why. You got a no-confront going, of some kind or another. But anyway, to be very uninvolved about the situation, here you are with a very thin, fixed present time. And of course you have very little time. And it is the absence of time, or the presence of time - that's the unwanted absence, unwanted presence of time - which gives problems. The source of all problems is time. If you want to take apart somebody's problems on a very esoteric level, you just start scouting time down. You start taking his time apart on the subject of his problems. This is quite amusing. You say, "Tell me a problem you have had," see? "Well, so and so and so and so and so and so." And you say, "All right. Now, what time was awry there? Where was there too much time? Where was there too little time?" And - now, don't mistake me - this is not a one-way road to glory, because it has a tendency to become a little bit limited and is slightly esoteric. And it's the quality of reaction, you see, is ARC. But I'm just showing you here that you could just choose one of these points, the most important one of matter, energy, space and time and significance and you can just change that time. Reactions to that time, as a point - which you normally wouldn't - wouldn't explore at all. On the single subject of problems, you know, "Tell me a problem you've had." "So and so. "All right, how was the time awry? What was the matter with time at that point?" "Well, I didn't have enough time," or "I had too much time." This is the normal reaction. You could do some shredding of the bank. You could knock the guy around in the bank. You would tend to move him on the time track. You could do some interesting things and he sure wouldn't have the problems that he had, you see? And one of the problems you have with study, for instance, is insufficient time. One of the problems I have with teaching you is insufficient time. Time is made insufficient by the economic status of the thing or the dear loved ones who keep pestering you. And you - we wouldn't have any problem at all with any student, you see, if it just weren't for these two factors. They're very simple factors, the factors of economics and the factor of familial or organizational relationships, you see. These factors kicked out would only then be monitored by the factor, well, you can get old! You know, sitting around in a body. I didn't mean any particular student! But the point - the point I'm making here, is that problems, the peculiar thing called a problem, is quite different than a reaction. And the peculiar thing called a problem is adjusted by simply an adjustment of just this one little part of matter, energy, space, time and significance. Just adjust the time and you do something. Now, oddly enough, you can also adjust problems by location. Less effectively, but you can still adjust them by location. Location is a part of matter, energy, space and time, because by space and energy or mass, we, of course have it understood that it is someplace, or is going through a certain location in space. So we say you could adjust that by that. Well, spotting spots in space - just that, all by itself, produces some remarkable reactions because it's handling just this one little thing called location. And that, bf course, will handle some of these problems. Now, if somebody goes out here and runs into a tree with a car, about your fastest process - not necessarily the best process, but the process which would go all the way down and fit his case level at the moment, which could be quite low - would just run Reach and Withdraw on the tree. Go out and find the actual tree! See, that spot in space, see? And go Reach and Withdraw on the tree and then go find the car, wherever it is, and run Reach and Withdraw on the car, and Reach and Withdraw on the tree, and Reach and Withdraw on the car. I don't care if the car is up in the garage someplace. Flatten it with the car, you see, flatten it with the tree, touch all the ground around there and so forth, and then you say, "Well, what's the time factors involved?" "Well, if we hadn't been going so fast, we wouldn't have hit so hard!" That's the obvious factor. All impact is based on a scarcity of time. There's too much happening in too little time. Now, every time you as a thetan have rendered some horrendous and damaging impact, you of course have scrunched these things up. That's not necessarily aberrative, in its - there's nothing you do, by the way, that is very aberrative over a period of time. You've committed overts and damaged people and you'll commit overts against the greater good of the greater number of dynamics and then you will consider that you don't deserve to go anyplace or be up, but that's holding yourself in the own - in your own trap. In just the normal course of, well, there's a war, and you shot some soldiers and you got shot at, you lost a