6310C22 SHSpec-316 The Integration of Auditing Your difficulties in auditing are all made, manufactured by you In this universe, difficulty always has to be manufactured. Living beings are theta beings. They have to work pretty hard to be entheta beings. One may not be aware of the labor involved, but it is still being done. There would be no mass in the bank if it were not being created in the instant in which it has an effect on the individual. A thetan creates his own bank. It is not that a thetan has created his own bank; it is that he is creating his own bank at this instant. There is no such thing as continued creation. All creation must be done at the moment it is perceived. There can be utterly unconscious creation. That is the source of the reactive mind. The reason a thetan is creating is contained in the things he is creating, trickily enough. The thetan creates the item, "creativeness", which then forces him to create. A person generally can't confront what it is that is causing him to create, or what he is creating to cause himself to create. He is not confronting the fact that he is creating it, so it is "gone" [not-ised, not as-ised]. The difficulty with this creativeness is that, in view of the fact that the thetan can create so much automatically, he cannot differentiate what he is creating, so he cannot as-is what he is creating. The easiest thing someone can do is to create. An artist who is sweating over his creation has put some arbitrary barriers there, such as a time barrier (e.g. it must be done in a fortnight), or economic barriers (e.g. he has to sell it or he can't eat), and possibly material barriers (e.g. the paint he has must be used, even if it is sub-optimal). You could sort this out with him easily. This action, taken to its final form, is R4. "You audit out all the GPM's and RI's.... You're auditing out the barriers which a person has put in his own road in order to prevent imagined oppositions from having an effect upon him.... A game of shadows." We tend to pooh-pooh the trouble that the bank causes him, because it is shadows, but the individual does in fact have to be bailed out if groups, etc., are going to be made effective. "Anything that's wrong with an organization is being created now by the organization." It is the same with the individual. Difficulties in auditing are all made. In this universe, difficulties have to be manufactured. Except for the question of succession, a benevolent monarchy is the most nearly ideal form of government. People won't accept it because it might fail "next year". A benevolent people is preferable to a benevolent monarchy. You can't work with anything but the individual, if you want to succeed. The individual is the only thing there, and the only thing that will ever be there, so he's got to be in good shape. In any given organization, there is enough theta to make it whiz, unless someone is keeping it from whizzing. Livingness is monitored by the amount of arbitraries to which it is devoted. The amount of livingness present is reduced by the amount of livingness invested in not-livingness, in arbitrary factors. It isn't really reduced, strictly speaking, because it is all recoverable by auditing, by as-ising the not-livingness. Auditing is recovering the water from the mud pies, the theta from the arbitraries (the entheta and enMEST). TA action is the flow of theta coming out of the mud. The "mud" is the bank. Why can't you audit a PC who has screaming PTP's? Because there is too much attention (theta) invested in the PTP's (entheta). An auditor's action is to find some entheta and to invest it in an orderly fashion, to recover more theta from entheta. When there is never any theta present, you have psychology and psychiatry. When there is no theta present, you have over-restimulation, and you get no TA action. There has to be some PC there. If the PC is unconscious, i.e. all mud, you have to run some CCH-type process to get him aware enough to be audited. Take a PC who is pinned down in a fox hole. He is out of food and ammunition, with mortar shells beginning to bracket him in. That is how some PCs feel: They don't dare take their attention off of PT. All you can do is to find out what the mind is doing and parallel it. In Routine 4, a PC can get so keyed in that he doesn't want to continue auditing on R4. A person with a heavy PTP on the perimeter of his consciousness that you have eased off [with lower-level processes] , who was doing fine at getting RI's before, now won't run as well. He gets fewer items; they don't fire, etc. This happens because the PC has attention invested in PTP's. The same thing happens at lower levels with the TA [being stuck]. There is no free attention with which to as-is aberrated stable data. At Levels I, II, and III, the PC can run into Level IV, when neither the auditor, the PC, nor the process are equipped to handle Level IV, because there is actually more potential over-restimulation of the PC's PTP on the PC's track than there is in his present time environment. When you look at GPM's and their RI's, there is more potential restimulation on the track than there is in present time. So the PC could be more restimulated by reason of keyed-in GPM's and RI's than by simply getting knocked off in present time. This liability is answered by auditing goals with, "In this lifetime...." prepchecks. If the PC has given you some goal, you could get rid of the Level IV potentiality with such a prepcheck, probably. But you will find, while doing Level IV, that a prepcheck of this kind is messy to work with, when you have already found the PT goal. You get to the bottom of the second GPM and end session with the TA at 3.0. A week later, the PC comes in with the TA at 5.0. Something has keyed him in. Mid-ruds don't handle. 