6608C16 SHSpec-75 Releases and Clears The problem that we have had with releases is the problem of overrun. We have also had lots of unknown data on the extent of the bank. Buddha made the same mistake: not being aware of the existence of the bank or the mind, 2500 years ago. 10,000 years ago, there was a monk named Dharma. Dharma made the mistake of believing that you didn't have to do anything but become wise. From him comes the basic philosophical assumption that if you become wise, you become free. This is in the woof and warp of today's culture. The idea that an individual can exteriorize and that by doing so he can become free was part of Gautama Siddhartha Buddha's teaching. That hasn't become part of the popular culture yet, so we are slightly ahead of our time. It seems to take 10,000 years for such ideas (e.g. Dharma's idea, given above) to become central to a culture, so Buddha's idea (see above) has 7500 years to go and scientology, on the same time table, has 10,000, minus 16, years to go. In other zones of the universe, the existence of the mind is known. In the Galactic Confederacy, they have a psychotherapy that consists of a recognition of the fact that, at a moment of fatal accident to a thetan, a picture is made. However, they think that it is a location, not a picture. They take a picture of the location where the thetan was hurt and show it to him with a movie clapstick-like thing slapped in front of it. Then the thetan is supposed to follow suit by doing the same thing to his picture, and thus be free of its effects. That is their way of making releases. That therapy is administered to the releases in that society that pass for OT's. They are OT releases. That is the closest other therapy to scientology. Today's concentration on education, universities, etc., is a result of Dharma's ideas on wisdom: the idea that education leads to freedom, that you can't have freedom and ignorance. He had a tough time. 10,000 years ago, Man was more of an animal than he is today, so it was more difficult for Dharma to communicate with them. [It is interesting that education is an outgrowth of a desire for wisdom. Hence scientology is in this mainline. This would be an interesting topic for a lecture or a chapter of a book: the estrangement of wisdom from education.] It was a terrific advance to get the idea of becoming free by becoming wise across to the savages of this planet, 10,000 years ago. This idea is now so widely accepted that the second-largest expenditure of taxes, after the military, is for education. At Dharma's time, there was the knowledge that freedom was attainable, but there was no tech. 7500 years later, Buddha discovered exteriorization. Gautama Siddhartha Buddha first exteriorized under a Bodhi tree. He thought you did it by becoming wise. One of G.S. Buddha's other ideas was that you should be civilized and polite. And Buddhism civilized three quarters of Asia. But exteriorization was not generally doable, to any great degree. The Tibetan Lamas came along later and squirreled, trying to develop an explanation of exteriorization or a technology to accomplish exteriorization. We are the gainers, from this history, to the extent that there is a history and acceptance of the idea that the soul exists. Our gain is that the idea of the soul has been accepted by many for a long time. The idea that there is a soul that goes somewhere after death has dominated Graeco-Roman and Mohammedan thought for 2000 years. Socrates originated this idea, in the present philosophical tradition. There is a verbal tradition about Socrates in Greece, that Socrates held forth for the existence of a personal being or thetan. Buddhism advanced into the West through the Essenes and Christianity. Later, the Nicene Creed developed from the Dead Sea Scrolls. A hundred years after its development, it was advanced by Jesus of Nazareth, "a powerhouse with an already existing philosophy." The Christian church today has to contend with the embarrassing fact that the Dead Sea Scrolls predate Christ and yet contain the New Testament. This is just the advance of Buddhism in the Western world. Christ studied in the East for thirty years. By the time Gautama Siddhartha Buddha's ideas had gone from India through Greece, Spain, Ireland, etc., they were alter-ised to, "Man has a soul, but it is 'over there', and belongs to God, etc." Buddha' thought became unrecognizable. There has never before been a clear, only releases. The most that was achieved by any of these former philosophies was release: 1. Dharma: Release by wisdom. 2. Buddhism: Release by exteriorization. 