6308C20 SHSpec-296 The Itsa Line The itsa line is the PC's comm line to the auditor. It is not always pursuant to the auditor's whatsit. Sometimes it is pursuant to the PC's whatsit. The auditing cycle is made up of a concatenation of comm lines. A comm line can be very faint, as with the attention line. There may be lines preceding the attention line, as the auditor gets the PC to put his attention on the auditor. Having an attention line already extant, you convert it to an itsa line. There's the situation where the PC's attention line is on something other than the auditor. If the auditor is adroit, he can flick it over to where he wants it. For instance, the PC says, "I can't stand wild parties ... Blah! Blah! ... " It takes skill to flick the attention over to what you want the PC to talk about. This is getting the itsa line in. A PC will always follow the least-charged aberrative line with his TA action. TA exists on the least-charged aberrative line at any moment. The mind is so regulated that it will not release charges that the PC considers too dangerous. TA action ceases when you have too much charge. You could bleed it off, but you have gotten into too much charge. And no TA action equals no case advance, even if you get somatics off. You can make it even worse. By running the PC with no TA action, you can make the needle action cease too. The longer you run a case with no TA action, the more the case freezes up and the harder it will be to produce TA action. The most likely way to get TA action on a case is to get in the itsa line. Routine-1-C (Routine-1-Comm) is the process that does this. It is a "soft touch" way of getting in the itsa line. This is the workhorse. It requires deftness, but it gets in the itsa line on a jammed, overcharged case, and it will restore TA action. [Per BTB 4Dec71R I "R1C", R1C consists of: 1. Finding something that moves the TA. 2. Running the TA out of that subject, to F/N, cog, VGI's. The usual method of finding what to run in general R1C is by assessment of dynamics. Assessment by dynamics gives a series of questions covering each of the dynamics. This is assessed by tone arm, as given in E-meter Drill 23. Take up the reading question by use of further questions on that same subject.] The best way to restore TA action to a case that has become overcharged is to cleverly get in and handle the itsa line. Cleverness is required. You could ask the PC who comes into session talking about something else, "Did our last session have anything to do with this?" This puts his attention back into session, gently, without putting it on the auditor. This is preferable to the psychoanalytic practice of letting the PC run on and on about irrelevancies. Getting your job done and having your PC like you all the time conflict and are sometimes diametrically opposed. The crudest way to get the itsa line in is, "Tell me about it." This is functional, however. What you want to do is to move the itsa line around enough to relieve his problem, to the point where you can put the attention line on a significance that will give him case advance. It is about as skilled as building a watch: very adroit, to the point of invisibility. You duplicate what he has been talking about and pull his itsa line a bit further and put it on something you want it to be on. You can even re-use the PC's origination later, when you have run out of TA or itsa. For instance, the PC complains of headaches. You get him to examine how they are affected by what you are auditing. Then, several sessions later, you can bring the headaches up again as needed. Unless you can handle the attention line smoothly, you can't get the itsa line established. You are split between wanting the PC to think well of you and getting your job done. In the end, they come to the same thing, but for the moment, it is a matter of making forward progress despite unavoidable, or avoidable, upsets. Be as clever and as adroit as you can, plus a little. There are thousands of ways to shift the PC's attention. Say his attention is on something. You ask, "What have you learned about _______ ?" You get TA. Parallel what the mind is doing, and you can control it. Find what the PC's attention is on, and if you can get TA motion by having the PC locate things about what his attention is on, he will recover from any obsessive or compulsive tendencies about it or toward it. It is the TA motion that takes off the compulsion, not the significance of what he digs up. The PC way be talking about his grandma's jam-making, but if he is getting TA motion, he is getting gains. The fastest recovery comes with a combination of significance and TA motion. The least charged aberrated area of the case is where you will get TA motion. Sometimes a direct approach to a highly-charged area may fail, until it is unburdened by getting TA off some other area first. When you work with that area [the latter area], the PC will know that processing works for him. PC's always make gains if they are getting TA motion. TA motion only occurs when the itsa line is in. Why do we call it the "itsa line"? The itsa line is more than just a comm line. It is seeing something to describe and describing it. A person in jail can't