6607C28 SHSpec-72 Dianetic Auditing and the Mind When you are running engrams and secondaries, you are handling the human mind. What the mind was coating was the subject of scientology. It is coating the thetan, in other words: you, like a blob of glup. A person is a static. The subject of the mind has been considerably mucked about and misunderstood. The "engram" came from a theory that LRH developed at George Washington University. Man had no way to explain memory. If memory was a molecular phenomenon, Man has enough storage capacity in the brain to last three months. LRH wrote this up as proof that this isn't how Man remembers. It is difficult to think about a mind, harder than thinking about a brain. Fortunately, the mind doesn't have to understand itself. LRH was there to understand it. You would have to be aware of the fact that an individual is able to create matter, energy, space, and time (in other words: pictures), before you could understand the mind. You don't have to ask or explain where a thetan came from. A thetan just is. This gets us into a discussion of reality. No one has nailed this down, philosophically. In scientology, reality is what is. That is all you need to know about reality itself. A delusion is a reality for one person, out of agreement with others. From these elements, it is possible to figure out why Man is trapped and why he acts and reacts as he does. You can figure this out, once you know the basic definitions. In dianetic processing, you have to know what the mind is. The thetan is a compulsive mocker-upper. He is stupid. That is the one flaw in a thetan. If you can get him over this mad obsession to: 1. Make a picture of everything that happens to him, 2. Then hide it from himself, 3. Then fix it up so it can impinge itself on his existence, you can get him out of the cage. "He dramatizes these pictures, or they enforce computations on him." He does this by dislocating himself in time. The mind is: 1. Pictures that have been made of experiences. 2. Plotted against time. 3. Preserved in energy and mass in the vicinity of the being. 4. When restimulated, they are recreated without his analytical awareness. What is the mind that you are trying to get someone out of. The trick of it all is that "you cannot make a postulate or an intention through this mass called 'the mind'." Whenever you try, the mind is restimulated, so the thetan is not able to handle things or make things by postulate. A thetan's thought cannot go through the barricade of his mockups. When he tries to put forth an intention or postulate, it collides, "Splat!", with whatever engrams are in restimulation. The less creation of his experiences the person has around him, and the less he has around him to be restimulated, the more he can think or project his thoughts, and the bigger he gets. You can delete these experiences and thereby free the being and his intentions and postulates. Dianetic auditing is the activity by which these experiences can be deleted. The PC may be messed up because he is trying to restrain himself from dramatizing. A person has a tendency to repeat, in action, what has happened to him in experience. He tends to replay now something that happened then, out of its time [and place]. The thetan could give himself disabilities to prevent himself from dramatizing. You are dealing with the basic mind. The core of the reactive mind also has this same character, but it is so outrageous and overwhelming that you had better not touch it without the map. In view of the fact that the individual didn't know what happened, he sometimes told himself what happened and got the actual experience overlaid with another experience. This is how you get "too many Julius Caesars". Julius Caesar was pretty suppressive, which made him the winning side or valence. So a lot of people whom he affected and overwhelmed took on his valence. A thetan has trouble remembering, when he is all smashed down in the mind. The effort to remember gets painful, so he would rather not remember. One of his favorite methods of handling the bank is almost as crazy as making the bank in the first place: It is forgetting about it. When you start erasing the mind, the person may be upset at the point where you have erased his circuits and machinery and he hasn't remembered how to do things himself. As far as auditing is concerned, dianetics is play. It is far more than Man could do before but its benefits are far far less than the benefits of scientology auditing. If you tried to erase the mind, picture by picture, you would be at it a long time. Say you have had one pain per year and one major catastrophe every five or ten years. If you added them up over all your lifetimes, you would come up with too many to erase in any reasonable number of hours or years. This is why LRH addressed the thetan, rather than the thetan's mockups. With the grades, one could be clear in a few years, starting from the bottom and not going at a frantic pace. In auditing engrams, there are some phenomena you should be aware of. A chain won't erase if you erase only the late end of it. The only way to solve a problem is to handle the elements it contains. If it contains past lives, you will fail to handle it if you don't handle past lives. If an incident gets heavier and more massy, hit the silk. Go earlier. If a chain has a basic before this lifetime, that is where you will have to go to get it. One of the symptoms of an incident going more solid is the PC bouncing out of it. The PC bounces out of the incident into the lock that he has just made in PT, running through the incident the first time, in this session. This can be manifested as the PC's repeating just what he said the first time. He has learned better than to go near the incident. This is the same mechanism that keeps his bank mocked up in the first place. He can't confront it, so he keeps it in PT. It would erase if he confronted it, but to do so is too painful. You can get this phenomenon if you use the meter to determine what to run. Don't use a meter to locate incidents. If you run what the PC can find, you've got something he can confront. "A man can remember what he can confront," and that is all he is going to remember. If he runs the engram from PT -- all conceptual and not in the incident, it is because the incident is really too much for him to confront. A guy with amnesia is just a guy who is so spooked that he is not willing to remember anything. It is not just bouncers or holders which govern people's ability to move on the track. Someone who is about to be executed is terrified of the future. He will be stuck in the moment before the execution, or he will shoot earlier. Some people thus escape into the past track. Others are only willing to remember what happens after a traumatic experience. It is only running PCs beyond their ability to confront which causes trouble in dianetic auditing. If you run the PC on what he can confront, you won't get into situations for which you need solutions. You could run the PC's chronic emotion. That would be a good project. There is probably a secondary for every engram. So you are likely to drop into engrams while running secondaries. The secondary lies right across the top of the engram. If you try to run loss, you end up running all the incidents on the track. There are also overt chains (the "motivator series"). Each engram has 2000 to 3000 locks. Each secondary also has 2000 to 3000 locks. Chains cross-connect and cross-reference with other chains. It would be impossible to take something that a PC was afraid of and trace it back to all the reasons why he was afraid of it. It will be found to occur in too many chains and locks. The individual's experiential track is important because, when we clear someone, we get a new thing: a being without a bank who has experience. When you find yourself in a trap, it is a good idea to find out what the trap consists of. That is one benefit of engram running. [You will find that] there will be certain points of emphasis, but all thetans have had experience. There are no specialized thetans. If you can't get the PC to run engrams, run breakfast. If that is not confrontable, have him run entering the auditing room. For some people, the flow of time from moment to moment is continuous pain. Don't try to get such individuals to confront heavy stuff.