6306C13 SHSpec-274 Levels of Case Here is where we are at, technically: We are developing dianometry to a point where one can give a series of tests and decide what you need to do with a case. There are six types of processes that are learnable and workable. Direct processing of postulates is not included, although rising scale processes do sometimes work, especially on Level 1 cases. The scale of Case Levels is invaluable, and the six types of processes handle all levels. The six processes are the only ones that raise a case up the levels. The only problem lies in how well they are known? and how reliably they are executed. We are working on how you can tell where a PC is so you can tell what to use on him. Lacking this data, you can just process the PC and go up or fall back to hit his level. Here are the case levels: 1. OT. No track. You can even go higher than Level 1. For instance, you can tell the thetan how to handle a theta trap. You can also teach him how to maintain a game, so he won't have to go downscale to have one. What you can do with this level consists of education and practice only. 2. This is a theoretical state. Usually parts of the time track are missing, and those parts that are there are under handling, although the thetan at this case level is theoretically supposed to have total access to his time track with nothing aberrative on it. The perfect time track is unobtainable. It would fold up before it got there. At this level, we work to get the person over the idea that he has to have a time track by handling engrams. The thetan learns to block out facsimiles. No special process is used here. 3. At this level, the PC has a partly visible time track that is, however, very aberrative. He has lots of engrams, but he can run them. At this level, you would use engram running by chains -- blocking that sort of thing out. 4. This is an occluded case, with a black, invisible, and/or spotted field. Lower levels can also have such fields, so be careful. At this level, you can still run engrams, if you have made sure that you are not actually dealing with a Level 7 or 8. You can run him on R3N. [R3N is a stripped-down directive Routine 3 which uses line plots. It has to do with Implant GPM's. R3N2 is an abbreviated form of R3N. See 6305C14 SHSpec-263 "Implant GPM's" and 6305C21 SHSpec-266 "The Helatrobus Implants". See also pp. 426; 456-457, below.] 5. Dub-in case. Easy to restimulate. This case should be run on ARC break straightwire, Duplication ("What There are processes that produce change in the PC, without necessarily giving a change in case level. Processes can be powerful enough to overwhelm the PC's power of choice. So you can change the case, but the PC may not recognize it, so his reality and confront haven't improved. That is what occurs when you run a higher-level process on a lower-level case. That is why it is idiocy just to cure someone of an illness. He will just get sick again. You have just worked directly against his hidden standard. Your real object is to advance the case up the reality scale, so you had better use the process that corresponds to the PC's case or reality level. You should see improvement, both directly in terms of upgrade of case level, attitude towards existence, etc., and indirectly by seeing TA motion. If there is no TA, the PC is not improving, with regard to his viewpoint of existence, level of communication, etc. Level 4 or 3 cases can also be run on ARC break straightwire, fur repair or a boost. 6. Dub-in of dub-in. This case is distinguished from a Level 5 by the degree of franticness and the terrible automaticity of the bank. It is not a common type of case, but it is a struggle to audit because the track won't hold still to be looked at. Nothing bites because of this constant motion of the time track. The Level 6 case no longer has the power of stopping motion. You could call this type of case the grouped automatic time track or the moving time track case. You can't run straightwire on him because of the constant motion of the track. Such cases should be run on CCH's. Repetitive processes work, as do sec checks and, to a lesser degree, prepchecks. So does general O/W, done as an excuse for sec checks and prepchecks. It is not done as a strictly repetitive process. The overts you get are very light and feathery. That is OK. The bottom rung on Level 6 has passed beyond the ability to run bank. 7. This case can only confront his own evaluations. These cases can get enormously interested in CCH's, because that stuff is dangerous to them. They can't run the bank. It is not there to be run. It is utterly unconfrontable. 8. The unawareness case. This case can only be run on reach and withdraw, being virtually or actually unconscious. If you have someone who is in a coma, take his hand, and, with commands, have him touch the blanket, touch the sheet, etc. The perpetual boil-off case needs reach and withdraw, just like the guy in the coma. Reach and withdraw runs several levels above Level 8, for instance, it runs up to Levels 5 and 6. But here, on Level 7, you must flatten CCH's, or you will leave the PC parked. The PC at this level will run heavily on these processes. You can run processes at levels higher than the case level for which they are primarily intended. They don't do much damage if left unflat, if the case level is several levels higher than that of the process. But don't overestimate the case level and get loses. The six types of processing are: 1. Reach and withdraw. 2. CCH's 3. Sec check 4. Repetitive processes 5. R3N (implants). 6. R3R. Route 1 could be added as a way of handling a Level 7 case. Almost any case reacts to almost any of these processes, but what you want to do is to improve the level of the case, with economy of time. There are certain processes that will do it fastest and a host of others that don't fit the PC's case level. The fastest process is the one that we are after. For instance, we just run enough R3N to clear off implants so that we can get at other parts of the track. You can run someone on implants for a long time, but what you are after is unburdening the track enough so that you can run GPM's. There are more implants per unit time in the PT area, i.e. the last 5000 years then there were earlier but the only really thorough, workmanlike job that was done was in the Helatrobus implant. Darwin's theory of evolution came from one implant. Case level improves to the degree that charge is removed. Case level is determined by the amount of encysted and unreleased charge, not by the inherent power of the thetan concerned. Different cases may have different tolerance of charge, but the levels will still be determined by the amount of charge. The auditor's sole interest is to relieve charge in order to change case manifestations. The index of charge off is amount of TA, or dial-wide rocket reads that start out like mad and turn into a fall. If you are running engrams without getting TA, watch it. You are just stirring up the bank and not discharging anything. The PC will get unhappy with you. Just give the PC the R-factor that you are going to run more implants to get them out of the road, so we can get this earlier material discharged. Let the TA run into the case on ARC break straightwire. This may take two sessions. If necessary, you can drop back to CCH's and sec checking, or even reach and withdraw. It is better to start low and run high. Underestimate the PC's ability, so as to avoid giving the PC loses and keep his confidence and hope factor up. The variable is the ability of the case to rise up the scale. Of course, the lower the case level, the slower charge blows. Level 5 and 6 cases will get into rows about being under-run, but when the case is being run in the direction of up, the case will forgive you almost anything. The lower the case, the more they estimate their ability to be. [They don't feel confident enough to see their limits.] Such people do take social pride in their case level. There is a status-seeking in auditing, God forbid! Let TA motion be there instead, and we will all have won!.