6308C07 SHSpec-292 R2H Fundamentals R2H is one of the most satisfying processes you have ever run. [For a description of R2H, see HCOB 25Jun63 "Routine 2H: ARC Breaks by Assessment and p. 426, above.] It takes apart ARC breaks by assessment. However, it falls apart with inexpert handling. It is different from any process we have ever had in dianetics and scientology. It has great power. It will run engrams and secondaries and may be senior to R3R. The only thing it won't run is a GPM, which must be run with R3M and R3N. R3M gets you the patterns of wildcat engrams. [On R3M, see p. 382 for references. On R3N, see pp. 414 and 426, above.] R3M is how you got the GPM patterns in the first case. In R3M, don't ask the criss-cross question on oppose. I would ask, "What does the next pair consist of?" or "Give me the oppterm of the third pair?", then "What would oppose that?" R3N presupposes that you have the reliable items. On some PC's, if they don't random list, you don't get TA. Random listing gets off the locks, so you must still do this, even if you have the item. The main thing that causes the TA to rise and stick in R3N is wrong date or wrong GPM pattern. A cut itsa line will, additionally, send the TA up and stick it. A GPM is hard to date and floats on the track, because its purpose was to foul up time. The opposing items firing at each other sound like time to the PC. The GPM floats in time and produces a no-change situation. This makes it perilously easy to misdate one. Also, there is an implant basic to the Helatrobus implants but much earlier, which looks the same as the Helatrobus implant. It is at about trillions-4 (1048>s) years ago. It is far more aberrative than the Helatrobus implants. That ia the one that they put on the screens in the between-lives area. [See A History of Man, pp. 65-66.] GPM's are the only things that need to be audited with a special technique. R2H has the potential for running whole-track engrams and secondaries better than R3R, by taking all the BPC out of them and letting them snap back to where they should be on the track. We are not actually trying to erase everybody's time track in toto. We are trying to take out of the time track the things that prevent the PC from having his pictures. We are trying to pull the PC's havingness up to the point where he doesn't need pictures in order to know who he is. If you can take the charge off of his unconfrontable pictures, pictures that deny the knowledge of the track to him, he can have pictures or not, as he chooses. The main pictures that louse things up are GPM's. However, because the between-lives implant has the target of invalidating all your pictures, restimulating implants, and wiping out identity and memory, many people who are upset about auditing might think that you are trying to do this. Telling the PC that you are going to erase his time track will, therefore, cause an overwhelm. LRH was thinking about outer space tactics and figured that lack of comm is the main trouble. He speculated about entering societies from within, with communication and wondered what would happen if we put up a Markab headquarters, complete with flag, etc. They, when they arrive, they would think we are still loyal, etc. But the reaction of the earth's population to the symbols could be rather wild. The point is that when you tell the PC that you are going to erase his time track he goes into a propitiative anaten, because that is what has been done. However, if he had heard that you were going to return him his pictures, he would feel very different. Pictures, if inimical, can be disowned. The PC's real trouble is the pictures that keep him from seeing his pictures. Of course, they are his pictures too, but he disowns them. You are only trying to pick out and handle pictures that bar other pictures. When you have done this, you will wind up with a case Level 2 [See p. 414, above], with all his pictures. Then you can get at the automatic mechanism of picture-making and place it under the PC's determinism, whereupon you have got an OT. [Level 1. See p. 414, above.] There is an interesting point that can occur in auditing, where the PC may disown the time track and just say, "Well, I don't know who I am, but I am." From there on, you can have the track back, with knowingness. You could go at this another way. Instead of erasing pictures, bring up the PC's confront on pictures to the point where he could face the hostile ones and understand them without flinching or misowning them. This is comparable to the old exteriorization approach, except that it gets the PC to confront his pictures. R2H, well run, can give the PC greater ownership of pictures, and it makes the pictures better and prettier. Life and beingness consist of potentials and abilities -- not things, but the ability or potential to have A, R, and C. "Degree of livingness is measured by ARC: how much [ARC] is a guy capable of?" And degree of ARC is measured by the amount of livingness a person is capable of. Think of it as potential for having affinity. What is ARC ARC with? With other beings. Usually, communication