3. Christianity: Release by repentance and being good. In scientology, we just let Bodhi (i.e. exteriorization) happen. It is not even that significant to us, because we are going for a permanent state. However, if, in the course of auditing someone, he goes exterior, you stop right there. If you go on, you bang him back into his body and into his bank, and he will be ARC broken. A PC exterior is on a harmonic of OT but can't have it. He has had a bunch of losses in the past -- bad experiences, like deaths, associated with exteriorization, and he snaps back in very soon, scared. He is not competent to cope with it. He isn't ready for it. You can take someone who has been insane and have him go totally sane by exteriorizing him. You can also have someone go out, come back in, and never know it. The formula for popping someone out is, "Try not to be three feet back of your head." Buddhism spread like wildfire, because it was such clear-cut truth. In one fell swoop, we have capitalized upon the idea that a man who is improved becomes free. We have brought Buddhism's twenty year effort to exteriorize down to twenty seconds. We have found what kept Dharma's efforts from perfection and what barriered Buddhism, in a culture that only accepts Dharma's idea but not yet Buddha's. Don't be discouraged by failures to get instant acceptance for scientology. But notice also that earlier missionaries had bank and therefore haven't had a pure version of the truth that they were spreading. The Christians civilized things somewhat, but there were too many vias to get very good results with Christianity: from Buddha, through Socrates, through the original form of Christianity, through organized Christianity, through various arguments of Christianity. Buddhism spread faster than Christianity, because Buddha's ideas were closer to those of Dharma. Buddha was capitalizing on Dharma's idea that wisdom would make you free, which was acceptable to his society. It carried the implication that it was possible to be free. Asia knew that there was a possibility of Man becoming free -- a very hard message to get across. "No matter how information is conveyed, if it is conveyed at all, and it is truth, it will take root." So scientology won't really take 10,000 years to get across. It will be more like fifty years, at the outside, given how fast Buddhism civilized Asia and Japan, and given: 1. The result that we can produce. 2. Modern communication. 3. The slightly more barbaric conditions 2500 years ago. "If you take half a century to get scientology around, you are really slow, man! You notice I said, 'you'!" When you first address a being, then, you are capitalizing on the past indoctrination and belief of the being. You must take this into account. The Magna Carta is a direct result on education in Dharma, through the church. The Spanish Civil War of 1936 was also the result of the philosophy of Dharma, because, in the decade just before the war, paperback books were introduced. People read French and English philosophers and got the idea that, now that they knew something, they should be free. They actually resisted freedom though, so it backfired. Where you fail, in disseminating, is where you run into someone who doesn't have this assumption. People have to learn that individuals should be free or educated. A government that skimps on education is either one that hasn't heard of the philosophy of Dharma or one that suppresses this philosophy out of fear. In the West, you are talking to a Christian people who, unfortunately, think of the soul as an owned commodity that they should not play with. They are stunned to think of someone exteriorizing. They are "really not up to the idea of Buddha, [though] they have [gotten the idea of] Dharma." Such people have gone past Dharma but haven't reached Buddha. It is to such people that you are trying to teach scientology. So don't go in over their heads. Fortunately, they do agree with the Gradation Scale of Release. They understand the idea of clear, as someone who doesn't have barriers to his thinking or to freedom of his mind. But they will not understand exteriorization, which is in the realm of OT. So talk about clear, but don't talk about OT. There are many undercuts that you could teach him. Dianetics is not the lowest undercut. Only a relatively enlightened public will accept dianetics. The public will understand the idea of a communication release as a person who gets rid of his barriers to communication. They can get the idea that a person can communicate better, that a person can be released from an inability to communicate. A wog, who can't communicate, will think that communications release is great for stammerers and backwards children, etc. He thinks it's great for others, in short. But he will buy the idea. Likewise with problems. A wog will buy the idea that "Man would be better off if he could handle problems," and so on, up the line. There is a high probability that you will make a connection, somewhere. The idea that wisdom leads to freedom is basic on this chain. It "releases a man from imprisonment by ignorance and that is your first [form of] release. Teach a person that if he learned something, he would be freeer," and he will be "released from the idea that he can't know." This is the earliest stage of release. You would do well to argue with people on the basis of this first premise: the Dharmic fundamental, because Dharma's idea is the direct ancestor of scientology. There is a lower level of release, one you would use in processing animals. It is the idea that an animal could get an idea across to another animal. This is not communication. "You have to know you're in something before you can get out of it." That is the main difficulty with communicating levels of release. And people (Psychologists, etc.) "are not aware of the mind. They see another bloke. They don't see any mind.... So he says there is no such thing as a mind," only a brain, which can be seen. But in fact, the brain is just a sort of neural shock absorber. Looking