6607C26 SHSpec-71 The Classification Chart and Auditing Auditing means to listen and compute, and to get a result on a PC, who is a person with aberrations and difficulties. Auditing has to be done in a professional, standard manner. Since the beginning of Wogdom, there has been off-beat activity going on. That is no reason to perpetuate it. "The psychiatrist exists for the good of the society, and to Hell with the patient." Our situation does not compare with earlier mental therapies. We are not even trying for the same result. We are clearing people by erasing reactive minds. Unlike psychotherapies, auditing is not a social criticism. We know the answer to why the PC behaves the way he does. We also know why the wog behaves the way he does. Scientology is a road out that increases the person's abilities, taking him out of his identification of A=A=A. The road has milestones, which we call "grades". There are also levels. On grades, there are certain abilities gained. But these grades are not composed of single points, despite the names given on the Gradation Chart. That is the rough public rendition. It is really not possible to enter the upper grades without having attained the lower grades. Trying to do so results in disasters. The whole track falls between [Grade] V, which enables the PC to confront whole track, and [Grade] VI, but it doesn't necessarily appear in either, though it may. Besides the disasters that occur from an out gradient, other disasters come from not following standard tech. Standard tech is contained only in HCOB's, not in any books. "If I haven't signed it, it isn't true." Some day we will publish then all in consecutive order, all corrected. The main bugbear of someone studying scientology is that he conceives that every time he reads something new, it wipes out the old. This concept is based on the fact that he didn't understand the old material that he had read in the first place. So he doesn't realize that it can be integrated with the new material that has just been issued. Something developed later doesn't replace something developed earlier. The new does not wipe out the old. The old generally correlates well with the new. There are very few corrections. One significant correction is contained in the newly-found fact that you can overrun things. A lot of "old" processes "failed" because they worked so fast that the auditor didn't spot the release point when it occurred. This accounts for the poor results of R2-12, when it went wrong. It works very fast. We didn't know about overrun in those days. With dianetics, you can have one release per chain, so don't try to escape from confronting engrams by "going release". PCs are entitled to make rapid gains and soar on up the line. That doesn't apply to students. Like a great singer, a student has to suffer to be great. He learns what errors can be made by being a PC who gets messed up. Someone who has never been overrun doesn't appreciate why it is undesirable. Getting bad auditing isn't necessarily disastrous. It teaches the student not to give bad auditing. I have been audited by dianetic auditors who were trained in an academy that taught only the "bubble theory". [?] Nothing will help an aberrated being, short of processing. "Standard tech is a very very narrow path, and it's very easy to stray off of its edges." It is bounded on all sides by wrong things to do, in auditing. One wrong thing is to fail to handle PCs while auditing them. You must keep the PC handled, in order to audit him. One way to suppose that you couldn't handle PCs while auditing them is to think that you can't do anything about something which is above a PC's grade. "You can always run an advanced process on a PC as a rudiment, as something to straighten the case out in a hurry." For instance, even though problems = Grade 1, you can always run Level 1 as a rudiment for Level 0. In fact [if the PC has a PTP], you had damn well better. It is not, "I'm sorry. We can't talk about your problems, because that's Grade 1, and you are only working on Grade 0. And at the Problems level, you may run into service facs, e.g. the PC's lumbosis. These can give you a hard time in making a problems release. After all, the reason why the chart is the way it is, is that the "Gradation Chart ... is made up only [at the level of the grades] of those things which you can't audit in the face of, and that is the genus of the chart, ... the real reason why I found the grades, and why.... There are certain things that, if you don't pay attention to them, prevent all progress in auditing and in life. So therefore they must be the keys to aberration. And That's where we got the ... chart." Only these factors have appeared as barriers to case gain, when not handled. "These are the super barriers to the track." 1. PTP's give rise to no TA, no as-ising, inability to concentrate, inability to answer auditing commands, and perhaps some degree of rising TA. 2. Missed withholds and overts cause a nattery, choppy, and mean PC. 3. ARC breaks give the PC a sad effect. 4. Communication problems lead to no communication. Unconsciousness is a communication problem. The CDEI scale can be applied to communication. For instance, O/W must be a higher grade than problems, because a person could confront having problems, when he couldn't confront an overt. Don't think that because someone is a Grade IV release, he will never again have out-ruds of any sort. The product you have is a gross product. The release can last quite awhile or not. It is not gold. It is gilt, and it can tarnish. Sometimes it turns green. It is the temporariness of this state (which is, after all, a state of keyed-out clear) that boobytrapped the whole research line in the field of the mind. There are lower-scale harmonics of everything the thetan can do or be. The state of thetan exterior is what the Buddhists called a Bodhi. It is not a permanent state. However, even though it is not permanent, release should not be underrated. It is accompanied by the experience of overcoming that which the person has been released on, and that improves his ability to confront. Also, a bit of erasure has occurred, which desensitizes the whole thing. So the releases made nowadays are more stable than the releases that were made in 1950. Now, we are approaching release on a gradient, and we know what grade of release we are making. (Always be willing to give the PC a win.) The clear cog is, "I'm mocking it up." Clears follow the rules of life, until they, themselves, have changed their minds about the rules. And when they do that, of course, they are OT's. "Oddly enough, OT processes are upper harmonics of the same things that prevent auditing, only they aren't processes." If you want to audit, you must handle whatever rud is out, when it's out. If the PC at Grade IV isn't talking, he may be a communications release, but you will get nowhere until you get him in comm. Communication is the carrier wave of all processing. "Someone who's a release is less likely to have out-ruds, but these things can still occur." Having the grades doesn't mean that you won't get ARC broken with yourself and with the auditor. If you want a good auditor at Grades VI and VII, become one. There are interim release points on the chart that you are probably neglecting. Someone could get an F/N on a communications process, without being released on every aspect of communication. So he isn't necessarily a communications release. A lot of processes were dropped out of the lineup that shouldn't have been dropped. You will have to use tech from another grade, in running a grade. [At Level 0], you have valence processes as well as the usual comm processes. You have some more complicated comm processes at Grade 1. All along the line, there are lots of processes that someone could be released on. R4H = R2H (Recall an ARC break. Date it. Assess. Indicate BPC.). CCH's were on Grade II. Also ARC processes, plus case remedies. At Level III, you get auditing by lists and overt/ justifications. There are also physical processes, meter dating, and cause and effect processes. Don't ignore grades processes as rudiments. "PCs don't ever object to auditors unless they've got overts on them," no matter how lousy their auditing is. Pull the withhold. A PC audited over an ARC break protests, then screams, then fusses, then gets tired, and then gets sad and sadder. Neglecting rudiments will ruin a case. You will have to use them on all PCs, at one time or another. Don't ever fail to notice out-ruds or fail to put them in when they are out. That, and going non-standard, is the only thing that could bar a person from going clear.