couple of buddies, and your wife turned into a barfly. Something like this, you know; normal course of existence of the war. And so forth. That's about as aberrative as blowing your nose, see. That's nothing, see. Nothing. You lose three or four boyfriends and that sort of thing, that's nothing, see. Not on the long line of aberration. Because none of that is sufficient to stand forever in space, or completely shut off the whole line, you see. You have to get some very interestingly complicated mechanisms making these facsimiles of people stay in present time, bothering them all the time, with them reacting against them all the time, to build up a tremendous lot of reactions, which then becomes the personality of the individual. See, that trick had to be introduced to it. There's only that trick, by the way. That's why you can run engrams today and why you suddenly got engrams today, because that's the chief engram. That's what makes engrams unrunnable. That's why we couldn't run engrams, you see. Well, we can handle that, why, we can run engrams and we can clear up the track. All right. Now, let's get back to this thing called a reaction. Your reaction to matter, energy, space and time is couched in numerous ways. But where those reactions tend to not communicate or tend to obsessively communicate, you rough up energy. Energy gets roughed up and then it stays in the picture and so forth. In other words, the energy is flowing at one foot per second and you get in a hurry and you make it flow at three feet per second, but it isn't really flowing that way; or you prevent it from flowing at one foot per second and make it flow one inch per second. In other words, the normal course of flows is interrupted because of the existence of a problem or an obsession to be at it or a feeling you've got to get away from it or, you know, it's bad or it's this or it's that. And all of these things result in the fact that you bypass charge. Charge is there, so you go into this thing, crunch! And you restimulate some charge. Or you try to get away from - zzrrmmm! And so forth. Well, what's dictating this? It's former reactions. What gets kindled there is a former reaction of some kind or another. And that former reaction throws into restimulation some earlier engrams, some earlier ARC breaks, some earlier this, some earlier that, see? You get how this - how this works? In other words, you confront matter, energy, space, time and significance in a certain way and there will be a picture of similar matter, energy, space, time and significance confronted in a certain way, which is reactivated by your reaction to the present matter, energy, space, time and significance. In other words, you take package B and you react to - well, you - one of you girls sees a mouse on the floor, see? Here's one of the things drives women mad! That's because it's an I'm-supposed-to, see? And you see a mouse on the floor and reaction to the mouse is, "Yaaoww!" See? All right. Now, the last mouse you saw before this, you see, your reaction was duplicate. You went, "Yaaoww!" And with the mouse before that, that you saw, see, your reaction to that was, "Yaaoww!" So, you've got three "Yaaowws." Now, those former ones - those former ones, you understand, are in picture forni and the present one is in - matter, energy, space and time form. See? But the others are copies of this same thing, so your reaction here rekindles the reaction then, so you get that picture pulled in; now that reaction intensifies this reaction. It's like hooking two locomotives up, to where one was only pulling before, see? Now, because you never scented the second locomotive, you wonder, "Why did I 'Yaaoww' so hard here?" Becomes inexplicable. It's a missed charge. See that? Now, the auditor comes along and he says, "The reason why you went 'Yaaoww' here is because formerly you went,'Yaaoww.' " And the person says, "Oh. Oh, yes! Yes, of course!" We - we don't even really have to spot when we formerly went "Yaaoww," because what we've done is just kick off not the facsimile, we handled the reaction factor of the facsimile. Got it? We just handled one little piece of this. We handled that piece most intimate to the thetan, which was his reaction, his ARC. So, when we handle that, that as-ises fast, so the other charge drops out and you cease to have bypassed charge. Follow this? You be - you better get a good grip on this, I can see some of you a little floundering on this. I've given you a lot of data here, all of a sudden. Now, the only thing - the only thing that caused a restimulation of yesterday's charge was the fact that you reacted the same way today that you reacted yesterday. The devil with the situation. The reaction was the same. So when the reaction was the same, you pulled in yesterday's situation; unwittingly pulled in yesterday's situation and didn't even know it. It's