6608C02 SHSpec-73 Suppressives and GAE's Normally, there is no penalty for a crime of omission. In this society, it is being there and communicating that are the crimes that are mostly punished. But there are also crimes of omission. For an auditor, not being there and not communicating are the highest crimes. In the area of tech, we have gone from total change to total no-change. The materials are all there. The road to clear, from raw meat to Grade IV, is very fast. That is something you can have trouble with is an auditor. It is over before you notice. There is a difference between wog and raw meat. A wog isn't even trying. Some processes are dangerously quick, so they are not even in the line-up, because they overrun too easily. R2-12 is one of these. The route is so fast that only GAE's can prevent someone from going. [Watch out! Here come quickie grades!] Every thetan wants out, at least for himself, even the suppressive. A suppressive is a special breed of cat. He is someone with no case gain. The SP knows that he belongs in [the soup], so he is sure that you want to put him in. An SP could be described as "someone who is always totally surrounded by Martians, no matter who you are." As an auditor, he will do nothing but commit GAE's. He won't just commit a few. He won't audit at all. But he will say, "See? I try to audit these guys, and it doesn't work, so it's a worthless fraud." He rewards only down statistics. He goofs up and vilifies every effort to make people better. (The trouble with scientology in South Africa is that they are afraid that LRH will teach it to Africans!) If registrars kept this no-case-gain fact in mind, it would save us lots of trouble. We wouldn't try to audit them. An SP will make no case gain and can't resist bragging about it. The registrar could route them to the ethics officer. Anyone has the right to complain about one auditor, but not about all auditors. As an auditor, the suppressive is only happy when the PC gets worse, and he is sad when the PC gets better. An SP is in a state of constant attack on scientology. He commits overts 24 hours a day. You very seldom find out about it. Another characteristic is that he attacks wrong targets. He attacks those who are trying to help him. He will not complete a cycle of action. If by chance he does complete one, he will reverse it. "At no time during this lecture have I said that all existing governments on the planet today reward down statistics, choose wrong targets, fail to complete cycles of action, or commit continuous overts. I have not said that, and your inference on that subject is your own responsibility!" An SP believes that "you are trying to trick him into letting down his protective mechanisms long enough so that you can "stab him in the back." If, as an auditor, you observe all these things and the PC is getting no case gain, you know that tech is out, because it isn't working. You, as an auditor, can be an ethics officer, if need be. You should know some ethics tech. You have to know how to locate overts that are so unreal that they don't read on a meter. The heads of governments are suppressives. They do commit continuous overts, and they do the other things that SP's do. They would get no case gain if you audited them. Having them in the driver's seat is a dangerous situation. Ethics must be gotten in, not on a police state basis, but on a very narrow, precise basis. The world is also full of PTS people. They are the ones who cause most of the trouble, hence the name. The PC who gets and loses case gain is roller-coastering. He has an SP somewhere on his lines, either directly or by restimulation. Auditing is fast, but it isn't fast enough to overcome the SP. You could take the PTS out of his restimulative environment, audit him up to Grade V, let him go back to the environment, and he would collapse. The reason why the PTS individual roller-coasters is that the suppressive person or valence will try to destroy him if he makes case gain. Therefore, don't audit a PTS. You may kill him. A PTS person could make it, however, [if he made it as far as the clearing course.] Grade VI is the make/break point. At Grade VI, you could barely make it in the presence of an SP. Below this, it is not possible. Another way to handle the PTS individual is to do an S and D to find the suppressive. The S and D is an assessment, not auditing. It is an ethics action. Therefore you can't have GAE's during an assessment, because it is not auditing. You ought to get the ARC break handled by assessment first, before doing an S and D. What can you do for an SP? The only known action that will change an SP is the last power process. He is the real psycho. The only place that it can be done is in an org that has Class VII's who could run it and a registrar who will throw him out when he comes in complaining of no case gain. Because getting him to answer the question could be very difficult. If you did do power on him, his next action would be Grade 0 or lower. But until you have total control of the environment and padded cells, send him to ethics. If it turns out that he has been well audited with no case gain, you are taking your life in your hands to put him in the HGC. An SP got to be one by switching valences. Man is basically good, but he mocks up evil valences and gets into them. An SP is in a false, mocked-up valence, to which he has earlier assigned or postulated evil purposes or actions. Evil is the declaration and postulate that evil can exist, that's all. In the absence of such postulates, Man is good. Scientology would be very dangerous if that were not true. The suppressive first mocked up badness in another, then took on that valence. The suppressive got in the bad valence, committed overts, then was attacked by other beings. He is stuck in that second incident. It is far more real than PT. He is living a nightmare. Anybody has a few of these realer-than-real pictures, but when most of us run into them, we are running back into them. The SP never left. You and I may go back to an incident of trauma, but an SP has never left it. The incident is more real to him than PT. To the SP, all life is the threat of this incident and the personnel in it. All life is this incident, and everyone in PT is one of the attackers. That is all there is to an SP. He continuously commits overts because (he thinks) he is defending himself. You could get in this state only if you had lots of overts before it. This makes the SP choose wrong targets. He can't complete cycles of action, because he is stuck in time. That is why the last power process works. A person commits overts, stacks up the bank until he can't move on the track, then gets the business. Institutions contain few SP. They mostly contain PTS's. Power processes can blast the SP loose [from his stuck point on the track], so that he can then be normally audited. But how can he be audited [on power processing in the first place] by someone who is perceived as an enemy? How can a cop or the Roman Legion audit him? Psychiatrists fail to put in ethics on their own profession. That is LRH's criticism of them. LRH's quarrel with governments and politics is the same. Any system that permits an evil man to rise to power is a bad system. As an auditor, you are only at liberty to handle ethics if you yourself have clean hands, and if you have certainty that it is not your auditing that is the cause of no case gain. You must be satisfied that you don't commit GAE's before you can accurately spot an ethics problem. The difference between a confident and an unconfident auditor is that the unconfident auditor is one who feels that he may be committing GAE's. The benefits of doing TR's are the benefits of the auditing comm cycle itself, apart from the processes used. We know that the tech is not inadequate. If you omit tech or add to tech, it fails to work. There was an additive, until recently. Auditors were quitting when a TA went low, saying that the PC could then only be audited on power. The truth is that a case that is chronically below 2.0 is in chronic apathy and won't really get over it until he gets power processing, but he can get gains on grades. The easy way to know whether it is your error or the PC's condition that is causing auditing problems is to know the five GAE's. Your judgment on an ethics problem depends entirely on your confidence in avoiding GAE's. They are very obvious. You could detect them on a tape of your auditing. Be interested in what is going on with the PC. Observe how he is doing. Getting and keeping a PC in session is under the heading of observing the PC, which depends on a willingness to confront the PC. "[Real] justice can never occur in the absence of an understanding of the human mind. Never." Our justice leaves artificial justice behind it. Justice is only necessary in an aberrated world or area.