6309C10 SHSpec-304 Destimulation of a Case Use Arabic numerals to apply to routines; use Roman numerals to apply to a body of data, e.g. "Scientology III", not "3". Auditor Report Forms are getting a standardized format. When handling service facs, you are handling stuff that can bypass more stuff than any other thing there is. If the PC gives you his service fac and you refuse it, you have bypassed the major charge on his case, and he blows his skull off. The service fac is what keeps the environmental restimulation restimulated. When you are handling the service fac, you are handling what makes aberration permanent. Many PCs have second dynamic service facs. This has nothing to do with life, but it has to do with your situation on this planet at this time. The sickness and incidence of illness on this planet is unusually high, because the way to make everybody wrong is obviously to produce nothing. Everybody counts on guys going ahead and making bodies, keeping the civilization wheeling, to keep thetans interested enough so they will keep reporting back. The industrialist is in trouble at this time, because he is producing. On a whole-track basis, a thetan is in trouble simply because of MEST. That is how he looks at it. If he could have arranged never to have created anything, he would not now have anything to be in trouble with, clearly. So any creative activity is doomed to attack, and the artists and musicians of this planet always attract someone who caves them in. The same is true of industrialists, etc. They don't have enough force to protect their creativeness, so people attack them. Therefore you find a lot of service facs having to do with the second dynamic. R3SC is a thin-ice activity. If you go one step too far, you are in the soup. So be careful to word questions with, "In this lifetime...." That way, you will avoid a lot of trouble from over-restimulation, from getting onto the whole track. With service fac running, we are engaged upon key-out, not bank erasure. Keep the PC's attention on this lifetime. And be careful, since it easily goes to other areas, which can then easily become BPC. That is the second factor that makes service facs fraught with potential ARC breaks. [The first factor was that if the PC gives you his service fac and you refuse it, you have bypassed the major charge on the case.] The moment you combine Scientology III with Scientology IV, you will lose; you will have had it. You will have left on the PC restimulation both from the PT environment and from the whole track. How do you handle this, so as to avoid this situation? Word questions so as to avoid all goal-type answers. If an item rocket reads, don't take it, since only GPM's rocket read. You could get away with running it, if you handled it very gingerly, with "In this lifetime ...", and if you were very careful and didn't oppose it. You can note it for later reference. The best way to avoid problems is to ask questions that cannon be answered with a goal. Asking for a safe assumption about (item) is pretty safe, in that you don't get goals, but asking for a safe solution to something tends to give you goals. Service facs are almost never, "To...." But they can be expressed that way. Avoid it. Scientology III bypasses less charge, run skillfully, than Scientology IV, just because you are not among so many potentially heavily charged restimulatable things. What you want to do with Scientology III is to destimulate the case, so don't restimulate it. In running service facs, you can be wrong by restimulating -- the more you restimulate, the more wrong you are. The value of destimulation appeared in the search for TA action, which is the only way to advance the case. The whole track is too restimulative for most PCs. Getting into it produces over-restimulation and stops TA action. The only reason that the TA doesn't move is that the PC is in over-restimulation. Take a room and fill it half full of cotton bales (representing charge). A person in that room won't be able to move too well. Then put some more cotton bales in the room -- now the person will have even more trouble moving. Trying to handle the situation by putting even more cotton bales in the room stops his entirely. The proper course of action is to get rid of as much as you can that is already there. Clearing is getting all the false data and this lifetime restimulation off the case prior to recovering the truth. One gets very good TA action doing Scientology III just by working on that line. Any case is over-restimulated when you start work on it. The basic mechanism of entrapment is to keep the person's attention diverted, to financial matters, for instance, to keep kicking him ground with various forms of trouble and worry so that he doesn't have a chance to observe what is really going on. The thetan wants something out of this planet, and he thinks there is some pay. He thinks that he is getting something out of it. The trap wouldn't run at all unless the thetan was so busy in it that he never had time to look at it. If he could see the trap, he could get out of it, but his attention gets diverted in it. He then makes foolish decisions to hold off foolish confusion and gets still more entrapped. It is a perfected system of attention fixing, shifting, and dispersal, a real trap, not just a cynical snide comment. Those aspects of this planet that you protest are probably there to excite protest and over-restimulation, e.g. finances. Money is a bum itsa. What is it? In socialism, you can never buy yourself off. You stay tied down. Life is a constant restimulation. The PC comes into session subject to all this environmental restimulation. Restimulation comes in several different forms [See Fig. 21]. 1. PT environment. 