because the reaction was the same. You're not even vaguely interested in running out yesterday's association as a facsimile. You're just interested in clipping out of it, tsk, this one little piece of it which is reaction. You just want to do a reaction-ectomy. Because your reaction today restimulated your reaction in the yesterday incident, see? Now you say to the guy, "Well, the reason you reacted to a mouse today was because you reacted to a mouse same way yesterday." "Oh, similar incident yesterday. Oh, yes! Of course!" He doesn't even know about it. All of a sudden he feels all right. It's a very strange phenomenon, unless you understand what you're kicking out. All you're doing is you're saying, "Reaction today - reaction yesterday." You've actually matched terminals, two things, and they go bzzt See, you're handling reactions. Now,this is quite different than handling the facsimile. Now, let's go back and go all over this thing again. Very short, sweet, simple. You got a thetan at point A, and you got matter, energy, space, time and significance at point B. And the reaction, or the interaction between these two things, I should say, is the thetan's reaction to the matter, energy, space, time and significance at point B. See? You understand? The reaction to it. And that reaction to it is expressed, in our language, in ARC. His ARC with regard to it. Eighty-nine cars pile up in a horrendous pier on the freeway. See? I think it's the real reason they have freeways - they can pile up more cars on them more suddenly! And here you have a facsimile of eighty-nine cars piled up on each other. Now boy, there is - there's matter, energy, space, time and significance! Eighty-nine cars piled up on the freeway, crunch! See? Now, there's another thing here, and that is a thetan's reaction to this. Didn't matter whether he was part of it or observed it or read it in the paper or something like this, you understand. His reaction is a different thing. Now, your - your quarrel with many things that are wrong in the world, and my quarrel with many things that are wrong with the world, is because our reactions are quite different to the other peoples' reactions to the same thing. Now, you understand, it's just eighty-nine cars piled up on the freeway! Now that, in present time, is. And as it becomes yesterday, is a facsimile of what had been, you see? Now, that is a thing. That's a facsimile. Now, we're not talking about taking apart - this is running engrams, see - we're not talking about taking apart these eighty-nine cars piled up on the freeway. That's not what we're talking about. See, we're just talking about the guy's reaction to it. And that's all you handle on an ARC break. You get yourself so involved with these eighty-nine cars piled up on the freeway as matter, energy, space, time and significance, that you never can sort out the guy's reaction to it. You say, "Oh, well, you've got an ARC break because you were driving down the street, and you saw two cars almost hit. And you started cursing the police department or the highway department or drivers. Oh, yes, now, is that - did that restimulate an earlier-similar incident?" And he says, "Don't know..." But your meter says, "Tsk!" Earlier-similar incident. You say, "It restimulated an earlier-similar incident." And he says, "Oh?" All of a sudden he doesn't have an ARC break. He doesn't quite understand why or how or anything else. See, pure magic! All right, now, if you didn't understand that you were just supposed to handle his reaction, you're liable to be doing this: "Well, let's see, similar incident, huh? Earlier-similar incident - when was this earlier-similar incident?" Let's handle the time of the earlier-similar incident. Ohhhh! "All right, when was this earlier-similar incident, huh?" "Nineteen forty-eight." "Oh! In 1948. Well, what was it that happened in 1948?" "Oh, eighty-nine cars on the freeway piled up." "Which car were you in?" You're running R3R, man. It isn't that you can't run it, but, you're now in for a long, arduous job, because this is basic on automobile accidents for this thetan? Nineteen forty-eight? Ohah-ha-ha-ha! I can see it now, on that monocycle, eighty-nine trillion years ago, engaged on his eight-billionth personal, private accident! You got a long chain, see? And you're going to cut into it at the end and cure an ARC break? No, you're not going to do anything at all. What you want to handle is his reaction! Here's the way to handle it, see: You say, "Oh, you're down the street, and you had an ARC break with other drivers and you had an awful argument. Is that right? All right, was it a this? Was it a that? Was it a this? Was it a that? Was ..." You know, you're trying to sort out, "In the incident itself, was anything missed?" You see. "Was it - any affinity in the incident missed? Any reality? Communication?" So on and so