6505C18 SHSpec-61 Organization and Ethics [References: HCOPL 1May65 III "Organization -- The Design of the Organization", and the policy letters on staff status: pp. vi-vii in OEC Vol. 1.] Staff status policy letters have been issued. On the new org board, we will remedy an old evil by putting after the person's name his certification and classification as an auditor, his grade as a PC, and his staff status. In the past, in trying to appoint someone at a distance, LRH had trouble knowing who was there. Now, copies of org boards will be exchanged between orgs, and it will be easy, in filling posts, to see who is qualified for promotion. To be a staff member in Tech, one needs to have a technical certificate that covers basics of the organization. An admin terminal needs a basic cert on the org. Then he is qualified as provisional (Staff Status I). They can be transferred without permission. Staff Status II is "general staff member". This individual has worked for and attained a solid position. From there on, it goes up to "in-charge" (Head of a sub-section. This is the lowest exec rating.). An "officer" is in charge of a section. For instance, the cramming officer is in charge of the cramming section. Then there are titles that are not associated with rank or status, e.g. "communicator". A post can also have "deputies". A post assigned locally is "deputy". One assigned from St. Hill would be "acting" for awhile. Then the "acting" prefix is removed, and the person has full status. "Acting" or "deputy" do not refer to rank. They refer to permanency. A deputy is somebody who is in there temporarily. A small breath of air could dislodge him. "Acting" denotes a St. Hill appointment. After a short time, up to a year, the "acting" prefix is dropped. Then the person becomes the "(title)" without the prefix. A "Deputy HCO Exec Sec" is someone holding the post until confirmed. It is not at all permanent. "Acting HCO Exec Sec" is a St. Hill appointment and therefore official. To be an "acting", the person would have to have the appropriate staff status for the post. This is not true of a deputy. But a deputy doesn't draw the pay of an acting. You put a person on a post to see how they do. You can't wait, to fill posts, for someone with the proper staff status. So we have the "deputy" rating. This appointment must be confirmed by St. Hill, to get an "acting" rating and full pay. "Acting" applies until a person knows his hat cold and can apply it. Policy letters are pouring out, covering everything from organizational theory to nit-picky details of minor hats. Ethics is there to hold the lines and to get technology in, i.e. to make it possible for tech to go in. That is its sole purpose, and it is fabulously successful in fulfilling that purpose. "Ethics is the tourniquet before the doctor arrives." Its purpose is to quiet the turbulence down long enough to allow the auditor to come in. You carry ethics in until you get tech in. It has looked like the publication of someone as an SP has the same effect as a public hanging. Cancelling someone's certs has the effect of getting him back in, all straightened up, within two to two and a half years. Not cancelling the certs results in his going off into the wilds and never showing up again. Peter Crundall, for example, had his certs cancelled five or six years ago, when he was screaming and howling about something. He had to get 500 hours of auditing at his own expense. Now he is being the featured lecturer at an org. It took about two years for him to get his auditing started, and he got it all handled. So it is an unkind thing to do, not to bring order into a scientology area. Man has a tremendous reaction to "justice". The purpose of ethics is to get in tech. But Man's law and Man's justice is not like that. Man wants to squash people who get in his way. His "justice" has no end product, save punishment. It does not straighten out the community. Therefore it doesn't work. Police forces have bad morale, because there is no end product of penal action. People know this and react against it. And some, on an A=A=A basis, will react against ethics in scientology the same way: You jar people's banks when you present the idea of ethics. Be that as it may, a greater proportion of people in scientology today favor a decent ethics system than are batting back at it. This is because they see that a good ethics system will give them better training, processing, and a better grip of on scientology. You can't sentence someone to technology or to getting better. You can sentence him to not getting better. No one is forcing us to help people. If someone keeps getting in the way, it is pretty normal to stop wanting to assist him. If you feel like blowing up organizations, you should very carefully look up the justice actions of organizations and huge governments etc., and compare these things. If you do this, you find some astonishing data. The taut ship, the viciously conducted regiment, the harshly run empire -- all these survive and flourish with high esprit de corps almost forever. The sloppy ones succumb rapidly. LRH got interested in this phenomenon while reading Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The only long periods of progressive rule, recovery from barbarian attacks, and freedom from internal upsets were periods when the emperor was a nut. The "good" emperors got killed within a few months. This didn't jibe with LRH's experience in handling discipline on a ship. He realized that what works for a small, intimate group to keep the peace is different from what is needed for a big group which gets lots of confusion. In an org, the points of enturbulation are the ones where the public impinges, e.g. the line of getting the PC from the Reg to the D of P. This line keeps going out. LRH used to wonder if there was something wrong with us, to allow us to get enturbulated in this way. Then he looked at society in general and saw how much worse off their condition is. Society is deteriorating. We are gradiently doing better and better. As we expand, we reach straight out into the tumult of society. We had to have tools to extend our reach so that we could get our jobs done in time. LRH found that as people moved up towards OT, a certain disdain occurred. He saw that ethics would be necessary, so that OT's would take orderly bites out of people, when they got annoyed by the disaster to that extent. There is a need for an ethics system, because a sufficiently powerful being, annoyed at something, is "liable to straighten [it] up with such thoroughness that hardly anybody would ever recover.... And unless they have some orderly method of straightening things up," they will straighten things up in their own way, and it will make a Hell of a mess. The laws of ethics need to be known and understood. They need to be predictable. They cannot be capricious. The question is, "Are you for just shooting somebody down without warning, or do you want ethics? Do you want law that just freakishly strikes down everybody in sight, or do you want the kind of law that says, "Here is the path, narrow as it may seem.'