6308C27 SHSpec-299 Rightness and Wrongness People use mental technology the way they do, in this universe, because they don't know what they are doing. The purpose of mental technology must be one of survival, with a consequent necessity to dominate, so it must consist of being right and [making others] wrong. Survival, rightness and wrongness, and domination fit together. Apparent contra-survival actions are the thetan's effort to be right. This is the lowest ebb of aberration, because the thetan can't do anything else but survive. In order to survive, you have to be more right than wrong, so you get obsessed with being right. The beginning of succumb is the recognition that you are wrong. This is not sensible, but it is the way a thetan behaves. Therefore, if an individual is surviving at all, he must be right, even if it is only an insistence on being right. A = A = A. If an individual is undertaking an action and is surviving, then it must be a right action. A thetan has to enter a basic lie on the scene to worry about his survival. This is idiocy, because there is no reason for a thetan to worry about survival. A thetan first worries about the survival of something else -- something that can be threatened with non-survival. Then the thetan identifies himself with that thing. This is the first lie. When he starts worrying about his own survival, because he has taken the idiotic step of identifying himself with his creations, he enters into the necessity to dominate to ensure his own survival. There is no reason why, if you are protecting sand castles, you have to take the idiot step of becoming a sand castle, and you can go on protecting them indefinitely without doing this. But once you have identified yourself with a sand-castle and are worried about your own survival, you enter into the necessity to dominate to continue your own survival, to be tougher than the other tough boys on the beach. You don't even have to become a sand-castle to start the game of domination, if that is what you want to do. The game of domination consists of being right and making the other fellow wrong. That is all there is to it. It's a silly game, really. For instance, Russia and the U.S. are each devoting so much of their production capacity to defend themselves from each other that they are failing, economically. People justify all sorts of insanity on the basis of rightness and wrongness. Even a skid-row bum is being a bum in order to be right. Everyone has tried to make him wrong for what he does, so he has to continue to be right. If he admits he is wrong, [he feels] he will die. You may be confused, just watching what is being done, because some of it could have good results, but the basis can still be a nutty rightness. People assert nutty rightness, because everyone is always making then wrong for the nuttiness. If someone agrees that he has been doing something wrong, he is liable to collapse, since he has identified wrongness with succumbing. Behavior doesn't necessarily have everything to do with the whole track. Behavior is behavior. People have tried to aberrate it one way or another. They have tried to make people behave some other way, but the science of life still remains the science of life. The factors of life still remain the factors of life, and if you were to delete all the GPM's and incidents and everything else, you would not have removed the basic laws on which scientology is built. GPM's, etc., merely use the existing laws of life to enslave people. They simply enforce, exaggerate, and destroy freedom of choice over the exercise of the ability to be happy, powerful, etc. They destroy the ability to be self- or pan-determined. They make people one-sided about everything. They use basic laws, unwittingly, to exaggerate certain things, which then lead a person to enslave himself. The basic mechanism of enslavement is: 1. Insistence upon surviving, followed by 2. The necessity to dominate, followed by 3. The necessity to be right or wrong, 4. Which then becomes as irrational as the original postulate to survive, and then 5. The person becomes more and more degraded. The postulates made by the individual go downhill to the point where you would be amazed at what the individual is doing to be right. When you get down to very aberrated rightness, you are dealing with death, because at that level, cessation of survival is so imminent that it gets dramatized before it happens. In that way, the individual is still right by succumbing. Currently, there are three organizations under attack: 1. Scientology. 2. Buddhism. 3. Theosophy. The U.S. government is supporting the Vietnamese government in its attacks on Buddhists; it has attacked the Theosophists recently, and it launched a raid, via the FDA, on the FCDC, in Washington. But these are the only three groups that believe in reincarnation, i.e. they are the only groups that don't believe in death forever. In attacking them, the U.S. government is asserting a rightness about death. To get some sort of aberrated behavior of this kind straightened out with someone, you would have to get him to tell you how the behavior makes him right. You would get an automaticity for starters, which would finally run out. Then you could see how it makes someone else wrong. When that is all run out, the individual will have far less inclination to do the behavior that he previously had to do to be right. The strongest intention in the universe is the intention to be right. The diagnosis of how you could make a person wrong depends on what that person most insists upon. That is what you can make him wrong on. [This would be getting a person's goat.] Behavior doesn't consist of an aberration that someone is dramatizing. It consists of an aberration that a person dredges up in order to make someone else wrong. That's behavior: It works, too. Making someone wrong all the time does worry him. Furthermore, one can be made wrong to the point where one inverts, goes into agreement with what is being said by the person who is making him wrong, and now makes the former wrongness an obsessive rightness. The "right" label gets identified with the wrong action. A government may be made wrong about bringing in law and order, to the point where it now exercises criminality, using the label of law and order. The issue of rightness and wrongness has been further booby-trapped by guys on the whole track who implanted people with GPM's that contain the words, "right" and "wrong". However, when making himself right and others wrong, an individual is not acting because of the GPM. That just intensifies the action. If you try just simply to run someone on right and wrong for very long, you run into the GPM and can't keep on in that line, ordinarily. Getting in an itsa line on the aberration will de-intensify its power, however. If a guy has accidents frequently: 1. Find out what he is having (wrecks, accidents, injuries, etc.). This doesn't take very long. You have to isolate what it is that the guy is doing. The obvious action may not be his intention. Maybe it is not his automobile accidents that are making him right. Maybe it is getting injured. When you have the right thing, he will run easily. 