6317C27 SHSpec-330 TVD 25: Auditing Demo and Comments by LRH [LRH critiques three student TVD's, during and after the TVD's. The sessions are ruds and havingness sessions.] If a PC gives himself the auditing question, he is self-auditing, so the auditor should reassert control by giving the question. Half a dial havingness isn't enough. The needle should bounce twice, for a Saint Hill student. If the havingness isn't that good, then it is too low for the PC to be audited. The PC is hungry, tired, has PTP's, or (mainly) he has withholds. So run some O/W, run havingness, and fix it up. Missed withholds cause low havingness, as well as environmental and other causes. On auditing in general, modern faults fall under not knowing model session well enough. Letting the PC itsa is one thing, but sitting silently and inviting itsa, without having asked a question, is another. There is a happy medium between cutting the PC's itsa and doing nothing at all. You clean a clean by sitting and looking at a PC who has nothing to say, or who has said all, or when you haven't asked a question. The PC will ARC break. Failures in basic auditing are the usual reason for no progress of a case. You cannot apply a technique, in the absence of basic auditing.