6607C21 SHSpec-70 Dianetic Auditing Processes today are so fast that auditors cannot be trained. [See p. 738, above.] LRH wrote a bulletin in April [HCOB 3Apr66 "Dianetic Auditing Course"] which is now going into effect, to handle this situation. If auditors can't audit, no auditing gets done, and no one makes it up the line. Follow the fundamentals. Get your question answered. Don't change the process because the PC goes unconscious. Drills on TR's are not enough, by themselves, to make a smooth auditor. Releases can be made with dianetic auditing. LRH has done it for years. The earliest "clears" were dianetic releases. They were more or less stable, but they were in much better shape than they had been in. Don't go using dianetic auditing in practice (Joke:). Dianetics is practice auditing. However, these processes can heal, though not with uniformity, since the whole reactive mind is the cause of very severe illnesses. The way to make someone well is to make a thetan clear. Therefore clearing is the real "cure" for illness. So don't specialize in dianetic key-outs. But a slower process is needed to give auditors practice at auditing. They must get to where they are used to the comm cycle, can read a meter, get some wins, etc. All the bugs have been ironed out of dianetic auditing. Even turning on visio, which used to be hard, is easy if you get the exact duration of the incident. Teaching someone dianetics gives him very basic fundamentals. HCOB 3Apr66 gives an improvement on old dianetic technique, since it doesn't require repeater technique, etc. [It was a simplified version of dianetics compared to the earlier R3R technique (which was closer to modern dianetic technique). It involved simply locating an incident within the PC's conscious recall and running through it repeatedly until the PC is up to tone 4.0 (cheerful) on it, then taking another incident within the PC's conscious recall and doing the same thing.] The mind is: 1. A literal record of experience, plotted against time, from the earliest moment of aberration until now. + 2. Additional ideas the fellow got about it. + 3. Other things he may have mocked up or created on top of it in mental mass. + 4. Some machines. + 5. Some valences. These make circuits that talk to the PC -- the Arabs' "demons". A circuit is an endowed life object. You can audit any of these, to greater or lesser profit. Mental mass is mass, but the mass of it is very slight, compared to the real object one makes a picture of. For auditing purposes, when you do an S and D, you are not looking for pictures. You are looking for a valence. If you want to change someone's personality graph, audit out some valences. The graph is just a picture of the person's valences. He is hardly there at all. In dianetic auditing, neglect the machines, the valences, and the illusions. The psychiatrist and the psychologist addressed things that the person himself mocked up: his illusions. They only invalidated the illusions without finding why the person was creating them. You are only interested in experience, not illusion. Illusion is a surface manifestation that evaporates when real experience appears. "Illusion is the product of the actual," and if you attack the illusion in dianetic auditing, you prevent the PC from contacting the actual. The actual is so bizarre that humans tend to invalidate it by confusing it with illusion. Thus people are prone to call the actual and illusion both illusion. As with dub-in, newspaper stories are untrue but usually based on a real event. The newspaper is the modern gossip. Newspapers specialize in creating illusions. "News" is a social illusion of an event. If you are running an engram, the PC may start by confronting illusion, then come up to confronting [the incident]. So the "incident" may change as he audits it. A PC's confront gets better as he audits dub-in, and he begins to see the real event. The PC can himself be confused by the change. Don't evaluate for him about the reality of the incident he is running. Just put him through it again. A thetan is a busy little bee. He goes along, making pictures. He clutches them to his thetanish bosom, then wonders why he feels sick. A person isn't aberrated by pleasure, though he can get hung up in a magnitudinous win. Pleasure moments don't run out. Secondaries contain misemotion. Any emotion or misemotion may be contained in a secondary. "The tone scale was plotted from the behavior of secondaries, as they were audited." Any aberrative secondary is based on an engram -- an experience, or a picture, of pain and unconsciousness. This was originally thought to be cellular memory, hence the word, "engram". Whenever someone is hurt, he makes a complete, exact record of what happened, that is fantastically accurate with respect to time. A thetan does not make errors reactively about time. He gets confused analytically about it. The exact date of each incident is recorded but [the incident] is unconfrontable if he can't get [the date]. He records what he can't confront, and that is where he gets engrams and secondaries. The E-meter sees deeper than the PC can, but it doesn't see all the way down. It reads on things that are close to being confronted. It reaches what the PC isn't confronting but could confront. It won't register on the totally unconfrontable. [See Fig. 29] Eventually, the being can confront as much as