with other beings goes out through MEST, i.e. it uses MEST vias. One usually has ARC with other beings through MEST. One can, however, communicate telepathically even without high ARC, in some civilizations. There are such things as telepathic vocotypers. Telepathy is a hard-hitting force. It can pick up the thoughts or fears of a thetan down the line who is also being subjected to implanting. ARC can also go "way above telepathy. Below a certain level, ARC depends on MEST for its communication medium. ARC only really gets important after one drops away from telepathic communication, because it is so present before then that no one thinks of it. When you introduce MEST into comm lines, ARC becomes the measure of life. So one could be in ARC with thetans, matter, energy, space, time, form, or location. Those are the principal things to be in ARC with. [See Fig. 16] The ARC an individual has expresses the degree FIGURE 16: LIFE POTENTIAL AND THE THINGS OF LIFE [GRAPHICS INSERTED] to which he can be at cause over thetans, matter, energy, space, time, form, and location. The potential of ARC of the individual gives the degree to which he can be at cause over the things of life. The less life he has, the less he is. As a thetan gets more and more solid, he can have less and less ARC, because he must have gone out of ARC with MEST, form and location, or it wouldn't be piled on him without his choice. So he must have had ARC breaks with these things. But how could he, without having ARC breaks with other thetans? It is probable that he did have ARC breaks with other thetans. And it was having ARC breaks with other thetans that led him, normally, to have ARC breaks with MEST, form, and location. Not necessarily, but normally. The more the ARC, the more direct the communication. The less the ARC, the more you need MEST to get across a communication. So as the thetan rises up the line, he rises back up to direct communication, direct reality, and direct affinity with other beings. When you drop away from telepathy, you enter MEST into the line, and ARC becomes subordinate to MEST. The less the ARC, the more you need MEST to get across a communication. Then you get very low, where a thetan communicates to MEST, not just through it. Man is not mud. But a man who wasn't alive at all would think muddily and reach mud-like, confused conclusions. That is the condition of other mental "sciences" today. Their adherents are so far away from other beings that they are talking to MEST, not through it. This is like the kid beating his red wagon, or cussing MEST objects. This situation is different from investing MEST with life and other-determining it, which is on another harmonic. You are perfectly capable of mocking up a living being or investing matter with life and then other-determining it and having it walk around and talk. This is a potential discussed in Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science [Apparently in the form of a discussion of installing demon circuits in the mind. See pp. 32, 60-617. But what if you felt that another living being is no more capable than a shoe? What if you divested a living being of life? That is how far south people have gone. ARC breaks with thetans, matter, energy, space, time, form, and location bring about the dwindling spiral of decreased ARC. One believes that it is deteriorated, but it never really deteriorates. R2H forecasts that by clearing up a person's ARC breaks. The auditor returns to the PC his ARC potential. By cleaning up ARC breaks with MEST things, you can clean up ARC breaks with pictures of those things in the reactive mind. Hence the reactive mind becomes more accessible and confrontable, since thetans, matter, energy, space, time, form, and location are what the pictures in the bank are images of. Thus, in auditing, one clears up ARC breaks with things in pictures that the PC cannot confront in his reactive mind. Therefore, the bank becomes more confrontable, and it opens up. The basic concept of R2H is that the reactive mind is a reservoir of ARC breaks. Space: Space is the cure for no-confront. The button of the bank is "no space", so that it is right on top of you. Time: You get an apparent absence of time in the reactive bank, in the presence of a totality of time. You get a nothing where a something is and a something where a nothing is. That's what makes the bank reactive: instantaneous response, regardless of when the response was laid in. Form: This relates to aesthetic taste. The PC's reactive mind has a close-up stockpile of those forms that the PC has detested the most. Location: A = A = A. An example is running an Australian incident as being in England. Or, you are poking around planets that are light-years away, without knowing it. When you run such things, they may spring back to their proper locations. The problem is identification or disassociation. "Disassociation is the reverse of identification. Two things which should be seen to be similar are seen to be madly different." R2H helps the PC to differentiate all the identifications of thetans, MEST, forms, and