at scientology as a "philosophy" is agreeable to people. When you put it this way, you are in agreement with the idea that a person can become freer, released from some of his travail, by becoming wiser. So use Dharma in dissemination. Your next level of release that is acceptable to the world at large is that Man is a spiritual being: Buddha's idea. However, don't use this. Wundt, of Leipzig, wiped out Buddha in the West, in 1879, when he introduced the idea that Man was an animal, so it was OK to kill him. This is like the Christian philosophy, advanced in the second or third century AD, that Man was conceived in evil and was evil, so it was perfectly OK to kill, maim, etc. It was [and is] a justification for overts. The Christian has not found out that the psychologist is an atheist. This is partially due to the inarticulateness of the psychologist. The populace thinks that psychology is silly, but suppressives and governments support it because it prevents releasing. SP's support SP subjects and technologies. That is why the government supports psychology and psychiatry. In disseminating, you could say, "You are a Christian, aren't you?" Then he has admitted that he is a spiritual being. Reincarnation was only barred in Christianity in the last few hundred years. The former idea was that guys who hadn't been good enough had to come back and live it all over again. If you can get someone to buy the idea that he is a spiritual being, he is released from a truth that could trap him. Possibly this is where you could introduce the idea of exteriorization, but I don't advise it. Dianetics can give one a release from this one lifetime. That is a terrific release! You have "made" an immortal. The terrible consequences of death go away. You can start with the idea that there is a mind. A, looking at B, doesn't see B's mind, so he doesn't know that B has a mind. He may think that B only has a brain. You have to put across the idea that because this fellow [the fellow that you are talking to] has a mind, that that person has a mind. With dianetics, it would follow that he is immortal. Then he is released from the idea that Man is matter and that he only has one life. Fortunately, people do know that there is such a thing as a mind and mental things. They haven't gotten totally sold on the psychologists' theory that mind = brain. So you can move in and introduce the idea of the mind being composed of pictures. With a little dianetic auditing, the person will realize that he is immortal, and you will have released him from the idea that he is matter. So you should be aware that you can release people just by talking to them, up to a point, but remember: always stop at the "F/N VGI's". Don't try to just communicate the data up the chart. To do so overwhelms people. They have to come to realize it. As you progress up the grade chart, it becomes progressively more impossible to talk them out of what they are sitting in. At Levels VI and VII, it would be fatal. (An ultimate release would be release from the universe.) "When we say 'release' we mean 'freeing'. We can free someone from an idea that entraps him. Ideas are the only real traps and one can get released from them. There are many grades of release below Zero. At Zero and up, we are starting to free someone directly from his reactive mind, treating him as a spiritual being. At Level 0, we are pulling him out of a mass that tells him that he can't communicate. So we have to pull him out of mental masses, as well as out of ideas. At Level VII and up, we don't pull him out of mental mass. We erase it. We turn around and eat the tiger. That is a form of release that we call 'clear'. But this being at this level is still in the universe and associated with the body. There are [therefore] grades of release above clear. Not many people below the level of clear look any higher, though, because clear is a pretty triumphant level. When you get an F/N, shut up, because you have just released the PC from something. You have to know why he got the F/N to get him through Qual [I.e. you have to know what he is released on.] Get this data from the auditing notes, not from the PC. Most stages of release have only relative degrees of stability, but a release never unreleases to the same degree of Stygian darkness that he was in before the release. A clear is someone who has erased the barriers to his postulating freely. He can, at this point, easily postulate a bank, and some have done so, not realizing that that was what they were doing. A clear can postulate a bank and then not realize that he has done so, or that he can simply blow it. We are making dianetic "clears". The trouble we had doing it earlier came only from over-auditing people. Also, don't ever try to teach a guy something that he already knows. It is an overrun. A released person doesn't tend to relapse, but he may run into the next higher level's sticky plaster. They haven't unreleased. They are just enterprising and speculative, and this drives them into the next level. Someone who has been released and comes in the next day with no F/N has just gotten into the next mass that he is going to confront. Releases want others to be released and cleared. But don't release people to make them better for others' sakes. Being released is something that is a reward, not a right.