2. Ask the PC how (an auto accident) makes him right. You will get an easy itsa line. 3. Ask him how (an auto accident) would make them (or another) wrong. You will get another avalanche. 4. Ask (2) again, then (3), etc. Keep it balanced, and you will avoid bumping the GPM as hard. This process is below the level of recognition or cognition. It undermines neurosis. Neurosis is defined as an anti-survival action that is compulsively undertaken by the individual. The only qualification to this process is that we have to be capable of communicating with the person and listening to him. And we have to get our hands on him first. But on a cold-bloodedly practical basis, service fac processes are a more practical mental technology than the alternatives: implants, drugs, electric shock treatments, etc., just because of the backlash from angry thetans who want revenge on implanters. The hole in implanter tech is that the survival of the implanter can, in the future, be threatened. Implants can be undone. Many implant set-ups have been destroyed. Implanters do implanting because they are trying to be right and to make others wrong. That's all. It is a mere dramatization. When you see someone acting simply to be right and to make others wrong, you will see a worsening condition. You are looking at the last dregs of domination. The person who is being "right" is, in fact, getting worse, as are the people in his vicinity. Implanting works only over a short-term period, e.g. 100,000 years, which is short-term, on a galactic scale. Implanting worsens not only the people implanted, but also the implanter and everyone in the vicinity of these people. What is true of neurosis is also true of psychosis. Psychosis has the same mechanism at a lower level, and it gets treatment from psychiatrists at the same low level of make-wrong and Q and A. The overt-motivator sequence also fits into this effort to dominate and be right. When you get two people, each insisting on his own rightness, their ideas eventually commingle, and they can't tell who is doing what. This is because both are saying, "I'm right and you're wrong." If a "science" is dramatizing an unknown one of its parts, it is not a complete technology. It is impossible to have a science of life under these circumstances because you can't fully understand something that you are dramatizing a part of. A science of life should be a complete understanding, and since one is dramatizing at least a part of living, one can't have a total understanding of it. [In other words, "being right" should be one of the parts of a mental technology. However, if "being right" is being dramatized by the practitioners of a mental technology, then clearly they don't have full understanding of the mind.] This is a particular problem with the science of life. Hence there is a tendency to withdraw from life. A total cessation of the dramatization of the game called "life" would put one in a confused state of thinking that the way to do it is to separate oneself from life by going off to a cave and meditating. But a person that can't experience easily has to experience, compulsively. The final challenge of a science of life is, "Does it produce life?", not "Does it produce death?" If you know all the answers, you can live. It is remarkable to be in a situation where this can be sorted out. As one goes along, getting more understanding, one doesn't have to work so hard to experience existence; one doesn't have to be convinced that one is surviving, being right, dominating, etc. When a person is no longer able to select his own behavior, he must obsessively be right by doing something wrong. It is OK to be right, if you are being analytical. However, there is a level at which rightness and wrongness cease to be analytical and become obsessive. It is below that level that we speak of aberration. You can find what the person is doing that he doesn't like to do, then ask the person how that makes him right. Everyone has a few of these actions. They generally arise from some overwhelm of the person's self-determinism, where he has accepted another's rightness. The person is out of valence and dramatizing someone else's aberrations. [You could perhaps pick this up on Flow One of Level 4 triples.] But we aren't interested in other people's aberrations. The dwindling spiral is really entered where the person accepts inability, weakness, stupidity, etc., as a way to be right. Any dramatization of mental science that brings about further disability is wrong for the civilization that uses it. Anything that brings about more life, livingness, and beingness is right for that person or society. Anything that is crazy in a person was OK at some higher level. All madness is an exaggeration of some ability or capability. For instance sexual misbehavior is a lower-scale dramatization of the ability to create. It becomes aberrated in the following way: 1. It was really right. 2. It was a method of survival. 3. It was a method of domination. 4. It was a method of being right in order to make others wrong. 5. Then one got enough overts such that the communication line switched around. What was right about it is now wrong about it, and vice versa. The sexual misbehavior or other aberrated behavior is practically unrecognizable from its [original] state, as far as the person's behavior is concerned. When you understand this, you understand much of the nonsense that you previously only protested against. The explanation for the behavior that is offered by the individual so obscures what he is really doing that it gets confusing. The main line of human behavior is along the lines of: 1. Survival. 2. Domination 3. Rightness and wrongness. However, when an auditor invalidates another's assertion of rightness, it only drives the PC downscale and cuts the only communication line that can help the PC. "A dramatization of rightness and wrongness is not the answer to a dramatization of rightness and wrongness."