go to anywhere to see if itsa. He can't say, "Itsa beach," or "Itsa Brighton," etc. A nightmare is the inability to itsa, followed by mocking up something that can be itsa'ed that is wrong. Itsa is the way the thetan orients himself: itsa ceiling, itsa floor, itsa wall, etc. Itsa. Therefore I'ma. [Cf. Descartes with, "I think. Therefore I am."] Hide somebody, and the itsa line is cut on himself. No one else can say, "Itsa." Disassociate somebody from his identity and he won't be able to itsa himself. he won't be able to say, "Itsa me: Joe Jones." This is the basic aberration: inability to orient, identify, declare, or recognize. It is not just the inability to solve. If itsa is so important to ability, memory, identity, and power, then we would expect the major trick on the track to be that of cutting the itsa line, one way or the other. And so it is. Implanters give you all sorts of false data. You get killed one way, and they convince you that you died another way, or that you didn't die at all. They disrupt your itsa line. This can go on to the point where people believe that they live only once. The report-back mechanism is even used by doctors, when they have insane people report back for shocks, etc. People think that what we are doing is unreal, but we know the substance of their unreality. We know where their itsa line is out. The notion, "Man is an animal. At death there is a cessation of cellular commotion," makes nothing of everyone. The itsa line can be out of ARC and on KUCDEIOF, the whole scale for R2H. Tell someone that something that is, isn't, and his itsa line will go out. Give someone chalk for candy; he bites into it. His itsa line is out. This is the "false" level. Nothing: Say that nothing haunts this planet; it's all natural, and anyone who thinks otherwise must be paranoid. Say something isn't that is, or that something is that isn't, like the Darwinian theory. Inhibited: Tell someone not to examine something because it is dangerous. Enforced: Know this or be shot! Desired: A want-to-know itsa. Curious: a curiosity itsa. Not just curious about. Then there's unknown itsa: You have reality on the unreality of people on this planet. The itsa is their unknowingness. A thetan's tolerance rises to where he can confront an unknown comfortably, without doing anything about it. X, in algebra, would be an example of this. Amathematician has gone overboard on the subject of unknownnesses and having to solve it all. Some auditors, likewise can't stand the PC's being in an unknown as he is working on an itsa and have to leap in and get the itsa line in themselves with the meter. Known: An itsa line can be too known. For instance, some crimes are unsolvable because they are committed in too known a fashion. The obviousness of the postman makes him the ideal murderer in a mystery. He is too known. Sometimes things are too obvious. That also includes the "Everyone knows," that never gets examined. Itsa identifies, either individually or, if that is not possible, by classification, by type. You get a comfortable feeling from this which every now and then gets betrayed, e.g. when you find out that you are in a stage set, not a room. This gives you an ARC break from the false itsa. GPM's are full of such false itsas. The subject of itsa has to do with straightening out one's ARC with the universe. It is an interesting question why there should be this passion for itsa. Getting the itsa line in has nothing to do with getting the PC to auditor comm line in. The latter is more likely to be related to the PC's attention line to the auditor. Getting the itsa line in is getting the PC to identify, inspect, decide about, and differentiate things in his bank or in the physical universe, e.g., in objective processing, the room. You could probably get TA by running "What's that?" and pointing at things. This is not always workable. Itsa is familiarization, e.g. with a car or a typewriter. That is why familiarization processes like, "Touch that _______ ," work. A person who is really itsa-ing is blowing off encysted charge caused by former confusion about an area. That is the mass aspect, the force aspect of it. When you have itsa'd on a area, the area never comes up again. Until then, the area keeps coming up -- in the future, ten years in the past, two trillion years in the past, as this, as that, etc. While the PC is looking for the itsa, what drives some auditors nuts is the extra itsas he puts in and takes out. "This ... No, that...." A lot of apparent itsas come off before you get the final itsa. But you could almost say that all the running of a case, on through to the final cognition, the final itsa, consists of conditional itsas. An auditor should never expect only permanent itsas. It is adroit of the auditor to use the PC's attention line to get the itsa line in by steering it to areas that can be itsa'd. Put the PC's attention on things he can identify. Letting the itsa line exist is the lowest level of auditing. Putting the itsa line in is more active. The universe is full of whatsit lines, so concentrate on the itsa line. The itsa line will suffer from being too known, as in "Everyone knows." The itsa line is the PC's line to the auditor.