2WC on what has happened in the intervening week doesn't handle. So you go on to list for the next goal, and the TA goes down. It was the next goal that had the case restimulated. The PC went around talking about it. "I told Joe it was a _______ or a _______ ." One of them, at least, was a wrong goal! And finding the next goal was the only thing that would bring the TA down. So auditors at Levels I, II, and III should be able to assess an ARC break assessment that includes "Goal restimulated" and "Item restimulated". If you hit one of those, the TA will come down. PTP's almost always appear on the goals channels. The PC thinks that he is influenced by one or two RI's and that his character is formed by one goal. In reality, it is the whole bank that influences him. A PTP usually occurs as a key-in of an RI or a GPM, of one or another of the PC's goals. A chronic PTP is a keyed-in GPM, out of sequence. That can cause psychosomatic illness. An educated PC will respond to an L4 or case analysis that spots the fact that a GPM concerning that illness has keyed in. If, with good, smooth, spot-on auditing, there is no TA action, then R4 has gotten in the road. Spend a session or two analyzing the case. Don't try to date a GPM, because it may span trillions to the X power of years. You can date the top and the bottom of the GPM. This will cause the GPM to move in. Find by case analysis what caused some chronic illness (An RI? A GPM? An Implant GPM? An actual goal?, etc.) Actual goals stick on GPM's as locks. By themselves they are not aberrative. GPM's out of sequence gives psychosomatic illness. RI's can pull chunks of GPM's along with them, when the PC gets into the wrong GPM because of some similarity. The bank isn't all chaotic. It is actually pretty neat, basically. [See Fig. 227 It consists of thirty "bricks", laid end to end, each composed of forty sub-sections (RI's). When you start thinking of the mind as a vehicle of thought, you are already licked in handling it. It is not a vehicle of thought. It is made out of things, like bricks and tar. The spots of tar on the bricks are the implant GPM's. Actual goals, thousands of them, are stuck onto each brick, like lumps of dough. The GPM's look like black energy masses. That's why thetans get restimulated by black energy masses. The GPM's can get shoved out of order. Say bricks five through eight have been inserted in between bricks 19 and 20, etc. FIGURE 22: ACTUAL GPM's IN THE BANK [GRAPHICS INSERTED] Level I auditors don't have any business trying to straighten out GPM's. The meter is necessary, because a PC restimulated by the bank can't perceive the bank and can audit it. Hence, there are three essential parts of auditing: 1. The PC's body. 2. The E-meter. 3. The auditor. Level II and III auditors should be skilled in ARC break assessments. They can prepcheck goals "In this lifetime ..." and can do Level IV-type ARC break assessments, if they can bridge the comm gap with the PC. There is one case that cannot be patched up well at Levels II and III. A case that has been run badly on R4, that has been thoroughly loused up, can only be remedied by having a Class IV auditor straighten it all up. You could prepcheck or analyze a wrong goal and find out what it is and perhaps where it belongs, etc. Any case that has had goals run would probably do very well with a List 4 and a case analysis, to sort things out and slip them back into line. The bank is full of pictures, but the GPM's are what need to be sorted out and gotten rid of. At lower levels, you don't disturb the GPM's as a rule. As you go up, you get closer to them, until at Level III, with service facs, you could get a rocket-reading goal, which you may or may not be well-advised to do anything with, since it may be the fifth goal back. Everyone's ability to create is so good that they can keep creating a whole bank. They underestimate their own power to create and stop themselves. People get stuck in their own mazes and are now lost in their own creations. They will never sort themselves out of the maze by themselves. They don't want to be this way, even though they are creating what entraps them. Every now and then, a thetan in the between-lives area tries to sort out the stuff. But this stuff is all sub-itsa, and without a meter or anyone to itsa it to, it is hopeless. Even now, knowing all about the GPM's, one couldn't make it without a body or a meter. [Cf. the Buddhist conception that the only condition from which one can reach enlightenment is that of being in a human body.] LRH has tried meterless systems, but none has ever succeeded. An auditor is necessary, because a thetan restimulated by his own bank can't see it, but an auditor, not restimulated, can see it, with an E-meter. As an auditor, you must realize how slight the barriers are, in fact, until R4M2 no longer seems difficult or complicated to you. LRH knows that auditing at this level can happen, because he has been through it, all the way from the complication to the simplicity. So you start at the top and start going back, goal-oppose, RI's, RI's, RI's, making no mistakes. When things go all weird, you straighten it all out and come back up to PT with it all aligned. There are different types and styles of auditing, but keep in mind the fact that it is the same bank, no matter what level or what PC you are auditing. Level III is the only level that is really dicey, since you are moving RI's and GPM's around in your search for service facs. You can audit. The only reason you feel you can't is because of difficulties that you conceive to exist.