on. And, "Earlier communication break? An earlier incident restimulated?" Pang! You say, "Well, it's always an earlier incident restimulated." Well, it doesn't always show up that way, see? And you say, "Well, it was an earlier incident restimulated. You had an earlier incident of a similar kind restimulated there on the street when you had that upset." "Huh! Huh! Oh, what do you know!" It's all right with him. The needle quiets out. Sometimes the eager beaver says, "What was it? What was it?" Perfectly all right. Let him do it. "What was it? What was it?" Let him do it! Don't help him out! He says, "Oh, let's see, earlier incident, earlier incident, earlier..." "Oh!" he says, "it's that eighty-nine-car pileup on the freeway! Yeeaass! Oh, yeah, I was upset the same way!" And you say, "Thank you very much. Recall an ARC break." Because if you do another thing, you're walking - not on eggs - much thinner and crisper than that! All you have to do is direct his attention, direct his interest, and he passes over from point A, and now, straight over to B and jumps in without the benefit of swimming trunks or anything else. He's just in and gone! You understand? The way to get somebody in an incident - you don't use this technique anymore - is just ask him for the largest object in the incident. Pc's mentioned a house recently. You say, "All right, the house. What kind of a house was it?" There he is! He's right in the incident. You can push him over there, using matter, energy, space, time and significance. Well, actually, you can peel these things off by doing a reaction-ectomy with ARC. You understand those mechanics, you'll see them work out. You'll see them work out in yourself. You'll recognize eventually that the only time you fail to put your finger on it is when you didn't have the requisite item on your ARC break list. Your ARC break list is insufficiently complete. Let's do some ARC breaks in auditing. "All right. Recall an auditing ARC break, in the last month." All right, you've got what? How many processes? How many process might have been done? Let's look them over. How many lists would you have to run on this ARC break? Or you'd have to say, "All right, what process were you doing? In that ARC break you just recalled, what process were you doing? What was being done on you as a process? All right, very good. Your item - or the reason for the ARC break - is on that list." See, because you've got a listing ARC break, you got a session ARC break, listing ARC breaks, engram running ARC breaks, you see, and implant ARC break lists; you've got all these lists! Because there's a number of combinations that can cause - and these are empirically worked out, not just intellectually, see? And you normally will find these things. The only thing I would add to both 3N and R3R because auditors are switching between them unintelligibly some day - times, is on each one, "Wrong date, wrong duration, earlier wrong date, earlier wrong duration." And I put those four questions on both the 3N and the R3R ARC break lists. That's a correction of the lists. I put those on just to make awful sure! Because people do an awful lot of illegal dating, I'm beginning to find out, and durationing and so forth, while running 3N. They do an awful lot of it, see. It isn't necessary at all and yet they do it, and so they make a mistake in it, and then everything goes blooey on it, and then they do a 3N ARC break assessment form, and of course, the wrong date, wrong duration are on the R3R assessment form, so they don't find the cause for the ARC break. Now, all ARC breaks become because of - I've left you adrift here, some way or another. You recognize that any pat procedure would have its ARC break list, which would give all types of charge that might get bypassed. Because these are just lists of charge, that might get bypassed. Possibly it's bypassable charge. And that's all an ARC break list is. And when you go and make one up, as you may well do, one fine day, you make up an ARC break list - all you'll have to do - you find yourself sitting someplace without any materials, you see. You haven't got any lists with you and so forth. You can sit down and make them up, by just figuring out, "Well, what's all the kinds of charge I might bypass in this particular procedure?" Or, "What are all the types of charge I might bypass in a session?" And then, of course, we remember that it's the - it's current in the session, or earlier in some other session, or earlier someplace else, so we always say - we've got the item that might get bypassed. And then we've got the same item with "earlier" in front of it, see? See, it's always double. See? The wrong date. We always, of course, then follow it up by saying, "Was an earlier wrong date found?" You see? Because we might have just kicked in yesterday's session and unwittingly had a wrong date in yesterday's