6503C16 SHSpec-55 The Progress and Future of Scientology In 1950, people used to yammer at LRH about fixing up the organization. He was caught flat-footed when DMSMH was published. No one expected it to be a best-seller, but it was. And it stayed at the top of the list for months. The publishing firm that published it was overwhelmed by it. When others set up the foundation and asked LRH to run it, he said, "OK." But he had no management control. He proposed some ideas then, which are only now being put into action. Until about July, 1950, his attitude was, "Well, I just wrote it." The name "LRH" was getting very popular, but he was trying to avoid the hat. But he was setting the place up, giving eight hours or so of lecture a day, getting the building, the furniture, etc. The building had three main railroad lines -- one on each side. LRH used to fix up PCs that other auditors couldn't handle. He started the HAS course, using the data straight out of Book One. The students all went onto the original HCA course. The word "Hubbard", in "Hubbard Dianetic Auditor" and in other titles, was chosen by the Elizabeth and L.A. auditors. LRH went along with it, with certain misgivings. A few days before the publication of DMSMH, Palmer, at the Explorer's Club, offered LRH an expedition to the Dodecanese Islands, south of Greece, to find a sunken ship with statuary. The deeper into 1950 it got, the better the expedition looked! The organization took more and more of LRH's time. LRH was still telling people this kind of thing. The general manager said to LRH, "You must front up the organization. These people are depending on you." LRH found out that Joe Winter was squirreling, telling people that dianetics was developed by some nonexistent group of scientists and that auditing was an art with nothing scientific about it. Contemporary subjects were things like psychodrama [Moreno et al.]; these things looked good, but they didn't work. So two hours after the first meeting [of the Dianetic Foundation?], LRH put his time on the line and took responsibility for the development of the subject, rather reluctantly. He wasn't prepared to make his life an open book, because it was too incredible for people to believe, and they would call him a liar. LRH is not in bad favor with Washington senators, etc. In 1955, if he had wanted to, LRH could have gotten legislation passed that would have protected scientology. The FBI was very nice, when he wanted to find out who, out of about 200 staff people, were communists. They told him who were not communists: about thirty out of 200! There was an airplane waiting to take LRH to St. Louis and put him in a spin-bin. Fortunately, the people who were sent to get him weren't as well trained in combat as he was. He took care of them. This all occurred subsequent to LRH taking on his hat. It has taken fifteen years to get to a state where the hat could be worn, because LRH's hat assaults the foundations of the society we live in by talking about freeing Man, bettering Man, etc. Ours is a philosophy that says that people can't be lied to -- that we can see through the black magic spells. This is an interesting civilization, because people don't know who they are, where they are, where they are going, or what they are doing. You start laying truth on the line, and confusion starts to blow off. The early days of dianetics followed that rule. We got through it, because, in July [1955], LRH wore his hat of being him, and no one has been able to throw him off it since. LRH is also capable of occupying a subordinate role. LRH worried for awhile that he was one of those guys who can only lead and cannot follow. However, he was delighted to find out, in the Navy, that he was also an excellent subordinate. But to occupy a top-dog role ... all the way up -- you know: there's no government or any mystic vision back of you -- and confront everything simultaneously, and stand there regardless of the dead cats, the alarm clocks, and bricks, and everything else which are coming your way ... -- that took some doing: And that's all you look at when you look at this early history. [It was] a stable datum, going into a very very aberrated world.... From where I looked, it looked awful lonesome, occasionally. It [took] some doing," and some confront. We have changed things in the world. We have changed psychology, for one thing. It wasn't done alone. Early staffs took a beating at times, e.g. in Philadelphia, when fifteen or twenty cops came to arrest LRH as a witness in a bankruptcy hearing. By the time the Federal Marshalls got to LRH, they were utterly demoralized. They took him downtown, before a judge, and there was great embarrassment, when the lies from the Wichita Foundation were uncovered. But we have been standing still, waiting for the dead cats to clear from the air. Our early history is that of trying, at first unsuccessfully, to just hold a position. Putting in dianetics as a stable datum blew off enough confusion in the society so that we could move. For a long time, it was impossible to hold a position stably. Hence the way the early Foundations moved around. LRH was standing there as a being, but as an organization, we couldn't stand up. LRH's idea was to do his research and get it to the point where there was dependable gain there for every case -- easily attainable and deliverable. He paid no attention to the dead cats. That may have been rough on people. The group has been asking him to advance a line into society, while he has been fixing up the technology so that it could be delivered. He has kept organizations running, but he has not put much time in on organization, comparatively. In the early days, "the reason we didn't deliver was that there was no way to enforce the way to do it." Dianetics got enturbulated because unstraight tech, poorly delivered, prevented case advance. And "there wasn't any way you could discipline the administration of the technology." To discipline the administration of the tech, the following is required: 1. You've got to have the technology, and not hidden standards. 