6308C29 SHSpec-301 The Service Facsimile Although we call it a "service facsimile", there is more to be known about it than was in earlier definitions. In the past, it has been said that a service facsimile is "what a person uses to explain his condition or get his way in the world." It is called a service facsimile because it was of service to the PC. The service fac manifestation is a blood brother to the O/W mechanism. It is how you make people guilty. The current definition of service fac is that it is that condition which the individual uses to make himself right and others wrong. Using this definition, we can crack cases. The only hazard is the use of right/wrong in GPM's, but the use of a time limitation to "in this lifetime" obviates any danger of restimulating the GPM. The GPM is not the reason for the service fac. There is an upper-scale rationale: survival. For instance, the Darwinian implant [See pp. 444-445, above] has "to persist" at the beginning of it, all by itself. But this is rare. However, when the goal "to survive" occurs, it is couched in the word "persist". There is no GPM known, to date, that contains the word, "survive". This concept is therefore not motivated by bank. Therefore you can use "survive" in processing pretty easily. Implanters used the words "live" and "alive" a lot, but "survive" is the top scale of all this. It is OK for us to go back to healing now, since: a. Doctors (the AMA) haven't appreciated the fact that we ever stopped healing people. b. They will be socialized in five years, anyway. They are convinced that "curing" is impossible. However, 22 1/2% of people, e.g. patients, PCs, or whatever, get well with any or no or fraudulent treatment. They are apparently in an hypnotic state and respond to suggestion. So any healing profession should get at least a 22 1/2% Cure rate, unless it is doing something to depress the patient and to prevent healing from occurring. If you get less than 22 1/2%, you are actually impeding the cure. Only two things prevent the scientologist from healing PCs: 1. Inability to get in communication with the PC, e.g. because he is dead. 2. The service facsimile. If we allow for the fact that it takes a relatively short time to train an auditor into using this-lifetime techniques; if you take such an auditor and don't worry about making him into an auditor who can make an OT; if you turn him loose with only an understanding of the service facsimile, the itsa line, and repetitive prepchecking, limited to this lifetime; if you let him rely on the tone arm, there he would be, practically sweeping the boards, as far as illness is concerned. For a person to have a bad back, he must have more than a facsimile of an experience involving a bad back causing it. He must have had it restimulated by something, and to have a real bad back, something must be keeping it in restimulation. Something has to kick the facsimile in and hold it in. You must add to the restimulation factor a mental aberration factor. It is not just what is restimulated. It is what the PC feels might become restimulated, what he himself opposes, what he becomes afraid of when he is restimulated. So the individual is added to the equation. The experiential pattern of an individual -- regardless of incidents containing pain, etc. -- might be aberrative. For instance, say a person has lived all his life in a very cold environment. He gets knowingness, in the process. If you throw him out in the 40-below cold, either he has confidence that he can withstand the cold, or he doesn't. Accordingly, he either freezes to death or lives, respectively. This is true even though a person is conditioned and trained to handle the cold. People may react differently to the same engram. There is no guarantee that someone will respond one way or the other to their "stimulus-response" conditioning. One person will be terrified by some danger; another person will ignore it; another will look and say, "Oh." What makes the difference? We come back to the service fac for the answer: How could you use a facsimile to make people wrong? So there are three reactions to an engram: 1. The guy who is terrified of the facsimile has, in back of this, lots of ways to be right and to make others wrong by having this facsimile. 2. The guy who ignores it has no use for it at all, one way or the other. 3. The guy who confronts it has another method of making others wrong: being competent with regard to this type of facsimile. The rightness-wrongness possibility is present to some degree in everyone and in every bank. To the healer, this represents a barrier, because someone who is using an illness or disability to make someone else wrong won't respond to treatment. Or, if you cure one thing, he will pick up something else to do the job of making himself right and others wrong. [Symptom-substitution. See also Haley on oneupsmanship games.] Aberrated behavior is a service facsimile in at least a goodly percentage of cases. When you do mimicry processing and the PC persists in crazy behavior, he has a vested interest in acting crazy. This makes it hard to tell how good a deaberrative technique is. However, if it works on a lot more than 22 