6504C06 SHSpec-57 The Org Board and Livingness [Reference: HCOPL 3Apr65. Not available in OEC volumes.] HCOPL 3Apr65 gives basic organization in detail. The present org board is an old Galactic Civilization board with a couple of departments missing. The org board is a philosophical machine. A command chart covers only one aspect of organizational functioning. A true org board must take care of what happens. If a function is not expressed on the org board, it will be worn by everybody, unknowingly. When you put a box on an org board, it will be filled. Men cannot work as a team without policy. Even bad policy will at least make a team, if it is followed. Policy is the extant agreement of the group. Without this agreement, you only get individual action. If an organization is better organized than other organizations, it wouldn't have to do anything spectacular about the other organizations [by way of competing with them or battling with them]. Every war traces back to wild out-policy. If we come up the line as people, as individuals, and also as part of the team, we won't get into all the trouble we got into as roarin', screamin' individuals, 'way back on the track. We will be able to make it all the way, because we will be able to keep order all the way. Case stability depends upon the smooth organization of individuals. Without an organization, the tech would drop out, in time. The organization must be close to flawless. Once you have put the organization in concrete and started it rolling, if it is almost right, you have had it, because it will become an all-devouring monster, and it will fail by the germs of its own destruction. And what destroys almost any organization is its own germs. It's the things it laid in. It's the things you did, not the things that were done to you. The only way you can come down is for having made a mistake yourself. There must always be that prior mistake. Sometimes it is very slight and unpredictable, apparently. When a curve goes down, there are lots of errors. There is no one major error. You must have understandings, not understanding. There are 265 x 6 separate dynamic urges in Man and 265 x 6 x 18 separate causations. There was an effort to make them so numerous that no one could embrace them. [Actual GPM's?] Organizational policy must be comprehensible. The org board must express: 1. Function. 2. Duties. 3. Sequences of actions. 4. Authorities. The org board gives the cycle of raw meat to OT: the cycles of actions that a person would undertake, from the public. It became a public org board, too. The public enters from the left and proceeds to the right. In life: 1. You must have an impulse into a channel. 2. The edges of a channel must be held firm. 3. The barriers in the channel must be removed. 4. The non-compliance of forwardings in the channel must be taken care of. 5. The distractions must be removed from the borders of the channel. 6. There must be some place for something going down the channel to arrive at. This is the definition of life. Life, without that channel, won't exist. That is livingness: going along a certain course, impelled by a purpose, with some place to arrive. This also gives us all the levels of the gradation program. Clear is a baby OT. His next bank is the physical universe. The first point on the org board is the Office of LRH. This used to be HASI. This deals with: 1. Authority 2. LRH's material. 3. LRH's signature. The main thing about this department is the issuance of conditions. The first cog is that there is a condition. Hence, this is the entrance point for raw meat. He thinks others will take care of him. However, he must recognize his condition, or he will die. Others tell him that his condition is that he will die. Scientology says, "You don't have to die, or get sick, etc." All processes from that point on contain a condition. After you have a condition, you had better communicate with it. Hence the next department is the Department of Communications, and the name of the level is"communication". The next level is "perception": the Department of Inspections and Reports. Communication must precede perception. The next point is orientation. The individual finds out that he has been living in a nightmare. This is the Department of Compilation. After you have accumulated notes, you can put them together and hand them to people, so that they can get oriented. [Cf. these Briefing Course notes.] Perceptions get compiled into understandings, so the next department is understandings, i.e. the Department of Publications. This department publishes what is to be understood or what is understood. Understanding is just telling yourself what is understood. The next department, the Department of Promotion, is under "purposes". The only thing the Prom-Reg ever handles is purposes. The PC, at this level on the gradation chart, has arrived at "purposes", i.e. R6. He has gotten rid of false purposes; he has achieved the state of clear, in its new 1964 definition. [See tape 6409C03 SHSpec-38 "Clearing -- What It Is", pp. 664-667, above.] The above is all under HCO. HCO is a double-barreled division. It comprises the following: HCO Div 1 Communication Sec HCO also comprises: Dissemination Div 2 Understanding HCO Dissem Sec Compilations Publications Promotion Orientation Understanding Purpose If you cross two divisions on a hat, from that point on, you have jammed the ability of an organization to expand. Don't have one person on hats in two different divisions. Therefore six people are necessary, in order to have an org: one for each division. When an organization gets fairly big, you cross departmental hats at your peril. Org Div 3 [Energy] [Org Sec] Dept. of Organization Dept. of Finance Dept of Materiel Direction Energy Body Personnel feeding Personnel housing Division 3 has to hold things together, e.g. the physical plant. It is also involved in financial planning. Tech Div 4 [Activity] [Tech Sec] [Tech Services] [Dept. of Training] [Dept. of Processing] Estimation Activity Production [Later: Prediction] (Here, you get a result, not a product.) Division 4 has to do with what you do, the doingness. There has been a neglected factor [on the Galactic Confederation org board]: the product. An organization has to qualify the product. It must find out what made the product fall down. [I.e. there is a need for a "lost battles" division.] You must not let the person who trains students examine them. Qual Div 5 [Enhancement] [Qual Sec] [The last two departments, above, were originally in reverse sequence] Scientology is the ability to change conditions. But we have to decide what conditions we want to change. You have to convince people that the product of scientology is valuable. The alternative is sitting on an island, out of communication. [It is the product that is distributed.] Distribution Div 6 [Clearing] [Distribution Sec] [Dept of ?] Clearing (Starts the Org Board all over again.) Product You can take your life and find out which division is missing. Note that there are six divisions and sixteen departments. To expand the org board, each department would have primarily six sections, with sixteen sub-sections. Each one of these subsections, in turn, may have six "divisions", with sixteen "departments". Each divisional head knows all the department hats in his division, and something about all other departmental hats. This gives you, basically, six hats and a staff member hat. There should be two admin personnel for every tech person. If any hats below you on the org board are empty, you are responsible for them.