session - not suspected it until today. Now, the trouble with ARC breaks is they never rekindle until they're keyed in. And an ARC break is always a key-in. It is never the fact. It is always the follow-up from the fact. So, you would almost always get missed withhold to read on an ARC break list. Inevitably, missed withhold is going to read. Because that's, of course, the common denominator of all ARC breaks and it requires a missed withhold to key in the ARC break. So you sometimes find, grandly and gorgeously, missed withhold, and tell the pc it's a missed withhold, and the ARC break doesn't diminish. No, the missed withhold, you see, just keyed in the thing. And if I had my way about it, in actual fact, I would omit "missed withhold," because it might be a trap. It requires a missed withhold, and you're liable to find the "missed withhold," and tell the pc it's it, while having a date a trillion years wrong in an incident. See, the missed withhold keyed it. Therefore, he's so fixated on the key-in that he does - you don't get the other on the list. And you say, "Well, is there a wrong date in this session?" And it's null. Everything's null. "Do you have a missed withhold?" See? Bang! "Yes, oh yes, I so on and so on - you said so-and-so and you did me in, you dog!" See? And that's a funny reaction to an ARC break. That isn't the curative reaction. You'll very often say, "Well, we found a wrong goal." You'll say very innocently, solving your ARC break, you see, "We found a wrong goal." "Goddammit, I told you that goal was ... !" No, you didn't find it! Tsk, tsk, tsk! Not the right bypassed charge! You found the key-in, and you very often find the key-in, which just simply keys the bypassed charge in again! You sometimes will see this happen. You give this list, right on out, down the line, and you say, "Well, I've got a - we found a wrong goal on you, see? Found a wrong goal." "Ohhh yes! I said that goal was wrong! Goddamn yaaayaaayaa" Don't be upset. You didn't do a wrong assessment, you've just found the key-in. Now let's go back and do another assessment and find the bypassed charge. First thing you do with something like that is to find out, let's see, am I assessing the right list? That's an awful good thing to ask yourself, because you're liable to get kind of rattled in the middle of an ARC break as an auditor, see? You all of a sudden find with horror, no you're not. You thought you were doing 3N but you just remembered that early in the session you dated and durationed an engram. You dated and durationed something early in the session. Oh, that's - you've run some R3R. Ah, let's get that R3R list out. Don't do the 3N one again and work yourself to death, you already did that. Have some confidence in your own assessing! Nothing read, so it isn't on it. Get another list! Get another list, and you go down the line. "Well, we restimulated finding a wrong goal, in an earlier session, on you." "Oh? Hmmmm. No kidding! That's why I was so ARC broke last month! Yeah. that's why I was mad at Charlie! Yeah, that - that's the wrong goal! 'To be a titwillow,' that's the wrong goal!" You didn't even tell him what one it is, and he brightens up all the way along the line and he goes along just fine, you see, everything is fine now! Get the idea? You understand the mechanics of the thing, you can handle it. There are various types of charge that you can bypass. What do you mean by bypass a charge? Well, kick it without revealing it. Set up a reaction between point A and B without disclosing it to the pc or yourself! And when a violent reaction exists between point A and point B, in a session, which is totally unknown to both the auditor and the pc, it will continue to be a violent reaction until the reaction is spotted. You don't have to spot the incident, you have to spot the reaction. Now, what you want to do is get rid of that reaction just by assessing it out and indicating it. You don't have to be fancy about it. Now, one of the things which you make a mistake on, on ARC breaks, is this. It's very short and very simple. And something I hope you'll remember. It only requires that you locate and indicate the bypassed charge. And if you are called upon, because the ARC break didn't clear up, to go further into it and date the incident and get the pc to remember it and some Straightwire and get it all patched up and get it all glued together somehow or another and go to a lot of work after that assessment, you didn't find the bypassed charge. You got that? And any time you're sitting there and say, "Well," the pc said, "well, I didn't see it - did you say it's the wrong goal - do you suppose it's this goal we're working on right now? I don't think it's this goal we're working on right now. Doesn't seem to be this goal we're working on. I just suppose - suppose - well, it may - may be an earlier goal and so