6308C21 SHSpec-297 The Itsa Line (Continued) Things look more complex than they actually are. Sitting somewhere in back of every thetan's bank is a tremendous insecurity, in which the thetan believes implicitly that the universe is dangerous, or that he is in danger, or that he cannot live or survive as a powerful being. The itsa line could look to you like a simple communication line on which, if you let anyone talk enough, he will get better. This is not so. If you understand the itsa line, you will see the PC go through a cycle of fishing for an itsa. If the auditor tells the PC what is there by putting in the itsa with the meter, it leaves the PC in a zone or area of insecurity, as will any interruption of the PC's itsa. The PC has to be responsible for putting in the itsa line. If the auditor does it too much, e.g. saying, "The meter reads that it is before 1850," etc., you have created a psychiatric, potentially hypnotic, evaluative set-up. It is OK to give a little help, but not to put in the whole itsa line for the PC. When you tell a person that there is hope for his case, you are putting in an itsa line, the "Hope Factor". But what about the line plot, for instance? This puts in an itsa line for the PC, to some degree. The line plot for the GPM is the lesser of two evils. It allows the PC to identify it to his own reality, and it is less undesirable than letting the PC wrap himself around a telephone pole. It was an other-determined thing in the first place, and the most important thing is to get the charge off of it. Similarly, if the PC is trying to date something and bogs utterly, you should help him with the meter, enough to increase his ability to see what he is after by narrowing his search. Even if you get down to the hour and minute and the PC never spotted it, at least you've got it dated. But it is still a bit of a lose. The only time you totally lose is when you have to put the whole itsa line in. Aberration is a means of perverting the itsa line. Pure evil is denial of the itsa line and aberration of it. Perversion of the itsa line has to be very direct in order to be very aberrative. Given the slightest chance, the PC will put in his itsa line. But the question is: will he put it in on anything aberrative? He won't, unless directed to it. Psychoanalysis directs the itsa line to something non-aberrative, lets him itsa, and then evaluates, putting the itsa line in totally, analyzing it for him. Putting in a hope factor by saying that something can be done to change conditions puts in the itsa line, to a small degree. Even, "Start of session" puts in an itsa line, with the intent of putting the PC in a position to itsa. The intention makes the difference, where one puts in the itsa line for another. An evil intention, [in this respect] is one that is devoted to decreasing the person's ability to itsa. That is the way to make slaves. A good intention is an intention to improve someone's itsa. Get the person to identify, spot, and point out, and he will be in better shape than he is. This corner of the universe is suffering from a surplus of lousy civilization. It was recently conquered, but it was set up to be conquered by the use of degrading mental technology. The civilization in this area implanted their own soldiers "to be loyal" "to be brave", etc. Such a civilization has no power, because for an implant to stick, it has to have two items: one positive and one negative, e.g. "to be a loyal soldier" and "to be a disloyal soldier". So fifty percent of the implant is in the negative. Also, the fact that the implant was done at all destroys loyalty. The Galactic Confederacy, with no implanting, lasted eighty trillion years. The Espinol Confederacy, with implants, lasted a few hundred thousand years. Rome died at the hands of her slaves, not at those of barbarians. Being a free man didn't pay, so who wanted to fight for Rome? Slavery produced a civil war. The first families of Boston made their money from slaves [and so we got a civil war, too.] It is not just a matter of sentiment. Statistically, slavery never pays off. It is dangerous. Russia is having trouble because of the slave economy, which is a hang-over from pre-revolutionary Russia. Probably the white Russian nobility came back from the between-lives area as communists. Slavery always produces a backlash because a thetan never really gives up. He can hold the postulate that he was right all the way down to the bottom of unconsciousness. The effort to dominate and to deny power of choice to others is the road that this universe walked towards the Hell it became. Fear stands ahead of that. The nonsense behind it is that a thetan can't do anything but survive, so for him to fear non-survival is foolish. How to kill a thetan is the biggest problem in this universe. How can a being who cannot cease to survive get into a state of mind where he is afraid that he won't? It takes a lot of trickery. Usually it is on an extension of self into a possession, like making a minion: mocking up a mock-up, endowing it with life, and protecting it when someone attacks it. It can be a body, a state, etc. The thetan must have confused himself with it to the point where he thinks his survival can be affected. That is the first step into aberration. The next step is elementary. One is worried about survival, so one solves the problem of survival by domination. This solution is not successful in the long run. That which is not admired tends to persist. That is one reason why domination stays around: domination is not admired. Thetan A, to protect something, dominates thetan B. In so doing, he sets himself up to be dominated in turn. Having set up a cause-effect line, the line can reverse. It is a comm line, with duplication, which makes it easy to reverse. Any custom on this planet has this reverse duplication element. You can count on its having been the reverse at some time. The duplication factor easily makes cause look like effect on this comm line, and it leads to the overt-motivator sequence. One commits overts. Then, one day, one slips into effect and gets what one caused. Running O/W frees up a vicious comm line and cures some mis-identifications, thus undoing aberration. For instance, waiters wear black tuxedos. Any custom was a reverse custom at an earlier date. If communication is so dangerous, why does a thetan communicate at