the meter can see -- when he is clear. You can unflatten things that you have flattened, by continuing to go over them. In running engrams, you should get them down to where there is no more TA action. FIGURE 22: THE E-METER AND CONFRONT A. Start of Auditing: | No read -----------> |- 5 feet | PC confronts life at this level -----------> |- 4 feet | E-meter reads at this level -----------> |- 3 feet | No read -----------> |- 2 feet | No read -----------> |- 1 foot | | "Floor" _______________________________________________ B. After Some Auditing: | No read -----------> |- 5 feet | No read -----------> |- 4 feet | PC confronts life at this level -----------> |- 3 feet | E-meter reads at this level -----------> |- 2 feet | No read -----------> |- 1 foot | | "Floor" _______________________________________________ C. When PC is Clear: | No read -----------> |- 5 feet | No read -----------> |- 4 feet | No read -----------> |- 3 feet | No read -----------> |- 2 feet | No read -----------> |- 1 foot | PC confronts life at this level -----------> | "Floor" _______________________________________________ The aberrative mind -- the mind being approached by dianetic auditing -- is the mind of events. The events are often approachable through locks. What a person knows about is not aberrative. Someone can do a total switch in valence. He can "become" another person, with that person's characteristics. So a PC in a given valence in an incident may see another person in the incident as opposite, who actually represents the PC, in his own valence in the incident. So if you notice a certain trait in the PC, ask the PC who had characteristics opposite to the ones that the PC is manifesting. The PC will spot the person he had switched with, who objected to the characteristics that the PC had before the switch, but that appear opposite to the PC, because the PC is in that person's valence, looking at himself. When you ask the PC this question, the valence will as-is, and the PC will then get a true perception of the other person. In running engrams, the PC may thus go into and out of various valences. A this-lifetime address to the situation is recommended, because the PC might have an infinite number of [incidents to run]. But you can err in dianetic auditing by running too late on the chain. You may be able to stay in this lifetime and key the PC out, but you can't insist on staying in this lifetime. The danger is in: 1. Trying to erase an incident that is getting more solid, because it is too late on the chain. You should go earlier. 2. Not getting the charge off incidents contacted, before going earlier. This is the opposite error. You can hit the incidents too lightly, not get enough charge off, and keep going back too quickly. If you do this, the PC will wind up in a ball, overwhelmed with the charge. He will be all messed up. A PC may, himself, skip several incidents and get himself into the glue. If the latter occurs, just treat that session as an incident and erase it as a lock. This is something we have almost forgotten how to do in scientology. It is quite easy and effective. You can erase anything, if you are good. You can always go through something once, but if it is a chain, watch it about going through it more than once. The whole of dianetic auditing is the tracing of experience. The rules for it are in HCOB 3Apr66, plus this lecture. Additional thoughts: If you get a PC stuck in some lifetime, run out its death. The lives that are especially aberrative are the ones in which the PC almost made it. There is no total bank release at the level of dianetics. There are only releases on particular subjects. The releases you get are by chain, not from a whole class of experience. Total bank releases exist only at scientology Levels 0-V. You can get minus releases from the minus awareness scale. In fact, you can assess the minus levels of the awareness chart and sometimes produce a release just by assessing them and finding where the PC is stuck at. But don't go by an F/N during this procedure. Any dianetic auditing is better than no dianetic auditing. That is still true, although some scientology auditor may knock the PC around. If the PC is groggy at the end of a dianetic session, have him look around and notice things in the room. Audit the PC on locks and/or secondaries, at first. Running secondaries will drop the PC into engrams. Don't try to cure his lumbosis by running out the engram that gave him his lumbosis. Auditing to cure something is giving the PC attention because he's got lumbosis, i.e. rewarding a down statistic. It puts the being at effect, and he will deteriorate as a being. You have the technology of total recovery of the being. If you audit towards that, you will be helping the PC. Audit towards improving the PC's confront and his abilities, not towards curing his illness. His illness is his hidden standard. He is saying, "Cure my medicosis, and I will believe in scientology." Audit the being, not the illness. There is value in dianetic auditing. It solves the problems that Freud was attacking. But compared to scientology, it is nothing. Don't get stuck in the wins that you will have with it. The road out is the road up through the grades. Use dianetic auditing to learn the fundamentals about the human mind and to learn how to audit. Dianetics is not currently for the psychotic, the neurotic, and the sick.