?" In acting on these lines, we have ethics rattling around in the orgs. People are getting used to the tools. You can give someone a shock with a heavy use of ethics. It can be very effective, used lightly. Used in this way, ethics backs up tech most amazingly. LRH has just discovered the PTS case: its cause and handling. Never audit a PTS. The rollercoaster case is one that we have never been able to handle before. He is connected to an SP, and until ethics makes him disconnect or handle the SP, he will continue to rollercoaster. Ethics can label the suppressive, if nothing else. You give the PTS case the policy letter covering PTS'ness. You don't have to issue an ethics order unless tech doesn't go in, i.e. unless he can't or won't handle or disconnect. You can insist that a PTS bring the SP in, if necessary, for auditing. If things went that far, you could threaten the PTS person with not getting the SP audited unless the PTS person gets him in before he is labeled an SP. Suppressives are pretty crazy. The SP has got to fight. He is back on the track, fighting the Ugbugs. He is in an old PTP. He is taking the actions, in PT, that would solve the problem with the Ugbugs. He is back on the track, fighting an enemy that no longer exists." 99.999999999% of his attention units are at some exact, precise past period of the track, and in that ... instant, he is fighting off something and is trying to handle something by some means, [which are] the [ones] he is using in PT." He has no problems with you, and vice versa." He isn't up there with you, and you aren't back there with him...." That's the whole anatomy of psychosis: "Given associative restimulators and A=A=A, you've got a mad-dog type." He's just defending himself, in some mad insanity, against things which are no longer there." [Hence the use of power processes on psychotics.] You can assume that the SP has problems in PT, but those are not the problem that he wants to solve. That problem is on the back track, and it is loaded with cross-associations and identifications. He misidentifies anyone who approaches or tries to help him, in an effort to defend himself. He is driven down to the first dynamic to such a degree that no one must get any better. When he is driven down into the first dynamic, he must destroy all around him. No one must get any better, because they are the flying saucer people. Once scientology is known to be an effective way to help people, watch out! International City [See pp. 604-609, above.] is being looked at by a group connected to the U.N. We are having an effect. The true anti-scientologist isn't trying to be convinced. He is trying to stop you! You are the green alligator he is fighting 7000 years ago, and if you (or anyone else -- they are all the green alligator) got any better, you would be stronger, and that would tear it, and you would eat him up (he thinks). Insanity is just a total stuckness on the track in a fight. This is a point that you prove instantly and utterly when you are running power (Class VII) processes on someone. Power handles the SP and the insane. The SP can be processed to sanity in under fifty hours, but you had better have the organization and the ethics to hold things together. You have to label PTS's and SP's, to get the tech in. "An ethics action lasts until, tech is in.... You use English to get tech in.... You stop it when you've got tech in," even if stopping at that point leaves unfinished cycles of action along the way. "It's not a question of 'Where does the ethics proceed?' ... It's, 'How long do you have to hold the area down?'" An organization will run, as long as it has channels, and as long as particles on the channels don't carom off the sides of the channels and collide with the working parts of the organization. If you can bring that about, you can have an organization that would have a total capability of pouring through it practically the whole of the human race. Lacking clean and definite flow channels, your volume stays small because of all the barriers and stoppages that occur. If the channel isn't kept open, you can't handle the load. Scientology "is probably the only outfit that ever hit this planet that meant exactly what it said and was doing exactly what it was doing [and what it said it was doing] and was doing exactly nothing else." Scientology doesn't have the time to do half the things that it has been accused of. An SP, saying, "I never said that!", believes that he really didn't. And he is right, in a sense." How the Hell could he say anything? He hasn't been there for seven trillion years." "I'm sure that [many entheta-ish people believe] that we've ... gone stark, staring mad, with all this 'justice'. No. We're just having a little fun with justice, just now, and when we learn about it, why, we'll be able to control fairly well a wide sphere of public in such a way that they don't all get destroyed.... The main danger to them is not ethics. It's having their silly heads blown off because they make somebody mad." You've got to have ethics in to handle non-scientologists. If you put discipline in right at the start, you can work very nicely with non-scientologists. Make sure that they know what ethics is, how it works, etc. Society is losing its grip. We are putting in order, to make an orderly show for the future.