locations that he is afflicted with. You could also run into disassociation, if you really put in the itsa line. The PC will be giving you all the disassociations he runs into, as he looks over whatever it takes to answer your question. He should see a similarity between your question and his answer, but he doesn't, at first, so you will get non-sequitur responses. These are things that are on the PC's mind, as he tries to answer the question. Hence, to get them off his mind, he says them. The thing to do here is to wait until the disassociation is run out. Eventually, the PC will answer the question. Disassociation is an inversion of identification, which also gives an inversion of ARC. You get a restimulation factor that works this way: 1. The PC knew a girl with pink hair. 2. Therefore girls with pink hair aren't to be trusted. 3. Therefore nothing pink must be trusted. 4. The PC knows a fellow named "Pink" who brushes his teeth, so he had better not brush his teeth any more. Below disassociation, you go into an inversion, and you get more identifications. At lower levels, good comm is shooting people. ARC doesn't just decline ; it inverts, and then inverts again. There is no bottom, but odd things happen on the way down. Beingnesses, forms, and memory can die, but not the individual. There is some method of communication all the way down, because ARC never ceases. You can get into weird versions of reach and withdraw. For instance, you have to go through the anger band. So if you can improve C, R, or A, you can keep raising the triangle by running ARC breaks, as in R2H. The main limit of the process is the limit of communication of the command, "Recall an ARC break," but that can be communicated with a little work, if need be. Furthermore, it is therapeutic to someone just to comprehend the definition of "ARC break". You don't care what the PC is ARC broken with. In GPM's, you may get ARC breaks with MEST for obeying implanters and with implanters for debasing MEST to this use. It is an up-scale case that recognizes a real ARC break with MEST. It all works out if you just follow the formal structure of R2H: 1. Ask for an ARC break. 2. Get what it was. 3. Get where it was. 4. Get when it was. 5. Do an assessment, cleaning every line as it reads. 6. Work the ARC break over until the PC feels fine about it and it no longer reads. Take what the PC gives you. Don't probe. The PC may get into trouble getting "when". You use your meter to help out only when the PC is in despair about the time and has utterly given up. Then just tell him what you have seen reading. That is your meter-dating. You can watch the meter while the PC gives possible dates. Repair of R2H: 1. When the TA is hung up, you have a wrong date, and you had better find it. 2. You can also get in big mid-ruds on the session or the process, because the PC has recalled ARC breaks that he has suppressed and that he hasn't told the auditor. 3. The PC can ARC break in the session because of an ARC break in the past. 4. You may have missed a read on the assessment, so you don't have the right BPC. When you get a read on a line of the R2H assessment, be sure to take it up with the PC by getting the PC to tell you more specific data about the reading line. E.g. on "Had some emotion been rejected?", you must find out what emotion was rejected. Don't just indicate the generality to the PC, since that won't handle the ARC break. It is not the correct BPC. If this doesn't work, then one of the factors listed above under "repairs is out. If the PC protests a line, fine. Don't shove it down his throat, but come back to it later. It just wasn't ready to be answered. You should get BD's on finding the correct BPC. If you don't get BD's with running ARC breaks, you are going to have trouble with future ARC breaks. You must find the BPC. Getting one doesn't necessarily mean the ARC break is fully cleaned up, so check with the PC and notice the meter, after you have gotten one BD. You ask the PC how he feels about the ARC break and watch the meter like a hawk. If the meter is clean and the PC ia OK now, don't go on, or you will be after a withhold of nothing, and you will create an ARC break. Do not keep cleaning a clean. If the ARC break isn't clean, continue running it. It doesn't matter how many ARC breaks you handle per session. What matters is how much TA you get. Don't leave an ARC break until it reads smooth as glass. If an ARC break doesn't blow down, you are asking for future trouble, because you have bypassed some charge without cleaning it up. The mechanism that you are operating on is that the incident will blow if the mis-aligned or bypassed charge is knocked out, and that ARC breaks are caused by bypassed charge. If you find the BPC, there won't be an ARC break, and the PC's bank will straighten out. Clearing an ARC break depends on itsa. The slippiness of the process of running an ARC break depends on knowing when to leave it and letting the PC get charge off with itsa. You could theoretically get the PC all the way to OT with this, just by getting the charge off.