2. Restimulated bank, restimulated by the service fac. Actually, there is an interrelationship between environmental restimulation and service fac restimulation, in that the PC wouldn't have the PTP of environmental restimulation if it weren't for service facs. 3. Auditing restimulation: what has been restimulated in auditing and not erased. 4. Current session restimulation: what you are going to restimulate in the session, or what you are in the process of restimulating in session. 5. Auditor restimulation: restimulation occurring simply from being audited, if the auditor is rough, restimulation from flubs. All of these sources of restimulation are interactive. To some degree, they all hinge on the service fac. Cross-restimulation occurs; the only core on which it sits is the service fac. The service fac keeps the environment restimulated. It has great bearing on other forms of restimulation and prevents their discharge. However, it can be knocked out. FIGURE 21: THE SERVICE FACSIMILE AND RESTIMULATION [GRAPHICS INSERTED] The most notable thing about the service fac is that the thetan is doing it, right now. He is making himself right and someone else wrong, all on his own cockeyed determinism. He is keeping the GPM in restimulation because he is using the service fac. He is mocking up his bank, and he is the effect of it too, but he is responsible for everything that is happening to him. The preceding is happening right now. He is doing it; it is decisional. How does the auditor restimulate something? By putting the PC's attention or letting the PC's attention go on any heretofore inert charge that can be restimulated, i.e. anything that is not already discharged. The PC is totally incapable of causing trouble in a session. The auditor can let the PC's attention wander all over, restimulating anything his service fac directs him to. You wouldn't have psychosomatic illness unless the thetan had, as all do, the service fac that the best way to handle a situation is to get sick. That is a service fac that goes backtrack easily. The way an auditor restimulates something is to let the PC's attention wander to it or to mention it. How much it gets restimulated just depends on how often you mention it and with what intensity. The mechanism of restimulation is "name it". The way to get an ARC break is to name something and permit no itsa. This gives you instant BPC, as when the auditor says, "Sorry about that last session we had." Another way to get an ARC break is to let the actions of the session bar the discharge of materials already restimulated. E.g. the PC comes into session itsa-ing, and the auditor "getting model session in", shuts the PC up. Auditors often ask silly questions to be sociable, then shut the PC up in order to start the session, cutting the itsa line. An auditor can goof at start of session by putting in a whatsit, e.g. "How are you doing?", and then not letting the PC itsa: "We're going to start the session now." You can do this any time. It results in an explosion. On an uncleared PC, the service fac is interacting with whatever else is restimulated, so the PC is putting in a continuous restimulative factor in sessions. You will get restimulation trouble as long as a PC has a prominent service facsimile. Getting one out of the way knocks about half the potential restimulation out of the way. Audit smoothly as you do it. If you, the auditor, do the tiniest little thing wrong when you are approaching a service fac, the PC targets you as the one to be made wrong. Provide good, specific, small targets for the PC's attention, and don't let his attention slide around. It is a trick to find a service fac without restimulating everything. Here are some tips: 1. Audit smoothly. This is the solution to session restimulation. 2. Restimulate no more in your current auditing than you have to. Don't start naming a whole bunch of things. 3. Give the PC frequent "on auditing" prepchecks to handle charge from past auditing. Do this every five or six sessions. 4. Keep up with the PT environment. Audit at least 2 1/2 hours a week. In a case that was over-restimulated, one would look to see what was practical to cut out. Normally, the auditor would be concerned with reducing the auditing restimulation. This is often overdone by: a) Excessively big targets. b) Loss of control of the itsa line. The auditor lets the PC talk too much. One reason an auditor goofs is that he has his own service fac. He is unwittingly trying to make LRH or the tech wrong. He will usually come around when this is pointed out. Another phenomenon is that, as you look for the PC's service fac and jog it, he will target you to be made wrong, which can be fairly restimulative and make the auditor flub. One way to handle that would be to switch auditors. You want to key out service facs, so in assessing, always use "In this lifetime." You don't want whole track. "Only a GPM rocket reads." If you have a room full of cotton bales, you won't get anywhere with that [finding the service fac] directly, because there is no room to move around. But you can reduce the restimulation in other ways. If you handle all auditing on the basis of reducing restimulation, you will seldom be wrong. Any PC who is running badly is doing so because of over-restimulation. Any solution of the auditing situation or the case has to take into account reduction of restimulation, either by discharge or destimulation. You can destimulate the person's life somewhat. You can reduce one or more of the five sources of restimulation [See p. 503, above]. You could destimulate any restimulatable area -- whatever you can, in fact, work with. Then audit out this lifetime service facs. "A case is as hard to run as it is restimulated" -- no more than that. Anything that reduces restimulation on the case is valid auditing. For instance, you could destimulate past therapies. Psychiatrists add more environmental restimulation than they pick off a case, so of course they fail.