1/2% of cases, it is probably a good technique that is rendered ineffective in some cases by a service fac. The tone arm turned out to be a reliable measure of case progress. If you don't get destimulation or discharge, you will get restimulation, because something is happening. If you don't get any TA action, you know that you are not getting any destimulation or discharge and that therefore restimulation is all that is occurring. Therefore, don't audit without TA action. The margin of time during which you can audit a PC without TA action before he starts feeling horrible is only about three sessions. If a PC is upset about auditing, is having trouble handling life, etc., it is only because of over-restimulation, from whatever source -- GPM's, ARC breaks, or whatever. What about a medium, or "acceptable" amount of TA action: fifteen to twenty downward divisions per 2 1/2 hour session? Excellent TA would be about thirty divisions per session; acceptable is 15-20. Below that level, more restimulation than discharge is occurring. These are just approximate figures. A great deal of adding-up has not yet been done, to tabulate the figures exactly. So there is a point where there is an apparency of TA motion, yet the PC is not getting better and only restimulation is occurring. Auditing a PC on and on with no TA will over-restimulate him all the way up the TA dial, backwards through 7, all the way to dead thetan. [LRH introduces here the idea of a TA counter.] Why does a TA go up and stick? Only because of the pressure of over-restimulation. If you have no TA action or if you are getting a rising TA without discharge, you get [over-]restimulation, because you are overwhelming the PC's power of choice. You are trying to get a discharge, and the PC won't let go of it, and he becomes more and more ARC breaky. If the TA is going up even when you are not auditing backtrack, you must still be overwhelming the PC's power of choice. Between not getting TA and getting high TA, we move into service facs. When you are doing a prepcheck and it turns on mass, you have bumped into something that shouldn't be there. A service facsimile has moved in to assert whatever you are prepchecking and trying to get rid of. Any mass, for a thetan, is an assertion that something is wrong, and there is something weird about it. The mass comes from the complete disagreement that you and the PC have, concerning whatever it is that turned mass on. You want to get rid of it. But the PC does not intend to get better, because he has to hang onto bank, to make someone wrong with it. It stands to reason that any thetan that has been hit hard and continuously, that has had continued loses, and that is trying to get back at and attack some area, will be unable to put the itsa line in on that area. He can't say if the area is bad or good. He can't say what it is. He doesn't feel that he can be at cause over that comm line. So his final method of staying at cause is to be right and for the other person to be wrong. This goes down to the point where he merely has to hold the concept of being right and the other person being wrong. This way, in a sense, he is still being cause. This mechanism persists, therefore, because the PC can't as-is it, because he can't observe it anymore. One can be haunted by a nonexistent thing if one doesn't have the comm lines to observe it. The PC never knows when it goes away. If you can't inspect something, you can't inspect its cessation. Therefore, for survival, the best thing to do is to assume that the thing is still there. That is the safest course. Life teaches you that it is dangerous to go look and see. You operate on the principle that if you can't ascertain that something has ended, you had better assume that it is continuing. Something that the PC can't cure with processing must be a service fac. You can ask the PC how he is making others wrong. Then, when you get it, you can ask him how he is being right with it. Aberrated survival mechanisms all sit around on buttons of rightness-wrongness, survival, and domination. The O/W system is connected with this through the make-guilty mechanism. These are survival mechanisms, buy they are not sensible. Unfortunately, the words, "rightness", "wrongness", "survive", and "dominate" are also in the bank. So you have to indulge in some broken-field running to handle these buttons. The more force there is and the less one can stand it and be cause over the user of the force, the more one goes into forms of aberrated rightness and wrongness against the holder of force. Hence people break minor laws to be right about the government, since it is so overwhelming. This is quite irrational. To find a service fac, you could use the original listing steps of R2 or the preliminary assessment of R3R, or you could ask the PC, "What have you been trying to resolve about your case, in processing?", taking anything that didn't resolve with processing as a service facsimile. "What would be a method of making others wrong?" could also get it. Be prepared for the service fac not to be very sensible, but don't reject it, even if it does seem reasonable, as long as it is something that hasn't yielded to auditing.