6309C03 SHSpec-302A R3SC [Some of the data in this tape are contained in HCOB 1Sep63 "Scientology Three: Clearing-clearing-clearing: Routine Three SC".] The reason a person doesn't recover under auditing has been a subject of investigation, off and on, since 1949. It was most recently looked at with regard to R2-12. It has now come up again with the discovery that to get case gain a PC had to have TA motion. The fact that you are getting TA action doesn't guarantee that the PC will feel better, but no TA action does guarantee that the PC will feel worse. A PC could feel no better, despite getting TA action, because he is getting somewhat over-restimulated, while still getting some charge off. By classes of auditors, here is what should happen with TA motion: Class I: He may or may not be able to get TA; it's mostly chance that determines it. Class II: The auditor has to be able to direct attention enough to be able to get TA action while he listens. It is very light attention-directing. Class III: The auditor directs the PC's attention towards service facs and clearing. The itsa line is controlled more firmly, to limit the PC's attention to this lifetime and to what you are trying to run, using mid-ruds, etc., to do it. Class IV: At this level, you are dealing with living lightning: backtrack stuff, GPM's, slippery track, etc. If you see the various classes of auditors arranged in order of increasing control of the PC's attention, rather than by degree of complexity of material studied, it is all quite clear. By overwhumping the PC, by restimulating more on the backtrack than you can discharge, and by not controlling the PC's attention and letting him skid around restimulating things, you get get the PC into a condition where restimulation is too great even to permit. the discharge of the key-in. This is quite a problem. The resolution of this problem comes with running the service facsimile. A service facsimile is a solution that the person himself has so restimulated that it won't discharge, and nothing will discharge past it. It is so valuable as a solution that the PC feels he would perish if he got rid of it. It's an overcharged solution which the PC himself is keeping charged up. It sits there, and no charge is permitted to flow by it. Unfortunately for the being, it has a weird sort of workability. It is a non-survival solution that has become survival. It appears to make sense until it is inspected. It has lots of A = A = A in it. When you start to run a service fac by running engrams of the thing, it will grind, and it won't erase. This is another odd datum. The service fac is mainly diagnosed by the fact that the TA hangs up, not by how the person acts in life. The low TA or dead thetan case always has a service fac. The dead thetan case is sometimes hard to spot. Sometimes he is just sitting in something, and when you ask a question, you get an F/N. A high TA case probably has a service fac, although it is questionable. A case whose TA is between 3.5 and 3.75, with a responsive needle, has a good chance of having a service fac, but doesn't necessarily have one. A person who tends to be out of control on the backtrack is over-restimulated. You might even try to find a service fac on him. When a PC has a service fac, the normal river of discharge is blocked by a stable datum that the PC feels is vital to his survival: the service fac. The hallmark of a service fac is that sometimes, when it is being run out or between sessions, the PC questions the wisdom of getting rid of it. A service fac is present where life has done so much overwhelming and the PC has done so much overwhelming that life makes no more sense. He has abandoned it, and in lieu of it, he has erected this insane stable datum: the service fac. It might be better to call the service fac a "service computation" or a "survival computation", since it isn't actually a single facsimile at all. It is the person himself keeping the facsimile in restimulation because he knows it is best. There are also third dynamic service facs, such as the current prison system. Penologists know very well that the current prison system does nothing to handle crime. It only increases crime. This system, which was adopted in 1835, was intended, not to rehabilitate criminals, but to dramatize making criminals wrong. Prisons are actually universities of crime, maintained at public expense. Similarly, the FDA's actions are the result of a basically good idea, namely that the public should be protected against noxious food and drug products. But this idea has gone bonkers. It was a good solution that has been plowed in, so that it appears lower and lower of the tone scale and becomes an aberration. [The legal system of precedent is based on the same principle as the service fac, in that it involves maintaining old solutions without necessarily inspecting them.] It is not true that every solution becomes a service fac. A service fac is a solution that is insisted upon but won't itsa. A solution, to be a real solution, leads to a further ability to itsa. If a solution reduces the ability to itsa, it is a potential service fac. The FDA is taking over the public's ability to inspect goodness of food and denying the public an analytical attitude towards products, thereby reducing the public's itsa. The public no longer inspects and decides. The FDA can now go in and can pass stuff as good that isn't, because of politics, corruption, etc. The public can now be caved in by it. You would never look to travel agencies as a source of social aberration, because their business is to increase itsa. It can occasionally occur that they do, though there can sometimes be problems associated with this, e.g. British West Indies immigrants flooding the U.K. However, it is reducing itsa that has a bad effect on society. Generally, those things that result in or produce a solution without inspection that is too broadly applied generate service facs. The service fac prevents itsa of charge that comes up, thus causing the accumulation of mass. This mass gets restimulated when you prepcheck something that nicks the area. Lack of itsa also causes lack of TA action, since without itsa outflowed, there is no discharge of charge. Families can get into a no-itsa of their individual members. Lack of itsa results in a failure to handle a situation in its own zone of reality, which is all that aberration is. A service fac makes it [apparently] unnecessary to cope with anything in its own sphere of reality. That is the "service" that a service fac performs. The resultant accumulated mass causes no TA in the area, no result in prepchecking or other processing. The more service facs the PC has, the harder it is for you to get TA action on him. In some cases, there are definite advantages to getting service facs out of the way before proceeding to running back track. You can save time and stabilize clears by destimulating what could key in. R3SC is a very workable process. Just inspect the folder, past assessments, etc., looking especially for periods when the TA shut down, i.e. where TA motion stopped for awhile. Whatever TA motion stopped on will be a likely candidate for R3SC. Don't overrun it. If the PC has trouble answering it, come off that particular subject. The right subject gives very good action. The faster you get the real service fac, the sooner TA action is restored. So this makes R2-12-type processes unnecessary. It solves the problem of rockslammers, chronic PTP's, hidden standards, and body masses. Mainly, it restores TA action. R3SC, run on a few service facs, advances the case to clear. It is a Level III process because it is a clearing process. Current Routine Threes that actually produce OT's, e.g. R3N, will be renumbered as Level IV processes.