6409C01 SHSpec-37 The PE Course Here is some data from the field of study that relates to the PE course: New people hear incomprehensible words and don't return. That's it. That is the reason why you have fifteen people on Monday who dwindle to two people on Friday. What has been discovered here is the act that exists prior to the overt and which illumines the overt-motivator and O/W sequences. "Before there is an overt, there is a non-comprehend." So the overt-motivator sequence goes: 1. A misunderstood word. 2. A non-comprehend. 3. A belief that it is OK to commit an overt. 4. The commission of the overt. 5. The withhold of the overt. 6. A blow -- an attack or a withdrawal. This can be big or small. [See also HCOB 8Sep64 "Levels II to IV: Overts -- What Lies Behind Them?"] A critical thought is a justifier, a lessener of the overt, and therefore a symptom of an overt. If you ask the PC for an overt and he gives a critical thought, of course you don't leave it there. You ask for the done. Having gotten that, you could ask for the non-comprehend, and, behind that, for the misunderstood word. Get the nattery student to find (on his own, before the next course-time) all of his misunderstoods in previous courses or studies and get them cleaned up. Someone who can't do anything about anything is reasonable about it all. This is a disease that a civilized person gets into. "Being reasonable" doesn't solve anything. You "can't do anything about it", so you get reasonable about it. Being reasonable is what someone does who can't make his goals anymore. If you really find out what the score is, you don't have to be reasonable. You can do something about it. If a guy is having trouble understanding and is nattering about scientology before he has had time to find anything to natter about, there is a word or words in a prior related subject that was misunderstood. Someone who has misunderstood words in a field that is allied to scientology, will be unable to learn scientology. This is why someone who is a psychologist has trouble learning scientology. He could do some clay table processing to handle it. Or you could assign him a self-audit, looking up the words in psychology that he didn't understand. This takes care of the natterer in the PE course, as a very precise action. If you get someone in the PE course who is trying to get it but can't, ask him for the word that you have used that he didn't understand. If the guy is simply trying and failing to grasp a word, he just has an in-context misunderstood word. Find it, and he will brighten up. Then there is the perfect PE student who sits and nods but hasn't a clue. This is handled by having people give written examples of the point that you have made, taken from real life. This permits a return flow and lets you spot the fellow who is utterly glib and can't apply, the fellow who hasn't connected. Get him to give you a list of words that he hasn't understood since starting the course. Take up those words and clean them up. Probably some other people on the course haven't got them either. Suppose that you were offered a course, to teach you all about automobiles, and you had never seen one, but you had sort of vaguely heard about them. You had heard that they travel over the ground at tremendous speeds. This sow ded rather neat and intriguing, so you decided to take the course. Then, suppose you got hit with three nights in a row of how neat cars are and how fast you can go in them and how intriguing they are, and you never got word one about what an automobile is, what makes it work, or what its parts are? So when you teach scientology, teach it. An overt against scientology is a justification for not having understood some word or concept in scientology. Keep it simple and keep it defined. As much as possible, keep it familiar. People like the familiar. People don't like things that are totally new. The public likes the old, with maybe a little bit of improvement, not new subjects. So you had better represent scientology as what it is, which is the only conservative study in the field of the mind. It follows the traditional patterns of philosophy, religion, and the mind. Your own interest in it may have come from your recognition, in it, of the philosophy of Greece and Rome, and of faculty psychology. People justify not having understood a subject, so they commit the overt. That shows that the subject is no good. Present-day psychologists think of a man as a machine. Psychology has a stable datum: "Perception depends on association and sensation." According to the psychologist, there is no perception in the absence of sensation and association. That is, a machine, in the absence of someone tickling its gears and certain things making other things happen, is incapable of noticing anything that is happening. This notion puts conditions upon being able to perceive anything, and it is not true. It would be true of a machine with nobody in charge, but it is not true of a being. A being does not require sensation with association in order to perceive. Only if a person were a piece of meat would this be true. "Before I can look at a field of hay, I'd have to have received a sensation from [it] and [to] have associated it with my childhood." A robot would have to do that. It would have to have associative memory, etc. Psychologists believe that Man is a robot. When you say that "perception is engaged upon by the being himself as a means of communication with the universe around him and other beings," you would have been welcomed by the sixteenth century faculty psychologists, but you are damned by the moderns. You have introduced volition: volitional and non-volitional acts. "You have set up the individual as seeing what he wants to see and not seeing what he doesn't want to see. You have set up the whole mechanism of power of choice, and you have set up the dignity of the individual. And that they want nothing to do with, because they, ... in not understanding Man, have gone the route of the overt. [See earlier part of this tape: pp. 661-2, above.]" "That's why psychiatry cuts out brains. They've got to make nothing out of Man, because they haven't understood him." And the misunderstood word that it goes back to is "psychology". Every psychiatrist is in the frame of mind of a con man. They are ARC broken with their own subject. They know it doesn't work. This is where their contempt for Man comes from. They dominate thought in universities. They teach that Man is no good. He is just a machine. Such a philosophy became "necessary" when leaders entered wars that killed off thirty million people at a crack. This philosophy justifies the overt. "You have to have a philosophy that Man is no good, in order to go on committing overts." "So ... Man's mental subjects first didn't bother to understand anything about Man, and so then began to commit overts, and then employment was found for these blokes by fellows who had to have their overts justified": the Hitlers and the Stalins. Man is not more degraded than he was. It is just that Man's mental sciences have "departed from the traditional, which had to do with the dignity of Man." Wundt made his big mistake at Leipzig, in 1879, and Pavlov and psychiatry came riding in. Scientology is in the great tradition of the dignity of Man. The ideas that we are moving along with are the traditional ideas. These ideas have to do with attention, perception, power of choice, and motivation of behavior. We do not go on the basis of how wicked everyone is. We just ask what these things are. The idea that men are animals was always there to be bought, but it wasn't until 1879 that it got taken up. So modern psychology is the upstart subject. Modern psychology and psychiatry came from the Russian and the German -- two groups of people who have no enviable reputation for humanitarianism. If the Germans had just stopped with music and cameras, we would be fine. But every once in awhile, they got careless with guns. Psychiatry came from Germany and modern psychology came from the Russians. Psychology is really a sub-study of scientology, and, as such, it is our property. After all, psychologists can't even define "psychology". It should have its spelling changed to psyche-ology -- study of the soul -- so as to reflect its true and traditional meaning. It is the psychiatrists and "psychologists" who are the radicals. Scientologists and the traditionalists. We are the conservatives. Psychiatry, psychology, philosophy, and religion and all subsumed in scientology. The radical approaches have had their chance and have failed to produce results. They should stand aside in favor of the more traditional approach. Psychology, as psyche-ology, should be seen as being part of scientology. The eyes can see by putting something there to be perceived, as well as by perceiving what is there. Learning nomenclature is equivalent to learning what is there. Treat the PE course as an area where people can learn the language and find out what is there to be named, and students will come up smiling. If they don't understand the words, they blow, natter, and commit overts. Thus we build our own opposition.