all? It is because he wants to be oriented. Once oriented, a thetan uses his best tool: communication, to dominate, to do people in and to mess up things that he tries to identify with. He mis-uses his comm line. It is there because he is lost and feels the need of orientation, hence his desire for communication. There is insecurity behind this desire, the reason for which we don't know yet. In using the itsa line, "we're using the obsession to identify, which lies back of the communication line. We are using a principle higher than communication, coupled with communication, in order to orient and rehabilitate the thetan." All we are missing is what lies behind the insecurity that caused him to start the whole cycle. Originally, the thetan was not insecure, was not reaching, not protecting anything, and he was not communicating! How and why did anyone get to him, originally, to the point where he felt that he needed to be oriented to be comfortable? It is hard to figure this out because there was no communication at the time. But "you show me the problem, and very shortly later, I'll show you the answer." Just as it took only one step to start down that road, so it takes only a step at the other end to go back up. The PC gradiently comes up to OT, then breaks through with a shock that may scare him. Processing is the cure for having to be familiarized with things to itsa. We are undoing the tendency to itsa by using it. Once a thetan is free of those things, he will snap back to his original lost power, at least until he rights some wrongs and slips, briefly. Self-determinism, pan-determinism, and personal power is restored to the individual along the line of minimal help and maximal recovery of self-determinism, of self-ability to itsa, on the part of the PC. As the case goes along, its progress is measured directly by the degree to which self-determinism is returned into the PC's hands. Thus you could get a fantastic number of engrams and GPM's run and have a foggy PC, by dating everything in the bank for him or by invalidating some datum of the PC's, no matter how slightly. An auditor has the same problem a mother has: to give enough help, but not too much. The amount of help required is not constant from one PC to the next, because PCs are at such different levels of independence and aberration. Both could be high! The problem is to determine how much help the PC needs in order to know. What you want to do is to take whatever ability you find and reduce any dependency you find. Give the PC all the help he needs to get along, and then reduce it. Added into all this is your flubs. You will never reduce them to zero, so don't try. You will get caught in cross-currents of communication and purposes. Since the PC's comm line is so often fogged up in session, the auditor's ability to handle it perfectly is nil. So the auditor shouldn't be afraid of mishandling the PC, because an occasional mishandling is inevitable. So, when this happens, you have to get slippy and handle the intention line, if possible. Don't put the PC's attention on the auditor. This can happen by mistake, but watch out! E.g., don't say, "Do you want to tell me about it?" This inadvertently diverts attention to the auditor. The PC's itsa line will get better to the degree that it is permitted to exist. Don't just let the PC talk, but direct his attention to things in the bank that he can identify. Don't tell him what he is looking at, if you can avoid it, but if you do have to tell him, let him itsa it. If you don't, his ability to identify will deteriorate, and his ability to know whether he is right will decrease. That is the effect of confirming his itsa line with the meter. If you look on what you are doing as improving the PC's ability to know that he is right, to be positive, you will make minimal mistakes. That is the chief ability that is there to be improved on a case. If you look on a case as something from which significances have to be removed, regardless of the PC's ability to be certain, the PC will still make it, but it will take much longer. The PC's case improves by removal of charge but is impeded by the auditor cutting back his ability to itsa. An "ARC breaky PC" is probably one with a high degree of independence, perhaps swamped by charge. You can create dependency by telling him everything. There is also the point to be considered, that if you don't tell the PC when an item is finally discharged, early in running GPM's, the PC will leave items charged, and the mechanism of the bank will cause him to bounce and ARC break. So you put in the itsa line: itsa discharged. Sooner or later, the PC will start to tell you that it is. At that point, stop telling him that it is clean. Don't stop if he still can't tell. To do so would leave him with live RI's and postulates. Wean him off from the meter slowly, validating his knowingness as it develops. Give the PC all the help he needs. If a PC can't tell what is in his bank, he can't live with it. There is a certain minimal help that a PC needs to get started. He can't do it all on his own. On the other hand, you could get a PC who hasn't been here long, who cognites on the Axioms, knocks out the bank, does change of space processing between the auditing room and the next building [See The Creation of Human Ability, pp. 37-39; 171-173. This is the "Grand Tour" process, the object of which is to get all areas into present time by directing the PC to be in a variety of places.], and says goodby and thank you. Fine. You audited him. ARC breaky PCs sometimes get into the situation of having their concept of their own independence cut up by people putting in itsa lines for them. They dramatize. A PC who is routinely ARC breaky undoubtedly has something wrong with the itsa line, and not from auditing. He could benefit from an 18-button prepcheck on the itsa line. Those eighteen buttons are the most powerful itsas there are or ever have been in the universe. Another approach would be to handle the fact that the PC is using the ARC break to solve a problem. But the prepcheck normally gets it cleaned up. A cut itsa line is the most colossal PTP there is. A person's itsa line to the rest of the universe is cut just by the fact of his being on earth. If he tries to leave earth, he goes to the between-lives area. The only missing piece is: why does a thetan have a compulsion to itsa?