2. You've got to be able to make it known. 3. You have to police its use, i.e. to make sure that it is that technology that is applied. That is the 1-2-3 of an administration. Early on, we lacked not only the tech to handle simple things, like O/W and PT concerns of the PC, but also the means to see that what we did have got applied. Dianetics was not, and we are not, just an idea, a book, a copyright, or a nice philosophy lying in a book on a shelf. We are bringing live human beings up to recognition of their own beingness, and that is a live action. We don't face it, because it is easier to confront a concept than a live being. We have never been anything but beings, going through society. When we started up the line, it was the enturbulation of the trillions starting to blow. We had more ways to knock out the whole track than to get the overt out of the last hour. We had started to make a hole in the collective aberration of mankind. It was we, as beings, making the hole, not the idea, not with good tools, not with administration to enforce what tech we had. You are perfectly right to say, "It's Ron's fault that it didn't all go smoothly." "I should have been an OT who came to earth and got ahold of someone named Moses and said, 'Hey, Moses! Here are some rules. Now you go back and front for me.' Is there anything wrong with that story? Can you imagine anyone doing that, if he had all that power? No, no! This didn't happen. It just required more nerve to stand up by yourself." The people who attacked us are dead or in terrible shape. The organizations that attacked us are weaker. We have held the fort successfully, and we can now begin to do what we want, rather than what we have to do. We are holding our position as an organization now. We are able to get tech applied. Our organization takes the form we want it to take. In 1950, LRH said, "It will go as far as it works." He has been pushing the tech to its limit, despite pleas to take over the admin. "Things are becoming more orderly." Now LRH is in a position to put in administrative form and structure. We had gotten ourselves to a position where we were holding ourselves from expanding. Now the instructor can wear his hat, in the course. "The action of administration is simply smoothing out the enturbulence of the environment." When you introduce someone to scientology, he can run into lots of confusion with the other people in his environment. He has changed, and they haven't. As an individual, he goes through what scientology, as a group, has gone through. However, it won't take him fifteen years to get up to a point where he can hold his case gain! There is a terrific relationship between the environment, the individual, and the speed with which a process works. The earlier auditing on a case is "a race between the auditor and [the PC's] environment." That was true of the introduction of dianetics and scientology into the environment, also. That was also a race. The guy who has an early win in scientology tells his friends, and confusion blows off, which may spin him in. He gets inval, etc. He has put in a stable datum and can't hold his position in the resultant confusion. You've got to get a process working on somebody, that is effective enough so that the environment won't knock him down faster than you can pull him up. You have to deliver to him the kind of technology that he can somehow stand up with. You must not unsettle him, e.g. with R6. You want him to be stable. Furthermore, you want to give him some administrative protection. Today, you have been given weapons of administrative protection for your PC, as well as a method of forcing a PC to take action and not keep messing up in his environment. We are more powerful and things are more stable than ever before, and will continue to be so, as long as we follow the channels of the administrative system, as long as our mutual understanding of the existing situation and the lessons of what we have been through are applied. We have had lines that were blocked. LRH is pulling out the blocks, now, putting in comm lines, etc. The trick is to avoid unsettling lines that are already in and working. The goal is an accelerating curve. We are past the critical point of organizational case gain. Now we can hold our gains. Now we have to get in comm lines and put policy to work. If you want to strengthen an organization, just find the blocks to expansion and pull them out. Open up your comm lines, put your barriers on the edges of the lines to channel them, and put life into the group. Last summer, LRH changed the whole org board to make it more workable. This action resulted in smoother flows and less upset. We are about to complete that reorganization, without cutting out any working lines, but paralleling them. Duplicative functions are being cut out, so there is less traffic. All we ask of a staff member is to discipline his comm line. There is no vast rush to get the tech all published. We need to get the organizational lines in first, so that when we hit the society with new material, there will be lines for the traffic to flow on. The levels checksheets and processes are ready for release. The processes are simpler than you would expect. Earlier technology was more advanced in some instances than later tech. For instance, the material in the Philadelphia Doctorate Course is Level VII material. The old technology was workable, ever since Excalibur was written in 1938. But the chances of it being received, followed, or applied were remote. We are now moving ahead to some law and order, which smooths things out. Man was too far down to know that he was confused. Now he can come up through the confusion.