forth. Well what - wha- what's the - what's the date of this bypassed goal? Wha - what's - what's the date of this goal that we've missed? What's - what's the - what's the date - wha - wha - what's the date of this goal we've missed?" You say, "Well, aaa - wuuwawuuuuwa - all right, I try to find the - find the goal I mean - uhhh - to find the date of the ..." Knock it off, man! The pc - that the pc has to do something else now means you didn't find the bypassed charge! Maybe it isn't on the list you're using. Ever think of that? You see, you'll be doing 3N and you get a session ARC break. And you do a 3N assessment, thinking the error is totally in 3N - as it usually is - but you say, "Well, there's a, little tick here on, uh, missed withhold. You had a missed withold. Well, wh - wha - what was the missed withhold? When did we miss this with - withhold?" "What-what-what-where-where? Say wait - what - whoa. Uh, what - what missed withhold? Well, why didn't you catch it earlier in the session, I don't have any mis - ! You keep nagging me, nagging me and nagging me with these mid ruds but-wha-why and so..." Well, why spend any time on it? Let's get - let's get another sheet and assess it. Let's add to our list. Let's do something. Because this is invariably wrong in the presence of that reaction: is you have not identified the bypassed charge! That's all. If you don't know that, you'll discard this system, because you'll get loses. You'll say, "Well, it cures up most ARC breaks." No, it cures all ARC breaks, providing you can identify the bypassed charge. If it didn't cure the ARC break, either it isn't comprehensibly on the list - see, the pc didn't understand it when it was read - or it isn't on the list which you are using. Now, I've seen two instances of this, very recently, very skilled auditing, and the ARC break was not cured, but was totally available, simply because it was forgotten, the little piece of another thing was run in this session, besides what was being run in this session, but the ARC break assessment was made on the main thing being run in the session. But the ARC break bypassed charge was on those three minutes of other process, which both auditor and pc had completely forgotten. You feel like a perfect jackass sometimes on this, because three or four days after you've had - rough three or four days, and you accidentally pick up the right sheet or you add something to your list, and you're doing another assessment on the same pc, and you all of a sudden find ever since Tuesday, we have had a wrong goal. But we're not running goals. How could we have had a wrong goal since Tuesday? We're not running anything but engrams. How could it be? Yet, there it is. Go into it sometime. Session goal. I know it doesn't sound very strenuous. But he set a session goal "to not be afraid." That was all it took. Heh-heh! Yet you haven't been running 3N. But there was a goal. These things are sometimes very wild. You're not running R3R, you're running 3N. And you're not dating anything, and you're not - you can date, but you weren't dating anything, and you'd just been going on and everything's been perfectly happy, and... Pc nattery and nothing getting done and the RR disappearing and accidentally you trigger something and you decide that you better do this 3R3 assessment form. And you find out you've had a wrong duration! You've had a wrong duration. And the wrong duration has been sitting right there. But what's the wrong duration? Oh, well, the week before - the week before, in the very area you're running, you tried to find how long this implant series had required. And you'd gotten four hundred and sixty-seven trillion trillion years. And it was a wrong duration. Since it only happened particularly forty-three trillion years ago! No. You see? And you said, "Well, we just kind of can't make it out," you said to yourself, but you kind of never bothered to tell the pc and so forth. Well, this might lay doggo. For a whole week the pc felt fine and everything was going along fine! And then all of a sudden, bbrowww! See? Some session ARC break, a missed withhold in the session keyed this other one. And there that other one was, lying around your neck like a casket, see? You feel like a perfect blithering idiot sometimes on these things. Sessions later you suddenly collide with one, you know, and it's been there all the time. Pc's been hard to audit, you've industriously assessed everything you could think of, you did your very, very best. And it'll have some weird little curve on it of some kind or another, that really isn't a curve at all, it's staring you right in the face. And it should have been right there all the time, you should have recognized it, the pc should have recognized it, everybody should have seen it, but you didn't. They're sneakers, some of these things, real sneakers. And it cuts right down to the wrong date, wrong duration, wrong incident. You find out, much to your horror, that you've been running five implant serieses, simultaneously. Five implant serieses, simultaneously. The poor pc has been going, the first two items out of implant three series, you see, and the next two items out of implant five. And the next two items out of implant one. And of course, this makes the other items restimulated in each one of the other implants. Makes you feel kind of green, sometimes, you look at it. And yet it was apparently all running all right, and you said, "All right, is this just one series?" And he coughed at the moment, or something, you know. And you never worried about it when you went over it. And then all of a sudden you're - or you're running a series which is misdated by God knows how long. You've got a whole GPM and it took place a hundred years ago. And you say, "How the hell did it get up this close to present time? What the hell's this all about?" Well, some wildcat area someplace or another, and they just never got the word that it's passe, you use psychiatry now. And they're still at it, eager beaver, and they're putting in "to be dead," do you know? "To be dead, to be dead, to be dead," you know. And so forth - and you said, "Oh, look at this! Look at this, boy! 'To be dead.' Pow! Man, man! He's right there at the beginning of the Helatrobus Implants." Says, "All right, let's get this, let's get this, all right. To be dead - all right, that's fine. Now let's get dead! Nix dead! Well, nix dead doesn't fire. Well, let's random list on this. Let's random list. No dead, not dead - fires! Oh, well, all right. Nix dead - doesn't fire. Oh..." You sweat yourself green. Try to get in there, you see. All right, well you finally manage to persuade him to get nix dead to fire, you've said it often enough or some such. And you say, "All right, now let's get absolutably dead. Absolutably dead. There's your line plot right there, there it is, there it is. Absolutably dead - doesn't fire, doesn't fire. Nix absolutably dead, that doesn't fire. Aw, I guess he can't run GPMs." "Well, let's come off of this goal, let's get onto some other things here, let's try you out on assessment R3R." Halfway through your assessment on R3R, all of a sudden puts "death" down on the line, or something like that. And blows his head off! See? A volcano never erupted as fast or as furiously or as inexplicably. And you say, "What the hell happened?" And you get out a listing - because you're listing, see - and you get out a listing ARC break list, and you say, "All right. All right. I chopped a communication of yours in the session." "All right! All right! But you shouldn't do it!" he says. "I guess ARC break assessing doesn't work!" No. No, the ARC break was when you were doing 3N. It's on another list. Heh! And like, one day, you're plowing along, you suddenly have occasion to do a 3N assessment, and you find a wrong goal. Find a wrong date! 3N. Wrong date! What the hell could it be? Wrong date? You just keep missing, and all of a sudden he says, "I get the idea it's had something to do with 'Death'. " And you said, "'To be dead?' Well, what - is it the wrong date of that? Is that it?" You're trying to follow through and understand this thing. "Well, what is the date of that?" "Eighteen sixty-two!" Wasn't a GPM, it was a doctor and a hospital corpsman in the Civil War arguing over the top of the corpse! And you thought you were running a GPM! They rocket read! So that was it! That gives you some idea. Now there's where you tangle up. You just don't use the right list for the right action. But if you do find the bypassed charge, you've got it and it's on - the bulk of them are on lists. And you can locate them, and so forth. And if they don't take care of the whole ARC break, right now, you haven't found what it is. Now, that's the one thing I want to impress you with, because otherwise, you're just going to tear yourselves wrong side out trying - because the pc now will want to remember, and the pc will want this and the pc will want that and the pc will want it dated and so forth. Well, what's all this reaction? It's just you haven't found the bypassed charge, that's all. And you've found some cousin to it someplace or another, and you've just keyed in something else. Follow it? No, ARC breaks consist of bypassed charge, they always go out of line the moment you get the reaction, which the reaction, of course, is the pc's regard toward an incident, or his reaction to an incident. When you get that spotted, when you get what kind of a reaction it was, in a general classification to what, your ARC break blows up. If your ARC break doesn't blow up, you haven't found the bypassed charge. And the reaction between A and B therefore is not explained. Okay? Well, I wish you lots of luck with it. Thank you. =================== _